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Happy August, y’all! Following a light week for questions and a heavy editorial, today is almost the perfect blend of community curiosities. We have show suggestions, inquiries as to current show schedules, editorial critiques, technical recommendations, and a dash of silly musical-theater humor. Thanks for helping me stay on brand. Today’s editorial is about my recent obsession with games that celebrate my Norse lineage, including my love for harsh survival (and, of course, bows and arrows).

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9vQmPIDR6M

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - August 2, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



Has the ship sailed for a Spoiler Mode of Black Widow? Are Spoiler Modes determined after something releases or planned ahead of time?

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! You briefly touched on the major streams coming later this month on the last episode, so I was wondering, depending on how the event will be structured (And more importantly WHEN it is), do you think it would be beneficial to do a full playthrough of one of the major games to come out in the back of that month (pending if they’re short enough)? 12 Minutes, Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut, Aliens: Fireteam Elite, Psychonauts 2, No More Heroes 3, and KeyWe all appear to be games (in Ghost’s case, additional content) that will get a good deal of coverage, if not at least half the list appears to be eligible to elicit reviews from EZA (Not saying or asking if they will. Just pointing out they seem like things EZA would give the review treatment). I know other content creators try to stream major releases on launch day to get as many eyes on their content as possible or shortly after, and while I know some Allies will stream new games shortly after (and please correct me if this is wrong), they typically will wait several days after its release to give others who want to play it a chance without spoilers. But still, it’s something that could fill a good deal of time, and Easy Livin’ has been a wonderful resource/reason to watch full playthroughs of games I personally have let pass me by and are a way I can experience them for the first time (Shoutouts to Metal Gear Solid and Super Mario Sunshine). Just a thought I wanted to run by you, and I can understand if everyone wants to keep switching things up to make sure the stream stays fresh. Thanks as always for reading and as always, have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! P.S. Yes. Puppets running the questions portions of Cup. All for it. QUESTION: Depending on how the stream event later this month will be structured (And more importantly WHEN it is), do you think it would be beneficial to do a full playthrough of one of the major games to come out in the back of that month (pending if they’re short enough)? 12 Minutes, Psychonauts 2, or perhaps the new expansion to Ghost of Tsushima are some topical examples and could get more eyes on EZA for being games that are new. Full playthroughs have been my favorite parts of Easy Livin’, and I was curious if EZA would do them again.


Adding to the suggestion about a separate game review Q&A follow-up video, may I suggest either 1) consolidating the Q&A responses for many game reviews into a single video, or 2) integrating the Q&A responses into a new or existing podcast such as Frametrap. The reason for consolidating is manifold. I think many Patrons appreciate relatively longer videos because it's something to watch or listen to during exercise, commuting, or otherwise in the background. I also think it might be more time efficient on the production side. Finally, what if you commit to doing a Q&A response and then find there are only one or two questions suitable or compelling enough to answer? Having a bigger pool of questions will alleviate this. I don't mean to disparage the membership's ability to ask good questions, but I can imagine many questions having already been answered in the review or in Frametrap/Friendcode, which brings me to my next point. Frametrap already fulfils some of the game review Q&A role. It allows for continuing coverage, deeper conversations about mechanics, online experience, etc., except Ben is asking the questions. If Ben finds a good Q&A question that he didn't think up, he could slide the question into the podcast and quickly credit the Patron who asked the question. Damiani started doing this on Friendcode no long ago, moving questions from the end of the podcast forward into their relevant topics and integrating them into the conversation; I think it worked wonderfully and improved the flow of Friendcode. P.S. good luck with potty training! I took a two week "vacation" when we potty trained. Props to you (and Amanda) for still juggling EZA.


Hello Jones! When are you gonna stream Bayou Billy? You said it once a podcast once(the name, not that you'd stream it) and for some reason I can't forget that no matter how hard I try.

Joseph La Russa

Hey Jones! What would it take for us to get an entire Mass Effect codex summary similar to how you've summed it up so far? Hearing your cliff notes version of ME lore and events at the beginning of each stream, like your summary of Turians and the First Contact War, is a highlight of my week, I'd love for you to just record a video doing that for the entire codex. Thanks, L&R!


Hey there Jones, I had a question involving Love and Respect postings. I try to make games for the podcast on a regular basis. Lately however, it seems that you've been less interested with the offerings I, and other allies have been putting together. While I usually expect to see one game per podcast, the last several haven't had any whatsoever (the last one being in Podcast 275, then 272, then 269. Before then it seems they were more consistent). Are there reasons for the gaps? I know that a lot of the time in between happened during E3, and I believe some of it was moving back into the studio. With there now being a "Let's Play A Game" song (which I love), as well as your occasional comments to help us write better submissions, I figured that these would be done more regularly. Are you hoping to find games that are more competitive in nature like trivia so that you can keep the other Allies' scores? Are we as patrons submitting things that just aren't catching your interest? Or, has time just not allowed for games being done regularly lately. I'd personally like to know not just for me, but for all the others who make games as well, as it's time consuming to come up with and create the games we submit. It can be frustrating to submit the same game for multiple weeks just to have no games from anyone selected in that time. I hope that it is possible to get more of your helpful comments to guide us to making games that you feel would best suit the show and the Allies' tastes. Otherwise it can feel like we're wasting opportunities to interact with the podcast and the crew. Respectfully L&R, Brian from Happy Gaming


Hey Jones, Will you guys be doing another stream of Smackdown: Here comes the pain? I have not laughed that hard in a long time and I just want more. I'd love for you guys to do a full playthrough of the story mode either in one stream or across multiple streams. I need to see what becomes of DEFAULTE-GIGA. L&R, Cody


Heya Jones, Well, I mean, you know. Sometimes that just happens. But if Easy Allies hated men, which would they hate the most? The Athlete, the Traveling Salesman, or the Businessman?