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Happy anniversary, allies! 5 years later we’re still able to commit to the big stuff we love to do like streams, reactions, and reviews, while experimenting with new shows and events. It’s impossible to overstate how much your support means to this crew. If you’re reading this, and watching/listening to today’s episode, then you’ve made a commitment to EZA that will help ensure we can keep making fun stuff and connecting with our audience. I know we often appear aloof and wacky but we take that level of dedication very seriously, especially when it’s time to make changes to what we offer. I’m excited to bring you all the news and bonus features this week, and I hope you dig EZX ‘21. Let’s celebrate!

00:13:15 - Business Questions
00:49:29 - Editorial: Introducing Mindful Games

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions for each Cup of Jones episode from the original video post. Questions from this audio-only post will not be used in future episodes. The video version is typically posted just before this one, so scroll down our Patreon page to find it.



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