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These will typically go up Monday morning, exclusively for you Patrons, but I wanted to get a pilot done ASAP this week to see if I could shoot this on my own. Need to balance the lights and colors out, but here's another show! I'll get into some pressing issues and start spouting stupid opinions soon, but in this episode I bring you up to date on our production schedule in April and May, and offer more gratitude for your continued support.

Thank you for tuning in. More to come.

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - Episode 1 - 03/31/16

The first episode of our Patreon exclusive weekly update. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/EasyAllies





So much content!!




And what a marvelous wooden cup it is!


Boy do I look tired. That will also change next week - Brandon

Professor Metal Gear

You do look exhausted, Brandon. Don't go burning out on us. Thanks for the update.


Yaaaay \o/


Is it next Monday yet??


Thank YOU Jones! Love all of you so much, extremely excited for all the new stuff coming our way.


Hi Brandon, I get the feeling that some of this info would be beneficial to people who might be thinking of supporting but who didnt pull the trigger yet. Perhaps the first pilot episode being available to all could be a good tease for them. I doubt anyone would be mad.


Aww, Jones. That heartfelt thanks goes right back to you. You've changed my life just as much as we've changed yours. I've been watching your videos for about a third of my life. How do you quantify that?


Great first ep, lots of juicy details. Looking forward to editorial section next Monday. And yeah you look pretty burnt out, busy week eh?


Great to hear a summary of your future plans in 5 minutes. Cheers!


All hail the mighty cup!!


:D So glad you guys can keep doing what you do! ! ! Loving the new shows, can't wait to see what else is in store :D


Everytime I see Brandon (or any other ally) this happy and satisfied I KNOW supporting you was (and will ever be) one of the best things I did in the last years :)


You guys have honestly affected and changed so many lives in such a positive way. We should be the ones saying such a heartfelt thank you to you. A lot of people here, including myself, have been watching you for 5-10+ years. It's even crazy to think that I've been watching you for half of my entire life (good ol' 2005 GT), so we will support you for whatever comes next. Thank you, Easy Allies <3


Yes cheers Mr Jones, reason I loved GT is because your all so positive about games like me. Exciting times.


Nice show, thats what we miss - editorial segment from you. Great to hear about your plans. Brandon i think you look that tired because of lightening and color correction, you need to fix that.


Didn't look that bad, I think it was moslty the awkward lighting :)


Great stuff Jones, I love it. I'm sorry to bring in some constructive criticism so early into the party but I wanted to say that you felt a bit ridged in there. Loosen up, man, just talk to us. That's what I'd like to see, anyway. <3


Brandon my MAN!! Great show man really keeps the entire thing grounded and professional, what a channel EZA is and is going to become, looking forward to these and all the other shows! Hopefully E3 coverage will be talked about in the future!


Thanks Brandon! :) Love the quick and to the point updates!


So happy for everything that's going on with EZA right now! Cheers!


Thanks Brandon! I love that the community is able to support you through Patreon, but if it's not too personal Id love to hear what the teams 9-5 is like- do you imagine Patreon funding you all as full time employees or are you all planning on getting new jobs in gaming or entertainment industry?


You guys are great!! Can't wait for all the new content! Retrospectives.... You animals!!


Just want to say how much I appreciate all the effort you guys are all pouring into this, and can't wait for the next Cup.


Looking forward to seeing the new shows and more Cup of Jones!


Cup of Jones is awesome.

Adam Mullany

Good stuff Jones 👍


I dig it! Liking the sip at the end and the sign off, very necessary. Sounds like a v.o. show which is super comfy, looking forward to hearing some rants too!


Hey Brandon, love the speed at which you guys are putting up content, I feel you guys are even improving on your previous outings with more loosely yet seriously made stuff. Keep it up!


Thank You :)

Stefano Trida

I'm so happy about EZA! It's worth every cent i'm pledging! But can you guys shed some light on why Kyle's new show isn't part of EZA? I'm just curious!


I like it. Don't change a thing.


Great show. Good to know where things stand.

Stefano Trida

OH! And Brandon please put our heaths at ease and confirm that Final Bets will be back!


Love it


Looks like I can't watch Patreon embeds at work :/ Is there a way to get the private link to the video?


Awesome! Love the format :)


Brandon, there's no need to thank us. You guys are the ones we need to thank for all these years of great work, insight, and memories. That's the reason why we're here. I hope we can keep the team together and see you guys keep doing what you've been doing for the community for years to come, so thank YOU!


I've been watching for years and I'm so glad you guys are back! I had a few questions about the future of EasyAllies but I know it is early on. Is the plan simply to rely on supporters? Are you planning to monetize any other way and expand? Will there be a conventional website? Keep up the good work either way, we got your back!


Kyle explained that in the Tetris Test stream on his own Twitch channel last friday night. He could only commit to things he could do when he had a job again. So Kyles new show and his personal streams on his channel are going away once he gets a job, but his easy allies commitment he will keep doing. It will be around the 50k mark when everyone works EZA fulltime, that a true new final bosman could happen. He said the 30+k thus far could support some of them full time, but they haven't figured that out yet. In my opinion Kyle working fulltime and doing the ultimate bosman would increase the patreon money, and would therefore get his friends fulltime faster aswell. Also, let's be real, he can't live in a cardboardbox forever...


Oh man I am glad I am one of Patreon! You guys rocks! Btw please give Kyle a show, please please please.


Excited about the future of EZA! Also, up until the reveal of your patreon, I didn't who was the voice on the ga***railers videos.


Gimme more, Brando!


Good show Brandon. Though to be honest, I would sit there watching drink from your mug and reading for 5 minutes. Maybe you could occasionally film yourself doing everyday stuff and include it in the episode like washing Sophie, cooking dinner, and maybe have Amanda on every now and then.


It's already been confirmed on several streams! They are the best thing after the weekly podcast and the E3 coverage.


Thanks Brandon :). I'll make this short and sweet, please don't do what kinda funny recently did.


Thanks Brandon :). I'll make this short and sweet, please don't do what kinda funny recently did.


You've done such a great job these past couple of years to the point that when you went off the air youtube and frankly the internet felt empty and meaningless. Nothing made me happier than contributing to your continued efforts to keep us entertained and continue your awesome work. Thank you!


Since you guys did your last stream I've been shouting that I would give money to Patreon if you guys ever did one... I'm not one to break my word! Although I wish I could give you guys more money I'm so happy this has worked out so well. I was super sad when I couldn't look forward to GT Time every week, and now we're getting 2 podcasts AND Tabletop Adventures! I couldn't be more happy :D My co-workers couldn't be more pissed at me laughing by myself all the time while watching the shows! Going to support twitch as well as soon as I have some more spare money (and you guys have some emotes) :D


This is awesome, really looking forward to next episode on monday!! :D


Looking good Brandon! I'm really happy to see the allies back in action :)


Brandon- Gametrailers.com was my absolute go to website in 2005-2007. I will admit, when youtube became big, I steered away, but there was an awakening in 2013 for me when I realized omg the Gametrailers crew is incredible. Your podcast is my absolute favorite and I will always support you! When you guys got shutdown, I seriously didn't know what to do. You guys have been my go to channel every night before bed and it always cheered me up before the next day. I am so glad you guys are back, and I am glad to be an ally!


You guys really deserve everything and more, never backed a patreon before and this was the easiest decision I ever made. Keep up the great work guys! :D


Big Thumbs Up!


Super Hyped


I loved this. I created a Patreon minutes after the launch video was posted. Even though you have yet to get any of my money, after the first week and a half, I feel I owe so much more. Keep it up.


Oh Brandon, EZA are the best crew. I do hope more people will support you and be able to achieve that 50k goal.


Opinions on Batman v Superman, please!


I think Brandon mentioned somewhere they're not looking to do a website; though I could be wrong. I do miss going to GT's site but I guess now it's a mix between going here and Twitter/Twitch. I think it still would be nice ("must be nice" :P ) to have a central site but I guess that's a lot of expense (time/manpower) that they probably want to avoid. Regarding monetization my guess (and take into account I have no idea what i'm talking about - I'm just answering as I've wondered myself) is that it's hard to find other ways of paying for themselves since the ads on GT obviously weren't making enough money (Defy wouldn't have shut them down if they were making bucket loads of advertising cash right?). I think GT's model for advertising was pretty broken for everything except their own content (who wants to watch the same ad at a 1:1 ratio of ads:content). For their own shows or longer content it wasn't an issue but then it's good for the viewer and not so much the content provider. I said many times over the years I'd happily pay for a subscription to GT over forced ads and now I've gotten my wish (though ashamedly I had used adblock prior simply because I couldn't bear the amount of ads).


I'm going to be honest, if there was no actual cup in Cup of Jones I was going to be real disappointed, but that is an amazing cup/mug sir!


Cheers to you!


By the way, meeting you guys was one of the best things on PSX15 for me last year. You are by far both my favorite gaming outlet and YouTube channel! I'm glad I can be a little part of this now!


It's great that you have your own show now, Brandon! And I can't wait to see all these other shows! And I didn't expect to see a retrospective before E3, so that's great news. Feedback! I think you should use some warmer lighting. You look a bit washed out with that current setup. Maybe the lights are just too close to your face or something, I dunno. Also, I know it's just a first episode and you're feeling it out and thanking patrons and stuff, but you should hang loose a bit! I felt your delivery was too formal, like you're pitching ideas for our approval, or having a meeting with the execs at Defy. Just be more of your charismatic, normal self, like we see on the podcasts and streams! I'm sure you'll grow into the show over the next few weeks, but I thought I'd share my thoughts!




Love you Jones! I am so incredibly hyped to watch everything you guys have coming out.


Loving where this is going!😁


I'm so so happy for you guys, no crew is so important to me like you guys, i hope you all can keep doing what you're doing forever, oh damn my eyes are sweating again... i swear i'm not crying...


That mug!! Gotta catch it! Cheers to you, EasyAllies!


Cheers Brandon


Cup of Jones is a 10/10. And I'm so excited for the shows in the pipeline, probably most excited for Ben's podcast!


I want to know what kind of coffee you are drinking and what you think about it. Try different kinds of coffee!


Best EZA show so far, congrats Jones, you knocked Bosman out of the park from my #1 spot. Thank you so much for the transparency and updates. Would be awesome if you guys could keep like a shared Google Calendar with the EZA release schedule so everyone knows what to expect. I hope you and Kyle can clock in some sleep as well, both of you have huge dark circles under your eyes which are the sign of overworked people. As your patreon, I'd say grab a cup and chill for a bit, we've gotten so much from you in so little time. Extra bonus points for actually putting in the effort to edit this with a A and a B cam and proper titles. The editing style is what kept me hooked in your old days, and I hope you gradually get right back there.


I really think this site (or your content) is going great. I was wondering Brandon, is there a show similar to Trailer Score in the works?


I thought he was quite chill, Jones is pro even when he's chill and I like that on him :3


I know you want this show to focus more on an outlet for you but I think this kind of episode an 'update' on where everything is at would be good maybe last Monday of each month? Re-cap of what has been done last month and where the team is going for the next month. Keeps everyone closely linked with the team. Just a thought.


Nice start, Brandon. That summary of EAZ plans is great, please keep updating us. I'm looking forward to the next episode as well. Cheers.

Christoph Zürcher

Awesome stuff, especially positively surprised about the new reviews!


Good stuff thanks for the update. Ian gonna Ian and that's what we want 2QT BB. Thanks for spearheading this new adventure you are the glue Jones.


Great episode! Nice to see the MUG again!


Thank you Brandon! I really like the show and appreciate the transparency . Take your time guys, you just started a few days ago. You are doing an awesome job and I am happy to support you.


You're the man!


Thanks for the update. Looking forward to everything you all have planned and also your own rants on topics.


For years GT had been my number one site for gaming. I watched pretty much all of your original content (I would have known the cue to "love& respect" BTW) and visited the site every day. So being able to give something back is a pleasure. I have to thank YOU. So thank you very much for keeping me unproductive all these years by offering all those videos when I should have done something more meaningful. I could have been a Shaolin Space Monk by now. Instead I'm here, and it's all good...


Thank you for the update and I'm definitely looking forward to your new show, but there is one thing I'm missing: A Trailer Score like show. I know it's a lot to ask for and bringing people together regularly to talk about trailers may be a bit too difficult right now, but it doesn't need to be regularly in the first place. Just do it if there is a good occasion.


I am glad you are doing this Brandon. Updates on what is happening behind the curtains is great for us allies. I would like this better if you would use less cuts in your video but that is hardly criticism. Keep the good work up! so long, Rudolf.


Thanks for the update, can't wait to see the new review format!


Love you guys!


It's here!!! and I love it :) Thanks Brandon.


Hey Brandon. Will you retain your status as a gaming media like you had a GT? What I mean by that is will you still be viewed as such by the publishers and get invited to preview events? Love to have you back, by the way:)


Thanks, Brandon! This was nicely done. Brief and to the point, what's going on, what's coming up and when. In this format I'll imagine you will be easily able to comment every week what's happening. And like you said, just add a touch more personal opinions in the future to the mix, and all is well. Thanks for the thanks, and keep it up, all of you!


Are you always going to end by drinking from the cup? If so, awesome.


Great first episode, Brandon! I'm proud to be a Patron of Easy Allies!


Thank you Brandon. And all the other allies. Tell Amanda we're sorry we hit the Retrospectives goal. But "We needs it!" Maybe it time... Sophie gets a new brother or sister? *hint hint*


So happy to see you guys doing your thing.


I can't be more excited to have you guys back. I think it's easiest to liken this to something like Netflix. It's me throwing a couple bucks a month to content I know I'm going to want to consume... but it goes way beyond that because I relate and enjoy the personalities so much. Just keep up the awesome and I'll keep my sub!


I like the idea ;) you could improve the lightning because its too high and feels a bit cold. You could also use a heavier mug cause the motion of lifting it doesnt look cinematic ;) just a cup of my opinion.


Great first episode. Keeping us all up to date with what's going on with you makes it feel like we're a real part of the EZA. Really impressed and hyped about all the content you're going to be producing. Keep it up!


Thank you Brandon. I reality appreciate your feedback to us .. the community :) Keep doing a great work and we will be here for you.




Love and respect


"Brandon Jones and the Cup of Awesome"


Really hoping you'd kick off reviews with dark souls 3 getting a perfect score, no worries though. Obv need jones voiceover on the reviews but can we have little 15-min roundtable breakdowns from 3-5 bros on big releases after as well. HYPE


For all those years you guys gave us all sorts of great shows to watch, we should still be thanking you guys :)


Wow. It's almost hard to imagine how robust and amazing this is going to be 6 months from now. Can't wait.


Isn't that a mug instead of a cup? It's an honor to be a patron!


Loved the show Brandon. A quick get up to speed. Also: great that you're aware of the non-US based fans.


Yeah Brandon! Nice show. Just a little tidbid...I know you are going for a minimalistic song intro, but I really think its waaaaay too short, like 5 notes or something. Make it abit longer, try double the time for the intro see how that feels. Its really astupid thing but aquite liked what i heard and found a pity that there was so little of it. Congrats on the show, and the projects. Oh and thank you for streaming at diferent hours, being from Spain really is a chore if I want to see u guys live. Allies assemble!


Amazing! So much to look forward to. Love the setup of this show,Brandon. Looks great.


Thank you Brandon :) but do not forget, we could only make this possible because all of you stuck together and gave us this chance :)


Great show, also WHATS IN THE CUP!?

Andreas Köther

Very nice show. For a future episode it might be fun to learn where your patrons are from. What percentage is from the US, what does Europe bring to the table and are there specific countries you have surprisingly many fans in? Of course that assumes you have access to that data and feel comfortable sharing some superficial info. I think it'd be fun and there's no harm in it.


Classy as Usual Mr Jones :)


Cheers from Spain my dear friend! Just by chance I was raising my coffe cup as you raised your mug! (=D> It's a heart warming feeling to see you happy after the pain, and keeping on doing your thing which I love. And to know that all of you will be no longer constraint by other thing that your imagination (and the pesky budget of course).


Really excited for this show, Love your rants Jones.


That was some real classy stuff Jones! Next episode wear a Hugh Hefner robe and put on a monocle and pipe. Get real fancy :p


Loving it :D

Liam Argent

Really excited about you guy going forward! Hope you get to get your own HQ in the future! I love how humbleness and effort goes into your content. Looking forward to when you start doing previews etc... Would've love to have seen you guys do a video about the Final Fantasy Event btw. Also gotta ask, is Trailer Score coming back?


I can never truly express in words just how much I love the Easy Allies crew. Suffice to say that of all the many things they produce and showcase for our entertainment, it's the severe humanness about each and every one of them that makes them my one-stop shop for all things in gaming news and discussions.




Excellent first episode. This is the exact type of information I've been waiting to see from you guys. Keep up the great work.


Hey Brandon. Your welcome. No prob.


Great first episode, Jones im already a patreon my financial situation doesnt allowed me to do more economically for you guys, but i would like to support you further with the spanish subtitles of your show and the easy allies podcast as my contribution dm @rdbravog thanks


Yes Quantum Beak! Cant wait for that Review. Looking forward to your new Ranking System. Greetings from Germany


You're welcome, and thanks back at ya!~


Looking good and sounding good Brandon


Thanks for the update Mr. Jones, I can't wait for all the new shows!


Every time you talked about a new show coming down the pipeline i moved further and further towards the edge of my seat with excitement. I'm surprised i didn't fall off.


Informative and well put together. Great job! Loving the content.


Great episode ! But I gotta say you seem tired, take a well deserved break chief!


The hype train won't be derailed


I fking love you guys. Not even I had any idea how depressed I was going to feel when GT got shut down. Thank you for coming back. I would've funded you all myself if I have the money.


Great first episode Jones! Im so glad you all decided to do this thing together. Supporting you guys was a no brainier.


Thanks for the update, looking forward to all the new shows


So Happy !


I know what you mean, I was gutted when they shut down. I didn't think twice before I signed up to Patreon for the first time! Some things are just worth saving!


Such an exciting time right now, with so much cool stuff to look forward to!


Just. Yes.


Nice vid Mr. Jones. Hey are you guys going to create a website in the future? It's kinda weird coming to patreon to see what's up. Also, do you think with so many shows you are doing, will it become overwhelming at any point? I think it's cool you guys are doing tons of content and I greatly appreciate the hard work really. But it feels like you're hitting the ground running starting off and might burn out at one point. I rather have a relaxed Easy Allies team than a stressed out coffee junkie zombie one. Good luck!


Best in the biz. Keep on keepin' on you rascals!


My only request for the Easy Allies Review is that you keep it the way we know and love from GT. Formal critical writing, third person mostly, and unemotional. The amount of detail you guys had in your reviews were excellent too. I hope for the 7+ minute format to keep in tact as opposed to short 5 minute or less. Thanks guys!


Great format, sit down with Jones and a cup of Joe. The D-Files!? Who will be the Scully to Damiani's Mulder? Don? Maybe that is what Don was up to in the woods.


So glad to see the cup/mug made the jump to EZA too :)


Thank you Brandon Jones. In the time between the closing of GT and the birth of EZ Allies, I tried unsuccessfully to find an alternate source for my video games media/commentary fix. This Patreon was joyous news. All of you bring a combined level of enthusiasm, dedication, and genuineness, that is rare in this industry. Looking forward to the new shows!


Good stuff. Really looking forward to the d-files and retrospectives!


Love it. Can't wait for another new awesome weekly show. As for reviews I loved your old ones but I'll be excited to see whatever you guys decide to do. Cause I know it will be awesome :) love you guys.


Yes! I love it. Brandon, you're the man! When Cup of Jones was first announced, I was hoping it would have a bit of editorial in it. Thank you for laying out everything for us. It was getting kind of confusing trying to figure out what shows were coming up and when we might see them. Can't wait to see what you'll have for us on the second episode. See you next Monday. Love and respect.


Very nice! I love to hear every week how everything is going with you all and the shows. And I'm looking forward to the rants and opinions of you Jones! Lighting is little harsh though, could be more flattering. And maybe change the scenery a bit? Have something consistent, if that's even possible ofcourse, like the 'old' Huber and Bosman shows?


Thanks for the "thanks"! Can't wait till I can bump up my support for you guys. I've loved everything I've seen thus far. Keep up the good work!


I like the name of the show and the idea of where it's going. If you do talk about Batman V Superman, be sure to talk about the deleted scene on YouTube! Such a critical element of the story, but obviously they knew they couldn't keep it in the movie since most non-DC people would be totally confused.


Where are the push ups?


This was awesome!! Thank you guys for moving forward with amazing bravery.


That is a seriously cool mug, Brandon. Good first episode and glad to see all the shows getting off the ground at a measured pace. Don't rush anything out, we're here for the long haul. Also, my congratulations and condolences on the return of Retro's. Very excited to see what you bring. I have a hunch what it will be with your tease.


Hope you guys get more supporters in the following weeks and months! I have to admit I only began supporting today, while I was following Easy Allies from the start. When GT closed down I could not believe what I was hearing/reading like so many others. I was never active on the forums but I did watch almost every day and followed many shows. So when I found out that many of you were returning I knew I would support it, and here I am. It's only a low contribution but it still helps I hope, and the chances are high that I will increase it later on (is that possible since I only know how Kickstarter works not Patreon?). Also two more questions if anyone can help me here. First I am not that kind of guy who uses a lot of modern technology like smarthphone's or popular media like Facebook, Twitter and whatnot. But I do follow many youtube channels, including this one ofcourse. But will I be able to find everything there or do I still need to learn about Twitter and Twitch and the rest to get all that I need from Easy Allies? Lastly and this is probably a question you have heard a lot, but will Kyle be doing something like "The Final Bossman" again, because that was my most favorite show of all. Good luck to you all!


I hope the patreon numbers keep growing! I think 50,000 is totally possible


Oh that classy cup! Cool to hear details about the upcoming shows, very exciting!


Couldn't be more happy to you guys all back. Wish I could support even more!


Sounds all incredible Jones thank you and it was a fantastic start of your new show. I can't wait to see all the new stuff. I'm proud of each and everyone of you. Keep up the good work love you guys. I will keep supporting you no matter what. I'd rather sell a kidney if that's what it takes lol


Thanks Brandon!


Conan said it best: “If you work really hard, and you're kind, amazing things will happen.”


I think I'm gonna like this show, I remember all the years hearing the voice and thinking... 'I wonder what this guy looks like...'! Happy to say I've been with you from those old days all through the good and bad and to where we are today! The only criticisms I would have of the first episode is... You need to relax Jones, you looked a little nervous haha, and also there were a few too many switches between the wide shot and the close up shot, I think just the wide shot is fine, no need for constantly switching view :) Good Luck Brandon :)


Thanks for the update Brandon! The world needs to know what's in that cup...


Thanks! I also need to get b-roll (game and show footage) in there too but I was running out of time. Next episode will be a little looser and more diverse, visually.


This was great!


You and EZA team/family are the best! With the passion and excitement for video games that everyone has, I couldn't not be a patreon. So thank you. Love and respect


Kyle has his own YouTube channel, KyleBosman. His replacement for the final bosman is called, At home with Bosman. He just posted his first episode. Kyle show is separate from EasyAllies Patreon, it's his own show on the side. So subscribe to Kyle's YouTube channel.


Much needed episode about the house cleaning! I loved it. I hope next episode will be slightly longer? Always enjoy your opinions. Wish you talked about Square's FF15 conference. I'm DYING to hear what everyone on EZ allies thought.


Thanks Brandon!


LOVE this!!!!


No brandon thank you!!! I missed you guys so much and to me it is money well spent to help you guys out. I plan on pledging more as soon as I can because I know every little bit counts!


Love it! But what's in the cup


Really like this format, thanks for the sitrep and teasers. Already looking forward to the next episode and the direction the show might go.


Great, I do get the vibes of children during a Christmas morning. I do hope the Alliance grows strong. There's a lot of negative press at the moment so I just hope you continue with the same passion and not fall into the cynicism that fallen into the recent times. Finally, that ending sort of had a poetry cafe vibe. So I suppose instead of clapping, a fingers snap is more appropiate. Hehehe.


Man... all i can say is that voice!

David Rodríguez Madriñán

I didn't have a chance to listen to you a lot until you were on GT time and I gotta tell ya... this could end up being my favorite new "show". I love the vibe, you are a dreamy boss :)


looking forward to more jones! the man behind the voice


Wait, where were the push-ups?!


Thanks for the Info and transparency, Brandon. This isn't my first time funding a Project on Patreon, and let me say I just wish other Patreon projects were as well organised and transparent as EZA, it's so nice to know when all these shows are coming and when they're coming in advance. I've crowdfunded other projects where goals have been met and the creators don't even acknowledge them, so thank you very much for being so up-front, keep on doing what you do, good luck :)


Thank you for all the hard work and professionalism! You should be proud of your efforts. People would not have wanted to support you if you and your team weren't a trusted source of opinion and entertainment when it comes to the world of video games.




cheers to you too, Jones. so glad to be able to directly support you guys making awesome shows, and so happy to see you all back together enjoying what you do. love that you've got an editorial show of your own, too - looking forward to the rants!


Cheers Jones. Does anyone know if EZA will update and maintain there Facebook page? maybe link it with Twitter/Patreon?


Cheers! Really excited for more Cup of Jones and I hope to see you covering trailers like you did on Trailer Academy and Let's all go to the trailers. It was nice to hear a concrete schedule for everything that's being produced. Love you guys


The cup of Jones looked suspiciously empty! But great show. Thanks Brandon.


That second podcast sounds perfect! I always loved when you guys would talk about anime or movies or music for a bit in a podcast or a ManUps Nights and wished there was more of it. Vikings and Hunter x Hunter are two of the best recommendations I've had in a long time so I'm down for a podcast that's less gaming focused.


Dude, don't you love the XBOX?! Two things here: 1) You guys are all amazing, and I'm so excited to be supporting you; 2) I love the new formats... Did you see Ian's show!? I feel as though that's going to be a Fear and Loathing every week! F-YES!; BONUS ROUND!!! Policemen, Firemen, Janitors, Game Journalists, they're the real heroes!!!!!


Final thing... I just got cup of Jones... It's like Cup of Joe!!! Lol!!! But it can also work as cup of Jones, like Indiana, which by proxy is the cup of Christ vis-a-vis The Last Crusade... B. Jones drinks from a wooden cup... Coincidence? I think not! He chose wisely!!! PS-I love the spiced rum!


Cheers Brandon! Looking forward to enjoying more Cup of Jones!


Jonesy!! We love you guys.


Best thing I dropped my money on in years. I love you guys and my life was empty when it was taken from me. Glad to have you back.

Oliver Johnson

Glad to be able to contribute! For some constructive criticism I recommend adjusting your light for the next episode, it cast a weird shadow on your lower lip and would probably look all around a little more flattering having your key placed a little lower.


Have to admit, I think you started tearing up a little at the end there Brandon, and I did too. Love you guys


Brandon- man, I can't describe how good it is to have you back on the air. It's exciting to see that you are maintaining your passion but being challenged and growing at the same time. You're gratitude is heartfelt and it makes me love you guys even more. Allies Assemble!


Great job Jones!


Love ya Jones! Keep up the great work man


Fantastic 1st episode!


Return of the mug of legend!!! Haha. Great show Jones, and thank you, and the team, for doing what you do!


That mug is legendary!!! Happy to see that you are going to have a show in vein of Sessler's Soapbox, which will hopefully give birth to some great and hopefully controversial (go for the jugular Jones!!) opinions. I am extremely grateful for the amount of entertainment you guys provided throughout the years at GT, all free of charge. I am more than happy to keep supporting y'all for many great years to come. When you have allies this great, it makes it extremely easy to help in any way we can.


Great stuff! Easy Allies is lifting my spirits at an otherwise pretty crappy time. I'm excited to see where you guys take this and wish you all the best.


No. Thank you Brandon, for bringing the jolly good times back!


camera. Needs. To be a liiiiiiiittle bit higher.


Great to have you back. I'm not really a fan of the sales pitch/PR feeling. I know this was the first episode and all, and about informing us of the shows and schedules of EZA. I hope you change the tone in the future as i'm much more of a fan of the way you talk about things on things like the Easy allies podcast.


"You animals."


Thanks for keeping at it Brandon. I appreciate the dedication. Much love homie


Didn't like the many switches between close up and medium, liked the general idea though!


Thanks for the great work, Brandon and EZA. All the best.


Love, love, love this show. You are the much needed comedic straight man to the rest of your crazy cast of wackos. You should have been doing this years ago.


really glad you have your own show, but hey man feel free to make it longer - would like to hear more of your thoughts


Agree, it became rather jarring. Also think the radio voice needs to be toned down a little, it's weird when we can see you doing it. So glad Jones has his own show though, like the stripped back setup and can't wait to have a proper episode next week. Good luck with it man!


Great first episode! I love to hear all of the new things coming and I can't wait!


Thank YOU EZA for everything YOU do. I wouldn't mind a longer podcast. I'm not sure how long the new podcast will be. I love the EZA group discussions.


No, thank you Jones and all the allies. When I read the news of GT closing it felt like a punch in the gut, it's so weird to have such a reaction to a bunch of people you don't truly know and will never meet but it did feel like I'd lost a close friend. Your content always cheers me up and keeps me informed, I'm proud to be able to directly contribute to you guys continuing this great work.


I can only echo what others have already said: Thank all of you at EZA for your time and enthusiasm now, in the future and at GT! I had such a huge, dopey smile on my face watching this episode because it's like having a bunch of old friends back, and they're excited to see all of us too.


Cheers Brandon! Cant wait for the next Cup of Jones!


No, thank you, Jones!


A bit late but..... Thanks Jones!


got my GT Time sorted, now just need my GT Live replacement. oh... and glad your all back.


Sounds great, Jones. Looking forward to the next one. Always liked hearing your opinions and rants on the podcast.


I can't express how happy I am that you are all back and working again. I dont earn much money here in the UK. The $5 a month I pay to have (what I feel) are my friends back, is well worth the money. Good luck to you all, and welcome back.


so clad to see you all back.


Aw Jones, I'm getting misty here. I missed this family.


Great Shows, Happy that you all are back. I'm listening/watching podcasts a lot on my way to work (several hours each day). That's why I'm looking for a convinient and data-friendly way to consume your content. The easiest way (at least for me) would be downloading the content at home/work via a podcatcher (ie Podcast Addict (Android))? I have some questions: 1) How many of your new shows will be also available as audio podcasts? 2) When will it be possible to subscribe to the premium podcasts via a podcatcher? Its possible via a user name and a password (ie <a href="http://radio.foxnews.com/account/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://radio.foxnews.com/account/)</a> 3) Will it be possible to subscribe to the video podcast? Youtube is fine, when you have a stable connection...but i would rather preload the videos at home. I know...offering videos NOT on youtube could be a traffic problem. Thanks for your answers


Brandon, the lighting looks terrible. Try again.


You're a class act jones


You guys are great people and incredibly entertaining and informative. Keep up the good work!


I just signed up to be a patron, and it was long overdue, so I wasn't aware this show existed until now. When I heard the news about GT it affected me more than I expected it would. I guess I took for granted what you all did for my standard office 9-5 work week. Cheers to you Brandon Jones and the whole crew for keeping the scene alive.