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We did it! Bloodworth took a vacation! While he’s still doing a fair bit of EZA-organizing over the next two weeks he’ll be absent from other things like the Group Stream and the podcast. Before he left, he prepared a wonderful season of Mini-Game Champions for us all to enjoy. We’re re-airing the first episode this week and then future episodes will live here on Patreon. Today’s editorial is about my hopes and fears for what promises to be a very lengthy playthrough of Mass Effect (and the rest of the trilogy?).

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5i2x_w5BMA

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - May 24, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



I mean, can you really blame Blood from hesitating on taking a vacation? The last time I heard he took a vacation, was on February 2016, and we all know what happened while he was gone...


​business question 🙋...... if I want to help you create a show or pay to create a show, basically produce who do I talk to, it can also be on the easy allies play youtube account so it does not hurt your views

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! After watching the Resident Evil Village playthrough, I thought it fun to revisit EZA reactions to all Village related content just to see what everyone’s predictions and speculations were after the fact, and while entertaining, the thought struck me, “this could be fun Spoiler Mode supplemental material to show how far off they are.” For major games that both warrant Spoiler Modes and have had reactions from EZA, do you think it would be beneficial to go back to previous content EZA has done as a means to add more in-depth discussion? Thanks for reading as always, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! P.S.: (I say this with a massive grin as text lacks tone in response to your joke last week) The SHADE you give Mr. Jones! Ah! Just because I like to participate and try to ask short questions, I don’t give the answers. You don’t need to ever take these you know! Still appreciate it though. QUESTION: For major games that both warrant Spoiler Modes and have had reactions from EZA, do you think it would be beneficial to go back and pull from previous content EZA has done as a means to add more in-depth discussion?


Hello Brandon. You’ve requested some stats on Love & Respect publication timing, so here they are. Among 7 April and May L&R posts 3 went up on Thursday (Apr 8, Apr 15, May 6) and the rest 4 on Wednesday.


Thank you for the compliments on my films, did you know Rope was originally called "Thick String" and Psycho was called "Pickle me deadly" the film once featured pickles much more prominently. Are you looking forward to hosting the podcast in person and will any changes be implemented? Will frame trap and friend code return to the studio also? Cheek kisses, love and respect.


Hey Jones


I can't watch most of their streams because I live in Australia. You can't always win.


Hey Jones, I'm sure this has been asked before be here goes. I've noticed another podcast i listen to posts 5 to 10 minute clips of their premium patreon episodes, i assume to get folks to sign up. Is that something that could work for things like spoiler mode or some of the exclusive shows? I know ya'll does the short one minute previews but would giving up a little more of the goods help drive folks on the fence to take the patron plunge? Just wondering what your thoughts may be. Thanks and have have a good one


I have several questions revolving around Mr. Zyryanov's chastisement of the team's lack of punctuality regarding submission posts (yeah, I said it). 1) Can't people just post stuff in the comments after the last episode like we do for Cup of Jones? 2) Do the Allies not have a work calendar that can auto-remind them to put up posts? My wife and I use one to track everything from Doctor appointments to paydays to automated bill payments. 3) Is there a system in Patreon that could do the same thing; auto-post every two weeks for submissions? Have the Allies considered petitioning Patreon to create something to that effect? 4) Have the allies considered getting their own Domain Name so they can create unique email addresses for each Ally and for show-specific emails (FrameTrap@EasyAllies.com)?


Is the expectation with the studio return to have multiple shooting days in the studio every week like you were pre-pandemic, or are you all rethinking this? You've talked about things that will probably stay remote instead of in-studio like they used to (reactions, previews, etc.), so I'm wondering how far-reaching that might be and what you're hoping the standard weekly schedule for shooting in the studio may be.


Have you looked into getting the verified check mark on your YouTube channel? I've heard having one makes you more likely to be put in the recommended section and get more views in general.

The Canipa Effect

Hi Jones, on the Fast and Loose podcast, you mentioned a book where someone relives the same life over and over again. Do you remember the title?


Heya Jones, I know, isn't it wonderful? I'm so happy for her. But when Easy Allies gets dressed on a Sunday, does it put on its feathers, its patent leathers, or its beads and buckles and bows?


Hi Jones, Congratulations to the Allies for finally getting some diverse representation among its members. Of course the biggest congrats goes to Isla herself with all my love and support. My question is, since yours is a company that works in the public eye, how did you prepare for such an announcement? Naturally there is going to be both positive and (unfortunately) negative reactions. Was there much conversation with how you all would respond to certain reactions? In your eyes, how has the reaction from the community been so far? P.s. thank you Allies for being a shining example of how to be an accepting and supportive group. L&R


Hey Jones, I'm very excited with the news of the Easy Allies going back to the studio just in time for E3! I'm really hoping we are getting a E3 Special Bets this year too! Those are the best! I know it's a bit early to talk about this, but your return to the studio is giving me some hope, so I thought I should ask: what are the chances that we are getting an Easy Livin' sometime this summer? Thanks! L&R


Sup Jones, So I guess this might be obvious or have been asked before but I'm wondering what started you guys wearing suits and formal wear during the reactions to E3 press conferences? I know Bosman would usually wear them for Final Bosman in the GameTrailers days but when did it become an unwritten rule for all the allies and how did that conversation come up? Happy for you guys to be back together again soon, L&R!


Are you going to have a nice day today?


Hey Jones. Happy E3! Will we see a return of shock or scoff? It was such a fun way to participate and I would love to see it again