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On this episode of Frame Trap, we have the largest panel yet with Brad Ellis, Michael Huber, Kyle Bosman, and Ian Hinck all filling up guest spots. Topics of discussion include Doom, Uncharted 4, Batman: The Animated Series, Valkyria Chronicles, Tearaway, Destiny's leaked expansion, and Kyle's fascinating encounter with an escape room.

Reading some of the YouTube comments, a fair number of people are understandably upset with the camera/mic placement. Due to scheduling issues, we had to shoot directly after Tabletop Escapades and things were a bit rushed. It's no one's fault and you'll clearly see our beautiful faces on the next episode. I sincerely apologize.

SoudCloud link to the episode (It will be on iTunes shortly): https://soundcloud.com/user-50492631/frame-trap-episode-4-doom-is-back


Frame Trap - Episode 4 "Doom is Back!"

This week on Frame Trap, we gush about Doom, Valkyria Chronicles, Batman: The Animated Series, and more! We also mull over Destiny's upcoming expansion, Rise of Iron. TIMESTAMPS 00:35 What has Kyle been playing/doing? (Escape Room, Teraway Unfolded) 18:32 What has Brad been playing? (Dark Souls III, Uncharted 4, DOOM) 36:12 What has Huber been playing?



Doomguy is the greatest


Yes ben, let us see your beautiful faces!

Robert I.

I've already tweeted my unhappiness about not being able to see Kyle's face when bad mic placement effected the prime EZA Podcast. For you, Ben, I say: It happens. Sounds great this week! 😅


Does Pikmin 2's multiplayer not count, Kyle, or do you just mean co-op?


OMG the entire thing with "niggling" was so awkward. Damnit Ian lol.

James Post

Emotional games: To the Moon on Steam just wrecked me. Not just at the end, but like three times through the course of the 5-hour game. I know there's not much 'game' there, but as an emotional experience, it's powerful.


I was curious about this niggle thing, so I looked it up as well: niggle (v.) : 1590s (implied in niggling), possibly from a Scandinavian source (compare Norwegian dialectal nigla "be busy with trifles"), perhaps related to source of niggard. Related: Niggled; niggling; niggler. and niggard: niggard (n.): "mean person, miser," late 14c., nygart, of uncertain origin. The suffix suggests French origin (see -ard), but the root word is possibly from earlier nig "stingy" (c. 1300), perhaps from a Scandinavian source related to Old Norse hnøggr "stingy," from Proto-Germanic *khnauwjaz (source of Swedish njugg "close, careful," German genau "precise, exact"), and to Old English hneaw "stingy, niggardly," which did not survive in Middle English.


Very emotional games for me were FF7 and 8, FF9 was never really that emotional for me. I'd love to have a conversation with Ben about this ;). And two of the first games that I played, that were also really emotional, are Lufia (released as Lufia 2 in the US) and Terranigma (released only in Japan and Europe) for the SNES. They both have very tragic endings that literally make me cry, even today, even after I played them so many times. I really recommend these two games to anyone who likes SNES games, rpgs, and emotional storys.


I can't see any faces. What is this nonsense?! Those mics are hilariously big.


Yeah, I have looked this up before, and niggard is not related to the racist term. Negro in Spanish is 'black' which I believe was the source of the slur.


Brad, you lucked out on the DS3 platinum. I had to farm over 12 hours for just those damned Covenant items. 160 hours and I'm still not done! :(


Strange that Kyle don't like Doom 4 because of the blood and violence, but he likes Bloodborne


Funny games -> don't forget about Undertale :)


BEN camera placement man... I dont see Kyle's and and Huber's faces.


BEN camera placement man... I dont see Kyle's and and Huber's faces.


This Frame Trap was the best so far. You guys sold me both Tearaway Unfolded and Valkyria Chronicles on PS4. Also, the questions were good and well picked. So thank you.

Andrew Chalmers

It'd be awesome if EZA did an escape room, and if you could also record it and post it online for us to watch. I know Conan did one and posted it online, so it'd be sweet if you could do the same. But doing it as a fun non-work thing to do and not posting it is fine too. Just putting it out there as an idea. I'd like to watch it (maybe edited to reduce the time from 90 minutes to something more digestible, and get one or two people as cameramen specifically).


Jeez Ian needs to chill on the SJW crusade. Ffs, not everything is a reason to get bent out of shape.


Steven from Malta, I'm also in Malta, so that makes 2 EZA fans on our small rock! Not sure if you'll see this message, I'll try to find yours, but it'd be awesome to talk about EZA with someone and game!


The reason why i don't think the comparison you did with Nioh durability and Dooms need to change weapon is that in Doom you don't need to go into a meny, analyze a bunch of stats to decide which one is best and then equip it. It takes away the feel of the game. I am okey with a game forcing you to switch up your game. But i don't like being forced into menus to often, and that is what durability in games makes you do. The funktion of the weapons you have should make you want to change weapons in an RPG - and they should also be easily accesible.


Good call on giving the entomology of those words Ian!


i love the conversational hard cuts away from ian's etymology. so good.


Here we go again, non-Japanese speaking guy attributes a quote to a developer that they never said, without even considering that such a quote would be really odd in Japanese culture where we even go through the trouble of censoring copywritten names in our media when making comparisons so as not to step on anyone's toes. In this case, that developer did not insult Valkyria Chronicles, but was making a comparison between styles of strategy gameplay when going 3D. The point was that the developer felt a big design choice was whether to include a map or not and that not including one might produce a different type of strategy. The translator put in the comparison that the developer never said.


Great episode! Loved the in depth personal stuff. Thanks guys!


The great thing about kids: they'll play games with you! Also: you will have time. It'll just take you longer to finish a game. Less binging, more savoring.


RE: Tearaway Unfolded 1. You can use a tablet/smartphone with the PS4 app to draw and export your creations to Tearaway. WAAAAY better than drawing on the DS4. B. Your enthusiasm for this game has made me want to go back and finish Tearaway. It got bumped for another game and now that I've finished Uncharted 4, I have time before No Man's Sky to finish it.


Guise, you need to play The Zero Escape games, honestly, goshhh


I have a 12 year old Daughter, there was a time when my gaming was cut back significantly but now I have someone who is just as into gaming as me! for the past 3 years or so we have watched the E3 presentations together, she's all into Minecraft and games like Sam and Max by Lucasarts and Telltale and that Back to the Future game they did, she's crazy into Ni No Kuni basically she's got her own thing she's in to but she'll occasionally play a Tomb Raider or watch me play Uncharted etc.. My point is that at one time this tiny baby took attention away from games but it doesn't last forever, if anything you've got a future gamer in your midst. It's awesome.


Not one of the 5 of you thought gtaV was funny? I played through that game laughing the whole way. I'd like to take you guys out to lunch, but looks like you're already there


After The division failed to be Destiny replacement for me, I am really excited I have played that game hours and hours, and I need to reconnect with my friends somehow.


I love this 2nd podcast, I love the structure of Kyles podcast, and i love the fast and looseness of Bens, awesomeness


I loved the conversation about parents etc. I am 35 and have two under two right now. I find myself gaming less and therefore having to be more selective over which games I play. Fallout 3 is one of my favorite games ever, but I have almost had to say no to Fallout 4 because I simply don't have the time (less than 10 hours in). I have instead used my time to play smaller games such as Firewatch, Uncharted and several Vita games. The one big game I was able to make time for was Bloodborne, but that really shows how selective I have become.


Ian is not on a SJW crusade, he's honestly just trying to be a good person.


Love that Brad got his DS3 platinum in less time than I took for a full playthrough.


Speaking of emotional games, I'm surprised Huber didn't bring up Life is Strange right away. I've made four other people play that game so far and they've all thanked me for it, and I'd just like to thank him for that. Without Huber's hype pushing that game a while back, it would've went under my radar. Love and respect Charlie


For next episode: warcraft movie looks to be a massive stinker <a href="http://www.thewrap.com/warcraft-revi...me-adaptation/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thewrap.com/warcraft-revi...me-adaptation/</a> Imagine “Battlefield Earth” without the verve and you get this sludgy, tedious fantasy adventure, a fun-starved dud that’s not even unintentionally hilarious


I love whole episode, but it is so sad that I cannot see your nice faces because of microphones in front... =( Can you fix it in next episode?


How do you do that man that's basically 40k a month and I'm struggling to get $500 hey broz you probably loaded how bout sparing a dollar to help me achieve my dream


Talking about weapon durability in Dark Souls: Most of the time it has to do with weapon arts. The two that quickly come to mind that I've used were the Defender Greatsword in Dark Souls 2( loses like 20% durability every time you infuse it with lightening) and Moonlight Greatsword in Dark Souls 3 (which loses substantial durability when using its charged R2 attack)


Interjecting Kyle Bosman's show which includes his thoughts on GTA5. <a href="https://youtu.be/kK5w6XUsLPs?t=443" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/kK5w6XUsLPs?t=443</a> Which I think is on point.


What gets to me emotionally with games is when the gameplay (sorry kyle) is mirrored by the emotion in the game. I'll never forget the struggle in MGS4 of snake crawling through the microwave tunnel. The most recent example of this was in Journey. Both of these games have gameplay elements that push the player to physically struggle along with the character. Like your will and the will of the character come together at that moment. I remember when Journey ended and I just had to sit there for about 30 minutes, staring at the title screen while I composed myself.


I also really felt emotional playing Far Cry 3. Now hear me out. This was one of the few games that really made me reflect on the violent nature of video games. Here a character gets turned from a douchey frat manboy into a virtually psychotic killing machine. His friends even start to point out that he looks like he enjoys killing. In games we've killed tens of thousands of people and we're often either meant to feel empowered or to feel guilty. In Far Cry 3 we're allowed to feel both at the same time. Really cool execution


Great ep, personal favourite so far. Table top panel! Thanks


Hi allies, great episode of FT. Heck I didn't even had anything against Ian this time, love it when his imput is construtive and not just douchy and "dark souls" centric. Anyway I can't help but comment on my most emotional momment, and how those momments made me the gamer I'm today. I have a top 3 gaming franchises, Kingdom Hearts, MGS and Zelda. Other games I actually love do take lower positions, but these 3 series always have a momment in their games that....it just make me few stuff you know? Back at '04, I played Wind Waker. I had played all Zelda games, and while solid games, they never conected with me on a emotional level. Do keep in mind thou, I didn't speak english back then, so all the game could do was speak trough cutscenes and gameplay. Not actual words and or dialogue. Even then I had several moments it did something to me. It made me feel friendship towards Tetra, and care about Link. Not his sister, but enough that I cared to save her because I cared about Link. So I'm in the Tower of the Gods, I saw a BUNCH of enemies, those Deku scrubs and Knights I had so much trouble beating so far, all frozen in time....and I get the Master Sword....I never knew how special that shit was before that. I mean sure, we got it in OoT, but it was just a sword for me. The Big Goron one was better, so I didn't care that much through the long haul. But in Wind Waker? I got to use it right after that. And of course, now looking back, I know I was better because I faced those knights om the Tower of the Gods, and got the press A button gimmick. But for me, as a kid, beating that many of them? I felt GOD LIKE. They surrounded me, kept pressing. And I did not backed down. I faced them, and beat them. And didn't got touched. Same with the Pig soldiers with them. All using only the Master Sword. I thought "You're going down ganon". Stormed the Forsaken Fortress. Beat the crap out of EVERYONE. Phantom Ganon was a joke. And when FINALLY I reached him, after beating a GIANT BIRD, liberated the captured girls, and all that....I faced Ganon. And lost. I was shocked. I mean, Link was not me. It should have broken the imersion, but while doing so, it connected me even more. Link is not as good as I am. But with me we CAN be unbeatable. And then Valoo showed up and I SCREAMEd at my tv "YES VALOO THANK YOU", saving Link and Tetra. Cut to the end, Puppet Ganon was hell on Earth for me, I was out of fairies, out of potions....but I had to save Zelda. Tetra was my friend. She helped me many times, I had to do it. And when that music played, Ganon pulled out two AWESOME swords....it felt....epic. My heart was beating SO FAST. The ocean above was falling, I was doing badly....Ganon was so huge, and Link was so small. My speed didn't seem enough to hit him. And then the flash of Gold and Zelda saved me again. using my light arrows, WE, the three of us beat Ganon. By the end I was sweating, crying smiling. Triumph! That was the momment I fell in love with a video game series. I knew the games of the Zelda franchise were fun to play....but nothing came close to make me feel....so much. Or anything at all really, only satisfaction for beating a hard game level like in Sonic and Mario games. Or a hard game in general like Donkey Kong Country. The Zelda series is my top 3 because while that amazing, it is not all games that manages to make me feel that conection with Link and his quest and or characters. In Twilight Princess while I loved Midna....I didn't feel a conection with Link. Maybe he was too "realistic" or "bland" for me. I was not Link....but I was not with him either. And Zelda was barelly there. Midna on the other hand....I fell in love with her. She was one sadistic lady, but I liked it. And when she revealed herself I was like DANM.....and when she left I shed a tear. But in Skyward Sword it happened again, that spark. Zelda was Link's girl next door. And I felt the connection between the two. I felt for Zelda, I needed to keep her safe from Girahim. Later on, when I beat Girahim for the second time, I finally started to connect with Link's character as he watched Impa taking Zelda but not been able to reach her. And when facing the final boss Demise....GOD. as the music blasted so did my heart. How do I beat him? HOW? HOW? He is too strong. I almost asked Phi, or looked online....but no. When I had less then 3 hearts, and the Rain and thunder and music got mixed with the bleeping....I got it. I held my arm high and slashed with the Thunder....Glourios. Even a Zelda game subpar in content, can be better then all others if it manages to connect me with Link and Zelda. That's why I HATE when Nintendo and so called critics say Link is not character. That he is "you". No he is not. He is just a mute with no personality when you do that. Has no character or character development, and is unable to forge a conection with me. Because there is nothing there to conect with, just a character model. There is nothing conecting me with the characters and world. So the other characters have to try extra hard to make me actually give a danm. I didn't play MGS 1 until 2015, so my first game was MGS2. I was learning English back then(by myself, trough video games). And Snake was so badass o_O ....but I was not. So while I admired him, I coudn't conect. And then I played as Raiden.....and I instantly got it. Why this series was so recomended. As I got used to the control scheme and mechanics I learned to love this series. And as the Patriots revealed themselves.....I didn't got it. Finished the game just liking it. Then watched a playtrough of Twin Snakes, and started to get Snake's character at least. But the story...was still not hooking me. Then I played MGS 3 and 2 back to back (yes MGS 2 again). When I finished the salute for the Boss, and the credits rolled....I remember something Jones said in the Retrospective "Big Boss was the Original villain....and the Original Hero"or something like that....I was still not crying thou. But that....hit me hard. What happened? The Big Boss I played wasn't a villain. Was he? And then the call at the end....with Ocelot. I was not expecting. I wasn't looking at the Tv, my back was turned towards my window, reflecting upon the story I just witnessed when the called started. As it finished....My mind was racing. I NEED MORE. I got more pieces, I GOT TO FIGURE IT OUT THIS PUZZLE. And MGS 2 here we go again. Same old same old, no more jungle fixed camera BULLSHIT.....hated that. Thank god it was fixed later on. Then it started. The infamous 20+ minutes call from the Patriots I.A. to Jack. My english was better. And my mind was going crazy. The man who wrote this is either out of his mind or a GENIOUS. "They have my daughter,...if the nanomachines inside your body stop, we'll kill Olga's baby". Suddenly it got real for me. I didn't want to fight Solidus. His dirty blood on Jack's hand acomplishes NOTHING for me or Jack.....but I cared. I cared that Sunny could die.didn't know her back then, but knew OF HER, and that was enough. Like Jack, I couldn't let a little child die just because I couldn't do anything.....And that's how I got it, how the Patriots STOLE his free will, how they could do the same to everyone. It's not an actual choice. In this impossible situation I had to do it, I understood why I had to do it finally, and WHY it was wrong to be in this situation to begin with. Solidus was cut down...again. And now I knew WHY I needed to take out the Patriots) Then MGS 4 launches. I was a fan. I was worried though. I only played YEARS later(2012), and people said it was a giant movie. By that point I beated every game aside from MGS1 and MGS4. I jumped in. I needed to know how it ends. Is Kojima Genious or crazy? My answear finally came in Chapter 4. By then I played for like 5 hours, and watched 20 of cutscenes I think. The story was ending. Eva was dead, Vamp was back, Naomi double crossed us. Snake was barelly alive after Chapter 3. Liquid was WINNING. And the army was not enough. No army was enough. Maryl was down and Johny was....hot? O_O I ship that god danm it u_U Anyway, here I am in Shadow moses all over again....except I'm didn't play MGS 1, only the PS1 demo, wich was the part we get before the start of the chapter for real. Everything was new. And underwhelming for me. I was not feeling it. This WAS a fanservice mission. And I was not a fan of that part of the franchise, at least not yet. But then....stuff that I can comprehend happened. Raiden was fighting Vamp, finishing the fight indeed. While I holded Geckos. Naomi shows up and DIES. VAMP DIES. Otacon is crying......and I feeling sad. Not for their deaths....but for Otacon. He was with me trough a lot, and all he can ever get is tragedy. Can the dude get a break? But fuck breaks, The base was about the explode and I had to get out. So for the first and only time (thank god, because it wouldn't be as special ) drove a Metal Gear. Rex. The one I hear so much about. And fought Ray. I wasn't believing it. I destroyed a Metal Gear designed to KILL Metal Gears. I was so happy....but then it happened. Jack cut his arm off. Snake was about to die. And I see my favorite character jumping in front of Snake. The first thought in my head was "Rose...." And as Jack was dying.....Kojima revealed himself: A genious. He played the audio of the conversation. You know the one. The one Rose was pestering on about "Do you know what day is tomorrow?" And as they talked and Jack was possibly dying....I was on my knees....from total joy to crying. Crying for the love lost between them. For how cruel was this reality that after SO MUCH Jack couldn't be with Rose. That he died so Snake could live while all Snake wanted was for Raiden to not give up on living a actual life, out of the battlefield....Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots is my second favorite game of all time to this day. And finally Kingdom hearts....oh boy. I wrote too much already. And I could write a text at least 10 times longer telling of all the times Tetsuya Nomura made me cry. Basicly in all games so far at least once. I never watch the ending of KH2 or the Secret ending of Birth by sleep anymore. The one where all the people lost to the Darkness of a single madman cry out in hope....to the sky....for Sora. Because I know that if I do, I'll cry again. Every time.


I can't believe you guys brought up Clock King from Batman TAS, I love that episode and even though he's gimmicky I think he's a really interesting villain

Andrew Chalmers

@1:38:58 regarding Kyle's answer: Pikmin 3 does have a co-op mode. Granted, it's not online nor is it part of the main campaign, but you can still do missions with a friend locally. I think it's really cool.


This trap is getting better and better!!!


Huber, don't you think Ni-Oh gave you the option to slash or stab by changing your stance, in addition to how the weapon is used in general?


Journey often comes up as an emotional game because if its theme and aesthetic, but for me the most affecting part of the game was the mechanic that recharges your flying ability when you're close to another character or call out to them. I've never wanted to stay close another player character like that. Ico does a similar thing with the connection between the player and the girl, but knowing that there is another person controlling the other pilgrim in Journey really elevated the sense of being close to another person. I can't recall another game mechanic invoking so much feeling from me.


One of my best gaming memories of 2013 is playign Pikmin 3 3 player Co-Op. Two players controling the captains on the TV with 2 wiimotes and a third cordinating them by looking at the map on the gamepad sugesting what to do next.


Thanks to your opinion guys, I ended up getting Teraway right after I finish the podcast. It was super cheap hopefully is as good as you guys say it is. Btw great podcast as always.


Here's a question for you guys, what kinda music do you listen and what assemblies do you follow? I feel like you can get a vibe of a person based of what they listen and so far in about eight years of following you guys I have no clue about your tastes in music. Ian and Don's picks in they're shows and back in the day the release calendar of the games coming in that month had some amazing music in it and I know that Don choosed that.


My most recent emotional gaming moment was probably in Xcom. I was playing Ironman on hard difficulty and one character moved forward just a little too much. Bloodbath ensues, one member of the squad manages to survive but only by leaving behind an incapacitated buddy. I spent way too much time in that game customizing each soldier. I still had enough competent soldiers to carry on the campaign, but the emotional damage was too much. I stopped playing. MOST SURPRISING emotional moment was Gears of War 3. I'm not trolling. SPOILER Dom's death made me much sadder than I would have thought. It was so forced and kind of stupid but he was the guy I played as for the whole series.


Ian, the reason you said you can't play Shadow of the Colossus is exactly the same reason I will never play Undertale again. I just can't bring myself to do it. I never played it one of the three ways that you can, avoiding spoilers here, and I never will. I will forever leave it as it is.


I always thought conkers bad fur day was hilarious!! Snake eater is prob the most emotional game I've ever played, basically killing your mother figure, who let's her self get killed, just so she could be an escape goat for the government, and the fact she rather have snake kill her then anyone else, so epic, the scene it self is memorable her shooting grenades at you in a field of pink flowers, so amazing!! Eza is life, that is all!


Portal had some nice humor, and the Space Quest series was legitimately funny.


probably already been said becuase it came out last week, but I think the camera should be higher up. It just seems to me that the panel is hiding their faces behind the microphones.


Just caught up w this one last night. As a new dad, your guys' collective input on being fathers kinda bummed me out q-q ; it's true, i dont have as much time to game, but i am trying to keep up with both playing games and pursuing my ambitions with the website/reviews. I dont want my son to be an excuse for why I didnt accomplish my goals, i want him to see that i am a father and provider for our family first, and committed to my game related goals second, and hopefully i can put it all together as he gets older and things get a bit easier to manage. /dadrant


Also; damnit ben, i don't have time for valkyria chronicles... but now I NEED it... lol. I'll wait for a price drop, but i really want to play it now