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Hello Everybody,

Thank you for joining us! This will conclude the trial run of episodes. Don's Discount Gaming has been a show I put together on the side without using Easy Allies resources. We decided to debut these 3 episodes here to give you all some surprise bonus content and also to see if we could support it on the schedule. As you can see there are many great ideas being developed for the channel. It is a true pleasure to be a part of this circle of creativity, fueled by all of you, that is EZA. I would suggest following @theNasaCova for updates on the show. I hope you enjoy this third episode and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your enthusiasm towards it.

Your Ally,

Don Casanova


Don's Discount Gaming: Konami Taught me to Gamble

In this episode Don visits the race track and journeys into his subconscious. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/


Eric Plunk

Mystical Ninja was the best!


This first season has been amazing. I hope to see another three at some point!


Thank You Don!


Its a 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 show!


Don, this show was truly amazing. Love your narrative and editing style. :) I would love to see more of DDG in the future. :thumbs up:


Whoa! Does this mean there won't be any more? :O Don, you HAVE to keep this going! It's amazing!


you're making some of the other allies look bad these are so good!


Please keep doing these Don. You bring a whole new angle to EZA with your streetwise vibes. Your show has been one of the most refreshing things on EZA imo.


Hell MFin' yeah! I love this show.


Don, you bring a cool, confident maturity to EZA and I hope you keep finding the time to create things like this because it's really great!




The last 2 episodes were great, but this one really took it to a new level. Amazing work Don! You somehow were able to include actual betting tips, highlighting a great and lesser-known classic game, your personal history, and great on-location footage and create a very entertaining package. Well done sir.

Robert I.

I consider this three episode pilot series a sweeping SUCCESS!!!! Perhaps it takes too much work for it to be weekly all year round, but 3-4 spurts throughout the year would be fantastic!


Wow... This show is just amazing. I love it!! I want more every week!!


I love this show :D Don you are incredible ^_^


I prefer the style of episode 1 where he finds games and sells them at a profit as the last 2 are not as memorable to me. I see Don puts a lot of effort into his videos and that alone is enough to keep me satisfied.


I have no words on how well done this is Don. Keep doing it!


This is my favorite Easy Allies show. I even prefer it over the podcast. This is insane.


As an aside, I think it would be really interesting/fun to blur the lines between Don the character and Don the man in future episodes. This episode was obviously about your life experience with Konami and how that affected you. But I think it would be hilarious to start with a real gaming memory, but slowly going off the rails until its obvious that the story was made up, but ambiguous as to exactly how much. I think that would be a really great way to build up the character of Don the secretive and possibly gambling addicted discount hustler. Idk, maybe that's too much to ask but its an idea! Great show as always!


Don is on fire


Don, I didn't know you too well over at GT, but it is a pleasure to watch you work. Great stories and great real-world tie-ins!


The Don it was a good show, you sure do a lot on the show, very different is good. The good old games, again good show thanks


I really liked these shows and eagerly anticipate more :)


Truly a fun and unique show, love the happy vibes and on the street hustle action


Truly a wonderful show and I thought the third episode was the best one yet. Thanks, Don. Really great work.


i definitely want more of this


Don, love the show, it is actually one of my favorites you guys have put out so far.. Please, consider making more, its a real gem!

Jacob K

Woah, this was just a side project? I would love to see what you could do with more!


This has been one of if not the best thing to come out of EZA so far. Make it a priority show!


I really liked these videos, Don. I felt that each one had its own unique charm to them, and that they got increasing better. This last video is by far my favorite. I see a bunch of comments of people preferring the style of the first episode, and that could because of the title, but I really enjoyed seeing the adventure a little trip to a thrift store took you. I look forward to more in the future. Bravo


I can't wait for the Don in Vegas episode.


awesome vid. i learned and was entertained.


Thanks, Don! These were all great. :) Nice short stories with games, your persona and (at least for a foreigner) interesting milieus. Please continue.


Love this episode!


loved the episode don!


Hot damn Don these 3 episodes were fantastic. Pleeeeeease pleeeeeease do more when you get the time and the resources. I was a fan of GT and now EZA and this is one of the best shows I've seen on either. You have an easy charm that's just really nice to watch. That and the interesting subject matter make this essential viewing. Going to up my pledge now to get you more support.


Really good stuff, Don. Can't wait for whatever comes next.


Must be nice. This is the most entertaining program. So happy to see it on Saturdays.


How did you guys sleep on Don for so long?! This is my favorite episode so far! I loved Legend of the Mystical Ninja.


Don was always there, just in the background. I think he chose not to be on camera that much.


I love how much of yourself you put into each episode. Sad to hear this is the last one for now. Really hope it comes back soon. Don't underestimate yourself Don. You're a treasure.


please make more of these!! some of my favorite EZA content so far.


Don's stories are some of the most entertaining things I've heard all year. I'll be there day one for the next episode!


Very entertaining show, Don. Hope the schedule will allow more of it.


Insightful, well written, and wonderfully shot and edited. I appreciate that you took the time to have these episodes so well made Don, I'm only sad that there isn't more coming next week. I've really enjoyed hearing your perspective on old games the past two episodes (almost like a mini retrospective). I'll be there for episode 4!


That was fantastic as always, Don. I really hope you keep doing these whether it's on EZA or on your own YouTube channel like Kyle.

A Joker Fan

love the series also, great job don


Is it just me or was this episode kinda moving ?


So that's Konami's master strategy? Include gambling mini games in kid's games to get them addicted, then catch them in pachinko when they get older? Genius!


I know it's not exactly the same, but I did this with ff7 in the gold saucer. I was there for what felt like weeks!


Thanks Don. Amazing series, all 3 episodes were excelent. Hope you can continue doing it


Don... I love it. Thank you.


This is something that must continue.


Thanks, Don. Please continue doing them if you can.


This is probably my favorite episode of anything Easy Allies so far. Perfect blend of Don's personal touch, interesting game talk, and easy money!


Bring on more! :) fantastic show, definitely my favourite on Easy A


EZ[A] money. Loved how reflective this episode was, Don. Tracing your gambling roots back to the SNES. Keep it comin'. You got the touch.


That's another awesome episode Don. I'd love to see this become an official part of EZA. Great job


I love this show! Great job Don, it's excellent. I'm hoping it'll become a regular.


Fantastic show, more please!


This show is fantastic! Thank you, Don! You charming fellow.


Love this show, Don! You are one cool dude.


"69$ - flush with cash, the sky is the limit." I am really enjoying the dry humor 😄


Pulp/Noir Private Detective Voice "Turns out she wanted to play dice.....but that's kind of exciting also"


plz keep your show going.


Great show Don, keep it going!!! as others have suggested the small budget getting bigger every week is a great idea, obviously unless you lose big haha


This show NEEDS to continue.


Have so much fun watching these. Awesome work Don.


And this is how Konami converted a full generation to gambling, :).


This has not only been a great show to watch personally but an excellent gateway among for getting my friends who otherwise wouldn't care about Easy Allies into watching your videos. "Charming hustler shows you ways of saving money on video games" is an under-served niche and incredibly easy to sell in an era of games with over-budgeted budgets. Hope this continues!


Don is the ultimate optimist. Dontimism.


The Legend of the Mystical Ninja brings so much nostalgia for me... and being from Louisville, KY I feel the pull of the track, similar to Don.... never put the two together until now. Good ol Konami. Love the show, and EZA as always.


There's something wonderful about this show and what it's exploring. This is really a show about broadening our outlook on games, seeing the game within the daily pursuits of our lives. But that's not all Don Casanova has achieved. There is also immense value in the creation of these short-run seasons of shows. What an incredible opportunity to explore through video the infinite possibilities of games media. I would personally love to see more such experiments as well as more of this show in particular. I wouldn't mind if everyone at Easy Allies had the opportunity to put their show on hiatus for a month in order to pursue such creative explorations, though perhaps not simultaneously! Thank you very much, Don Casanova and Easy Allies, for sharing your creativity with us. I look forward to Easy Allies every day, you're the best.


The show has been fantastic, Don! I really hope we get more installments in the future. This is exactly the kind of thing I love about the Allies being free to try weird stuff under EZA.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-22 22:10:09 ほんと可愛い!
2016-05-23 05:27:35 great series

great series


Love it, and reminds me how much I need to get Mystical Ninja. :)


Wow, Don, amazing episode !


Great series


Didn't watch it yet, but gotta say I love the video thumbnail.


Best episode so far!!! Easily the most professional show on EZA so far. I loved Don's narration/style/humour since episode 1, but the substance of the show dramatically improved from ep 1-2 and ep 3 is just...wow!! Don is a great storyteller!


Mystical Ninja! Played that game waaaaay too much. Great video.


I've recently become a massive fan of Don thanks to this show! I mostly knew him as a behind the scenes kind of guy, but this proves he's another personality that needs airtime!


Don was the Ally I didn't really know since he was never on the podcast. So I wasn't really interested in this show. Then I watched it and now I'm angry finding out this was a "trial run"!!! Dear Don, please don't stop. It's sooo good.


Please keep this show going. I've really enjoyed it. Also: exacta box? I barely know her!


Don, you have some serious, legitimate talent for independent film making. Your story and narrative easily capture me from beginning to end. Excellent writing, if it's at all written.


Don. This show of yours is fantastic. Please do more. You Rock. Period.


I had not seen this show, but people are saying good things about it so I gave it a try, and is amazing, please keep it coming


I'm a little late with this but I wanted to say how much I really enjoyed the show and hope to see more episodes of it on Easy Allies if you have the time, Don.