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We've been focusing on ourselves a lot recently. We've announced new projects, promoted fundraising rewards, and made organizational changes to this Patreon. But now that EZX is over, it's time again to let our community shine. On Monday, April 5 at 1 PM I'll be joined by Michael Huber for another rousing edition of the Showcase, so adjust your hype accordingly. Thank you for all of your support this past week, regardless of your level of contribution, and we look forward to seeing your stuff!

- Jones



Well. To be quite honest, between work, school, and other hobbies I got a little busy this month so I didn’t spend much time on Unusuals, and what I did work on I don’t want to spoil...so I come bearing music. A rough work in progress, an old song I reworked, and a new song. Belated Happy 5 years! And congrats on a fun and successful EZX! L&R. https://youtu.be/rjgbbfj2HbI


Hello Huber and Jones! How is the beginning of April treating you? Did you fall into some April’s fools prank? Could you pull one of your own? I was secretly hoping that, since April 1st landed on Thursday, Huber would have remotely twisted Bosman’s arm and have him do Syndrome for this week; or maybe another ally. As for my monthly update, the project I mentioned on March that was made impossible due to over ambition, inexperience and laziness now was stopped for shyness and self awareness. How can you talk so confidently on a mic, Jones? I guess having your wonderful voice helps, because I wrote my script and began recording it, but after listening to my voice for 5 minutes and realizing that even I couldn’t understand the words that came out of my mouth; I gave up. Still, I have had an idea for a couple of years now that involves Huber that I really want to see to fruition, so, maybe next year. 12 months should be enough to produce a 3 minute video, right? Anyway, games. April 1st witnessed the end of Super Mario Bros. 35, and I have to say, I’m surprised at how simple yet engaging that game was. I spent a couple of hours every morning from December to March playing always having a great time. I’m convinced this wasn’t a game for 10 year olds that use the Switch to play Minecraft or Fortnite, this was a game for that 10 year old parent, who got a NES on Christmas of 85 and got stuck with Super Mario Bros. as their sole cartridge until their next birthday or, God forbid, the following Christmas. This was a game in which that ancient knowledge of the layout and location of power ups, short cuts and warps were an enormous advantage. I sure will miss it, but in the mean time, I’ll get back to my Resident Evil 4 play thru that I started back in November and halted because of Mario’s celebration. Salazar had already got what was coming to him, so Saddler, you are next, soon. Also, a shout out to Sony for returning the play at home program. I mentioned on this show before how much I loved “The Witness” on PC, and now being able to play it on my ps4 for free? I’m in. And now that Jones brought it to my attention, I want to give Abzu a try too. On a very different note, my mom got the first shot of the vaccine and is waiting for the second doses to arrive to her city. Shame that things with vaccination here in México are a mess. I don’t expect to get vaccinated earlier than 2022; but just knowing that more and more people around the world are getting vaccinated gives me hope. Maybe I’ll get to shake all your hands on EZX live 2022. That’s it for March. Stay safe and healthy, allies. Estamos en contact, César.

Andrew Gaunt

Hey Jones and Huber, I’ve been saving my first post to the showcase specifically for Huber as I think of all the allies he’ll appreciate it the most. One of my best friends growing up who I’ve played a bunch of games with over the years is now the drummer in a band called Arrows in Action. They put out a really cool music video animated in the style of old school beat-em-ups. It’s one of my favorite songs by them and the video’s pretty rad. Hope boys you enjoy! L&R https://youtu.be/d5SoGnEUJb4 Edit: I just realized you guys probably won’t be able to play the song on the showcase cause of copyright BS. The video’s still worth checking out!


Hello Brandon and Huber. In the middle of February, I’ve decided to play a few matches in Apex Legends, which I haven’t touched since season 1 for various reasons. And you know how it is: you suddenly realize that the game you’re playing is much better than you’ve expected, and a quick distraction pushes everything else aside for multiple weeks. I liked Apex Legends so much because this multiplayer game feels like a single-player experience. I’m not talking about everyone playing their own game (by the way, in most random matches all team members efficiently work together), I’m talking about narrative and meaningful character interactions. All heroes describe what they do and see, they discuss further actions, congratulate & thank each other and, in some circumstances, just chat. Their attitudes and personalities shine when they talk, but that’s not all. Many heroes also have a history with each other, which appropriately colors their interactions. You may press a button to acknowledge other player’s gratitude, but if your character speaks with hitman who has killed her parents, instead of “you're welcome” she will tell him to shut up. This banter adds unique vibe to each team composition, and it fun to imagine events that prompted this particular trio to form temporary alliance. And since community plays as every hero, each new match comes with its own narrative ark. Unfortunately, I can’t show you these wonderful conversations, because I didn’t plan to make a video and played the game in Russian. So instead, I’ll just show you several PvP moments from various matches that I liked. My aiming and reaction skills aren’t great, but this just proves that you don’t need to be a seasoned PvP player to enjoy playing Apex Legends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88nN4TzujlA


Hey Huber and Brandon! For this month, I recorded a somewhat loose interpretation of “Lazy Afternoons”, a track from Kingdom Hearts II that some of you might recognize from the game’s opening hours in Twilight Town. As for the recording itself, I had originally conceived this project as a solo guitar arrangement but as time passed, I felt like the track was lacking a certain sense of “oomph”. After some tinkering, I ended up with today’s video which came from the idea of reinterpreting the song with a tinge of blues and soul while still keeping it relatively minimalistic in scope. Thanks for listening and have a wonderful April! Adam https://youtu.be/shhxAgH1WOA


Hello gentlemen. I have some more perler bead art this month for you, this time for Breath of the Wild. Please enjoy! 27 colors, 11,830 beads. https://photos.app.goo.gl/u77GDeYbCERAJacj7


Howdy Jones and Huber, I hope you're both doing well and congrats on a wonderfully successful campaign. Though this month I'd love to make a juggling video, or wax poetic about my love for Resident Evil, The Evil Within, God of War, or how Arthur Morgan is one of the GREATEST CHARACTERS OF ALL TIME, instead I figured I would do what I probably should have done months ago. That of actually submitting to the voiceover category instead of double-dipping into video territory. This way I can actually join the legends of R.F. Switch and JessieBlu. For this month's submission I hastily threw together a heavily edited version of the Lovecraft story of Dagon, one that could actually fit into 3 minutes. Many words are mine, but as many as I could retain of old H.P. are there as well. I hope you enjoy and sorry in advance for all the peaking for headphone users. It's a result of the filter I was using. https://soundcloud.com/user-914390028


Greetings Jones and Huber, Ok, time for something a bit different. As a great man once said, 'everyone has a little place to keep their stuff.' That said, here is the place I am keeping my stuff. (RIP George Carlin) First, besides showing off my SNES collection (the two systems, the mini, and 120+ games shown), I am also showing the three newest additions, added this past month to push me over the '130 games owned' mark. I also have an 8BitDo wireless controller on the way as well as an adapter so I can maybe play a bunch of JRPGs. (3 pics) Next, some of my TTRPG books. Mostly D&D books for character creation, but also some Doctor Who RPG books. (1 pic) And my collection of reference books for art and writing stuff, kept at the side of my desk. The damage to the shelf is because the books are heavy. The desk and bookshelf have been replaced, getting a much bigger and much more needed standing desk. (1 pic) Next, my Dragonlance Books (The War of Souls Trilogy), my LotR Extended Trilogy, my Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition books, and my dragon babies. (1 Pic) And the last three are most important. You know her, you love her, here she is... My cat, Themis (thee-miss). I'll talk about her later, I have stories to tell (and not just about her climbing on the ceiling to catch a spider). (3 Pics) Anyways, that's it for me. Have a good day everyone! Love and Respect, R.F. Switch (Links below as always. Keeps Patreon from eating posts)


Patreon, I've been going through a rough patch filled with heartache and despair the last few weeks.... please don't devour my post.


(Bonus bit in the end, Jones) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-flNHiw8YBA

Brandon K Gann

Well. It finally happened. By the time this is being read, it’ll have been two weeks since I’ve been exposed to COVID. Despite the fact I’m naturally a recluse and don’t really enjoy social gatherings even before the pandemic, I still live with my grandparents, and my grandmother started feeling ill about halfway through the month. She was pretty much bed/couch ridden for a week before finally deciding to go see a doctor or nurse and she tested positive. While I’m typically never in the same room as her on a normal day for more than about 10 or so minutes at a time and never within arm’s reach during her illness, I am still sure I contracted it. Outside of headaches, an inconsistent cough, and difficulty sleeping (which I’ve had trouble with the latter all my life), neither myself nor my grandfather exhibited any other symptoms. My grandmother is feeling better, but what really has me bothered to an indescribable degree, is they’ve been eligible for the vaccine for a little while due to their age and have chosen to not get it. Which means you can probably guess what side of the political spectrum they subscribe to. I was sure that, in light of me not being very social and having little contact with other people for over a YEAR, the only way I would catch it was from either of them. And sure enough, because of not being completely disciplined and willfully choosing to NOT get the vaccine, I can’t even begin to describe how upset it makes me. To try to have the second half of my comment be on a more positive note, I did go through DOOM: Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 and thoroughly enjoyed it except for the final boss, which took me about 45 minutes of a five-hour playthrough. Imagine if the Marauder is three times the size, has five health bars, and not only can summon dogs, but ethereal versions of the hardest demons. With how the story ends, I’m curious what id will do next, both in terms of DOOM as a franchise, and what other games they will make. Outside of that though, the remainder of my March has been devoted to the annual tradition of the March Madness basketball tournament and with the exception of ONE game in the first round that was declared a no contest, all games were able to be safely played and it was a great watch, ESPECIALLY when small colleges I never knew existed where able to defeat the traditional powerhouses. To close, I look forward to the next few months, as I start a full series replay of Ratchet & Clank leading into Rift Apart, getting myself hyped up on the excellent Huber Syndromes surrounding Resident Evil heading into Mr. Huber’s full playthrough of Village, and I’m getting the itch to try games for the first time I’ve let pass me by in Jak & Daxter and Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.


So I'm not gonna lie, February and March kind of sucked for me. Remember how I talked about studying? That kind of blew up in my face because I just couldn't make studying from home work for me, and utterly failing at something I was determined to make work kind of shattered my morale for a good couple of weeks. I'm slowly bouncing back though, and I mean Splatoon 3 got announced, so it can't be all that bad now can it? Anyway, recently I've been playing a lot of Final Fantasy 14, more or less catching up to current content within two months, and since I want to save my more in-depth thoughts for when Damiani is around (though I HAVE to mention that Shadowbringers is amazing and one of the most rewarding video game experiences I've had in a long time) I thought I'd instead share some screenshots of my two (yes, two) player characters! Starting with my first character we have Kasaya Imoogi. You might expect Eorzea's most famous adventurer to be a very serious person but on the contrary, they're quite the friendly goofball and even a bit dense at times. Their skills are absolutely the real deal, however, as their many foes can attest to. The last image has them wearing their Dancer attire because even god-chosen heroes can have hobbies, right? https://imgur.com/a/EBffw1j My second character, who I made to play with a friend on a different data center, is Rarayu Rayu. In contrast to Kasaya, she is VERY self-serious and quite grim, so it's unfortunate for her, then, that for all of her brooding and dark magic she's still 3 feet tall and cute as a button. The last image features her wearing proper armor alongside her trusty Chocobo companion Bloodwing, who is nowhere near as ferocious as his name would imply (much to Rarayu's chagrin). https://imgur.com/a/md3qjvE I know I started this submission on kind of a downer note, but I'm not one to give up easily. Stay strong everyone, and remember always: Love & Respect Small Leviathan


April 2021 Showcase - Huber Hello Brandon, Huber and Chat, greetings from the Midwest! March was a horrible month for me between having two migraines a week apart (my migraines are cluster headaches which last 3-5 days each), an accounting audit at work, and my car transmission seizing to the axle causing about $7,000 in repair costs, I have had a lot weighing on my mind. The only thing that got me through was looking forward to the Easy Allies 5th Anniversary and EZX Digital 21. Your fundraiser was a complete success and I am very much looking forward to not only seeing all the goals come to fruition, but to see what you all have in store for us the remainder of the year. Brandon, your Mindful Games show/streams have been just the ticket to remind me to stay centered in the moment and not let my mind spiral out of control with everything overwhelming me of late. Getting my first Covid vaccine dose last weekend helped too. Knowing Huber was going to be on the showcase, I was wracking my brain to come up with something but realized it would have been too much work to in too short of a time period to make a recording (though I did have one in mind) and I didn’t need to stress myself out staying up late trying to rush it and have it not turn out. I was, however, inspired by the Allies childhood photos and thought I’d make a scrapbook of sorts. The following are descriptions of the photo pages: First the earliest photo of me I could get, sitting on my moms lap with my sister on my dads, second me and my older sister again, I think I was 2yrs old, 3rd is my kindergarten school photo and 4th is a photo sophomore year with a couple theater friends (I’m the one with the tie). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1In5ERnvSFqiu9ZtCYjRKYl_OsMd-slUe/view?usp=sharing Next batch are photos of Me and my daughter (“Lil Blu” as she’s known to Chat) when she was little and a 4 generation photo with my mom and grandma. The purple dress photo is my sisters wedding and I made the dresses. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HKFeKnLwCVxNWCr1HavFowTui-s46wHm/view?usp=sharing Next she and I are a little older at a carnival going down the Super Slide, visiting San Antonio at the zoo, and at a playground (in black and white). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sbs1p-wvx9rPcGCCwNkTisfSTfoomdWF/view?usp=sharing The next few are from Animal Crossing New Horizons, since that is where I spent the better part of the last year, but since I only had access to the first few months I may have to continue where I left off next month (or whenever Ian is on next). The first night https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N_weP6GK9dgjIDhRJWBRAsnE6KLNYTKq/view?usp=sharing After the first week https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fpxOfLrlHHGVSkElRmTYKYYyTaZIOC8m/view?usp=sharing The only enemy is the bugs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1__TKrmT_mzic8j8y5ZJZwpTPqFFYP5sd/view?usp=sharing Rolling end credits after less than 2 months but soooo much more to do, so back to my workshop https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pf0dssxLIkVFT-C0atJLJPsqkBhmiB_7/view?usp=sharing Shoutout to my friends, my residents miss you when you don’t visit for a while (and yes it’s “The” Sofia!) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cYSexW-7Cr66KViivUYc4FleodBVkAa6/view?usp=sharing If you think you missed “the zeitgeist” it’s not too late, you can still form bonds with your neighbors and there are many in the community still playing. Who knows it could just be a “Me-time” game. No pressure =) So glad I could share these with you all. You inspire me every day to be a better person. Sending lots of hugs for you Huber! Thank you for everything. Love and Respect and congrats on 5 years! JessieBlu


I mean it, Jones, your Mindful Games project couldn't have come at a better time for me. Thank you! L&R JB


Hi Huber and Jones, Don't have a crochet project to show off this month, so I'll keep it brief and instead just say that I played the Resident Evil 2 remake earlier this year -- my very first RE game I actually played -- and I absolutely loved it! That game is an absolute masterclass in level and puzzle design, enough for me to get over my own fear while playing. Truly one of the best games I've completed in a long time! Currently trying to work up the courage to start RE7 in preparation for next month. Wish me luck! Love & Respect


Hello there Huber and Jones, This past month has been a positive one! My girlfriend got her first dose of vaccination (still on the prowl for mine now that things are opening up), and I’ve finally gotten back on the horse of exercising. It wasn’t easy, but I think like anything, there was the hurdle of finding a motivational factor to attach myself to. Turns out, biking for around 70 minutes a day while lifting weights (my gallon water jug) became less of a chore when I turned on the right thing to focus on: anime. I’ve been going through three episodes of Attack on Titan, HunterXHunter or My Hero Academia a day, and in a meditative Zen sort of way, watching driven and willful underdog protagonists accomplish their goals by any means really gives me that boost of energy that helps me focus on the show and my drive, rather than my legs moving on the pedals. After finishing the Akira manga, I also got the urge to start collecting other sets I’d wanted to read. So I finished the first two deluxe Berserk volumes, and have a few in the back catalogue to read while the girlfriend plays Zelda. For my review this month, I’ve prepared a special surprise specifically for the panel guest. It’s become one of my favorite games of recent memory with how unique it is, as well as the way it handles its gameplay in a way still distinct to itself. Regrettably, this specific release switches aspect ratios from 16x9 to 4x3 whenever certain things are happening on screen, so be prepared for a lot of IMAX screen changes I had to just deal with during editing. Sorry Jones. Although this game is a remaster, I was not reviewing it as such. With the eventual release of the Polymega (which I preordered back in 2018 and am STILL waiting for), my hope is to be able to release more reviews for games on older systems without them being labeled as “retro” reviews. There are plenty of games that I grew up with, as well as many more before and after that simply weren’t around when the YouTube boom hit, and I don’t think it’s completely fair to write all of these sorts of games off simply as ‘of their time’. Rather, I want to play and review them as games, not as games of their day. Until then though, I’ll continue publishing reviews as normal, and hope everyone enjoys! Without further ado, I’ll let everyone enjoy the first three minutes of my latest review. If you’d like to see more of my past work on video reviews and infrequent podcasts, feel free to look up my Patreon to check it all out for free! Happy April everyone. Stay safe, I hope you’re all able to find vaccinations and find things to smile about and encourage positive mindfulness. Here’s my review of Shenmue. Love and Respect, Brian from Happy Gaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aid5l1c_kPw


Hey Jones and Huber! This past month I finished a couple games that I’d love to get Brandon Jones and his expert open world expert opinion on. Those games are Far cry 3 and Far cry 4. First time playing both of them. My first Far Cry game was actually Far Cry 5 which I got right when It came out because I thought it looked cool but I had never played any of the other ones and I loved Far Cry 5 when it came out and didn’t really understand the hate it got. Now I’ve played 3 and 4 and I totally see where the problems with 5 come from and it’s mostly involving the story. Compared to 3 and 4, Far Cry 5’s story is....I don’t wanna be too harsh but complete trash compared to the other two. Just want to say a couple things about each game individually. FC 3 for me still holds up good but it does show its age when it comes to controls and visuals of course, and the main player character is kinda meh. The stand out for it is obviously it’s story and more importantly it’s villain Vaas. I’m gonna say something a little controversial and that is I think vaas might be just be a tad overrated. please don’t kill me, he’s great he really is but for years all I’ve heard is how he’s one of the greatest video game villains of all time and for me it just comes down to the fact he wasn’t in the game enough for him to have claim to that title. Still liked him and the game a lot though despite that. Now for FC 4, I’m gonna start off with maybe another little bit of a controversial opinion but I think FC 4 is by far the best game in the series of the 3 that I’ve played. Story wise i liked it more than 3. The main character is great. Has a much better story and way more likeable than the protagonist of FC 3. The villain Pagin Min voiced wonderfully by Troy Baker is my favorite of the Far cry villains. Probably the highlight of the game for me. The open world visually still look really good on the PS5. Lots of very fun side quests and cool places to explore. The mechanics are also great. One huge leap compared to FC 3 are the Driving controls which are excellent in this but abysmal in 3. All in all really enjoyed my time with both games and am excited for the future of the franchise. I know you are a big open world fan Brandon but I’m not really sure what your experience and love is towards the far cry series. Do you have a favorite Far Cry? What would you like to see in Far Cry 6 to make sure it doesn’t make the same mistakes that Far Cry 5 made? Would love Huber's thoughts on these questions as well. Love and Respect as always. -Quinton


Hey Brandon, and Huber! Generally speaking in games, I always skew to the morally "correct" way to do things. I prefer good guy play through's of the Infamous series, my Geralt of Rivia helped absolutely everybody, and my Arthur Morgan tipped his hat hello to just about every citizen in the Wild West. However... There is something about the Command and Conquer series that throws that entirely out the window, and I become "unable to comply" with my inner good guy. This did not change when I recently picked up the remasters on Steam, and proceeded to paint the planet a nice shade of Brotherhood of NOD and Soviet red. This ties in to wanting to find something extremely Hype to cover for you Huber. So in the name of Kane please join me on the Hell March from Red Alert, Kane lives! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnyEnhhPX1E Ciaran/MrConeman (Jones feel free to fade/cut whenever, I know it's a little over the limit, sorry)


Heya Jones and Huber! I recently watched all of the Hall of Greats videos. I absolutely love the idea and challenge of passionately summarizing the importance of a game in 5 minutes (or in this case 3). I particularly loved Jones' video for Final Fantasy VI. While writing the script, I couldn't help but think about Huber, as this game was one of the first times I really felt the bonds between characters and I know how important that is for him in a series. This game also holds some of my best memories growing up of playing and discussing games with my brothers. It took me a few takes and I still wasn't able to get through it without getting emotional. Apologies for the lack of game capture and if the audio is a bit off. Feel free to turn on the subtitles! This is my summary of Final Fantasy X, one of the greats - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4_Cj89wREI&t=117s (from 1:57 - 4:57)  


Patreon, please don't delete (also, yeah Teetus, Titus, Tide us) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4_Cj89wREI&t=117s (from 1:57 - 4:57)


Hello Jones and Huber, Since people seemed to have enjoyed the teaser video for the Top 20 Best Obscure Mario Characters in the previous community showcase, I decided to show a little bit more of the final product. Last time you saw the 20th place, and now I'm submiting number 19 and 18. The full video is already available on Youtube in the FromTheVoid Games channel, if anyone wants to see the rest of the list. Part 2 is also in production and should be ready soon. Also, if I may, I want to use this space and Jones' beautiful voice to let everyone know that I made a video with 50 games that people may want to get on the PS3, PS Vita and PSP before the digital stores close, which will become hard to get afterwards. Nothing to do with the video you are about to see, but it's also available on my channel on youtube, and may be of service to someone. Thanks again for this space, L&R, FromTheVoid https://youtu.be/Kv2CbSG1IjM


Hi Brandon, Hi Huber, Have you ever woken up in the morning with an idea fully formed in your in head, unsure of where it came from or how it got there? Like how Chrono Trigger’s composer, Yasunori Mitsuda, says ideas for the soundtrack came to him in his sleep? Well, I think I had a similar experience a little while back, but with an Easy Allies twist. Let me explain: as I woke up one morning, a single two-word phrase was etched in my mind. It sounded bold, like it could’ve been a title to something cool. And that title was: Huber’s Knowledge. Now, why would I wake up with a phrase like Huber’s Knowledge floating around in my head? I have absolutely no idea. But they say dreams have power, so I figured I should seek out help interpreting this one. And who better to do the divination than the Easy Allies themselves? So, my question is: what does Huber’s Knowledge mean? Could it, perhaps, be the title of some sort of alternate-universe Easy Allies show? And if so, what would that show be about? Thanks for indulging my silly inquiry. Much love and respect! - levelcapybara


Also, safety! (I'm new to Patreon - is this something that helps with posts not getting removed by mistake or something?)


Hello Huber and Jones First up, my solitary "Sorry" last month was for making you read out (almost) all of "One Week" by the Barenaked Ladies, but in fairness to yourself you did handle it masterfully. Now with that out of the way, let me say sorry for what I am about to show you! I participated in an anim jam last month, we got the theme 7pm on Friday evening and then had 48 hours to submit a film. The theme was "Together" and I fully blame the sleep deprivation and the delirium that caused for what I produced. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/EkKawgaFiYI Five years of Love & Respect! Dave Cleland


Hey guys! So, last year I shared an animation based on Tabletop Escapades. This time I have made my own replica from the show, (as I guess I am somewhat obsessed with it) so I just wanted to share that here as well. :) For some reason, I decided to try and embroider my own version of "Kuo's eyepatch" from Tabletop Escapades. Which for anyone who might not know, is an eyepatch that was solicited by Huber's character Law for the fishman Kuo, after the group punches and throws darts at his eyes, and then makes him join their party. After considering a skull or spike, they instead decide on a picture of all of them, smiling, on the eyepatch. It's (eventually) a very wholesome thing. https://imgur.com/a/6uc0jDw This took waaay longer than expected to finish, but was a fun and very niche experience, as well as quite a practice in mindfulness. And on that note, I also just want to say that I really appreciate the new Mindful Games series. I think its a very important and helpful subject, and a showcases qualities that can be found in video games that is often overlooked. Love it! Keep up the good work, L&R, Ingsea


Greetings Brandon and Huber, To celebrate and commemorate the five-year anniversary of EZA, I thought I’d put together my own review of Easy Allies so without further ado: Easy Allies are now half a decade old and in that time they have lived up to their namesake as a group of easy to love gamers who you can watch as obsessively as munching down a large bag of Doritos. The question is are the Easy Allies the best group of gamers on the internet or are they a merely a gaggle of orangutans making loud noises? Made out of eight disparate parts like a big bag of British chocolate Revels with an additional two flavours, Easy Allies are a wonderfully diverse and talented group of gamers that anyone can enjoy. Like their doggos and puppers, they are remarkable and their cosy and welcoming tendencies make them supremely watchable….and there are no symptoms of owie feet whatsoever. This amazing octet of gamers is spearheaded by Brandon Jones, who provides insightful editorials with his Cup of Jones series, and is the agreeable voice of Easy Allies reviews. Daniel Bloodworth is the understated bedrock who is soft spoken but when the time calls for it he will land a devastating gut punch of humour you won’t see coming and has a talent for racing games. Michael Damiani has the appearance of a truck driver, but is one of the most engrossed videogamers you will ever see. Ben Moore’s sharp tact and writing style adds a distinguishable panache to reviews with his articulations always managing to be effortlessly rich and insightful. Michael Huber’s passion can level the entire planet if it was a nuclear bomb and could rival Brock Lesnar in a beast off if it was injected into a human body. Brad Ellis’s honesty and chill demeanour combined with his love of Souls games will make you wonder what on earth can topple him. Ian’s whimsy and technical wizardry will catch you off guard and send your brain into bedazzlement as though you were entranced by the Colonel from MGS2 when he asks you to turn the game off. Lastly but certainly not least is Don whose love for retro serenades with tremendous vigour. The Allies are the greatest thing since sliced bread but thankfully you won’t want to feed any of the Allies to the ducks and geese by a lake because they are too lovable unlike bread which is used for nourishment. There are some drawbacks to the Allies, namely Brad saying he’ll F the republic and F the senate which doesn’t do justice to peacetime at all, and there’s that time when Kyle walked out of a Q&A because this reviewer stated that Conker’s Bad Fur Day was one of the funniest games he’s ever played-but these knitpicks can flutter into the wind because the Allies are the best at what they do. Thanks for all that you do. Love and Respect.


Hello Jones and Hubey! This month has been a bit turbulent for me. My sister caught Covid (but she is doing ok). My grandma turned 80 and I invested in some new PC gear for both work and fun. So I thought I’d just share a calmer adventure from Star Citizen. We have just gotten the base iteration of salvaging and refueling which me and my Org decided to try out. I picked up a new attachment to my multitool in order to be able to salvage and met up with my squad. We started to collect our vehicles and met up on stanton before heading out into the stars. The first task would be to locate a wreck (or create one) in order to do some salvaging for some materials. After some discussion we decided to take a chance and land on one of the moons to do some mining with our new greycats whilst a squad of us drove away scouting for wrecks. Things started off well and I decided to have some fun and kinda forgot to pay attention to where I was driving, I shot off a scan and suddenly “wreck identified” came up on my display. Eagerly I shouted out to my crew and floored it towards the location, unfortunately it was windy and a big rock ended up becoming a bit of a ramp and well…. You’ll see the picture of me flying a ground vehicle. Shaken but not stirred I got out and started to salvage when suddenly… BOOM. Confused I called out to my squad “uhm did you guys just crash or something?” ...no answer. As we say in Swedish “I suspected owls on the bog”. Peaking my head out of the wreck I could see a couple figures around my greycat. Pirates, great. now what? Not really having any weapons with me I decided to do the only logical thing and leg it to the mountains in the distance. I hid in a cave as night started to fall and I eventually managed to get in contact with my squad. I could pinpoint them to my location and they picked me up for us to head back with whatever bounty we had left. We made it back home ready to convert it over to fuel and relaxed, we got sloppy. Before we could finish we heard a “hands up”. One of the pirates had followed us and tried to steal our earnings. After a standoff the security showed up and escorted us all out. We rushed back to our ships and jumped into quantum drive to get out of there, suddenly we got pulled out, argh! Those pirates knew what we were doing and had set up a trap! We got overwhelmed quickly and they blew up our tankership. So we gave up for the night and instead headed to the icy planet of new babbage for some winter camping by the fire instead. It was a nice calm end to our adventures even though we ended up losing a lot of money, but hey, thats the excitement of the game, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Lots of love and respect Lotias Pictures link: https://imgur.com/a/fVw1eGJ


Over the past five years I have spent over a thousand hours of my limited free time working on a handful of tribute videos that I've uploaded to Youtube. The subjects of these tributes are Breaking Bad, the first two Terminator movies, and some droopy weirdo named Kyle Bosman. While high viewership is not something I particularly care about since I make these for fun and not to have a successful or profitable youtube channel, I can't help but feel the sting that a stupid10 second clip of Watch Dogs that I uploaded to Youtube six years ago suddenly got picked up by the algorithm and ended up in lot of people's Recommended Videos a few months back and now has more than double all of the combined views of my tributes that I poured my heart into. Just to give you a taste of the cruel irony of this, my Breaking Bad tribute has about a thousand views, and this 10 second clip that I titled "Ted Beneke" has over 77 thousand views. If you watched Breaking Bad, you'll get the reference. Enjoy? https://youtu.be/vgvyifcDkE4


Jones, Huber, This month I am submitting 9 more images from my YouTube D&D campaign, Sword Coast Adventures. The current section we are playing through was based on a favorite game franchise of all of ours, enjoy!~ https://imgur.com/gallery/uY7qD3J L&R - Ian, @alexander_arts


For my first submission, I'm showing a game I've been working on in UE4. L&R https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APk3ckeAbG8&list=PLTGR_gTQ0GUg8F02_Jd1ky0TIYzsPBz56&index=1


Hello Jones and Huber! Thank you for a wonderful 5 years, and for a delightful week of celebrations! Being able to catch many streams live as early as 8pm in Europe was a pleasant bonus. Loved the chess! Now. How many times can I manage to submit another version of the Easy Allies Theme? But after the music box night version and the K.K. version, another one was due for the anniversary. I had this as a work in progress for a while, and now was the perfect time to finish it. Of course, it would have been even more perfect if a certain game had been inducted in the last Hall Of Greats, but still! This is for you, for 5 years of Love & Respect, and to many more! Love & Respect, Kévin Gillet Link to the music: https://youtu.be/JKLLYll0HIM


To be fair, it doesn't need to be in the HoG for it to be loved.


Aloha Brandon and Huber, Happy Easter to all the Allies. This month, since Huber is here, I would like to talk about the MCU. I've been an average Marvel fan since childhood, watching shows like X-Men, Spiderman, and the Marvel Action Hour from the 90s, while reading the occasional comic. After the MCU started in 2008, I caught up on a few comics, but my fandom almost exclusively stayed in the TV/Movie spectrum of the content. I watched all the movies of course, and I think all the TV shows as well (even non-MCU like The Gifted and Legion; also Agent Carter got snubbed of its 3rd season), including the Hulu/Freeform shows (Runaways, Cloak & Dagger, and Helstrom). I mentioned this before, but I was also fortunate enough to work on a Marvel series as well, while Inhumans was being filmed here in Hawaii. Not the greatest show I know, but still an amazing experience on set. It also led to one of the biggest regrets of my life. I had a chance to work on Agents of SHIELD for a season, but it would involve moving to LA for a year, which I couldn't do at the time. Loving that show so much, I definitely should of though, in hindsight. I also started a movie re-watch in January to get prepped for the new Phase 4 Disney+ series this year. I really enjoyed WandaVision after a quick expectation adjustment after the first two episodes, also Falcon & the Winter Soldier has been a great romp as well, half way through. A quick question for the Allies though. What is your head-canon on Edward Norton as Bruce Banner in “The Incredible Hulk”? Watching that movie kinda throws me out after watching the later ones. Personally, I think he originally looked like that, then came back different once after Hulking out, and it stuck with him looking like Mark Ruffalo from then on. Betty Ross is going to have a big surprise if they run into each other again. I do appreciate the 'Rhodey' actor change was somewhat jokingly addressed at the start of Iron Man 2 though, with the “Hey Buddy, didn't expect to see you here? - Look, its me. I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on.” dialogue. What I would like to quickly share this month is a few MCU related items. First off my Phase One and Two Collector's box-sets. (pics 1-4). The Tesseract and Morag Orb light up, but I'm out of batteries. The special Marvel Studios 10-Year Anniversary promo Lego made a few years ago. (pic 5) Some Endgame figs and a sweet Quinjet I got for 50% off during the holidays. (not built yet – no space; pic 6-7) Lastly a Easter promo I just got to celebrate the holiday. (pic 8) As always, Mahalo nui loa for everything you do. Love & Respect, Samo Rozman https://imgur.com/a/KqsWFBk


Hello Jones and Huber! First off, happy 5 years! I am proud to say that I've been a patron since the beginning. The team at Easy Allies and its community has truly impacted my life in many ways, including the project I'm going to share with you today! By the time you have read this message, I will have completed my Masters of Music in Music Technology and Digital Media! And for my final major project... I solo-developed a virtual reality point-and-click style adventure game that focused on immersive audio! The title is Borf Clorgman: Space Intern, and it follows the story of an alien lifeform trying to navigate through the galaxy's saturated job market. It's silly and inspired by Space Quest, Monkey Island and Bosman's Don't Call Me Mama. Watching Kyle make a game boy game and Jones work in Dreams really pushed me to make this happen with my minimal coding knowledge, and I am absolutely thankful for those streams for helping me believe in myself. Please enjoy this teaser! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGO0XBhEPHw L&R Mason Victoria


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqqSTEa7IS8 I tried to pick the Huber ones.


Hope you have a nice day!


Greetings Jones and Huber. Five years sure flew by fast and EZX was a blast. Really enjoyed your "Dragon's Dogma"(that dragon's health bar sure showed the level difference) and "It Takes Two" streams and discussions during "Monster Hunter Rise" and "Resident Evil Outbreak" streams. I had a almost three weeks of vacation so I replayed REmake for 25th Anniversary(and there is something more scarier than red heads), co-oped RE5 with a friend (final chapter left to do), played Tomb Raider which made me delete the game after finishing it and I'm currently replaying Judgment for palette cleanser and Fall Guys Season 4 on a side. Also drew a bunch. A wind summoner because wind effect is just cool to do. This was so random I know. The dude stuck in a wave has modern clothes and all. Just enjoyed making waves(no pun intended). Randomly deciding a pattern for yukata so made her have four elements. Wanted to draw my old firebird design as a tattoo. Rayluaza draws Chi-chi so I guess I'll do monthly Chun-Li. At ramen place and original outfit I made for her. And lastly her at the gym. Thanks for the years and keep on keeping on. L&R TearjuEngi https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1372927654719012867 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1373116444888739841 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1372575388220715009 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1371787190682980353 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1374842113859391489 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1374843549091528706 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1369618294815260679 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1374979782824321026


https://youtu.be/nnxWdmTRs18 Hi Jones and Huber, i only had 20 minutes to edit this video, so its by far not as good as i wanted it to be, but couldn't let myself not participate this month. I've been playing both rise and dragons dogma non stop, starting a new game right as Jones started that CrIsp Crack of a stream. Dragon's Dogma is really fun with a party. Its a bit like pokemon since you have a vast array of moves for each class but need to create a party with limited skills that provide coverage to deal with most combat situations and enemies. Today i'm here to show 3 minutes of playing Dragons Dogma solo, which provides a very different experience. The final part of the video is just about making things right and ending with a crunch. Trans Rights are Human Rights. Shoutout to Tell me Why Spoiler Mode, it was a great watch. Love and Respect.


Safety post! Also all the music is royalty free, which is why its not really the best fit (though I think the 2nd track lands!) so there should be no problem with you showing it


Good afternoon gentlemen, I want to start off with some bad news. No Poppleton story today. And it’s all Kyle Bosman’s fault. I made my first game for his game jam and that took up my entire month. If anyone wants to try it, it’s called Executive Cobra: Origins. Please check it and other games out on the Bruised Egos Game Jam on itch.io. I don’t have any screenshot to show from it because it’s just a text adventure made with Twine. But I enjoyed making it and will probably make another one, this time with visuals. The only problem is, I’m not an artist. So where, oh where, would I ever get enough pictures to make a proper visual novel? On a completely unrelated note, I did bring some of the Animal Crossing screenshots that didn’t make it in other Community Showcase entries during the past year. 1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gYp1RRjmdoQpGvpvUe3Kwez4aQHn6zYT/view?usp=sharing Here’s the first picture I ever took in Animal Crossing. No glasses, no house, and no idea what this year will bring. 2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UxN_-Rgy9trKJq4DIwAW55cU6HvtyBdl/view?usp=sharing Another early pic. This one is my version of the traditional Waiting for Blathers collection. 3, 4, and 5. The following three are from an idea I had for a story at the Poppleton Community Theatre. But I couldn’t get a plot I liked together and didn’t end up using them. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1apzSKl2hbhJcRSINNtcadz-jwADS4f1-/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fZ3ZlKUn40eH3LrZNGuk6vc_2QNISx1g/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/170M8EYqwi4V8GrF9MQ7w35QSgQ8vQyZF/view?usp=sharing 6. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cQ1SS8GyWB1XUXkDjokIWOCbnIcDE60w/view?usp=sharing Here is one of many happy wedding pictures I took last June. 7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AXtfasceQwVNEHL7xHduON9-amh5NbiK/view?usp=sharing Here is a pic from one of my bridge celebrations. 8. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LXrSgNbE9f0qUGJW_wPq2GlMv7CUC8Ii/view?usp=sharing Here’s a nice, quiet moment from last winter. 9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15e_3CGeqIyckLe_XbVI3rlLLv_-L9fWN/view?usp=sharing And, of course, through it all Elmer continued to be Elmer. Anyway, that was year one on Poppleton. I’m sure year two will be much calmer. Until then, Asbo Zappruder / screaming_argonaut


Hey guys, In mid-march the first paid content was released for ck3, centered on expanding what the norse cultures could do. Without further ado, I present the tale of Hardeknud Odinson, the lost child of Odin who survived Ragnarok. Slide 1- Year- 867, Hardeknud, the immortal brutally strong, yet stupid (literally one of his charecter traits) viking god comes out of hiding taking some land in modernday Norway. During his time in hiding he was blinded fighting the last of the giants coming for him. He has aspirations to spread the Astrau religion and Norse culture throughout the world, starting with Spain. He marries one of Jarl Halfdan of Jovik’s daughters, gaining a powerful ally in England. Slide 2- Year 875, Turns out Spain was just too far away. So instead Hardeknud packed up his people and temporarily moved to Cornwall first(a new feature of the dlc), becoming the Jarl there after taking it over. Also he becomes a poet. Slide 3- Year 887, Well, the territory Hardeknud was aiming for in Spain has allied with West Francia, so he doesn't quite want to challenge them yet. Instead he pushes north, taking Mercia for the Norse and gifting the territory to an intelligent norse ally. Also one of his champions convinced him to go skiing. Slide 4- Year 890, Hardeknud continued to expand the norse territory, taking Gwynedd, the dark red area, and Powys, the purplish grey area, gifting Gwynedd to one of his sons, and Powys to a local that he may have kidnapped before taking it over. Jarl Halfdan has made a deal with Alfred of Wessex to not emproach on each other, forming the kingdoms of Danelaw and England. Mercia, being a norse duchy, swore fealty to Halfdan. Finally, Hardeknud formed an alliance with Sudreyjar, led by the son of Ivar the boneless. Also Jarl Halfdan wrote a nice poem about Hardeknud. Slide 5- Year 895- The time has come, the king of West Francia has died, making the kingdom of Asturias in Spain a prime target. Of course they immediately form alliances with other world powers, England and Brittany. This led to a long three year war between Hardeknud, his allies and Asturias, England, and Brittany. Hardeknud pulled through, moving his people to his foothold in Spain- Leon. It took 28 years, but he can now begin his plan to spread the norse culture and religion, but he is a rock stuck in a hard place. He is between what remains of the catholic kingdom of Asturias, and the Islamic Umayyad clans of Southern Spain, both who consider his faith evil. Next time we will see if he can survive in this new world. -Nextgenheff Visual aids- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AbqayGiuQ608773qmdi6DrubkpYRBJVLnkN41qpy_MQ/edit?usp=sharing


can anyone tell me why everyone is saying hold and safety, i'm new here


Hello Jones and Huber, It’s been another busy month for my team and I working on To Hell With It. Context for Huber To Hell With It is a 3rd person hack-n-slash game where you play as Aella; who finds herself battling through Hell's more obscure realms in a "down the rabbit hole" style adventure to retrieve her stolen cat. I realized watching the showcase last month that I forgot to mention my role on the team. I have helped out in many areas of the game but my main focus has been creating all the logic for our enemies and bosses. The game features four enemy types and two bosses that each have unique characteristics and I’m very proud of the work I have done for each of them. This month I have gameplay clips from our other two levels Sintral Gardens and the Deadlight District. In the Sintral Gardens clip, you’ll be able to see some of our creepy plants featuring some of our climbing and dialogue systems; a little heads up the lighting in this level is nowhere close to being done and is too bright right now. In the Deadlight District clip, you’ll see some of our finished lighting along with some of our abilities in combat. As we are coming up on our release near the end of the month, there are still many things I’d like to tweak and polish. This entire experience has given me a lot more context of working on a large ambitious project with how there is always more to do than there is time for but I’m pretty happy with where we are at. To keep up with the game you can follow us on Twitter @WimpyImpGames for our upcoming release on Steam, which I should mention will be completely free. Love & Respect, Eric Waugh Link to the gameplay clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPkKVT43M0k


Continuing the trend of just playing random games that come to PS Plus, I played Final Fantasy 7 Remake. While not terrible, there was plenty of dumb things in the game. Some of which I couldn't tell you if they were in the original, but it has been about 4 or 5 years since I played that one. I didn't mind the characters too much in this game. I think it suffers a bit in the sense of the adaption team going, "We need to make these characters cool. Let's add curse words and stuff." It just really sucks when there is dialogue that feels off from a character standpoint. I could spend 500 words alone on the issues with this whole thing, so just going to move on. The motorcycle segments were better than the original, but still total garbage. They knew it was garbage to, so thankfully there is the option to just skip those segments. The grim reaper ghost things were pretty stupid. They made tense situations a bit of a bore. There was one segment where you get surrounded and the ghost dudes just pop up and bring you to safety. I think the game relies too much on people loving the original. I have no idea who the black haired swordsman dude is, but the game sure wants me to care. There are certain things that just have zero impact unless you remember it all from the original. I could go on about how they could have structured the story to be a bit more welcoming to newcomers as well as play up to fans of the original, but, again, word count. Also, the summons just felt sort of forced. Why am I fighting them in a simulation? Why can this dude make materia that allows me to summon them? It all seems like they couldn't think of a good way to integrate summons into the plot, but had to jam them in there somehow. Speaking of materia, bit of nitpick, but I hate it. It may just be due to that I really liked how skills and spells worked in FF9. You learned things permanently. Shuffling materia is a pain. It makes the game more luck than strategy. No idea what the next boss or creature I'm going to fight is, guess I'll just hope I have the right stuff equipped. Overall, I did have a fun time. Will I check out future installments? That's an interesting question. The next installment is that DLC with Yuffie. If it was simple as just buy that thing, yea, sure. Someone, guessing Square, made the decision that if you get the PS Plus version, no upgrade. The DLC, requires said upgrade. That sure is a hell of a way to cap your install base. Instead of using PS Plus as a market to garner interest and new players, a hurdle was created for maintaining that new install base. So, yea, guess I will be skipping future installments.

Nik Gothic

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rqhk0h0a4b6485/Top%2015-08.mp4?dl=0 YT as backup: https://youtu.be/mlfuCO5lGU0 This is going to be a treat for Huber as this is part 2 of my top 20 favourite games list. Next month I will probably finish it and I like the improvements I made with editing and the additional drawings. It’s amazing how I can cram these into exactly three minutes! The one thing I regret is that Huber, ever the hypeman, won’t be able to see the rest of this list, but either way I hope you share some of the same excitement for these games as I do. Nik Gothic (@Clownboss)


Hey Brandon And Huber !!! Wingatakus here Hope You guys Can Check out My Youtube Channel GamePlayDismay Sometime. We do anime reviews and Currently playing Nioh 2. Heres a vid For Huber Check out GPD Clips Fortnite Royale latest vid on my channel. Also Catch me on twitch by the same name ill be doing some Resident Evil stuff this month. L&R! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6ZEWFzst25otX87XlrnHA