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I bet those are two words you were not expecting to see in the Patreon for Easy Allies. Today I helped IGN announce that they have acquired GameTrailers.com, YouTube.com/GameTrailers, and the entire video archive that still remains after several site revisions over the years. Their purchase was just the URL, the YouTube account, and the videos. They didn’t buy a business, because there was no longer any business to buy.

I have no idea whether this transaction took place during or after my employment at Defy Media. I was brought in recently to chat about what the site and channel could be in the future, and to communicate to all of you what the heck is going on. From my perspective, it seems like IGN sees the GT brand as too good to pass up, and as the person who created it and slaved over it for 14 years, I completely agree with them.

IGN is actually going to try to do what Viacom and Defy Media never could - get trailers for video games on YouTube.com/GameTrailers. It was always tricky even getting those for the main channel, as a lot of publishers and developers now prefer to drive traffic directly to their YouTube link, instead of one from another, unaffiliated channel.

But, they’re IGN, and I think they’ll have a lot more influence, experience, and creativity to do things with the brand that we never could, or never even thought of. I’ve always enjoyed their trailer editorials, like Rewind Theater, and they continue to drop one awesome exclusive after another. In these last few years GT for me became less about the site and more about the people, and I still get to work with those amazing people every day, so I’m ready to let the site go.

Trust me, GameTrailers is in good hands. When I heard about this it put a smile on my face. It was tough to let GT go after being so close to it for such a long time, but just 2 months into Easy Allies I’m fully committed to this new endeavor. It’s difficult for me to imagine a better fate for GT considering how things worked out. I’m ready to see what someone else can do with a location so many of us are used to visiting, especially with all I’ve seen them do so far. So, just like you, I’ll be waiting to see what happens.

Let us not forget, in this moment, the most important thing: the video game trailers themselves. Do they not deserve to have some place to call home that welcomes them with open arms and shows them triumphantly to all the world for the glorious gifts of electric emotion and volcanic hype that they are and forever shall be?

I think they do.

Love & Respect,



GameTrailers Update + Archiving The GameTrailers Legacy

An update from Brandon Jones on the future of GameTrailers and where you can find the GT crew now. The GameTrailers crew can be found at: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies?ty=h https://www.youtube.com/c/easyallies Brandon Jones - Twitter.com/trailerjones GameTrailers is home to the growing archive of GameTrailers.com and its original content such as Pop Fiction, GT Countdowns, Retrospectives, and more.



This is great news!!!




I'm glad the old content will stay around, but the people are what I love about GT now easy allies.


Great to hear that all the content will still be around. Best of both worlds right now.

Victor Nord

Well, if that's the case good, better than it just sits around not being used imo.


Woah! That's great Brandon! I'm glad the awesomeness of classic GT will be seen by even more people!

Professor Metal Gear

I'm so glad that the GT archives now have an active home and even more excited that Easy Allies is still independent. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to your E3 2016 news.


This is really cool! Happy to see GT live on through IGN, in a way. Also SUPER happy that EZA is still being independent in all of this. Excited to hear what the other two announcements are from the Allies!


Glad to hear that all the old work will be protected now, but like you Jones, I am fully committed to the Easy Allies brand now


Wow, who knew GameTrailers was such a good name to host game trailers!?


Well, this was certainly unexpected! I'm happy to see that preservation is one of IGNs main goals. I'm curious to see what they do in the coming months.


This is great news! Really unexpected! I'll be checking it out for sure, even though it's not the same crew behind the wheel.


So what do they do with this purchase? They keep all of the content up and running only or will they be contributing new content? I'm glad this is taking place I always thought the website would be shut down anyday now


Jesus Christ! Wasn't expecting to see this. Great news!


I grew up with GameTrailers, but during my high school years I had a bit of a falling out due to the YouTube rise. I love that I finally have the chance to catch up with everything that I missed during that time- Watching BackTrack right now and I'm absolutely loving it!


Well said!!


So glad all the old content will be archived and in good hand. I used to be a big fans of GT, now I am even bigger fan of easy allies!


A-W-E-S-O-M-E ! ! !


Thats good news to hear the gametrailers legacy has a chance at never being forgotten! Also, what better youtube account than "gametrailers" for game trailers!!!!! Lol


It's great that all your previous works won't just go by the wayside.




Brandon, do you think that now that IGN now owns the catalogue and wants to expand on what it was, do you think they would try and try and hire some of the old crew or individuals to moderate it or even create any original programming?


Wow! What a news!


Just to be 100% clear, EZA will remain as is. No one from EZA has been hired to be a part of the new GT. Right?


This is fantastic news. Provides a nice sense of closure for GT, and having that channel as the home for game trailers is a great way of honouring the legacy. Can't see a negative side to this, honestly.


My first GT video was "Top 10 Weapons" and I can't imagine what kind of game I'd be without GT. Glad to see that the legacy will live on.


That is cool that all the archives won't go away. I often go back and watch old shows and reviews and such. Still nowhere near as exciting as Easy Allies is but its a positive thing. Considering IGN thought your old shows were good enough to buy maybe they can give EZA a little more exposure while they are at it.


Weird - are they going to keep all the old show videos like Manups and the other shows? If those do kept kept and migrated to the IGN channel that will likely get you guys a lot more exposure as a result.


Huh. Well that's just... okay then.


I don't think there is a "new GT". Just an archive and the brand under which new trailers are posted by IGN. And I doubt anyone from EZA is desperate to go corporate again anytime soon.


That's great that it can live on. Happy for you that that part of your life is getting a happy ending!


As the creator of GT, seeing such an incredible legacy immortalised with people who clearly respect you enough to announce it, as well as plug EZA, must feel pretty damn good. It's comforting to know happy endings still exist!


Good to know that all that great content will not disappear into the twisting nether!


IGN did something cool? I'm in shock. But seriously, that's great.


IGN >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Defy So I welcome this announcement with the same smile :)

Jacob K

Congrats Jones! GT is showing actual trailers and the crew is now with EZA. Seems like the best of both worlds.


That's actually really awesome. I hope they plan on keeping the existing content up! There's so much great stuff there, it'd be a shame to see it taken down.


I am glad that the GT Archive will live on with all of the old content. I'm all about the EZA!!! Long live Easy Allies!


I'm just happy the lagacy will be preserved, and that they had the decency to let you plug EZA. If this had been announced by anyone but brandon i would have been very offended. Feels weired to not hate IGN for once...

Robert I.

I am ecstatic and happy about this news. Brandon, your post however was bittersweet. It was a beautiful send off of the company you founded and now you get to see it continue living. This post does a wonderful job explaining why that's not a bad thing, but there is an unexpected sadness associated with it knowing that GameTrailers will live on without any of the staff that has come before. That's not the first time that has happened of course. I'm just happy the library will not be deleted from the internet after all.


Awwww that's super awesome. It's like gaming vallhalla. After a 14 year hard fought battle and dying unexpectedly in the field. Gametrailers gets to rest easy now and preform the simple task it loves for eternity now. Having trailers. It's kinda beautiful.


It's great to see a big name step in to maintain the archive, even if the legacy is being carried on here instead. Hope the relationship always remains positive between EZA and whatever GT becomes.


Wow this just blew my mind. Awesome.


Hmm, does IGN now own the rights to the names of your old shows too? Is there a possibility to get those names back?! O_O That would be awesome. At least for shows like Huber Hype, Pop Fiction and Final Bosman.


Glad to see the GT brand will remain alive. Never unsubscribed from the channel & it's so good to see all of this content popping up on my YouTube feed. You did good, Jones, you did good.


So how long has this been in the works? I remember when you guys were let go from GT, all of my feeds and podcasts were talking about it, except IGN.


Wow, I fully support EZA but this also puts a huge smile on my face. There is room in my heart for both. Its always been sad to visit the old GT site and know it has no custodian. Now I have my EZA crew on patreon, youtube and twitch, and GT will still have a beating heart, even if it courses with new blood


I wonder if IGN or Ziff Davis or j2 Global or whoever the actual owner is is willing to sell or maybe even just give you back (doubt it) some of the shows you have created. It'd be awesome if Kyle got The Final Bosman back and if Huber got Huber Hype back. Not that they would have to use it, but it'd be nice if they at least had it in their back pocket. It'll also be interesting to see what IGN's plans are. Sure they are interested in some of the IP as well as the money still being generated by the channel, but I still don't quite fathom why they decided to buy it to be honest.


It's cool to see that IGN sees the value in the GT name and in archiving the content. Glad to hear it's living on in some new form. In the words of Indiana Jones, "It belongs in a museum!"


They bought it for the excellent video player!


Assuming I'm reading/hearing this correctly, it's super awesome of them to do the very unglamorous act of archiving everything from the old site. Major props for having the heart to focus on 10+ years of mostly now-irrelevant content, content that occasionally poked fun at IGN :-)


Not a big deal to me but think it's better with a traditional gaming company like IGN who'll value the content than Defy


Brandon did IGN ever get in touch with you about the purchase or even the success of EZA and future happenings?


Massive respect to all involved for getting this done. I'm so glad to see that the content will still be available online.


Backdoor shady deals.. Wouldnt want that url to simply vanish. But its great that the trailers have their spot. I dont know. You guys were gametrailers for me, so Im staying with the allies from now on. Peace & love!


I'm not a huge fan of IGN, but it's nice to see that the old archive will live on. I know this is more or less just a way for IGN to get more traffic by purchasing a popular old URL / YT channel, but it's interesting to imagine an alternate reality where all of you got hired by IGN instead of having to shut down. Would a dedicated gaming company be better than a general media conglomerate like Viacom or Defy? Or would the same history just repeat itself all over again? Personally I think EZA is better than any big corporate website could ever be, so I'm glad things turned out the way they did. Yeah you don't have all the fancy equipment and big exclusives, but I really enjoy how much more personal everything feels. Hope you guys feel the same way and continue this endeavor for years to come!


Archive hype!


If IGN starts uploading trailers to GT channel it would be really nice if EZA could use that for a new Trailer Score. Every trailer would be easily accessible. Maybe if we reach that new office goal :)


Hope this doesn't effect EZA negatively :(


This is awesome!


That's fantastic! All of the old GT shows and reviews were too good to not archive in some way, big thanks to IGN.


It doesn't seem to me like it will. Fortunately they've had about 2 months to bring their old dedicated fanbase over to the new project


I CANT believe I'm in the VIDEO at 0:58. BEST JOLLY OF MY LIFE!!! :D


unexpected but awesome. I had assumed all that content would eventually disappear into the ether.


Its the end if the world!!!!!!??? Wasn't expecting that news. But I'm sure the is Happy their stuff will be archived. And if they try to steal Huber.....I'll post a comment in ALL CAPS.


Hear, hear!


Much like what Brandon said, my loyalty and interest lies with the people that are now EZA. Their unique personalities pierces further than their actual content and coverage. While IGN can update me on news, I have no sense of kinship to their staff. Nonetheless, I am glad the name gametrailers lives on.


Craziness! good on IGN for doing that. L&R


nice to hear that every video will be available for a long time, about updates to the site not much interested since it is not the same, so I'll stick around here for news and reviews.


This is beautiful Brandon. I really hope they can do good for the GT name. Love and Respect.


Great to see that we will be able to view this older stuff on legit channels without worrying about them disappearing forever. Thanks IGN.


Couldn't agree more. I do miss some of the production values, especially from the Viacom days, but between the cut down 2015 GT and EZA I'd go with EZA any time.


I'm glad your shows are hopefully archived forever, after all your blood sweat and tears that went into them over the years. Now that the past is sorted, EZA is the future!


This is truly great news, all those videos will be available for future generations!


Awesome mindset! Glad you guys are gonna keep doing you!! THIS GROUP OF VIDEO GAME NERDS IS THE BEST!


Great that the missing videos will resurface for posterity. And presumably you guys won't have to keep referring to GT in hushed tones anymore; (don't sue me, bro!) I will admit that my heart skipped a beat when I saw the title of the post, since it seemed to be insinuating a possibility that I wouldn't immediately be excited about. I like you guys being self-sufficient, even though it may have its challenges for you. But anyway, it's good news that GT will live on in two forms!


how awkward would it be if IGN paid u guys $500 a month to plug gametrailers. lmao


Good to hear that everything is archived and safe. Now i can clean my 8 TB of GT video's of some of my hard drives. I need the space😉 ( i will Blood👍🏻 but i think most of the material i have is still on the website and or YouTube)


What about the videos that make fun of IGN?


I wonder if they might give Bosman the Final Bosman back.


I loved gametrailers but to me it seems you guys are much better off now if you are getting by decently with the easy allies money! I have to say it's pretty cool getting to know you guys a little better!


i just hope this doesnt hurt the Allies, the real GT


It's great to hear that all the old content isn't going to vanish. I'm curious though, does this mean you get the rights to all your old show titles again?


So GT's legacy will live on, while the EZA keep doing everything that made it great in the first place. It's the best of both worlds!


So awesome! What a compliment for all your years of hard word building the brand.


My respect for IGN is like +100 now.


It'll be great if the youtube channel is just trailers trailers and more trailers. I feel like that would honor all the work you put into it before. It would be the go to place to see any kind of video game trailer you wanted to see. Whether it was new or old, hip or stale.


This is great! though i was dreaming you guys would buy back the GT name and archive , hopefully the GT streams are put on the channel if they still exist.


I think this is really cool as long as IGN keep it to a space for game trailers appreciation. If they try and make it a personality driven 'GT' style site, that would be both weird and misguided. But I'm down for a central hub for video game trailers, especially one that owes it's life to the Brandon.


I am grateful that an organization will be picking up the responsibility of maintaining the catalog of GT. I am also disappointed that it is IGN. It has nothing to do with the website's content, or the actual layout of the site, but more of the personality that the site imbues, that I disagree with. Not so much the content of the website, but the staff's POV's that I disagree with (on a strictly subjective level , of course). OG GT felt like a Mom and Pop store, where IGN feels like a big box store. You can get the same trailers/ content/ updates/ news regarding games at both, but the personal spin that the OG GT staff brought to the table is what kept me coming back again and again to the site. And alas, if any website is going to pick up the responsibility of maintaining the catalog, then at least some website did.


so who owns the show names


In the era of the public internet layoff meltdown and bitter diatribes about corporate policy, Brandon's positive attitude about change is refreshing. I appreciate how you have professionally handled what is a difficult transition from one mission and vision to another, finding the best of what you have and holding on to that. Best of luck in all your work here!


Love the analogy between the two, OG GT was that small local restaurant that cost a little more, but you knew you were getting something awesome, IGN on the other hand is like that D grade McDonald's Franchisee that you have to wonder how they are open with so many health code violations. Still im glad someone has stepped up and has archived GT's content.


Finally able to join the Pateron, Im glad that someone has picked up GT's content for future viewers, although I am worried about (atleast the way it was worded) resurrecting the GT youtube page for IGN content


Hell yeah


Great news!!!

Steven Francisco Santana

Cannot be thankful enough that IGN decided to save GameTrailers and its invaluable video archive.


This is amazing!!!! THANK YOU IGN!!!!




I had the same thoughts, untill they said they were only posting good trailers lol


This is nothing but good news. Love and respect goes out to IGN.


Wow. Nice PR move by IGN!


This is the best possible outcome. Very happy to read this and great move by IGN.


Yeah this is very good news even though I am not the biggest fan of IGN site presentation and some of their practices I think they are proffessional through and through and are probably the best fit still around to ressurect the site. Still, I am sad about the fact than not even a dime will go to EZA crew even though they were THE SITE in reality. Still have the hope of reaching that studio goal :P


Love & Respect


Trust you? Sure, we all do


Such good news.


Imagine my surprise when I saw activity on Game Trailers yesterday...ummmm okay! My husband and I have been worried about the fate of the work you all have done for the past 13 years and have even thought about downloading it all to our computer! I'm so thankful IGN saw what we've known all along and stepped up to the plate!


I love it when the unexpected just kicks your door open and shouts "surprise". And once in a while it is good news ;)


love this news


I'm glad to hear that GT will be used/remade into something new, by arguably the biggest video games website still around. I enjoy some of IGN's content, particularly their podcasts and Rewind Theater, so I hope this is one section of their business that they take good care of. I mean, if anyone can do something with the name "Game Trailers", it's IGN. They usually get the newest exclusive trailers before anyone else anyway. It will also help de-clutter their main IGN Youtube account. They've been separating their podcasts off from the main IGN channel into show-specific Youtube channels recently, and I think it's a good idea. IGN's Youtube feed has in the past been a little too diverse and, well, spammy, because of all of the various types of content they put out a day-- and it's hard to stay subbed to them because of that.


Good news, I have no idea why IGN gets so much hate but I enjoy their podcasts and really like the different personalities.