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Last week we announced the Patron Party, a week-long event created to celebrate your incredibly helpful support throughout 2020. When we met to discuss the rest of the year, it didn’t feel the same as when we had previously discussed the changes we put forth during Phase 4 last year. The conversation was focused less on making drastic structural changes to our production calendar, and more on ways we could give back and incentivize the tiers and rewards we’ve already established. There will be more information posted here on Patreon this month, but I’ll spend some extra time at the start of today’s episode covering why we chose to do the party and how you can expect it to go.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_Jywi7ya50


DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - October 5, 2020

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies


Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! I’m very excited to see what you’ll do for the Patron Party and while we wait to see what EZA has in store, I was curious to know if you would go into detail about the inspiration of the Patron Party. To me its reminiscent of NoClip’s Summer Jam they recently did, releasing a video a day on their channel, be it a documentary, interview, or podcast. As a patron of NoClip, there were also fun additional things also, and I think it went quite well, so seeing EZA doing something similar is pretty cool. In addition, without spoiling anything, will we get a schedule of the new announcement like, “Monday: Patron Bonus announcement, Tuesday: new show unveiled, etc.,” or will each day be a surprise? Regardless, I’m looking forward to the party with more anticipation than a couple of games coming out during and after, so however EZA will parse it out will be exciting! Thanks for taking my question and have a wonderful rest of your day! QUESTION: Without discussing the new things that are a part of the Patron Party, may I ask what initially inspired EZA to hold the event and for how long the Allies have been formulating the idea? It’s reminiscent to NoClip’s recent Summer Jam, and I think the format will work quite well for the Party also.

Shane Krug

The outro running smoothly was too much. It truly is the end of an era!


Hi guys, Loved last week’s podcast. I enjoy listening to your conversation about crunch, pushing dates back and the negative impacts it has on companies. One really important thing you guys are missing out on is the impact on investors and their returns. It’s important for companies to a) attract investors and b) hit their projected sales in that particular year. Listening to the Pachter Factor would be good because he dives into it well, otherwise your debates are missing a huge piece of the argument why companies are forced to choose crunch vs. simply delaying the games release


Hey Jones, I've been wondering about the value of including Corrections at the start of every Podcast. There's undeniable value to keeping the Allies honest and correcting any mistakes made, plus it creates a dialogue with the audience and rewards viewers for commenting on videos. But do you think there's a possibility though that Corrections is a distracting way to start the Podcast ? Nine times out of ten I have no memory of the mistakes you guys are correcting and it can be hard to know what the correction is referring to without the full context. Could this be a deterrent to new audiences who didn't hear the last episode and just want to hear the news discussion. I remember Kyle tried doing corrections at the end of the podcast and it seemed to throw off the shows momentum, would including the corrections as text in the description work instead?


Yo Jones! A quick personal Q that's a bit work related. I'm a huge Ninja Gaiden fan and was happy to see GameTrailers did some behind the scenes stuff with Team Ninja around the time Ninja Gaiden Sigma was being developed. Is there anything memorable about that experience? I know it was quite some time ago but was cool hearing your VO on the collectors edition DVD that came with it. Also, what's your history (if any) with Ninja Gaiden? Wishing you and your family all the best (especially with the upcomming move!) Take care!


Hi Brandon!! Has Greg Miller reached out to you about going on his content yet? On Reddit he said that he was “getting on it” about getting you and maybe some other allies on We Have Cool Friends, so I’m curious if he’s asked you yet. If not it might be worth reaching out because I know they talk about you guys all the time and I know they respect all of you a great deal.


Hey Jones, just wanted to say in my opinion go back to the studio when you're ready, you guys have done well working remotely and have been quite innovative with a few of your shows. The studio will still be there when its safer. L&R.


Rooster Teeth have come up a number of times in relation to panels, merch, ads etc. How much control do Rooster Teeth have over the direction of EZA? Or, the root of my concern; how much are you willing to give them?


Hello Jones, has doing guides/walkthroughs content for your Youtube channel ever came up? I know that kind of content can get a lot of clicks and attention.


Couple of us in Twitch chat were curious what the deal with the Hype Train is. In the past it was disabled for the Easy Allies' channel after several members agreed it was emotionally manipulative and called it things such as the Scam Train, but after being absent for some time it was suddenly reenabled and started appearing during EZA streams again. Even weirder, when this has been pointed out by the community, for example during Brad streams, Brad has seemed to have taken a no comment stance on the matter as though there's a hush order on the topic and the whole matter is trying to be swept under the rug. Well, after having a short discussion in Twitch chat over the matter, Twitch Mod Screaming Argonaut recommended I officially ask what the deal is here. So what's the deal with the Hype Train Jones? Why reenable something you guys previously trash talked and felt uncomfortable with?

A Joker Fan

the hype train was emotionally manipulative wtf? no wonder the chat has become so milquetoast lately


Can we get a disclaimer on every cup of jones episode to say “we have answered every possible question about YouTube algorithms already” Love and respect


Suggestion: close Community Showcase submissions a day earlier so that you have more time to prepare for the show.


Sup Jones! This seems like it could be a popular question so excuse me if you've answered this multiple times. What is your process when beginning a review? Do you note things down during your first playthrough or wait until credits to begin and think critically? Also, do you know if any of the allies have different methods? L&R


The trouble this month is that Patreon was experiencing a lot of instability and downtime around the time the Showcase was going to happen. So a lot of submissions weren't showing up until earlier that morning even though they had left the comments earlier -- and a lot of people couldn't leave comments due to the downtime. -Bloodworth


Blood did great on the podcast but something made me think how y'all handle the following? Blood asked thoughts on the ps5 tear down. Ben hadn't seen it yet but it had me thinking if y'all tell the allies look I'll be asking this, this week please watch it. I definitely would like to hear everyone's point of view. And lastly just as a suggestion it would be great while you are presenting the sponsor brands products they would be a video showing these products. Thanks for reading :)


Heya Jones, I'm on hiatus until you've settled. Just going to wish you a painless move!


Heya Jones, Question 1: In the vein of freeing up more time for the team to do other things, how is the 'reaching out to get guests' going on the podcast (if at all)? Damiani does a great job for Friend Code, as does Ian for Reaction Shots... and if my fuzzy memory is right then Ben may have as well. I know that you're anxiety makes it a bit tough to reach out... is there someone a bit more comfortable with reaching out be able to arrange such things on your behalf? even if it was once a month, that would be a way to free up one more person for another couple of hours. I've discovered others because they were on your podcasts (maximillian, minnmax)... if you can free up someone for a week, perhaps they could end up on other podcasts to expose the Easy Ally brand to others? I don't know what the protocol is for 'offering' to be on other people's shows. Question 2: Obviously the 9th Ally or a 10th Ally when we reach a certain financial tier has been discussed at length and discarded. I've mentioned the idea of an intern with similar (rightly) results. I'm wondering if the Allies could, either when in better financial times or when slammed with work or when an ally takes a break for personal/family reasons, outsource any work to the gig economy? I'm sure that there are those out there who could do so with skill. If you develop a rolodex of people who will do gig work that understand their pay is dependent upon work availability, unlike a 10th ally or an intern. Love you guys, appreciate all you do SO much. L&R, Corrigall.


Just heard someone ask my being on other channels question, so go ahead and skip it.