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Being back in the studio for a month or so naturally raises some questions about the best policies moving forward. Questions like “Should we do the Q&A in the studio or stick to Zoom?” may feel easy to answer now but it’s something we’ll have to check in on week to week. The vibe of being in the same room after so long apart is still something we’re getting into and laughing about. But Cup is the perfect place to get these thoughts in, and it’ll be interesting to see where each Ally’s opinions end up during our next meeting.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Trbjk5ZT3s

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - July 5, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies


Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! A couple of Love & Respect posts ago, you had mentioned Mr. Ellis had to fill in for an unnamed guest you were trying to schedule and I was wondering about a few of the details. Are you at liberty to say who the guest was? Have you been trying to schedule guests for the main podcast since the move back to the studio? Is this guest someone who will be on a future episode or was this a one-time attempt? While many shows bring in guests (Friend Code comes to mind as the one to do so most frequently courtesy of Mr. Damiani’s efforts), I think having a guest on the main show every now and then could shake things up. Regardless, whenever you can get guests, I’m looking forward to whomever can make it on the podcast. Thanks for reading as always and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: Recently for a couple of podcasts ago, you wrote an unnamed guest for the main podcast had to drop out last second, so I thought I would ask if you’re able to say who it was, if you’re trying to reschedule them for another shoot, and if being back in the studio was a major factor in getting them on?


No audio version ?


I suspect I may be late to this party but I heard a rumor pop tart and toaster strudel has been retired. This makes me sad. I understand it’s confusing for listeners but you know listeners are smart (smart enough to enjoy the easy allies at least!) and I think that segment has a legacy to it and speaks to the Easy Allies brand which has serious discussions with the occasional silly premise. Just a thought!


Hello Brandon. I want to give you a tiny advice for Mass Effect. On secondary planets (the ones that aren’t tied to main missions) the game autosaves only on landing, so if you complete several points of interest and die doing the last one, you’ll have to restart from scratch. Periodical manual saves are advised.


Hey Jones, I'm here to back up Zyryanov - as a frequent Q&A submitter, I prefer the Zoom setup. I would encourage trying the studio to test and tighten things up, but I admittedly had reservations about the in-studio Q&A that you guys squeezed in before COVID, largely because of said background conversations and a lot of people talking over each other. It also meant the answers came with generally less detail. That kind of flow works great for bits and chatter during streams, but I think the Q&A really needs a revolving spotlight. People may be tired of Zoom after the past year plus, but the Q&A was largely Hangouts and Zoom before all of this anyway. I also appreciate that logistically, oddly it might actually be easier to schedule the Q&A at the studio, rather than arrange a time for everyone to log on at home. I can see why it might be easier if everyone's already there to shoot other things. Still, I'm throwing my hat in the ring for Classic Coke at the moment. PS. Just a random aside, '.de' is Germany (Deutschland), Denmark's domain is '.dk'. L&R, and thanks!


Jones, will Assassin's Creed Infinity last longer than Disney Infinity?


Time to Bleed Out and respawn. I love and respect Mr. Bloodworth, but I felt like this week's podcast worked really well without a co-moderator. Maybe it's because of the special sauce of Brad and Huber's friendship, but I felt like the podcast flowed really well, and there were way fewer moments where one person just remained silent for 10-20 minutes. Isla does a fantastic job of supporting you... do we really need Blood to dedicate hours of prep every week to be your co-moderator? Don't doubt yourself; you can carry this podcast with Isla by your side, and a larger roster of rotating guests.


Heya Jones, No, that was genuinely surprising. Not sure what happened there. But if Easy Allies were at a swell party, would they gossip about dear Blanche, Mimsie Starr, a boy, a girl, and unrequited love, or how next July we'll collide with Mars?


Hi Brandon, hi Allies, after last weeks Podcast pre-roll-extra-ad for betterhelp I thought of the betterhelp-discussion three years ago. (a nice summary: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/blog/2021/02/how-betterhelp-scandal-changed-our-perspective-influencer-responsibility). How are the Allies talking and deciding about the Ad-Segments? After all, it is not just the Ad of some company, but your voice to integrate it more or less seamless into your videos. You said you tested all the products they sent you, but is this enough to recommend it as an Ad with your voice? I think Isla's Salmon Globe Ads could easily be inserted with some betterhelp Ad-Reads! That could be the best option for the Allies. all nitpicking aside: you need to get paid also: Thanks Blood! all the best richard


Rooster Teeth also does a lot of vetting before potential sponsors even get proposed to us (better than we could do) and in some cases when there's been past concerns, they do take the time to talk with those companies to make sure those concerns have been addressed and to talk with us to make sure we don't have any further reservations. -Bloodworth


Hey Jones, Hope I get this in in time. How much do you and the other allies hang out outside of work (not including the pandemic)? Also, I think I speak for all patrons and maybe all of humanity when I say, can we please get a Brad and Don food review show/podcast? Much L&R, Cody


Hey Jones, I was too lazy to write this before, but E3 podcast was too boring. I listen to podcast to be entertained, to hear Allies takes, and sometimes for the news. But counting all the games that was shown on E3 does not give them justice, does not entertain. I would not remember most of names, actually none of them. And I think that those ~2 hours just lost for nothing. Please remember that your working for the listeners (patreons?). And not obligated to give honor to all the games that are shown. Probably I'm wrong and those thoughts are just selfish. I hope for more good stuff, like in the last episode of podcast. That was really good. L&R, Stepan.