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Patrons my loves!!  

Sorry this went up on here late I was working a night shift last night!  But here it is!!  

This episode features Kyle Bosman and myself as we go on a harrowing journey to that most sacrosanct of eateries: Fatburger!  

Hope you enjoy!!

Thank you for everything!




Vinny Spider Eyes - EASY UPDATE EPISODE 2

Vinny Spider Eyes! Also, Join Ian and Kyle Bosman on a real-time trip to Fatburger during which they actually sort of discuss video games!! Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/EasyAllies



Awesome! Can't wait to watch!

Eric Plunk

Thanks for turning my Xbox on when talking about Dark Souls Bosman!

Adam Mullany

Watched it on YouTube earlier - great episode. How's about bringing back Opinion Yell at some point too Ian???? 🙏🏻


This format worked out quite well. Good episode.


Febreze Air Effects Meadows and Rain – great episode, Ian (and Kyle)!


Already watched, good episode, but need more game discussions.


I loved this episode, it's totally my jam. I really hope we get more in the same vain, maybe with rotating guests.


LOVE long episodes!!!!!


This is a cool format... just a little backstagey, low key view into the EZA crew's thoughts on whatever. Obviously I know the show can/will keep changing every time however the wind blows, but I hope you can keep this format in the rotation from time to time, since it works!


Great episode! A front facing camera would be awesome to get some impressions of the surroundings.


Loved it but could we Please have some random Opinion Yell!


I didn't care for the first episode, but I loved this one. Thanks Ian!


This works really well love to see you do this with the rest of the EZA crew & Elyse


I love it.


Best format so far for the "Update" series, just letting you know, Ian! Thanks again! as always, great job!


I hope to see Easy Update continue to improve. Id like to see a bit more direction, but I understand that EZA is still getting it's footing. I'm sure Ian will continue to change it up, which is great. I don't really want to see people eating though, I'm with Kyle on that.


Ian is a chaotic good. Haha


This episode was absolutely fantastic! I completely loved this format. Every second of it made me smile more and more. Thank you!


this was a fun episode to watch


Ian this format is really awesome, I love it. From over here in miserable grey England there's an extra joll-factor from seeing your guys driving around sunny LA, would love this to be a regular thing for your show with different guests etc. but can you put the dash cam higher? So it's looking down on your guys and shows more of the surroundings outside the car?


Dig it Ian! Love the real-world insight into yourself and your guests. Love hearing the enthusiasm for EZA. Some fun stories and a loose connection to video games is all ya needed and Kyle was a great choice for boosting that! I know every show will be different, but keep it up!


Very enjoyable! A great MU Nights vibe. As a European, when you were referring to Fatburger, I thought you were using a derogatory pseudonym for some other fast food chain. Imagine my surprise when you pull up in front of a place that is literally called Fatburger. Huh. Anyway, I very much liked this episode, Ian! A good video-game-talk:real-talk ratio.


You should totally make more streetviews interviews. Iam sure people wouldn't mind see LA up close either


That.Was.Awesome! Good vibes on this Easy Update.


Interesting watch, though I couldn't drag myself to watch the full length. I don't know which of the Allies is closer to you Ian, but even though you and Kyle can hold up interesting conversations, it feels slightly awkward somehow. I'm sure that will improve as time passes by though :)


Interesting watch, though I couldn't drag myself to watch the full length. I don't know which of the Allies is closer to you Ian, but even though you and Kyle can hold up interesting conversations, it feels slightly awkward somehow. I'm sure that will improve as time passes by though :)


Good episode. It felt like it was a random day where you two just went out to eat and talk. Once in a while it is good to witness some genuine discussion, almost neglecting the audience. Though I would have liked it better if it did have a certain purpose. A topic, maybe a game, maybe an event, maybe some sort of surveying (non native speaker here) , anger towards something, an issue, happiness about something etc. I don't know. You are the creative guys, you can find it. For a guidance; I think that "worst favorite game" discussion did certainly nail the thing that I wish for. Oh and I think Kyle was right about the eating part :) But then again, I am too much me too (much me too (much me too)). So there's that.


Please make "Car Rides with Allies" a regular segment, this was great.


Loved it! Especially "Bosman, the Pervert."


Nice episode! Very creative and spontaneous


Great video, don't compromise, keep doing what you want to do in these videos, because it shows and permeates to us, the audience. A+. P.S Riptide GP2 is my 2015 GOTY


I really enjoyed this! I'd be very happy if this or something similar became a standard/regular format for the show.




Wonderful episode! Makes me so happy to hear you talk about EZA and how excited you are about all your projects. I'm forever grateful for every single post, video, stream or whatever you share with us.


Loved this. Great show, great format, great awkward conversation between 'work friends'. Honestly thank you for letting us in on this view of two of our EZA's just living life like the rest of us and getting into discussions that sometimes lead to awkward conclusions. This was great!!


Agreeing with a lot of others, this was jolly good fun. Wouldn't mind seeing more one-on-one talks with other EZA members as guests centering on game related topics. Looking forward to more of whatever may come of this.


Loved it! Gonna re-watch it now


Really jolly, anything it's just fun watching you guys do it. Feels so good to patron you guys, even if it's a 1$. You guys give voices and faces to a lot of our most liked conversation topics.


A really refreshing video to watch, thanks Ian! And Kyle as well. I liked the 50/50 split between games and all the other stuff on Earth as topics to talk about. And the sunny California vibe was also there, sort of. A cool and suprising video, keep it up. :)


I love it, perfect. Do this again


Perfect, so much love for you guys <3


Great episode! I really enjoyed the casual gaming talk and other random comments, and would love to see more of this format! Even wanted to try a Fatburger at the end.. if only the nearest one wasn't 40 miles away D:


This was great


I liked the Co-host she should be in more of the episodes ;).


"What the hell mom, I don't want to be gay!" -ian hahaha


Don't worry Ian, my parents also thought I was gay and gave me the "It's okay to be gay if you want." speech when I was younger. Also loved this episode, please do more like it.


Really loved this style of episode! Would be great to see more like this in the future.


This format showed ths stark contrast between raw film and edited content. I believe one of Ian's greatest skills is editing and this shows it perfectly. The first half has a nice gimmick, but it rambles on. I listened to it as mildly enjoyable background noise while doing something else. The second half had my attention, had me laughing, had feels. This is another reason I don't (tend to) like streaming. It just isn't as good. But I also just don't have as much free time as other younger in the audience. Streamed content feels like its wasting my time, but lots of people love it. To each their own, but this video is a perfect example of the difference.


Very nice episode. Love and Respect!


I love the format of Easy Update-- it's kind of like whenever your birthday rolls around, and you've got that one crazy dedicated and creative friend, and you never know what they're gonna give you but you always love it hahaha


Love the "allies on roadtrips talking vidjagames and life" vibe, please make this a recurrent theme even if it's not weekly..


Fantastic episode! Easy Update might end up being my favorite show on Easy Allies when all is said and done.


FFXV eat your heart out!


So glad your doing these shows still Ian. Just keep being yourself because your awesome!


Enjoyed the episode. Thanks! Keep up the surprise format. Though the car thing was a great take on it. Would like to see it appear more often.


Ian, I enjoyed this episode, perhaps you could introduce a fan gaming-related Q&A segment in the show to keep the focus a tad bit more, but overall I am pleasantly surprised. I appreciate your honesty, your personal stories, as well as your words of appreciation towards EasyAllies. I'm very happy to see and hear you loving what you do, the freedom and such.


Hey loved the episode. I can't wait until you guys get better mics!


I love it when you guys get sidetracked! Good episode you two!


I loved this episode (except for the weird gay comments, but I appreciate how you all tried to turn that around in the end), Ian and Kyle are great together, I love that anything goes in these episodes. Keep up the great work.


I really missed you guys because you were part of my everyday thing. You all make me feel great. Ian you sure change things up. I like it a lot . I hope you all can make a living and not be stressed out. Happy show , thx for this.


Red and Yellow - Hungry Colors: At 30:22 You guys are talking about how red and yellow are hungry colors and mention McD and another fast food restaurant. In the background there is a Red and Yellow Carls Jr sign. No body can write that kind of stuff. Cool.


This was a great episode! Uncut and still really entertaining. This is why I'm soo glad you guys are back!!


Absolutely loved it guys!


Great episode, really enjoying Ian's more experimental approach and can't wait for what he'll come up with next! Also, if anyone is interested in knowing more about Myst Online/Uru I have to recommend "Communities of Play" by Celia Pearce. It's a fascinating ethnography about the community of Myst Online and the migration to other games after their "home" shut down, fan cultures in networked digital worlds and the influence of game design on emergent player behaviour.


Love how the two of you really commit to the random conversations. Glad to see you back at it. Any chance you'll do a more in-depth discussion of The Witness? I was sad that you got shut down before you could do it back in February. Also, I coincidentally just started playing Uru yesterday after picking it up on Steam.


Easy Allies in Cars getting Fat Burgers totally needs to be a new series!!! Loved the video!


This was a fun and interesting episode. It's always nice to see the allies hang out. Just drive safely, Ian. I was nervous through the whole video. lol


Great episode Ian! I'd love to see more content from you in this style. Keep it up.


Great format, I love this, "Allies In Cars Getting Burgers In Places They've (maybe) Never Been".


I wish we would've seen the Fatburgers in greater detail.


This was great !!!


I actually really liked this ep haha - I wouldn't mind it if this just became "drive places with Ian and a guest"


This was fantastic!!


Loved it!


Other than wanting to let you guys know i finally became a patreon.( it took some time for me to get a paypal account etc.) Also wanted to let you know this was a great easy update.


Three words:Bitchin'


Awesome ep, Ian, I loved it. It's so cool to watch you guys talk about random stuff. Very good work. :)


Ian my favorite Hostess :)


Because they cut away upon arriving at Fatburger, you may question (as I did) whether the Fatburger was ever even real. I have located photographic evidence suggesting that yes, a Fatburger was actually in the vicinity for at least a brief moment. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/xkmb6si7jwop4md/Screenshot%202016-04-04%2010.35.59.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/xkmb6si7jwop4md/Screenshot%202016-04-04%2010.35.59.png?dl=0</a>


I've always appreciated how Kyle keeps clear of the cuss words in his videos.


Lovely epsiode, just what I want from you Ian!


I'll just chime in with the others, wanting a dedicated 'Ian driving an around with a guest' show format. Like Corben, but unabriged and without the singing (well, actually the singing could be a thing). Lovin' it.


SO much better than episode one. That was great! Keep it up!


Dang, Ian! This episode was fantastic and I want this to be a reoccurring feature with every member of EZA. I loved when you did this at GT with Elyse and Kyle, so I'm super happy you brought it back. Even though one of my biggest pet peeves is talking with one's mouth full, even that portion didn't detract from the rest of the rather spectacular episode. My vote for your next meal date is In-N-Out Burger. Mainly because I live in Wisconsin and I only get In-N-Out Burger once a year when we visit CA and I'm currently going through withdrawal.


Like this much much more than episode 1, feels like an evolution of manups


Do you have a second job Ian?


Love it. Ian - what is up with them nails. Dude, they're beautiful. And yes, Teddy seems like he has many yachts in his possession... but is too cool to actually be caught on them because he flies to random islands he owns. When he arrives, he parachutes down, and doesn't care about how each plane self-destructs behind him. He seems so cool, that you can never reach him. And you later find out that he constantly changes burner phones because Chuck Norris won't stop texting him about wanting to hang out. And he never texts back. And Kyle needs to write a book. Seriously.


Beauty Boooiz! I just think the new theme is a bit depressing, I loved the cheerful tone of the new ManUps intro you made. But it was an awesome show!


I love everything about this. S/O to all the Beauty Boys ;)




This was really entertaining, love every second of it.


Love this format and how natural the conversation was between you too. Looking forward to how the next episode will be.


GREAT SHOW. Reminded me of your show with Kyle and Elise in


GREAT SHOW. Reminded me of your show with Kyle and Elise in


GREAT SHOW. Reminded me of your show with Kyle and Elise in


GREAT SHOW. Reminded me of your show with Kyle and Elise in


I loved this! Do more of this :) you guys are flipping ace!


That was really good! Way more focused than the first episode and featuring more videogame talk. More stuff like this, please! :)