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YouTube: https://youtu.be/86KUWppjA8Y

Damiani answers Patron questions regarding Pokémon Legends: Arceus and the recent updates from the Pokémon Presents.  

00:00 - Opening
03:07- WarioWare: Get It Together! Demo Impressions
07:02 - Pokémon Presents Quick Recap
08:19- Patron Question: Will Pokémon Legends: Arceus or future installments focus more on story?
11:29 - Patron Question: What elements from Breath of the Wild would you like to see in Pokémon Legends: Arceus?
16:15 - Patron Question: Why is Game Freak making Pokémon Legends: Arceus?
22:07 - Patron Question: Will Pokémon Legends: Arceus influence future installments if it's a financial success?
28:06 - Patron Question: Will we possess Basculegion?
31:45 - Patron Question: Can you still be excited for Pokémon Legends: Arceus despite the visuals?
39:14 - Patron Question: Will it be a problem if there aren't trainer battles or online battles in Pokémon Legends: Arceus?
47:03 - Random Thoughts
1:00:13 - Closing




Good Cup of Damiani. Thanks for all your effort!


I like the idea of talking about FF14 (I am extremely addicted at the moment). I also think that not limiting the topics to Nintendo would give you a lot more flexibility to follow what you are currently most passionate or excited about and want to talk about. Typically I've found I like listening to people who like the topic they are talking about. That's usually the only time I listen to podcasts/shows on topics I'm not personally interested in. My 2c just to provide a data point.


I love smaller stuff like this, where it's one or two topics once a week. It's like the Breaking News segment. Do what works, just don't feel pressured.


Don't doubt yourself Damiani, you're doing a really good job. I enjoy every show!


I really liked how candid and open minded to change you were in this episode, Damiani. You've been doing fantastic lately so keep doing what feels natural to you.


Thank you for taking my question. You seemed worried about answering it thoroughly enough, but even without a panel you went into the topic plenty enough and even beyond the intended scope of the question. Also, I believe some of the spirit of the question bled into something you said on main podcast, so that just worked out well. I don't think you need to feel as sorry for the episode ending up the way it did as you were expressing. It was a literal force of nature interfering, and the important thing is your guest being able to escape to safety. People should be understanding of these circumstances. I'd have said you'd be fine posting this episode to the public, but the end segment of the episode got pretty dang loose, so if you decide to do that maybe just cut that part out. As for questions raised during that part, I'll be THAT GUY. Please do not make a FF14 Podcast. That said, if you personally are itching to do more to elevate Friend Code into the weekly space, then obviously in the current format that seems impossible with the struggles to simply deliver it as is every other week like what affected this episode. Although, what you could do instead is take another note from Nintendo themselves, and you could continue to produce these episodes as they have been while adding "off week" solo episodes focused on indies, especially the kind that'd never make the main EZA podcast. I know you were concerned with your ability to carry a solo podcast, but maybe if it was more of a format similar to a stream with you super casually checking out a game, while also pausing to check the newest gaming news and respond to smaller topics you've been wanting an outlet for, then you could forge a format you're comfortable starring in. Just to be clear, these would not be actual streams, although you could maybe take some type of questions from Patrons for these episodes. Don't have a great name for this, but maybe Friend Code: Indie Land? Alternatively, you could dig harder into exploring Nintendo adjacent content like fangames, happenings around the fanbase itself, and all the other weird grey area Nintendo content and call that Friend Code: Dark World. This could be a guest optional if available type show on the "off weeks" where you just play whatever Nintendo platform game you're feeling that day and Mandatory Update NIGHTS style really let loose and voice all the gripes the episode participants are feeling in the moment about Nintendo. Clearly EZA has some baggage to air on this front, so I suspect more allies might jump to participate in this kind of show where that's the point. Now the final idea I present to you is an "off week" podcast focused on the retro Nintendo front that you could brand Friend Code: Link Cable. I think it is easy enough to imagine what kind of podcast that would end up being, and again you could box it within a format of playing a game while you talk about the history of it, related games, events from around the time of the game, etc. You seem to already have lots to share on this front, and that's before you've even delved into researching additional tidbits. Maybe Patrons could suggest retro Nintendo games for episodes, and you could dive into your favorite of the week's suggestions? Anyways, there's a couple ideas to get you started. Feel free to take any of them, combine ideas from the pitches into something else, or just let them lead you down a path of possibilities. I'm not feeling a burning need for Friend Code to be weekly, but I do think if you have the drive for it there's a bunch of cool ways you could pursue that which the audience would respond positively towards, even without the panel of the main Friend Code episodes, long as those episodes also continued every other week. Also, with the suggested prerecorded nature of my pitches, any time major Nintendo news happened, you'd be able to shift unaired "off week" episodes a week down to squeeze another normal one in there if it made sense to.


As a fall back plan, maybe get some patreons on video commentary to jump in? But otherwise nice bonus ep.


Man, I totally sympathize with you on how stressful this decision must have been. It drives me crazy when I go to do something and it seems like literally everything is working against me! For reasons coincidental or not, it can just become so intimidating as the problems stack up. Sending good luck vibes on setting up all future Friend Codes!


Thanks for your candidness, Damiani. I think, overall, as long as you are passionate and enthusiastic about your content, we will follow. Remember that Huber, fairly recently, took a hiatus from Huber Syndrome to try something out. I that's an option for you if you want, experimenting in another format for a limited time. And if a Direct or something happens to drop, you can always make a Special Episode of Friend Code. I don't think you should give up on the idea of FF14 content. I think something like a Road to Endwalker limited series could be an umbrella series that can cover a multitude of topics and formats with no expectation of it going beyond the release of Endwalker. More than that, it's a game that you're clearly passionate about and it would be wonderful to funnel that passion into content. And finally, I really like the idea of the upcoming episode about the VHS tapes. I think deep dives into topics like that would be an overall valuable addition to EZA and works with your strengths as a researcher. But whatever you decide, I look forward to seeing it!