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September is almost here, but before we can get to the Showcase, we're going to be Chillin' for a few days. So the next extended look at our community's opinions and creations will be on Wednesday, September 8th at 2 PM PT. Daniel Bloodworth and I will be on the couch, ready to re-cap our three-day live-stream, this wild summer, and this past month of big announcements from your perspective . See you in a week or so!


No submissions will be accepted past September 7th at 11:00 PM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long comment is a bit disrespectful of people who just leave comments. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a reply to your original comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post. You can also message us on Patreon with your submission.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

If you're going to create a safety post, it would help me organize things if you let me know what kind of submission you plan to leave (comment, music, drawing, photograph, screenshot, voice over, or video). That way I can make sure you're all placed in the correct order if I make time to start collecting submissions ahead of the deadline.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Hello there Blood and Jones! A lot has been going on this month. As I write this, I’m around halfway done with my final essay for my TEFL Certification for teaching English as a foreign language. After that, I only have to do 20 hours of practicum for my certification, which will probably come down to online tutoring or mentoring that I log before I am fully done. It’s come at a stressful time though; my girlfriend and I are also getting as prepped as we can to move back to Washington State to be closer to our families next month, and planning a move cross-country, let alone during COVID SUCKS! Beyond all of that though, there are good things to come and look forward to. The Polymega is set to ship on the 12th. I first pre-ordered it in 2018, and first heard about it as RetroBlox prior to a rebrand back in maybe 2016. There’s been a lot of things that have happened to make this hard to get a hold of, from the coup in Myanmar affecting their supplies, to the AMD chip shortages, and more, it’s been a long road getting here. But as a lifelong retro-game enthusiast, I couldn’t be more excited to get this in my hands! For those who don’t know, it’s a modular console that lets you play CD based games like PS1, Neo-Geo CD and Saturn, with modular attachments you put on to play NES, SNES, Genesis, TurboGrafx - all region free and upscaled to 1080p - with the promise of more consoles to come in the future. You use your physical games, and can then save the game’s data onto the console to play using from the hard drive with some of the highest quality emulation around, developed specifically alongside the system (unlike systems like the Retron that stole their emulation coding and have poor performance and replication). It gets me absolutely stoked to play and review my backcatalog! Reminds me too; how do you all capture PS3 footage? The HDCP on the system means that it doesn’t like communicating with the Elgato I typically use for basically any other system. For the review this month, I’ve got a game called Road to Guangdong. I hope everyone enjoys it! As always, I love to hear constructive criticism and thoughts. I’ve just gotten started on getting into the horror mood for October, finishing up RE5 first off. So for next month I’m hoping to have a nice new horror game review for everyone (likely Devotion now that it’s released)! Until then though, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to check out Patreon.com/happygaming to find all of my past reviews for free! Love you all, take care of yourselves and practice that mindfulness and meditation! L&R Brian from Happy Gaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKc9WNo2doE


Well, if you’re reading this it means I was too tired to finish editing my update video after finishing my homework. So, music. Again. Also. I’ve given my friends the right to publicly shame me if I don’t release a demo by the time the next showcase rolls around, so against my better judgement I am extending that same right to all present on this stream. Just for a little extra pressure. Anyways, music. https://youtu.be/OT9oHZGxIt0




||Drawing|| Hey Jones and Blood, I hope you’re recovering well from the marathon of streams this weekend. I’m attaching a picture cause it’s all I’ve been able to work on this past month as I’m trying to secure a new place to live. This person is named Godric, and he is my DnD character for a pirate adventure. He’s a barbarian/bard multiclass, and he speaks with a German accent. He loves the theatre and his favorite musical is How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Keep being awesome, Allies. Watch Box Peek, Eric Jackson, aka JacksOnDeck in twitch chat https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1435471004730474496?s=20


Hello allies. I’ve decided to use this month’s submission to spread positive message. This may seem pointless as I will not say anything new, but, unfortunately, people tend to forget stuff like this. So, as a reminder, here are first 450 digits of Euler’s number: Two point seven one eight two eight one eight two eight four five nine zero four five two three five three six zero two eight seven four seven one three five two six six two four nine seven seven five seven two four seven zero nine three six nine nine nine five nine five seven four nine six six nine six seven six two seven seven two four zero seven six six three zero three five three five four seven five nine four five seven one three eight two one seven eight five two five one six six four two seven four two seven four six six three nine one nine three two zero zero three zero five nine nine two one eight one seven four one three five nine six six two nine zero four three five seven two nine zero zero three three four two nine five two six zero five nine five six three zero seven three eight one three two three two eight six two seven nine four three four nine zero seven six three two three three eight two nine eight eight zero seven five three one nine five two five one zero one nine zero one one five seven three eight three four one eight seven nine three zero seven zero two one five four zero eight nine one four nine nine three four eight eight four one six seven five zero nine two four four seven six one four six zero six six eight zero eight two two six four eight zero zero one six eight four seven seven four one one eight five three seven four two three four five four four two four three seven one zero seven five three nine zero seven seven seven four four nine nine two zero six nine five five one seven zero two seven six one eight three eight six zero six two six one three three one three eight four five eight three zero zero zero seven five two zero four four nine three three eight two six five six zero two nine seven six zero six seven three seven one one three two zero zero seven zero nine three two eight seven zero nine one two seven four four three seven four seven zero four seven two three zero six nine six nine seven seven two zero nine three one zero one four one six nine two eight three six eight one nine zero two five five one five one zero eight six five seven four six three seven seven two one one one two five two three eight nine seven eight four four two five zero five six nine five three six nine. Got it memorized? ---- Note for Brandon: you often skip a sentence or two in my submissions. This time it’s absolutely crucial to not miss anything, because if you skip even one digit, the rest of the number will become invalid.


Hey Blood and Jones! Hope you guys are doing well. For this month’s community showcase, I decided to do something fun that’s also gonna be part of my webcomic, Summer Days. It’s just a series of posters for episode 9 and so far I’ve made 2 out of 8 posters and I’ve compiled a video using Procreate’s time lapse feature. And for funsies, why don’t you guys guess what the inspirations are for these 2 posters. I might make these available in my shops in the coming days, just have to see and look out on my Twitter page for updates. If I’m not in chat by the time my video is shown due to sleep, ask any of the mods present for the answers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHqJcf3AABA&ab_channel=SaraKnite Hope you guys continue to stay safe and be awesome to everyone around you. Much love and respect, Sara Knite


Hi blood and jones, how are you doing today? hopefully fine. In this august i was just casually going through the first three final fantasy games thanks to the pixel remaster. The first showing during e3 felt strange. No console release is still very surprising. However now that I have beaten 1,2 and 3 I am actually really excited for the next three titles. Those games are pretty much JPRG comfort food. You get a lot of new convenience features like sped up auto battles, mini maps and the ability to save anywhere. The visual style is nice and then there is one other upgrade …..the music. I have listened to many versions of eternal wind (ff 3 world map theme) but this one easily became my favorite. My poor English skills would not do it justice to even try to describe how great the soundtrack turned out to be. I got through FF 2 for the first time in my life despite its weird leveling system and annoying dungeon design pretty much just because of the redone music. The fact that there is very little pushback in terms of difficulty did not bother me that much, but i do feel like i have to mention it. All together it is very fascinating to think about the journey that this franchise has been on. Why is it that Final Fantasy still lives while other RPG franchises did not stand the test of time? What is it, that makes this franchise so special? What is 16 going to be like? That's it for now. I wish all the allies a great September. L&R Alex


Hey Brandon and Blood, Before I get to this month’s showcase I want to clarify the weird trolling game I mentioned from the EZA Community Best Games of 2008. I had an idea to troll the EZA community by inserting an unofficial game into my number 3 spot-the real number 3 was Dead Space. I thought I’d mention it in the Q&A for a laugh but it just confused y’all so I apologise for that. Now as for the real EZA Community’s Best Games of 2008-I will unveil the official list below. Feel free to chime in and say things about these games when you want to: 25.Castle Crashers=5 points 24.Wipeout HD=6 points 23.Saints Row 2=6 points 22.Tales of Vesperia=6 points 21.Left 4 Dead=6 points 20.Mario Kart Wii=7 points 19.Braid=7 points 18.Soul Calibur IV=7 points 17.Mega Man 9=8 points 16.Fable 2=8 points 15.Star Wars: The Force Unleashed=8 points 14.God of War: Chains of Olympus=9 points 13.Resistance 2=9 points 12.Super Smash Bros. Brawl=10 points 11.Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII=11 points 10.Lost Odyssey=13 points 9.Valkyria Chronicles=13 points 8.LittleBigPlanet=14 points 7.Mirror’s Edge=15 points 6.Persona 4=16 points 5.Gears of War 2=18 points 4.Metal Gear Solid IV: Guns of the Patriots=25 points 3.Dead Space=26 points 2.Fallout 3=49 points 1.GTA IV=49 points The decision about which game would start the list was a matter of an accumulation of honourable mentions, rather than favouring a game that placed 1st by a single voter. A lot of games didn't make the cut and some I personally felt deserved better didn't get any votes-but that's the circumstance of having a wide-open GOTY vote where there are a sea of games and only 25 of those are recognized. A couple of great PS3 games have celebrated their 10th anniversaries this September and they are two that I really enjoyed-Resistance 3 and Driver: San Francisco. Resistance 3 I feel is perhaps the most overlooked in the trilogy, but that might be because it's the best (although I love Resistance: Retribution on PSP). Driver: San Francisco meanwhile is a game that was completely snubbed from the EZA Community GOTY Awards 2011-and I must say I find that rather appalling. Of course I'm being facetious but I do absolutely believe Driver: San Francisco is insanely enjoyable, and is the kind of game that probably could be a prime candidate for a Guatemalan insane asylum. The gameplay is so damn fun, astrally projecting into other humans driving car and strategically using them to create carnage and stop crimes is just mind-boggling lunacy. Lastly do either of you two have a favourite year in videogames? Mine is either 2011 or 2013 because they were stuffed to the gills with quality releases. Thanks for all that you do. Love and Respect.

Brandon K Gann

I was hoping this month’s submission would be talking about my time with Kena: Bridge of Spirits, but as it was pushed by a month, so too do my impressions. Instead, I was stoked to see my third favorite game of all time not only get the most votes at Hall of Greats but every Ally who could vote for it did. And speaking of votes, another Forum GOTY vote was held focusing on 2008, and it’s a great list of games. But for the majority of my post, I want to talk about a game I played for the first time I didn’t touch on last month due to limited word count AND not finishing it in time. After replaying a couple of franchises with handheld entries on PSP and PS Vita, I recognized I don’t own many games for both despite me loving both systems. So, inspired by wanting to find ANY game that appealed to me to get more use out of either the PSP or Vita, I went to Metacritic, went to their respective pages, and sorted by highest critical scoring of all time. While I didn’t see anything appealing for the PSP in the top 100 I didn’t already own, there was a port done on Vita I decided to give a shot, plus what with Sony wanting to disable the storefronts for the Vita and PS3 (which thankfully they’ve put off for the time being) I DID feel a little pressure to grab it when I could. The game? Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath. When it was first released in 2005, I didn’t own an OG Xbox, and I first saw something about it on G4 back in the day. Now, over 15 years later, I can say it’s decent, but the port isn’t great despite it having interesting ideas, like live animals being special types of ammunition, the bounty system in a simple, yet engrossing concept, plus the story is mostly solid. However, my criticisms outweigh my praise, as the major twist of the story, though interesting, is telegraphed and carries the problem where, by the nature of said twist, fundamentally changes what the game is, going from a bounty hunting game to a generic shooter campaign. Plus, the final two boss fights, which are the very last things you do, are awful in not telling you what you need to do or if you’re doing enough damage, with the first of the two fights being incredibly difficult. And the major gameplay hook, switching between first and third person, is done by double tapping the touch screen, and feels cumbersome to do, especially in the heat of battle. But the thing about playing Oddworld that stings? It made me wish there was a modern Star Wars bounty hunting game where the ENTIRE focus is taking out contracts dead or alive across multiple planets or perhaps maybe just on a single level of Coruscant and… I just described 1313… I’ve made myself sad now.


Hello allies. I was a huge fan of the tomb raider reboot in 2013, and I've recreated the new Lara, perler bead style. Hope you enjoy, 31 colors and over 14,000 beads. https://photos.app.goo.gl/m1TYS2W9tD8w1ocV8


Hey Allies, In the previous showcase I showed the beginnings of my game design youtube channel focusing on Pokemon and… you all seemed to like it? At the very least, Brandon, Ben and Chat were very supportive and encouraging so I’ll ask the question. Would you like me to keep showing you my videos? They will come out roughly once a month (that’s the hope anyway) so if you like the idea, I can show each ally as the roster rolls around. Unfortunately, I have yet to get my first actual episode of the Pokestudy uploaded by the time you sit down to see this. Fortunately, I have two other side videos. This one is in reaction to the recent Pokemon Presentation showing off Legends Arceus game-play. I go into a lengthy discussion asking the question: “What would make it a good open-world Pokemon game?” Instead of showing you just the first three minutes, let’s jump ahead to ‘13:44’ so you can get just a taste of the real meat of the episode. Sorry that means you’ll miss out on context for a sentence or two. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/ZhunOFhAIC8?t=824 L&R, Damon - Radioactive Magic


Hi Jones and Bloodworth! Variety is the spice of life, and in that spirit I've started trying to collect and teach myself to play some other more eclectic instruments to keep things interesting. Not that I'm bored with or consider myself an expert at any of the instruments I play, quite the opposite. Learning more instruments can only benefit the ones I already know, or that's the idea anyway. So, I added a melodica and xylophone to the collection a little while back, and in the spirit of Easy Chillin', here's a reggae cover of "Can't you See Clearly Now?" from Breath of Fire 3. That's two BOF3 submissions in a row from me, and if I convince even one person to check out the game or the rest of the soundtrack, that's a success. Anyway, please enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnGM1i2lFAw L&R Ciaran


Link for Jones: https://tinyurl.com/yjxpb8u2


Hello Jones and Blood! Here’s a few more drawings I did recently for my daughter. Been keeping up with giving her a drawing every day this year. I’m hitting the point where any new movie or show she watches I’m relieved to have more characters to pick from, the tank is starting to run empty! Thanks for everything you guys do! L&R -Jethrin https://imgur.com/gallery/G0QXOp9


1. RIP Ed Asner 2. You can do it Jethrin, you've been doing amazing so far! Keep it up.


Hello, you. Yes, you. Are you strapped in? Good, I wouldn't want you to get hurt. But first you should ask yourself if you trust me or not. I know if I was in your position, I wouldn't trust me. But that is why you are the better person! At least that is what you tell yourself. Every night. As you desperately try to fall asleep. How is that going by the way? Any improvements? No need to tell me. I already know. What else do I know, you must be thinking. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to assume. You know yourself better than anybody. Is that really true though? Such an easy and simple thing to buy into. Just what do you know about yourself? No need to tell me. I don’t like being lied to. You are of course welcome to lie to yourself. You do have plenty of experience, after all. You have gotten this far! Why stop now? Now that one you should answer. I would love to know the answer. Perhaps love is too strong a word. Do you know of any other strong words? I know plenty. Odd thing to brag about, I know. But I do need to take the small victories when I can find them. Have you had any victories recently? Congratulations! Or, my sympathies. Oh, would you look at that, now I am the one who is lying. I do like to spice our chats up. Thank you for this, by the way. Honest. Really. Hah, you are right. Yet again. Can I even be trusted? Sorry for asking so many questions. It really is just so fun. You have given me so many things to think about. Or was it the other way around? I really can not remember. Can you? What have you forgotten? I can tell you, if you want. I hope you know I am here for you. In this time of need. Why else would you be strapped in?


Hello Blood and Jones! This video will be a bit of a departure from my Digimon art seen in the previous showcase. This is more in line with my actual job, which is being a 3D artist! The video contains a teeny tiny portion of some bts on making an animated character. I had this space whale sculpt from 2018 back when I was still at uni. I never finished it, and thought it would be a nice side project to use in the Unreal Engine 5 beta. Alas, it's entered the pile of unfinished side projects that sits on my hard drive. I didn't want it to go to waste so I thought it best to at least show off where I got to, and give a little insight into 3D art. Apologies for the footage taken from my phone, some of these I had uploaded directly to my instagram stories. There is no audio, so please feel free to talk over it. Cheers and enjoy. https://youtu.be/7ntfNxJlQT0


Hello Jones and Bloodworth! Music’s a bit long, let’s keep the comment a bit short. This month I finally finished Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition on Switch after never finishing the game on Wii ten years ago. Absolute masterpiece with a great story that seems to become twice as good every two hours near the end! Phenomenal soundtrack too, so here’s a version of one of my favourites, Valak Mountain, for which I’ve replaced the melancholic acoustic guitars, strings and oboe with melancholic electric guitars and organ! L&R, Kévin Gillet Link to the music: https://youtu.be/0SVfHMFYcEE


(SAFETY POST: Jones, this is a VIDEO submission) Salutations Jones and Blood! My brother Eleazar (Eh-leh-ah-zar) and I are very happy to be able to pitch in and become EZA patrons, this is our very first submission to the Community Showcase, we´ve been fans since the Gametrailers days and we also love to create video game content (in both English and Spanish) for our Youtube channel: CHUTAKOOPAS. This time we are presenting the pilot episode for our new show: Game Snack, a micro review format presentation dedicated to highlight mostly indie games and fanmade projects, mixing game analysis with humor, inspired by Screwattack and of course by the great work you have done all of these years. This one is about Steel Assault, from Tribute Games, we hope you like it, just press play and take a bite!. link: https://youtu.be/eRMG-tUEMJQ Love & Respect, Esteban & Eleazar (CHUTAKOOPAS)


Hi Jones and Bloodmeister. Cloud City is finally soaring in the sky! Another post about Star Citizen coming your way. Since day 1 of the open universe, there has been this one planet, or gas giant. Looming in the distance, always out of reach just taunting us with a constant “coming soon” from the devs, Orison. Well in the latest patch, 3.14 it has finally arrived. With volumetric cloud tech sorted, we can soar through the clouds and reach this city from Crusader Industries, one of the industrial giants in the universe. The platforms are held up by rocket engines that keep everything still in the sky. It has everything you need, Huge hospital to avoid “death of a spaceman”. Bars to party in and beautiful plazas to relax in and just take in the breathtaking view. I have spent most of my time in the game since the patch dropped with just taking the air taxi between the main platforms exploring and taking in the atmosphere in this new zone. Crusader Industries likes to boast about their great ships in the verse, they have a whole museum dedicated to their ships, as well as a “repair shop” where one of their biggest ships, the Hercules StarLifter is being built. Fun Fact, the Whale fountain/statue you can see, is actually something that got built on a community stream a couple years ago where one of the senior concept designers drew it based on comments from the twitch chat. I feel like they have really managed to create something special with Orison and wherever you go it all feels very “zen”-like. The universe might be full of pirates, fast paced action, but sometimes you just have to be able to take a step back and take it all in. Oh and also, there is now an actual tank in the game, pretty neat, huh? (didn’t manage to get a pic of one though, sorry). Finally, I just want to take a second to remind everyone to take care of each other. Call your mum. This past month has been rough and showed me that life is fragile. Thank you EVERYONE at EZA and community for being absolutely 110% amazing, love you peeps <3 See you next month! Lotias https://imgur.com/a/C6inCwM


(Subject Music) Hey Jones and Blood. Almost missed out on a month, working all weekend cause of some covid-cases at work last couple of days. It does however looks like it has been pretty contained now, so hopefully nothing more. For this month submission, I channeled my inner persona, sprung a quick trap and between the frames I secured a victory. Link: https://soundcloud.com/kimnikhan/frame-trap-victory-lap Ps. Sorry Ben, for not getting this last month! Stay safe, L&R!


Greetings Blood and Jones. This month's Chun-Li is in The Great Ace Attourney style(everyone should play it). A puppy on her shoulder is a nod for characters having something special on them. Continued and finished X during AGC stream. It is a good motivator to do these(Zero is likely next). Also built paper theater of Ghibli's Cat bus from My Neighbour Totoro but it took quite some time to finish. Casual wear. Threw a green shirt with jeans and it turned out nicely. In truth I just used colors I have plenty left of. Tried out a bit of photo mode in Miles Morales. Fun game but I really wanted more than it had. It felt like half a game since you have way less skills(especially when some are locked for new game+ and 25 level cap). Sequel expectations are high for both the game and the movie. Also finished It Takes Two with a friend. Started Horizon Zero Dawn. The game has been pretty promising 55 hours in but I'm not too fond on needless killing to upgrade my stuff and still have to spend too much in the menu when I'm maxed out on stuff. And campfires are hurting my eyes whenever I use them. Still played 23 hours straight lol. That's all for this month. Love and Respect TearjuEngi https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1429097129767747587?s=19 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1429490570733498371?s=19 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1434271438358339584?s=19 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1434330930945134592?s=19 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1434331272248242178?s=19 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1434759434429927428?s=19 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1425203639354863617?s=19


Hello Brandon and Bloodworth! Long time no see. I have been very absent from the internet in general but I never left. Here is a video update on what has been happening to me lately. Love and Respect! https://youtu.be/2WsfzqmePaI


I just played through the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster on my YouTube channel and so I drew this picture of the Warriors of Light for the title image. It was my first time playing FF1 and I had a lot of fun with it. Here are 3 versions of it, the ink on paper, then shadows and color done digitally. That means Jones can do his favorite thing; flip back and forth between them, yay! (I also enjoy doing that.) https://imgur.com/gallery/9RbLRX9 L&R - Ian, @alexander_arts


I managed to have some time to make another devlog. -L&R Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8mRUqtiu4A&list=PLTGR_gTQ0GUg8F02_Jd1ky0TIYzsPBz56&index=4


Hi Jones and Blood, After years of work, I managed to finally release a puzzle game I've developed on itch.io, just a few days too late to show off in the August community showcase. Now as I prepare to hopefully have a Steam release later this month, I unfortunately can't say the store page there is live in time for the showcase either, but it will be soon. In any case, the important thing is I have a launch trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuJzLckpH_A L&R - Jimmy AKA thisnameislame on Twitch


Greetings to the most recent guest and perennial host of Soundtrack Club. Your discussion about the music of Celeste gave me an excuse to pull up the soundtrack on Spotify, and relistening to it reminded me about how during a panel at MAGFest, Lena Raine said that Xenogears is a big influence for her music. Confronting Myself really does sound like a track right out of Xenogears. Speaking of which, I finally got to watch the Blu-ray of the 20th anniversary Xenogears concert. Square Enix is very effective at taking it down anytime it shows up on Youtube, and unfortunately the only way to watch or listen to it officially is via the Blu-ray, which is not cheap at about 75 USD after shipping from Japan, but the experience is worth it. The concert was created under complete supervision by Yasunori Mitsuda himself, with him taking stage and speaking during multiple interludes, and the original singer from 1998 performed the solo songs. I didn't think watching a musical performance would be that much better than listening to one, but between being stuck in quarantine for months and hearing one of my favorite OSTs being played by a full orchestra in such a classy venue was honestly very emotional. Even my girlfriend who has no experience or history with JRPGs, let alone Xenogears, really enjoyed the concert. Sometimes it's hard to remember just how far we've come with videogames being so popular, accepted, and respected; 20 years ago seeing a dedicated concert to Xenogears would have been an impossible dream for myself. More recently there was a similar 20th anniversary concert for Chrono Cross, the true GOAT of videogame soundtracks - also created by Yasunori MItsuda. Fortunately, you can purchase the concert as a soundtrack for fair price, but I may have to get the Blu-Ray once more, even though it's even more expensive than the Xenogears concert.


Good day Mr Bloodworth and Mr. Jones, hope you’re both well today I just have a few thoughts this month 1. I don’t watch much anime but I really enjoyed Demon Slayer, it’d be great to get a Spoiler Mode if possible 2. In my opinion Mr. Bloodworth did an awesome job hosting the podcast, he left the audience wanting more, I believe he deserved a special comeback entrance with his own theme. Although I’m not creative enough to think of a fitting theme. 3. Regarding Mass Effect Legendary Edition, over 10 years later I still dislike Mass Effect 1, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, Mass Effect 2 still holds up and Mass Effect 3 has the best gameplay and therefore my favourite. Thanks for everything you guys do! Love and Respect Robert Lee


Wow...my post got eaten. I was right after R.F.Switch and now its gone... anyways, here it is again. Hi Jones, Bloodworth and Chat, Greetings from the Midwest! We spent this Labor Day weekend at the USA National Karate Championships at the Renaissance Hotel in Schaumburg IL. I decided I wanted to try my hand at piecing a few video clips and photos together to show how the event went, and get to know the software a bit better. {Feel free to start the video now and read the rest while it is playing. I didn't have a chance to record VO over it like I wanted to.} There was also an AEW event that day and I thought of Huber! I know a lot of people in chat like wrestling, too. The first event Lil Blu participated in is called Kata, where the competitors go through a set routine of moves, head to head against another competitor to see who can make the moves more accurate to the proper form. Many times competitors are doing different routines from each other which is why it is compared to the ”ideal” not the other competitor. One wears red (Aka) and the other blue (Au) and she ended up as red for both of her events. After the routine is over the judges hold up a colored flag to indicate who they feel did the best and that person moves on to the next round. There were only three girls in her group so they all got a medal. Lil Blu won the gold! The next day she did Kumite which is sparring against each other. There were 5 in her division and in the match before hers, the #5 girl lost and was eliminated. Lil Blu fought the girl who eventually went on to win the silver medal. It was a great match! She got first score with a punch to the body so if it had been tied at the end she would have won. And even though the other girl got two penalties against her, her opponent also scored two kicks to the head for 3 points each. Lil Blu got in a couple more punches including one right before the buzzer but it wasn't quite enough. She lost 6-3 but she still tied for the bronze. Í know she was disappointed but I’m still very proud of her. I know she worked hard and you can see, she was exhausted. Thanks for your support, I know many of you were rooting for her! Also, you know now why I wasn’t able to watch much of Easy Chillin’, but it will be great to watch the vods over the next couple weeks. Thanks for everything. L&R Jessie Blu


[comment] Hello Brandon, and hello to your community showcase co-hosting co-moderator Mr. Daniel Bloodworth. (With apologies if anyone already beat me to the bit.) Hope September has been treating you both well! Just wanted to say great work on Minigame Champions and Soundtrack Club. I like minigames and I like soundtracks, so these shows have really been speaking to me. And speaking of minigames and soundtracks: out of all of the minigames you've ever played, which ones would you say have the best music? Thanks as always for the content you guys make. Hope you get some time to rest and recover after Easy Chillin’! L&R, levelcapybara


Keep it secret, keep it safe (apparently even safety posts don't keep them 100% safe)


I played some good stuff last month. Picross S GENESIS & Master System was a blast. Picross is just always great. If Jupiter keeps pumping 'em out, I'll keep buying 'em. The Ghost of Tsushima expansion and "Director's Cut" came out. I was on the fence about doing the whole upgrade. Money for more story content, sold. I'm fine with that. Now to have to upgrade to a new version in order to play the DLC, kinda rubs me the wrong way a bit. Same reason I didn't upgrade Final Fantasy VII Remake to play the DLC. I was surprised by VII Remake and PS Plus was the perfect opportunity to give it a go since I wasn't keen on the original. Yes, I would pay $20 to play that new DLC. Not going to buy a game I already played. Ghost of Tsushima, asking for that $10 or whatever it was upgrade to the Director's Cut and PS5 version... which is something I don't do... but in this case, I figured fair. The reason I bit was that Ghost of Tsushima added a lot of content for no extra charge. The Legends multiplayer stuff was great. Looking at the log for how many extra hours I poured into that mode with friends, yea, I felt it earned that extra bit for me. I think I played the multiplayer mode for about the same amount of hours as the main game, if not more. That made it an easy sell for me. I did not regret that decision at all. The lip-sync fix for the Japanese audio is very welcomed. The new content was great. Also, I played the original on a base PS4. After playing the DLC and seeing how beautiful this game is and runs, kinda wouldn't mind going through the main story again. Money well spent. The other game I played was the DLC for Maneater, Truth Quest. Maneater is a game I probably would not have played for PS Plus. I would have missed out. The DLC was an easy sell for me because I enjoyed the game I got for free, so yea, I'll pay for that DLC. It was a ton of fun and felt like it was the correct length for what it was. So lots of fun gaming. What else happened? Jungle Book came to Fall Guys. Sure, why not. They did TRON not too long ago. Wonder what the next Disney property to make an appearance will be. One Piece released it's 100th volume and lots of awesome stuff happened around that. Little short films that explored the impact the series has on people's lives, buzz about the live-action show for Netflix... which I am curious as all hell as how that will turn out. Hopefully awesome, wish all the people working on it the best. People need to calm down before even seeing an ounce of footage. No reason to be so negative on things. I like to be positive.

Nik Gothic

Here’s another video, since I think that people wanna hear my voice, so it’s a thing now. I made this in a late night binge yet again, when I should’ve been doing my job instead. This one’s a little tricky because I talk about and sample a pretty distinct music artist, but it’s a bootleg of a live performance which to my knowledge has never been officially adopted by the group and thus I don’t think by general means it should make a copyright strike. If ever in the future it does happen, please don’t hesitate to use the „mute“ option. Also, there are a couple of spots here which have a flashy, strobe light effect, although going the Nintendo route I tried to mute down the effect by darkening the shots and to make it easier on the eyes, but I still fear a small section of it can still be too much, so please watch it with this warning, and sorry for the trouble. https://youtu.be/pu9QqrTGUNE And I show just a single drawing at the end, which I can doubly do so here: https://i.imgur.com/4zhVKOl.png Nik Gothic (@Clownboss)