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Thank you for tuning into the Patron Party. Overall I’d say it was a successful event. We didn’t blow the roof off this Patreon, financially, and we had some technical hiccups on our Saturday marathon stream, but I call it mission accomplished. You also might have noticed on social media that we’ve received 2 PlayStation 5s and have begun our preparations for next-gen coverage. There isn’t much else I can share in today’s episode, other than to stay tuned because the rest of this year is going to be nuts.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfzIqju18L4


DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


RADIOACTIVE MAGIC - What's the worst car accident you've been in? JONES - I lost control of a car driving north on the 405 freeway in LA leaving San Diego. It slammed into the center divider facing backwards and skidded down the freeway a bit, sending sparks up in the air. I walked away unharmed, and hours later got on a plane for a scheduled trip to DisneyWorld.

ZAK LEON - With a wonderful new child, how do you plan on introducing him to video games? What precautions, if any, will you take with the selections? Of course, games may include mild violence, spooky atmospheres, sexual themes etc. Thoughts? JONES - I think it would actually be a win (emotionally and financially) if he becomes focused on games as late in life as possible, so while he’s already interested in stuff we’ve been playing, like Animal Crossing, I want to try to introduce him to stuff he asks about, and not pick a designated time that we feel he should be interested in. I’m trying not to have too many goals when it comes to managing the entertainment he consumes, because I don’t want to be naive in thinking what I can and can’t prevent him from watching. It’ll be a learning process for both of us.


Cup of Jones - October 26, 2020

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies


Trevor Lewis

Was last week's episode ever posted on the rss?

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! Before getting into this week’s question, I want to start by apologizing for something you pointed out at the very end of answering my last question up front instead of making it a postscript: By no means did I intend to come off as, for lack of a proper term, “expecting or demanding” for a Hall of Greats instantly after the Patron Party. The impetus for my question was only an observation I had I looked into after watching the Dead Space stream and was curious about the lack of messaging. I’m sorry for not being clear or concise in my wording (as I try to be all the time), and I’ll endeavor to not ask anything pertaining to upcoming/regular content moving forward. I never want to demand, or come off as demanding, ANYTHING at ANYTIME from Easy Allies. Again, I am sorry with sincerest apologies. For this week’s question: I greatly enjoyed the Patron Party with the all the content, and my heartfelt thanks for giving us all the show and tells and the Home office tour. With how much of a success it was, is it possible to know if there is any correlation between when and what you promoted/introduced to when there were new pledges? There was a lot of fun things and I’m curious if there is a video or post that attracted the most people to sign-up, or if it was a nice, even spread of people wanting to get in on the wonder that is being an EZA Patron. Thank you for your time as always. Have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: During the Patron Party, is it possible to know if there was any relationship between the content/videos EZA promoted/introduced to when people became Patrons or was is a nice, even growth throughout the week? I’m curious if there is, what would have been the hook, be it one of the Show & Tells, the Home Office Tour, the eight-hour celebration or something else.


Please do not remove EZADaddy!


Clarification for my Jojo question. Netflix actually combines the first 2 parts of Jojo into season 1. And part 3 which is stardust crusaders is listed under season 2 on Netflix. Although it's technically season 3. Yes very confusing. TLDR is the jojo season 2 on Netflix is the part of Jojo you haven't seen. And what you saw before is under season 1 on netflix. Sorry for the confusion!


I always read Chrome was a major resource hog. Maybe the cause of the stuttering?

Jordan Dunn

love the artoo and yellow submarine decor.


In response of last week's discussion about "review copy provided by PlayStation". What amaze me the most is not that you must do it and IGN doesn't. I'm amaze that you must do it and Geoff Keighley doesn't. With all respect to Geoff, in his current position he is way less "press" than you.


Yeah, I recently brought something similar up with Sony. As a general rule (with some past exceptions) we choose not to take advertising from the games industry, yet we're asked to comply with these advertising guidelines. Meanwhile Game Informer is entirely exempt, yet as soon as I loaded up the page to see their Ghost of Tsushima review, I was greeted with large takeover ads for that game. I absolutely respect Game Informer and don't believe there's anything to worry about with their reviews, but it definitely feels like there's inconsistency in how these guidelines are applied. And it feels like the only discernable difference is that we're newer and not owned by a larger corporation. -Bloodworth


Mr Jones, I am a little late on recent events but I saw there was quite a controversy with Funhaus and Achievement hunter staff members. I recommend anyone wanting the full story pursue it separately, but wanted to ask if EZA has any standards for what interactions with the community are allowed. I am sure that common sense prevails, however, I am also left wondering what kind of company training or conversations take place to reduce liability since your personalities are your business. Since you are all equal part owners, how could you even moderate a member whose behavior gets out of hand? Respectfully, Morgan Mohalla


Been listening to your voice Jones since GT started. Just wanted to say thank you for all the voice overs and content. Fun to see one of the tube of juléskum I sent is being used for equipment. Shout out to Bloodworth, getting codes and writing top-notch reviews. Thank you Damiani, Ben, Brad, Huber, Don and Ian. Please stay safe and be excellent to each other.


Hi Jones, hope you're well, have you ever considered putting the price of a game in the reviews amongst the console information. Perhaps in dollars, euros and pounds. I think going into next gen with increased prices value is going to become a very important metric. L&R


Hey Jones! So you're again doing a group stream on a US presidential election night. Last time, regardless of how any viewer felt about the results, it was still somewhat a bummer of a night because you all were understandably so down. Are you going into Tuesday with any unique considerations, or is it just business as usual and whatever happens happens? Many people tuning in will be anxious, distracted, celebrating, miserable... so I don't envy you.


Hey there Jones, I had a couple of thoughts this week, but didn't want to take up too much time, so feel free to skip around as you see fit. First off, I had an idea about bets for the podcast. After hearing the results of the last bet regarding Amnesia begin debated by patrons, I wondered if maybe it would be a possibility to have patrons submit a post to suggest what the bet should be for the following week along the lines of L&R and Silver Lining. I can understand why you may not want to go this route, because it would potentially give you less control over a specifics, and would leave you up to the roll of the dice of what patrons may or may not submit. But it may be a cool thing to incentivize people to submit and be a part of the community. On a different note, I just wanted to say how much I loved the Patron Party. The new shows specifically are wonderful, with The Gen That Was being my favorite. I think that Mini-Game Champions is an incredible show, but suffers a little bit because of the obvious fact that not everyone can sit in the studio together yet. I don't have constructive criticism for the show at this time to help alleviate that, but wanted to say I still am very excited to see where it goes. Show and Tell and everything else submitted was charming and wonderful and helped me to feel connected to the Allies and where they're working from and what they're all doing. It turned out incredible, and though I'm still catching up on all the streams, it made this month and my birthday a really special time. So cheers to you and all the Allies! Love you all to death and don't know how we'd make it through this tamultuous year without you. Love you lots Jones, stay safe, Brian from Happy Gaming

Joseph La Russa

Hey Jones! Whose idea was it to include a subtitle after the podcast episode number? It's a good idea, and he should receive commendation! I remember when you guys got rid of numbers for a little while in favor of titles, that was bad, but title and number is great!


Hello, Jone! So when are we going to get the new show, Unboxing Blood? It doesn't even have to be game related. I'd be down to watch Blood opening some candy for 45 seconds just to hear his great commentary.


Hi, Jones. My family and I had to deal with some serious health issues in the past weeks - nothing covid related, thankfully, but don't worry, we started getting much better now. I mentioned this because it made me think of the Allies' health and medical support, should they need it. With health constantly on my mind lately, this made me question what type of medical and financial support the Allies and their families have or would have in case the worst happens. I hope these aren't inappropriate or offensive questions, but since you all work very hard and have an unstable sleep schedule, what steps do you all take to stay health? Additionally, given how the Healthcare system in the US works and how closely related it is with work, do all of the Allies have health insurance? How does that work with Easy Allies as a company, is it a company package deal that covers everyone or does each Ally have to pay it on their own? Basically, how does Easy Allies allocate funds for its employees' possible health expenses? L & R


Nevermind! Seems like the group stream changed to Monday. That answers that, please ignore this question.