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We're about to shoot the first episode of the second podcast and we'd like to incorporate your questions/thoughts. A big focus of this episode is going to be Final Fantasy XV, so if there's anything you desperately want to say about that game now is the time. Of course, the question/thought can be about anything. Want to know more about Huber's fascination with wrestling? Ask. Things don't have to be strictly on topic or explicitly about video games. IF YOU WANT YOUR COMMENT READ, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY HERE. Instead, send an email to askeasyallies@gmail.com before Friday evening. Thanks!



I played through the demo I didn't hate it but did find it... strange. Having played the first more extensive demo I found this new demo disconnected. So my question, is the platinum demo going to get people to buy the game who weren't going to already? I can't imagine anyone playing that and feeling like they had to buy the final product. I know I am buying the game and the demo just confused my concept of what the final game will be like.


Which Final Fantasy do you want XV to be most like? What aspect of those games do you want them to carry over?

Chris H

About Final Fantasy XV, I am not going to play it and that is coming from someone that played all the main (except 14) and a lot of the spinoffs. The thing that kills it for me is they changed so much from what most of the previous main entries did. To me it's like making the next main entry of Assassin Creed, Halo, God of War or Uncharted into a turn based strategy game. The main entries of FF games are about a certain type of game play and features.


Huber, what was your favorite moment of Wrestlemania weekend?


Will FFXV monetize a component in this game?


I would like to see what you guys think about the combat for FFXV. I think it's a clunky mess with a useless dodge roll mechanic. I really want to love this game but combat is half the battle for an RPG. So as of now it's still not looking very promising.


I just played the Platinum demo for Final Fantasy 15 and I have to say it took some of the wind out of my sails. I was disappointed with the combat and I felt like I didnt see anyhing special. The demo was nothing like the trailers I had seen? Did I miss something? What is your take on the Platinum demo compared to Episode Duscae?(I did not play)


Öh, guys. Did you not read that part about emails and not asking here?


What are your thoughts on the evolution of the combat? How much did player feedback after the Episode Duscae demo really influence the changes? I've seen some critics responses to the changes saying that the gameplay went back to what they saw in earlier trailers, so I don't know if the changes to combat are "new" or a return to a previous build of the game. Do you think combat gameplay will change again after getting feedback from the Platinum Demo? Is this a new trend or is it really just another take on developers inviting players to test out their betas?


L&R <3


So, I loved Final Fantasy. Past tense there is very much on purpose. I hated what the series had become with 13 and it's weird little sequel children, and I felt like one of the few that lost even more hope when Versus 13 changed into 15. I saw this change as a cop out, as Square Enix realizing the hole they dug themselves into was too deep to get out of without using the power of their 15th installment. My opinion on this changed, however, when I recently rewatched the Game Trailers Final Fantasy Restrospective, in particular the episode dealing with Final Fantasy IX. In that episode our dear Brandon Jones tells the story of Hironobu Sakaguchi’s Final Fantasy side project, a game intended as a love letter to the history of Final Fantasy, a celebration of everything that the series was. This passion project eventually grew too large and was officially named Final Fantasy IX, a official entry into the main series. This BLEW MY MIND. This was the same reason I was even more sour about XV, and here it was also the same thing that happened to IX, easily of the best games in the series. After learning this I dove into the media of Final Fantasy XV, and I will say that I am still very hesitant about how good this game could be, but I am at least allowing myself a small amount of hope. So, I guess my question is, how can you allow yourselves to be hopeful towards Final Fantasy XV despite Square’s performance in the last generation? Thanks - Joey Donaldson (aka Joetown17)


never played XV, so seeing the gameplay and all looked excellent when the demo finally came out I was overjoyed, but when I finally played it, the game not only looked very ugly, but the gameplay was terrible. there are tons of videos out there showcasing the different moves you can do in the game, but it all boils down to "hold circle", and sometimes there's a delay for some weird, probably caused by the terrible framerate thats all over the place. I heard the demo that came with Type-0 was better, do y'all think it would've been better to release the a better demo like Episode Duscae?


As much as I love each content you guys make, wouldn't 2 podcasts be too much? I don't know, I'll have to check it out and see how it fits and especially how it differs from the main podcast.


In the wake of "The Force Awakens" and both Hollywood and video game developers trying to tap into nostalgia, it can be argued that Final Fantasy XV is not really as "new" or different as others seem to claim. The story seems like a combination of Final Fantasy VI (with the empire using magiteck armor, Kefka not being the emperor but in a twist of the story becoming the main villain), and Final Fantasy XII (with an emphasis of a young heir coming of age and having to return to the throne against empires that are foreign). Also, the gameplay is reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts so it's not outside the purview of Square. I think it will be more familiar territory but explained through a fresh point of view that is very welcome and divided in two main points: (1) it is set in a world where phones, video games, and technology are relevant and impact the characters' interactions with the world around them; and (2) it is told from the point of view of REALISTIC relationships (the four main guys seem to have chemistry and a real, tangible, emotional connection, and Noctis has strong connections to his father and fiancée). The only other final fantasy that had more realistic relationships was Final fantasy X, and that was really engrossing, because while the game had flaws, it was interesting to see how relationships developed. Wakka and Tidus had a relationship around a sport, Yuna and Tidus developed feelings over time, Auron was a mentor, there were father issues too. In sum, I feel like FFXV will feel very familiar by drawing from compelling plot structures that rely on realistic politics and contentions of power we have seen work in FF6 and FF12, and realistic relationships and connections between characters as seen in FFX. Moreover, the game "cites" many other nostalgia points, such as Kingdom Hearts combat, Chrono Trigger dual or triple attacks, chocobos, summons, crystals, but from a fresh perspective of a world with modern undertones that the player can relate to more (cellphones, camping, familiar technology). I am extremely excited for these reasons, and I don't see it as a game that is too different from Square's previous tried and true formulas. What do you all think?? Thank you for your consideration of my comment/question.


Did any of you read the post?


I like the demo because if it's like kingdom Hearts then we know there something very special waiting for us later on in the game.


You can't win with FF fans , you have the old guard who thinks the series died with 6 because the series moved away from the vague medieval/steampunk setting ignoring the fact that IV & V had sci-fi themes , they like IX but dislike Zidane backstory (CD3) , they also trash X/X2 for linearity( although every FF is linear in one way or the other) and XII for not having a world map and Vaan , and then you have the FF VII purists who trash every other game in the series , of course we mustn't forget the XIII trilogy some like the XIII and hate XIII-2/LR some dislike XIII but like XIII-2/LR and of course some dislike the whole trilogy , personally i started with VII it was my very first RPG (i didn't know what RPG meant) and it's special to me because of that , every FF is different and that's what's great about the series I love all of the entries (yes even XIII trilogy i played them all for the first time 2 years ago back to back and i love them all) , XV will not please everybody and it shouldn't but i have high hopes for it and hopefully it will be great and sell a lot of copies.


Lets ask a little different one. With the success of the Uncovered event do you have hope for the future of FF or are you all still skeptical on the whole thing? Do you believe the best of FF is in the past? Or well we come upon a new dawn of FF where it once again becomes a challenger in the JRPG and video game market?


Huber, we all know you are one the best people at SELLING shows and games to your fans. How would you sell wrestling to people who doesn't watch or to people who dropped watching wrestling when they learned that it was "fake"?


Regarding Hubers love for pro wrestling I was wonder if Huber or any of the other allies have heard of Hoodslam? It's an indy wrestling org out of the bay area which basically has embraced the fact that pro wrestling is kinda silly and just cranked to crazyness to 12. They have wreslters based off video games like, Link, Ryu, Ken, Scorpion and one of my favs, Player 2 Zangief (you know hes player 2 cuz his speedo is black). The show was originally just for these pro wrestlers to have some fun and its grown a good fan base. I really recommend people check it out, even if pro wrestling isn't your thing, I know a lot of people that love hoodslam but could care less about WWE. Some fair warnings tho, this is an adult show, the only rule of Hoodslam is "don't bring your F*&amp;$ing kids" its also very weed friendly. Heres a link of a video about Hoodslam <a href="https://youtu.be/AnXR5WGUJ1o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/AnXR5WGUJ1o</a>


Will some one at your Team be at e3 and Gamescom ? Greetings from Germany


No one read the post past FFXV


With the recent rumors of GOW4 is taking place within Norse mythology, should it not be called "4" because it takes place outside of the Greek mythology origins? Also, does this now mean that God of War could have franchises within other mythological environments (e.g. Egyptian, Roman, Celtic, Mayan, etc)?


Has Brandon Jones gotten that Ant-Man figure yet?


You guys probably know about this already but there is an entire Neogaf thread dedicated to this "issue" found in the FFXV demo. <a href="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1203728&amp;highlight=ffxv" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1203728&amp;highlight=ffxv</a> Graphics... are not the best :p that's the thread in a nutshell. I'm scared but at the same time hopeful that the final game is going to look way better knowing how FF is known for always having impressive graphics... however I'm still scared... what about you, guys? Anyway, good luck with the new podcast!


Given the fact that Batman v Superman is universally hated I wanted to know what parts (if any) did you guys like about the movie. Mine was the battle sequence between Batman and the group of thugs because it reminded me A LOT of the Arkham games and Batman looked like a real badass there.


Come on there is a blue link in the post which is obviously an e-mail adress it should be obvious that that is where questions should be asked -.- Not to even mention the all caps sentence before that.


Send your questions in a mail, guys.


What do the Allies think is behind the designers' decision to make the cast a bunch of bros? One of the things I've loved about past Final Fantasy games is the diversity of characters. Typically you have a pastiche of unlikely allies with different personalities and styles (often drawing from different cultures). Almost any player could find someone to like. Unless you're into J-pop boy bands, it might be hard to instantly root for this party. Who's the target audience? I like a lot of the design decisions shown in the demo so far, so I don't want to be too negative, but I'm a bit baffled by this. (This kinda goes back to your discussion about whether the anime style might not hit the same group that made The Division and Fall Out 4 a hit)


Send your questions to their email. They will not be read here.


I came here to see all the allies that don't bother to read the entire posts


I find it hilarious how many people didn't read past the first sentence. Probably pro tip next time to put the "send your questions here" to be how to start the post. Nonetheless sent my question, hope they pick mine out.


Is the main podcast coming out later?


Question for Huber: 1) Your thoughts on the demise of the term "Divas" and the new Womens Championship Belt. 2) Have you watched Lucha Underground? If so, do you like it? If you havent, then try it out.


Hi Growing up i would always play long RPG's Like Final Fantasy XV and while im playing i try to do everything, level up find the best weapons and items but i find that every time im like, you know what, maybe i should go ahead and beat the final boss and then maybe i will come back and complete all the side stuff later?. I find that every time i do this i lose all drive to go back and do all those little things i was having a blast doing before, does anyone else run into this problem? -Level3mikes


Keep it fast and loose!


If FF15 ended up Flopped despite a large amount of promotional media such as King's Glaive, Brotherhood, Justice Monster Five, Platinum Demo, etc., Will this be the end of Square-Enix as a Whole? i like to hear your thoughts since FF15 is their last chance to reclaim what makes their company Great.


Gonna post another reminder to mail in your questions and not post them here. Let's try to keep a reminder at the top as much as possible cause I feel bad for people who wrote really elaborate and thought out questions.


We've already seen and played some FF15 and discovered things that are completely new to the franchise (for better or worse we'll need to see). But what feature that may have occurred in RPGs since the release of FF13 (or even completely new) would you like to see in FF15?


I believe it's awful that DS3 was released early in japan, and that people are streaming it, my absolutely favorite thing about the franchise was playing at 0 hour, and trying to figure stuff out before anyone else, blogging and communicating with others on secrets, now that is already out, all secrets are revealed, all paths have been found... don't get me wrong I'm still buying the game, and playing the shit out of it but now instead of communicating with the community, and trying to figure stuff out, with the community, I will now just be playing and not blogging.... this was the best series where the community input is most important, and it's lost that!


releasing the platinum demo was mistake it wasn't polished enough and may have cost them some customers.


perhaps address the framerate issues in the platinum demo. if it's any indication of the final release, then I'm not going to be happy-ESPECIALLY since the game pretty much needs smooth framerate because it isn't turnbased.


I absolutely enjoyed Huber cast of MLB the show 16, just wanted to throw that out there!!


I know it's late, but I would love it if you'd tell us more about how you're doing outside patreon, and how that affects your plans. How much are you getting from selling merchandise, and how many paying subs you have over at twitch. The behind the scenes of the operation is incredibly interesting to me, and for every site that is part of some corporate overload mega-business-structure really can't tell it's audience anything about it.


I know it's late, but I would love it if you'd tell us more about how you're doing outside patreon, and how that affects your plans. How much are you getting from selling merchandise, and how many paying subs you have over at twitch? The behind the scenes of the operation is incredibly interesting to me, and for every site that is part of some corporate overload mega-business-structure really can't tell it's audience anything about it.


Time to be a REAL patron! ^^ The misunderstanding on this thread is mostly caused by our beloved EZA guys. IF YOU WANT YOUR COMMENT READ, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY HERE. If you want to state this kind of a thing, state it on top, before people read into first lines and think "Yeah this is just like all the ones before". This is just how a patron would naturally respond based on the experience that you guys made them have. ANTON, ENHANCE! - The statement itself is kinda confusing if you don't pay attention. If I want my comment read, I would post it here, like this one. My email is not a comment. The first time I read it, I interpreted it like "We will only read the comments not posted here." which weirdly made sense knowing Ian and after all those Mandatory Updates. :) Also, Kyle respond to my bet please, April 5 on Patron Posts - <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/5087309">https://www.patreon.com/posts/5087309</a>


Just for clarity..this is for $5 supporters and above? I read this as being for everyone but in the podcast Kyle says its for $5 supporters and higher tiers.


This is a different podcast so if patrons below $5 can post here I assume anyone can submit questions to the mailbox provided.


You want to feature me? Your too kind!


congrats on the 2nd podcast!