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I think in the cycle of the Weekly Cup, I’m going to crack up every now and then. I got a little riled up last week regarding bringing in more guests to EZA, which we absolutely need to do. I think my frustration and the specific topic were too different things. This April ‘20 to April ‘21 “year” stretch has been quite the marathon, and I’m very much looking forward to sitting down and eating a banana and chugging some water when I’m done running it. I’m hungry to get back in that studio, and bracing for a sudden shift in my daily/weekly schedule, so it’s a weird time to be planning and implementing immediate change. The silver lining is always this show, because when I get annoyed every now and then, it sparks an interesting conversation, and we get to talk about it again with clearer heads the following week.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em8Up7wBl0Y

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - May 10, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



Morning and afternoon Jones, Last week, during Cup of Jones, I had a weird idea. Can we have semi-annual show where the Allies make sure they are caught up on their bets? For example: You still haven't given a 5 minute play about Kingdom Hearts in the year 1993 titled "Who Am I?" and Huber still needs to play Animal Crossing specifically because he owes you a bet in which you are to name his island. It's kinda like what that last guy who ran the podcast did before he left, which did, incidentally, give us the Award-Winning 'Hunting Huber.' Just a thought to consider, since we all enjoy watching the end game of your bets come to life. P.S. Why wasn't Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat a separate video?


Hello Brandon. Easy Allies forum community is currently voting for the 2020 Game of the Year. The more votes we get, the more accurate the results will be, so if you can give us a quick shout out, we would appreciate it a lot. All information about eligible games and voting process can be found in Axel’s “Vote for the forum's GOTY 2020!” post.


Jones, what brand of ketchup do you use? And do you keep it in the fridge or the pantry? Asking the important personal questions this week lol

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! Before getting into this week’s question, just for your reference, I post the question the moment you conclude the episode, because there have been times where a fellow Patron will have asked the same or something close to it and I need to craft a new question. But you are correct: I always watch live (with extremely rare exceptions), I’m always ready to post, and yes, it is a problem ^,^ But to get on with it: With the conclusion of Achieve It Yourself’s Season 3, I greatly appreciate (and was pleasantly surprised by) Mr. Damiani seeking feedback via a Google form survey, and as I have the habit for asking questions AND as you read last week from another Patron’s question, Cup appears to be the best place to give feedback or criticisms for EZA as a whole, but what about specific shows or podcasts? Mr. Damiani appears (though this is likely a VERY false perception) to be the only Ally who has relied on surveys to take feedback on his projects and even E3 coverage he ran a few years ago. Should Cup be a resource to bring concerns for other shows so you can pass along to the appropriate Ally, or should anyone with specific show critiques take those to the direct producer of said show? And even then, how would people with these questions go about doing so? Email? Twitter? Or is the kind of thing that should be reserved for the comment sections of Patreon and YouTube? Thanks as always for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day! QUESTION: Cup appears to be the best place to give feedback or criticisms for EZA as a whole, but what about specific shows or podcasts? Should Cup be a resource to bring concerns for particular shows (for example, FrameTrap, Easy Update, Huber Syndrome, etc.) so you can pass along to the appropriate Ally, or should anyone with specific show critiques take those to the direct producer of said show? And even then, how would people with these questions go about doing so? Email? Twitter? Or is this the kind of thing that should be reserved for the comment sections of Patreon and YouTube?


Not a question but I definitely like the idea of having L&R questions and the submitted games being separate segments of the podcast even if they are just back-to-back.


-------- DON'T READ ON THE SHOW -------- Pronunciation Tip for my name: the 'gall' of my name is more of a 'gle' sound, and the i is lower case. Try pronouncing it more like 'Korihgle'. No pauses. Like Figaro. -------- DON'T READ ON THE SHOW -------- Hey Jones, I had an idea that might help people jump to the next tier of support, but I'm not 100% sure it would be... legal. The legal part would be if you did a random draw (is that gambling in L.A? Do you need a permit? I don't know). And you might want to do it randomly so people don't play the system (though I think most of the community wouldn't). But here's the idea: random free Tier upgrade for a limited time. Whether a single Tier gets the upgrade or a random draw, whether for a couple of weeks or a month, whether once or twice a year... it would allow people to get a taste (the first one's always free...) of what the next Tier is like. Maybe there's a feature that lets you see who's been at a certain tier for the longest and you could upgrade them for a time. At the end of the upgrade, you follow up with a "We hope you enjoyed your experince with Tier X: would you like to stay at this tier for an extra ?". You could then ask those who GOT the free upgrade what they thought of the next Tier; what they liked/didn't like about it, why they think it is/isn't worth the upgrade, I'm sure you'd get at least a few who would upgrade permanently, and it would also give you some very targeted data about what you need to do to GET people to that next Tier. I know you love that insider business stuff... this could be a great window into that for your own business. I want to clarify that the main reason I don't upgrade is because of my financial situation; but even if that's the answer you get from most of your patrons, then at least you know that 'hey, it isn't that what you offer isn't worth it', and you'll rest a little easier knowing that it's not you, it's us. Love y'all and what you do. Love and Respect, 'Korigle' P.S> Thank you for the P.S.A. about getting your vaccination. I always appreciate when you subtly and not-so-subtly (FREE HONG KONG!) stand up for what you believe is Right and Good and True.


Regardless of legality, there's no mechanism for us to raise someone's tier or gift a tier to someone. A tier is tied to a pledge amount, and only the person making the pledge has the ability to edit how much they pledge and which tier they want to be in. The only thing we could do along these lines is to take a reward and grant access to everyone at a lower tier so people can see what that reward is like. We've done this at various times by offering public episodes of Spoiler Mode and Achieve it Yourself, and I made a bonus Blood Pact post during the Patron Party last year. -Bloodworth


Hey Jones, As I write this I have just finished watching kyle bosman stream the game Lock in dreams. I was blown away by what the team behind that game were able to make and think it would be an amazing game for you all to stream when you get back together. Its a long puzzle game and deserves way more spotlight than its gotten. Thing is, it could take you guys longer than the usual group stream 2 hours, depending on if you get stuck on one of the puzzles. So maybe save it for a marathon stream maybe? This game definitely deserves to be played for how it weaved together and reused multiple puzzles multiple times. Please give it a look see and possibly stream it in the future. Nextgenheff


I’ll go ahead and throw my opinion out there that I also have very little desire for guests on the podcast. And I especially don’t want guests just for the sake of forced representation.


Hey Brandon, just wanted to say think you’ve done an amazing job on the podcast duties - don’t feel the need to change anything. Sorry I didn’t mention this last week! One thing did pop in my head though to help you out with the opening ideas. You mentioned you were thinking of breaking up the love and respect games to their own segment. Why not make the submitted games your opening bit? It sounds like you get more than 1 game submission a week so it would be assumed you wouldn’t run out during a given week. Just a thought to add to your ideas probably already swirling in your head. Glad you and the rest of the allies are doing well. Canadian Cheers / L&R!


I have a solution for your guest problem. Even though EZA's network executives want you to include guests in order to boost ratings, your hardcore audience hates how the forced chemistry interferes with established characters. In future episodes, instead of letting your guests plug themselves at the end of the show, you should have them say "I have to go now. My planet needs me." This is a proven method for appeasing a fanbase.


Dang, I am now a victim of random comment deletions.. Here's the meat of my purpose: I like the addition of "also in the news", but it comes off as a bit rambly, a bit like a bottomless pit of grab bag niche notes. I think this could be improved by: 1) setting a maximum of 5 headlines. Sometimes it feels like they won't end, and it deflates the pacing of the episode and viewer engagement, at least speaking for myself 2) ordering the headlines from least to most interesting to the panel, allowing the audience to feel anticipation and at least see the end in sight to this segment if they aren't interested in that episode's news. 3) let panelists call out the headline if they showed an interest in it that week. They wouldn't be obligated to discuss it, but they could say why they felt it was noteworthy. 4) a step further, you could do headline #5 and #1 and the panelists could do one a piece of 2-4, mixing it up, making it more inclusive, more fun. Congrats on hosting for one year, Jones. You're doing great. Last week's podcast was one of your best yet - fantastic, fun discussion, well paced. I hope Ian comes back as a permanent podcast presence in the studio again - he brings a delightful whimsy and humor that draws a lot of smiles from you guys and myself.


Don't forget you can reach out to guidelines@patreon.com using your Patreon account email to let their team know that this is happening. -Bloodworth


Jones, excellent show this week 👌 Question/suggestion/opportunity: I love sports games. EZA doesn’t really cover them with some exceptions. Do you envision adding another member to the EZA team who’d focus on sports games? There are so many of them and have huge communities. I’m sure a significant portion of the EZA community would welcome such addition with open arms. Thanks and keep it up 💪 Bogdan B. from Vancouver


Dear Brandon, More food reviews each month = More money from me. Big Hit. L&R, Kiraz


Hi Jones, I'll keep my first ever Cup question short and sweet: Will there be an E3 betting special (or some equivalent that encompasses all the June/summer events)? Thanks! L&R


Hi there Jones, Weird dumb question: I’m watching the latest podcast on the TV, and I just noticed that there’s a gap vertically between panelists on the left and right where you can see the background, but not horizontally (separating top and bottom panelists). Is this intentional? Would it be possible to separate the panelists squares vertically as well as horizontally to create a more symmetrical horizontal gap? Just something the anal OCD part of my brain noticed and thought I’d bring up. Brian from Happy Gaming


Heya Jones, Oh yeah, it hit me pretty hard but I'm feeling a lot better now. But if Easy Allies were planning a wedding, would it want an old-fashioned wedding somewhere in some little chapel? Or would it prefer a wedding like the Vanderbilt's had - everything big, not small?


Hey Jones, I commented in a past episode suggesting a stream or something to coincide with demo events (steam or otherwise) and you seemed open to the idea. Just wanted to give you a one-month warning in case you didn't already know, steam is having its "Steam Next Fest" starting June 16 (https://store.steampowered.com/sale/nextfest). I still think it would make a fantastic stream, and you could crowdsource ideas for which demos to check out if you prefer, but I'm sure you can find enough interesting fodder to fill an hour or two either way if one of you wants to stream.