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Hi everyone! Dungeon Master Ben here. Today we posted the first episode of Tabletop Escapades, a new show that focuses on a 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. It's a spiritual successor to Tabletop Adventures, so if you're familiar with that show you'll know what to expect. However, Tabletop Escapades is set in an entirely new world with new characters. One of my biggest goals with the show is to keep things consistent, which is something I struggled to do with Tabletop Adventures.

I spent a lot of time building the world we're using in the campaign and had a blast doing so. Because of that, I'd like to share more of the world with you outside of the show itself. Every Thursday at 12:00 p.m. PST I'll make a post on Patreon called "Ben's Lore Corner." In the post, I'll dive into greater detail about one particular aspect of the world. Tomorrow's entry is going to be about dwarves and how they function very differently than what you might expect. I sincerely hope you enjoy the show and Ben's Lore Corner. Please feel free to reach out to me with any feedback you might have. Let the escapades begin!



Tabletop Escapades Episode 1

Join Ben Moore, Kyle Bosman, Ian Hinck, Michael Huber, and Brad Ellis as they embark upon a brand new Dungeons and Dragons Adventure! Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/EasyAllies



Finally! Off to watch. 😀


Super dope!


Can't wait for that and can't wait to watch this After work!






Thank you Master Ben!


Stoked for the lore talk Ben!


I am so happy! Thanks Ben!


Yes! Love the addition of the Lore Corner.


I'm so hyped for your Posts and the return of Tabletop, lets do this!


Lore Corner HYPE!


Finally!!!!!!! Thank you so much Ben!


My heart soars with the eagle's nest!


This made stop playing FF6


aw snap that intro music tho!


Excited for Lore Corner!


This cool Ben, thank you!


Lore corner sounds great. Keep up the great work EZA

Thore Dørup

I just soiled my undergarments






I am really going to enjoy lore corner


Tabletop is back! Huzzah!


It's good you chose to start over, Ben. I hate to admit that I got lost ib the firt season, and had to give up altogether... PS. that time I said you were being a tight ass haunts me to this day ... Keep up the good work, laddies!


This makes the remainder of my work day even more unbearable. 5 o'clock can't come fast enough.


This is deeeeeeeeep!!! :-) I need to get my own notebook for this! xD


Love this so much. I hope this will be added as a podcast as well? Audio version is my preferred way to consume this.


haven't started watching it, but from only reading the fact that there is going to be a "ben's lore corner" on every thursday makes me incredibly happy


Is it possible to get, like, a cliff notes version of the world and lore? Just as a prepper for Ben's Lore Corner where he can go into super deep depth on everything


Damn Ben, I'm not really into DnD, but your world building ... fantastic. Mother fucking Red dragons get rekt! Emerald Dragons ftw! #yaburnt #seaofflames -edit- "Mother Fucking Red Dragons get rekt!" Should totally be a shirt.


Was that a Dragon Lance reference?!?


Dude dude dude dude it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Woooooooooooo this is better than final fantasy xv


Dis gun be good


Looking forward to watching and reading this. I don't have the ability to play myself, watching this group is nearly as good!


I'm so glad DnD is back! Even with all the exposition this was a great start to the show! I hope that in the future you'll be able to do even longer episodes though so you can really get into it! Also who made the theme tune? I love it.


Can't wait for Lore Corner! More Ben content is always a good thing.


Haven't watched the episode yet but I love the sound of a lore post. Can't wait Ben.


Man this was so good. The best dnd show I've ever seen. Great job guys and an even greater job to Ben. Amazing world building.


Can this audio be put up on the SoundCloud RSS please?


Fantastic first episode guys! Looking forward to next week!


Great episode! The original was one of my most favorite things ever. I cannot wait till next week!


Yes please. I'd love for it to go up on iTunes as well.


Oh, yes. I cannot wait to get lost in this :)


Ben! Great job with the world building! Really dig it! I' m not a D&D person, but Pillars of Eternity has helped me understand the concept and ease me into it. Can't wait to see what happens =)


Nice wprk guys, honestly wan't a fan of tabletop cause i got to it late, but i feel i can tag along this ride now!!


I love the new show Ben. I especially like the legend you created about the dragon war. Also great to see Huber is still as enthusiastic as before.


Kyle got a little lippy with Ian towards the end.


"Yo, I'm a Monk from China."


Love the show Ben! Characters are wonderful and I especially love Bosman's backstory. Please don't be afraid to make these episodes as long as possible! The more content the better:)


Great Job guys, looking forward to the next installment!!!

Eóin Dooley

This looks very promising. Even if we didn't get much the interaction people had with Lars suggested we're going to get some good character dialogue. I'd love if we could get a longer episode though, even a half-hour more would be great.

Andrew Chalmers

Just listening now and up to the introductions. Huber handing out titles (emperor, prince) is hilarious xD


Love how Huber is still doing Hoger like things; almost forgetting that his character is the complete opposite. "I grab it, immediately. But gently! Very gently." Hilarious. Most excited to see Brad in D&D. Interested to see how the dynamic of the group with change with his input. Solid beginning. Can't wait for the journey ahead.


Will this show also be made available in audio/podcast form? Loved the Defy-Media-Predecessor-which-shall-not-be-named, and especially appreciated being able to listen to it on the go.

Adam Mullany

Fantastic episode - the world and characters have been set up brilliantly. Couldn't be happier with my investment 👍


Ian, he was several weeks sober! How could you!


First time watching you guys do D&D. I missed the train on TTA, this time I'm along for the ride.


This was Awesome Ben! Amazing work with the story. Can't wait for episode 2!


Kyle's favorite episode; it's got context. Awesome stuff guys, really hyped for the adventure!!!


extremely looking forward to the next episodes! wish they could be longer.


Ben, you should totally set up that wiki to help the fans collecting all the stuff disclosed so far regarding the world, background story, chracters etc. It would make following and digesting everything so much easier. I am pretty sure a lot of patrons/allies would be happy to register for the wiki and help to keep track of the whole adventure by basically penning down everything that happened or was said, maybe adding some of their fan art to illustrate stuff etc. You'd just have to "curate" our contributions a little and make sure everything fits. Maybe you could post your "preface" to the adventure (I mean the stuff you read out at the beginning) to get it all started ... and maybe make sure Huber's account is firmly locked to "read only" rights, so him coming up with new stuff that completely twists everything upside down kind of remains limited to the show itself ... xD


I can feel it, the start of something great.


I'm very happy you're trying to take this more seriously. I stopped watching TA because the players started breaking the game. And while it can be fun, I would really like to see everyone take the role play part a bit more seriously. I'm sure you're just working things out but when you know you're going to have a more talky ep I'd love to see Brandon or Bloodworth come in to role play a one off NPC.


Oh man. This series is going to be so good!


Thanks Ben, loved the first episode. May I suggest a late name-change to "Tabletop Mis-Adventures"


Great first episode! I am getting GoT vibes from Ben's setting but that is good with me. I think it would be helpful if we could get something showing the bio of each party member so we can know them better.


Loved the first episode Ben! Great setup!


This is a really cool idea




So excited this is back! First episode was beautiful, only wish it was a tad longer instead of that cliffhanger. Watched some Critical Role in the interim when you guys weren't around, and I think the way they end their games more organically after the current encounter is resolved works well, so if that would work with everyone's scheduling maybe it's something to consider rather than having a strict one hour show every week. Regardless, can't wait for next week's show and tomorrow for Ben's Cylinder of Lore.


My dick is getting hard just looking at this post


I have waited so long for this


Aaaaw I was expecting Table Top Sexcapades!!!!


I loved everything about this episode. This quest is going to be the thing of legends.


I am digging the overworld Ben, every character you guys created has its own unique life that represent your personality well. This should be made into an anime with high production value except with the scenes featuring Kyles character. Also in the scene where Law describes his past, the flash back should show the silhouette of China lol man you guys gave me too much to laugh about. Awesome show can't wait for the next episode!


Good stuff


I've really missed this show. This beats TV.


Is there going to be a Podcast version of this, like there was for TTA?


I know nothing about pen and paper RPGs, and I felt a little awkward the first time they role played, but after a bit I kinda got into it. No idea really how the game works but I'm intrigued in the story and how the game unfolds. Surprisingly entertaining to watch even for not knowing anything about what's happening.


this is exactly why i pay for your content. love oozes from this show. thank you Ben!


Great world setup Ben, you really poured your soul into this and it shows. I REALLY missed having a map (doesn't need to be fancy, any old hand drawn map will do) to visualize where the cities and continents and kingdoms are positioned. The characters are also good, I love how Huber went from "Monk from China" to actually developing a full background, totally hype. Group composition might limit the type of encounters you can face though, there's no one really who can play a "tough tank" role and Ben might have to throw in an NPC just to keep the group going. Also, you're all moderately weak except for Law, so expect people to die. Imagine playing FF IV without Cecil and Kain. Yeah, that weak... I kinda liked Ian's backstory, but I feel Ben didn't allow him to be a half-elf so he made a half-assed elf instead? :) Anyway, great stuff guys, keep it coming, and if you ever get a second camera, would love to see the actual tabletop ;)

Casper Andersen

Lol the "World" is a total ripoff of A Song of Ice and Fire. The two continents are basically Westeros and Essos and "the Flaming Sea" sounds a lot like "The Smoking Sea" from GRRM's books. The prominent role of dragons and Warlocks from a distant land is clearly inspired by A Song of Ice and Fire. Don't get me wrong this all sounds awesome, but Ben should have been a bit more upfront with how much he borrowed from the Game of Thrones universe :)


Stellar job guys, truly enjoyed that. Also, thank you for the long intro, not only is context super important for depth, but treating the audience with proper respect was welcoming. Looking forward to next week!


Magnificent episode! One question though: Are you shooting a few hours of tabletop and upload an hour per week (like some requested when you did tabletop adventures) or are you still shooting and uploading an hour per week (with occasional breaks...) ?


Really like the setup for this campaign. Only real concern is the length of the episode. In D&D some combat instances alone can take close to an hour. Just curious if you had time restraints for the first episode or if we should expect hour long episodes going forward. Oh, and also love the idea of Ben's Lore Corner.


Love all the characters and love the world. So hyped for this series!


I have never watched Tabletop Adventures, but this is fun as hell!


Huber you are a MANIAC.

Eóin Dooley

Personally thought he was mainly inspired by Pillars of Eternity. Think it's presumptuous to say you know the mind of the author =P


This is the shit! I love it so much. Ben you are a mastermind and I loved your solid acting. You just saw the guilt in Ian´s eyes when you acted as Lars. I cannot wait to see more of it! Tabletop adventures and the Podcast alone are worth my 5 bucks! To the rest of the group! DO NOT FUCK THIS UP, think about each others traits before doing combat actions. I am so hyped right now!


So will all episodes be one hour long?


Just got the time to watch this. Holy mother of god, I missed this show so much. It was BY FAR my favorite part of GT. This episode already just had me rolling around on my couch, laughing like a maniac, clutching my side. Man, I LOVE THIS SERIES!


Amazing world building and cast of characters! God Phallus just made me lmao. I was doubting my self until Ian asked Ben if that was the name.


I think Ian was checking me out the whole time.


Love it! "Chinese" monk Law, Therese and her entity, Nakadir the fool (reminds me of Neebs from Doraleous and associates) and ofcourse Yogala the Wizard embark on their epic journey. I am a huge RPG (JRPG) fan so I like to play as many games from this genre as I can and fantasy is just my kind of thing so this is awesome to watch. However this Dungeons and Dragons is only known to me from hearing the name, I don't know any more of it so it might be confusing, it's not something people play in my country, it's not really popular (Belgium by the way) so I hope I will understand more of it in the future. Lastly, can something like this be played online with strangers? Seems cool to me to make up your own story, play with strangers and see what happens.


i lost it at "yo im a monk from China."


Huzzah for more hot D&D action! It's been way too long with out it. I'm just going to smush all of my observations into a single comment, sorry about the length. -The title card kind of reminds me of something to do with Demon's Souls, maybe the loading screen or something. -I'm willing to bet a thesaurus was consulted when picking the new name :) -Really digging all this new lore and worldbuilding. It's a shame the old game couldn't be incorporated, but sometimes you need to make a clean break. -Ben, have you ever heard of a website called Obsidian Portal? It's a site dedicated to managing D&D campaigns. You can set up a wiki, keep track of NPCs, as well as have summaries for each session. I've used it a few times and it's pretty fantastic. -Ian just has to be an elf every time doesn't he? -Law seems much more chill than Hogger. Let's see how long that lasts for. -Good to know Emperor Dread is a super cool dude, never judge a book by it's cover I guess. -Kyle's character kind of reminds me of Rincewind from Discworld. -”Yo, I'm a monk from China.” -It's awesome to have Brad on the crew, no D&D party is complete without a rogue. -Man, Law is swol. -I wonder what everyone's subclasses are going to be. Have you got them picked out already or are you going to decide on the fly? -Lars we hardly knew ye. -Roll20 is a pretty great site for playing D&D online. Very convenient if you're group can't all be in the same place at the same time. -Kyle, I noticed you made some spell cards, did you know there are several smart phone apps that have all of the spell descriptions and even let you make your own custom spell lists? I use one just called 5th Edition Spellbook for my games, it works wonderfully. -I am legitimately shocked that you guys managed to make it through an entire session without Huber yelling “I AM THE LAW!” I'd wager we won't make it through the next one without it though. Fantastic first episode guys! First sessions are usually exposition and character introductions so I'm not too bummed we didn't get to the actual game until right at the end. Way to end it on a cliffhanger.


Ben you're a cool guy and I appreciate the thought you put into things. I'm looking forward to "Ben's Lore Corner" and the new podcast!


Roll20.net, the site that Ben is using to display the characters at the bottom there, can be used to play D&D online. I haven't used it to play with strangers myself, but it totally can be done. I think there's even a looking for group section of the website.


This is my first time watching D&D, and I cannot wait for the next episode. So excited.

Connor Rosine

Ah, this lived up to all of my hopes! For about 17 seconds I was sad that this isn't taking place in the same universe as the old show, but you're 100% right. A world without Mecha-Hogger can have lower stakes and more realism and be great. A+++ Ben and all!


In celebration of the return I did this one: <a href="https://www.artstation.com/artwork/exoQ3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.artstation.com/artwork/exoQ3</a> Love you guys being back!


Great! Love that tabletop is back and really like the name Tabletop Escapades. The new world seems cool too and I like that it is a more grounded and rich setting. Can't wait for more.


When is the next ep up and running


Need my fix of huber humor


Hey guys please help me out


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Hey, much respect, thats amazing, we are thankful for every little support from our projects


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