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As mentioned previously, no livestream today for Cup due to our Easy Chillin' 3-day marathon wrapping thing up late last night. I can't tell you what a relief it was to finish the event and not have to pack up all our equipment and drive two hours home in traffic. We had excellent viewership the whole time, and the community was a joy to be with. Thank you for making that possible.

That party is over, but there is a ton of editorial content on the way. Just speaking for myself, I'm reviewing 2 different games I'm really looking forward to talking about, and the really meaty part of the Fall review season hasn't kicked off yet. It's hard to believe we're getting toward the final months of 2021. Halloween is rapidly approaching. I gotta play Psychonauts 2 ASAP.

This week's schedule is stacked! Tiermaker tomorrow. Community Showcase on Wednesday. PlayStation Showcase 2021 on Thursday. And if you miss the group goofiness from this weekend, tomorrow's KeWe group stream should be good and chaotic. It's Labor Day here in the states, but I hope you can take a break from the grind and play some games or enjoy the outdoors today wherever you are.

I'll see you tomorrow night for group stream, Wednesday for more Mass Effect, and next Monday for a fresh, live Cup with two weeks of questions.

- Jones



Jonesyyyyyyyy. Have a rest, brother. Happy labor day.


Happy Labor day Jones, Excited for the group stream tomorrow since I missed easy chillin this weekend


You all deserve a rest just from the Chess games alone. See you Wednesday for the Showcase and such.


Do you think Marlon Brando and Frank Sinatra should have switched roles in the 1955 movie version of Guys & Dolls?


Hello Brandon. I just want to tell you, and I say this genuinely and with full positivity, that you have a rare talent of making boring parts of science extremely fun. P.S. On easyallies.com Blood is stated as October’s Community Showcase guest. I suspect this is not correct and needs to be updated.


Hey Jones! In an alternate universe Geoff Keighley has become an evil overlord over the entire video game industry. In this universe it is up to EZA to pull off a heist to take evil Keighley down and his second in command Kyle Bosman. What do you think each Ally's role would be in the heist? (Think Oceans 11 or other heist movies).