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This week is Turkey Day (the Animal Crossing holiday, of course) so our schedule will be different, but there will still be lots to celebrate. We have our Q&A tomorrow, the 2015 episode of Gen That Was on Wednesday, and possibly the Easy Allies Podcast the day after if everything works out. No huge updates on my home office this week. Improvements are planned but won’t happen for another week or two. I definitely focused more on EZA last week than my new living situation, so hopefully I’m able to take some time this weekend for the very important task of figuring out what action figures I want to put in the background of my webcam shot.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb4w5AyaILw

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - November 23, 2020

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



Hi Brandon (hope I'm posting this in the correct place). I just wanted to raise something to your attention, in case you or the other Allies have missed it. CD Project Red has showcased quite a bit of Transphobia in the run up to and within the snippets we've seen of Cyberpunk 2077, and it's made a lot of people uncomfortable. Here's a thread from ResetEra detailing most of the controversy: https://www.resetera.com/threads/cdpr-is-a-transphobic-company-its-time-we-stop-making-excuses-for-them.307474/ I was disappointed that, across all of the previews I've read for Cyberpunk across multiple outlets, I haven't seen anyone bring up this issue yet. I would encourage whoever is reviewing the game for EZA to at least check out the first post in the linked thread and keep that context in mind when reviewing the game. I hope to see some discussion of this in the review or other post release content so I can get a better idea of how the representation feels within the context of the game. For me, it's a very important piece of the game that could determine whether I purchase the game or not. I don't need this read or answered on Cup of Jones unless you think you have something you'd like to share with the wider audience, I just want to make sure the concerns get passed along. Thanks!

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! With the year winding down and few Cups left before EZA goes on Winter Break, I wanted to choose now or re-ask what I’ve taken up asking on an annual basis: In your view, how would you grade, evaluate, etc. Easy Allies for the year 2020? With pivoting because of COVID, handling the departure of Mr. Bosman, the launch of a new generation of consoles and everything in between, what do you feel EZA did the best at, improved upon from last year, and needs to address that didn’t quite hit to the Allies’ satisfaction? Thank you for reading as you always do and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: As I have now decided to ask on an annual basis, I wanted to take the opportunity now with only a couple 2020 Cups remaining: How do evaluate Easy Allies across 2020 from what you feel you all did the best at, improved upon from last year, and shortcomings that you feel needs to be shored up?


I have been listening back through the more recent Cup of Jones, and to a casual listener (not a businessman) but it seems like you could use an additional employee. And I do understand that there are additional costs and concerns about taking on new talent. But, to me at least, it feels like taking on the additional duties has put an amount of strain on everyone else. EDIT: Sorry, I should have listened to the whole video first. You brought up my exact concerns. Edit 2 electric boogaloo: I should ask a question. What are some best practices you would recommend for practicing VO?


Hey Brandon, Would it be possible if the panelists for the Easy Allies Q&A can be revealed in advance of that Q&A going ahead? There have been times where the community has fielded questions to specific Allies but those Allies have been absent.


I just wanted to say that I would like to see Spoiler Mode for Assassin's Creed Valhalla with you and Huber sometime in the future.


Hey Jones had a question about exactly how the comments for the community showcase work. Is it just a chance for people in the community to express any feelings or opinions they have on anything they feel like or are there guidelines or restrictions? Always wanted to participate but was unsure on how the whole thing worked. Thanks L&R happy holidays


Sup Jones, so I've followed the podcast for a while now and I am just curious about the changes to the thumbnail over time. Over its duration, it has fluctuated between including a topic to simply the date for certain periods of time (now featuring a topic). This may be more of a Bloodworth question but is there any reason behind this or am I reading too much into a non-situation? L&R Allies


Just experiments to see if it would get better click through rates. The one time we did it several years ago, we were trying to find new looks for many of our thumbnails and changed the podcast thumbs pretty drastically. That led to a lot of people simply missing the podcast because they were used to recognizing a certain look. Kyle wasn't a fan, so he went back to just using the date. Currently, we're trying the idea again, but with a bit more subtlety, just adding a title without changing anything else, but so far it hasn't seemed to have made a significant difference. One thing I kind of do wonder about (that may have been part of Kyle's reasoning) is if people might be more likely to skip a podcast on a slow news week if a topic doesn't jump out at them, regardless of how fun or interesting a specific episode might be once we get into it. So maybe we'll find ourselves just going back to using the date. It's not something I've seen too much feedback on either way. -Bloodworth


Heya Jones, Oh, no. Sorry. That was my fault. I had it written down wrong. But if Easy Allies were Greenwich Village artists celebrating Bohemian life, would they toast German wine, turpentine, or Gertrude Stein? ps - Any chance of a quick plug for Kyle's upcoming charity stream?


Hey Jones! Even though I used Gametrailers exclusively for all my reviews/ top 10s, and then continued to use Easy Allies once I learned about your guys' transition, it was only about a year ago that I actually discovered all the other content you guys do and got involved with the podcast/ streams etc. And I just wanted to say, and I am aware that this is incredibly cliche to say but you guys have really helped me through a tough year. Not a day has gone by in the last year that I wasnt listening to an old Podcast, or throwing a stream VOD up to watch while i sat down to have dinner, or while I was grinding away on a game and needed the background noise. I am sure every single person in chat can attest that 2020 has been tough, but I just wanted to reach out and genuinely thank you for the community you've created. I usually deal with anxiety and depression on under 'normal' circumstances so this year has had me hitting some new lows, but I recently went back and watched the Easy Update with Huber and Ian when they talked about Grief and Depression, and this time it really kind of hit home for me. I truly appreciated Ian's outlook on taking care of yourself and he really helped to lift some of the stigma off of the idea of seeking help for mental health issues, and his outlooks and discussions on Zen Budhism. It was the push i needed to reach out myself and I have a plan now with my doctor to get me back to a state wherein I can better manage some of these issues. One thing I'd ask is that if you think of it next time you talk to him to just tell him thanks from me for being so open to discussing such things online. I usually work when your show is live so I may not be in chat but I will for sure be catching the VOD, as I usually do. Just wanted to say a sincere thank you to you and the Allies as well as chat for truly helping me through tough times this year and keeping me company every day in my apartment. Much Love and Respect from Canada, Garrett Zamora (gbzmr in chat)


Hey there Jones, What are the chances that EZA will do any coverage of Amazon's Luna? When I watched the review for Assassins Creed and saw it was available on it, I actually had to re-Google what it was, despite remembering it was announced afterwards. Blood did a bit of coverage on Stadia, and even though it wasn't the best system to play games on comparatively, I think that it was good practice having the information available through EZA regardless. Are there any plans to test out Luna? I don't know if it's in the same wheelhouse as well, but I remember Ben dipped his toes into Apple Arcade and the Google Play store subscription. It would definitely be interesting to hear his takes on that hardware as well, as having all sorts of coverage on the new generation, both good and bad, can only do good for EZA as far as having readily available information goes. Brian from Happy Gaming