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VIDEO: https://youtu.be/kt56rRvlmm4

Here it is I love you.




luv u m0re


I knew Box peek was Ben's idea! Dang you bosman!


Ben (and Allies)! I'm a former New Yorker in LA and I have a few good pizza recommendations. Mostly on the east side of town, though, and I think some of you all live further North or on the West Side. But, if you're near any of these: Tomato Pie has a few locations. And Mulberry Street Pizzeria is great! A few locations, but only been to the one in Sherman Oaks. Garage Pizza in Silver Lake is open until 4am and is great after a few drinks! And if you want something a little fancier, more Neapolitan-style, All'Acqua in Atwater Village or Highland Park Bowl. Love & Respect (& Pizza)


Lol, “red bread”. Pizza with no cheese is pretty popular where I am in the Philly area where we call it a tomato pie…which may sound more appetizing than “red bread”


Stuffed pizza is different than deep dish but also takes a long time to cook. Also you can't get worms from pork anymore because they're raised more cleanly than in decades past when your grandma had to cook pork chops until they were hockey pucks. Thirdly thank you for the call back to my comment! It made my day 💜 And lastly, Omar loves you. It would break his heart to lose you and it hurts him to think about it which is why his answer was so aloof. It was like when someone is mad and they say "if you don't know why I'm not going to tell you" because they love you so much you shouldn't have to ask if they like you. Look at it this way... If he didn't like you would he have lived with you for this long? You're basically married under common law at this point. A chaste marriage but... You know sex isn't everything. Lol


File name is May 2021 but maybe thats part of the fast and looseness x]


Aww shucks, love you too


Love ya more


Thats my entertainment sorted while working out tomorrow woohooo love you too <3

Nuno Amaral

What a lovely unintentional birthday gift.

potato potato also another potato

The random “extreme thoughts” about doing the worst/most dangerous/most inappropriate thing in a situation are a phenomenon called “call of the void” if people want to read up on it. It’s a fascinating quirk of human psychology.


Islamic hadith forbids using the right hand to go to the toilet. Hadith is also why bidets are common in Muslim countries.


This episode was wild. 😄