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There is no month I love more than October. There is no ally that shares this passion with me as deeply as Michael Huber. So it brings me great joy that Huber will be joining me for the next Showcase next Monday, October 5th, at 12:00 PM PT. Don't feel the need to post or discuss anything spooky, or specifically directed at the two of us. Feel free to express yourself however you wish, following the guidelines below, of course. It's just fun to be able to let loose and get in touch with your inner ghost or goblin, even after this year has been its own unique nightmare. Thank you for all of your submissions!

- Brandon


No submissions will be accepted past October 5th at 12:00 AM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long comment is a bit disrespectful of people who just leave comments. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Hey there Brandon and Huber, Over the course of the last month, I have been continuing my work on making reviews. It's been a very time consuming process; I still need to get some sound dampening foam to put on my wall because my office area is basically in the kitchen and is pretty echo-y, but other than that, beyond some issues with exporting formats from OBS and making video proxies, I've managed to finish one more review and have another one with all the parts ready for editing. Having a few reviews under my belt that I’m happy with really has helped me understand the importance of subtle things like capturing music in separate files and things like that. I wanted to share my newest review with you both, and everyone watching, and as always would love some honest constructive criticism! Keep in mind that certain VO parts may sound garbled because of some of the post de-reverb processing I did though. With all that in mind, sorry for the lengthy text post, I really want to be respectful of the full text-posters. Here is my review of Neversong. Hope you enjoy, love you all, and would love any feedback you would like to offer. Brandon, if you wouldn't mind, please cut the video off at 3 minutes. Brian from Happy Gaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q9EalX1mjQ


Game Dev Update: https://youtu.be/nUy13rchNZE

Megan Linart

Howdy gentleman! So I was planning on doing a Goofy Movie review but due to time constraints on my end It kinda got away from me so instead I thought I’d just continue from last month and throw in some photos of Spike, my pet snake! Over the last 5 months I’ve had him he’s gotten quite big. The first photo will be when I first got him and end on how he is now, just took the last photo today, just to show you how much he’s grown! Next month I’ll go all out with goofy don’t worry. Have a great rest of your day Jones, Huber, and Chat! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-sqhL0HXjX/?igshid=kvi2l6v1lfk3 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2ezRMnx67/?igshid=wnkakv2u6f5d https://www.instagram.com/p/B_vBX6THDFR/?igshid=35d74y5qx50b https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4VwS3n0c7/?igshid=10q7bxxyt9rb0 https://www.instagram.com/p/CE4V0sWHAQu/?igshid=118291m39qq8s https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7pykVH-BH/?igshid=i66vd0qgtgcy


Here’s a little something I threw together in the last couple hours before the cutoff. It’s a little long, and I’ll understand if you cut it short. Happy Halloween. L&R https://youtu.be/CS5Y61J90LU


Hey Huber and Brandon! In my mind, there are only a handful of video game tracks that remain as haunting and as atmospheric as the Tristram Village theme from the original Diablo. To keep it short, I've made this rendition just a little less subtle. As always, thanks for the listen and I hope you all have a fantastic October! Adam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdDMHpGLFWw


Talking about that Bugsnax


Hello Jones and Huber, For my Community showcase post I would like to have Brandon interview the guest (talk show style) with an assortment of broad ranging questions related to life and video games. There is a list of 10, please pick 5 that you like and feel free to skip and replace any unsavory or outlandish questions with a different question from the list. L&R Morgan Mohalla 1- Besides Games, movies, anime, and bonds, what do you get hyped about? 2- Are you aware of a 2015 game called “Blues and Bullets”? If so what is your impression, if not could I convince you to please please please watch the trailer at some point? 3- Kill your babies console edition! Sony, Microsoft, PC, Nintendo. Who is left at the very end? 4- You had mentioned your background in journalism, what was your favorite project as a journalist? 5- Freaky Friday the 13th- If you had to live in the body of one of your favorite movie monsters for a week who would you chose and why....Big Twist! While you were them, they were you! 6- What is the healthiest thing you do for yourself and the most unhealthy thing you would recommend to a friend? 7- What is one way you want to be more like Brandon, and what is one way you want him to be more like yourself? 8- What is your current greatest accomplishment, and what accomplishment do you want to replace it with? 9- You are stranded in the cold and find an abandoned, but furnished cabin with a single match left in a matchbox. There is a candle, a lantern, and a fireplace. What do you light first? (The match) 10- If you ever find yourself expatriated (kicked out of America for good) Where would you go and what would you do?


Greetings Brandon and Huber, I first want to extend my gratitude towards Huber as well as condolences. Losing loved ones truly hurts and threatens to diminish enthusiasm for life. I don't want to make this showcase grim but in September last year I lost my brindle Scottish terrier to liver failure. One day we discovered a lump that grew quickly and the next day she was put to sleep. I screamed in grief, I tried going for a walk to try and offset the grief but spent the whole walk broken down and crying uncontrollably out in public to the degree that a man stopped his car and asked me what was wrong. Some of us may not feel emotionally connected to pets which is their disposition, but every time an animal I love dies it feels like a part of me has died too. But what gets us through is companionship to those around us-our friends, family-and even people on the internet can be sources of healing. Basically what I'm saying is we're all here for the Allies when you're down. We may just be a fanbase but many of us really do care about you lot-you're an amazing bunch of people and I don't need to have met you to know that. I understand that Huber loves Life is Strange, but I personally feel that the humour of the characters is too cheesy at times and this doesn't seem to have been improved in Tell Me Why and the latter is made worse (for me personally) because the characters speak like cocksure young university students rather than human beings with concerns. I know the humour welcomingly offsets the deeper moments but it feels samey. I can at least say that the emotional moments weigh heavier in Dontnod games than the often laughable moments in David Cage-directed and Quantic Dream-developed games-I find myself chuckling when I should be contending with deep feelings of sympathy and empathy. I have to say that I found Mafia 3 to be a pretty decent time and I wasn't dismayed by the glitches-got to say it's rather underrated. I'm aware Huber gave it a 2 and a half stars but in my estimation it's swimming in a 7. Mafia: Definitive Edition has proven to be a really good time and I really wish more games would adopt the condensed chapter-based structure because I think videogame stories are better told in this format than an open-world where distractions are plentiful. What games would Huber consider that swim in 6s? In the spirit of Halloween-can't go without Attitude Era Gangrel's entrance theme or the Right To Censor theme to keep Trick or Treaters at bay. Lastly I recommend Huber and other Allies try out Going Under: Internships Are Heck-a roguelike that gives players accessibility options that they can enjoy the experience-the sense of humour it has is also refreshing. You can whack monsters with computer keyboards and pokers-could be worth checking out. Thanks once again for everything you do.


(Preamble: I missed out on submitting a post last month and got the ok-sign from Jones to make two posts. Don't read this part out loud, I just wanted it stated upfront) Hello Jones and Huber! Today I want to talk about one game that I played over the last weekend and finished for the first time just a couple of hours before I wrote this message, Spiritfarer. I'm going to use some language that will sound hyperbolic, so I want to start by saying that this game has some issues. I played it on the Switch and experienced a ton of bugs, including four crashes, across my 30-ish hours of play. I also think the game has some pacing problems towards the end, with there still being a good 20% of the game left by the time pretty much every major storyline was wrapping up and you're given access to the ending. That said, Spiritfarer is one of the most beautiful, thought-provoking and transformative games I've played in my entire life. It skyrocketed into my list of favourite games and I am strongly considering it giving it the number one spot. At the core of Spiritfarer lies an inherent conflict: It's a management game about building and expanding not just your ship, but also your community as you travel the seas of the spirit world gathering resources and picking up passengers, but you do it all for the sake of letting your new friends move on, at which point they are gone forever. These aren't just nameless nobodies you're ferrying to the other side, either. These are unique individuals with their own stories, internal lives and tastes, and they are only heightened by their fantastic character designs, like Bruce and Mickey, two ex-gangster brothers taking the shape of a hummingbird and an ox respectively, or Summer, a nice hippie lady whose soul takes the form a giant snake in an overcoat who loops her body through the sleeves to use it as arms while performing various tasks. Getting to know these characters is a joy, which makes it all the more painful when the time comes to say goodbye. A lesser game would crumble under its own weight with a subject matter like this, but the quiet dignity and emotional intelligence with which Spiritfarer is written makes it truly special. I cried EVERY TIME I took someone on their final journey and running around my boat doing tasks I could feel their absence aching in my chest. The first time I went on land to shop for supplies, only to reach the shop and realize that the two friends who'd always follow me to buy supplies on their own weren't there, my heart sank to the floor. It is a testament to the skill of the team at Thunder Lotus, then, that the game is as warm and feel-good as it is, despite all the times it broke my heart. Despite being a game about death, Spiritfarer is just as much a game about life, and it's easily my favourite game of 2020 and maybe of all time? I need to let it simmer more before I make that decision. To quote the theologian and philosopher Alan Watts, "Just as manure fertilizes the plants and so on, so the contemplation of death, and the acceptance of death, is very highly generative of creative life." Love and Respect, Small Leviathan


(second post here) For my second post, I wanna show off a video I made last week, a project I've been working on in some form or another since the start of the year: My top 25 games of the last decade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QRiOxQ43dY A shoutout to my friends King and Jellyelite, who drew and animated the opening graphic respectively, and to the artist Creo, for providing the song used, Place on Fire. (also, Jones, if you wanna cut down on the video's runtime you can jump 35 seconds in to skip the opening disclaimer)


Hello Brandon and Huber. Recently Easy Allies forum community voted for the best games of the decade. I’ve also voted and here’s my top 20: 20. The Last of Us. Should be #7. Recently played it with broken controller and thought it’s game’s fault. Great story and characters, but the game feels old. 19. The Witness. A rare puzzle game in which you need to learn a new language. And it’s done excellently. 18. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Amazing visuals and cloth simulation. Quickly forgot story & characters, but liked them while playing. 17. Borderlands 3. Excellent shooter, funny jokes, unexpectedly emotional connection to several characters. 16. Dragon Age: Inquisition. Great world, cast, choices and music. But requires side-quest grinding. 15. Metro Exodus. Exploring home environment felt awesome and ray-tracing made darkness truly scaring. 14. Forza Horizon 4. Best racing game. And it has Battle Royale. 13. Persona 5. Great storytelling, music, art design, menus and some characters. Also society problems it talks about felt surprisingly familiar. 12. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. At first I didn’t like hearing voices and tried to shut them. Then I’ve embraced them and it made me more powerful. Amazing transition. 11. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. The story kept surprising me even after I finished the game and was just thinking about it. 10. Horizon Zero Dawn. Emotional story, engaging combat, amazing visuals. Quests and activities could be better. 9. Detroit: Become Human. So many emotions during first playthrough. Stunning visuals, numerous story branches. 8. Mass Effect 3. Original ending is one of the most powerful video-game finales I’ve ever experienced. 7. Red Dead Redemption 2. Technical masterpiece! Great environment, nice songs. But everything else weren’t memorable. 6. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Memorable story, characters and gameplay, amazing exploration and quests. But animation isn’t good enough for 2020. 5. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. I’ve started the game with intent to quit after 5 minutes, but finished it and immediately started second playthrough. Mysteries and payoffs are amazing and I’m still referencing some philosophical ideas from it. 4. Outer Wilds. Art design, game design, physics, music, polish are all top tier. And the core idea is unique and excellent. This is how indie games should be done. If only it had VO… 3. Control. Ray-tracing, destructibility, projections, loading – it’s a technological trailblazer for the industry. And it’s a very fun game with great lead character. 2. Divinity: Original Sin II. Have an idea? Yes, the game allows that. But despite being a creative sandbox, this game has many powerful story and character moments. Never played anything like it. 1. Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I’ve enjoyed every moment of my 158-hour journey and stopped only because I ran out of content. Last month I’ve started my second 100% playthrough. Finished yesterday and it’s still great. I’ve played better and more impactful games, but all of them lose their charm after so many hours. Assassin's Creed Odyssey doesn’t. For me it’s timeless. That’s why it’s my #1.


Hey, Jones & Huber! This is my first time joining in on the Community Showcase. Here's something I drew after falling down a YouTube hole about the creation of Primal Rage. I thought it would be appropriate for the monstrous month of October. Thanks for the quality content and good vibes. - fish https://i.imgur.com/CzA7835.png


Happy October Huber and Jones! Hope you are doing well. Drawtober is in full swing and even though I’ve already posted a couple of prompts already on Twitter, you’ll just have to see why I’ve made next month when I put them all together in a video. Until then, I thought I’d do something a little fun. As a bit of promotion for my webcomic and it being October, I thought I’d dress up my main cast in fun Halloween costumes. Sophie as Wonder Woman: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FM4Qpw68XUtl01aCMLlr0EF9wit2P3ib/view?usp=sharing Andrea as a witch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CVNFgKseP7Cf10RVuU_rML5sP2c_lGX5/view?usp=sharing Rick as a mad scientist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1egQZ4wGAa_9IOGoi9Q0HyIkmxcr7S5ft/view?usp=sharing Mark as a vampire: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13qeqOGwGR7pyi0p9uFOLEN93s-S8_k6Q/view?usp=sharing Todd as an astronaut: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o1K_lnxrG1-LsiwS2B-hDPwSuYukNyU7/view?usp=sharing Also, as a bonus, here’s a little preview for what I have in store: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VP8_iXDhibZkqAchdlD6FtwFAyyUg3dG/view?usp=sharing Side note: Thank you so much for coming up with the Patron Party. It’s happening on the same week as my birthday and after the year that I’ve been having where I’ve been struggling with anxiety from the crisis, my dad getting hospitalized (he’s doing a lot better now, by the way) and feeling like my artwork is not up to snub compared to what other people are doing, the Party is the very thing I need to remember how amazing this community is, that it has gotten me out of a dark hole before and it will most certainly do it again. Thank you so much Easy Allies and chat. Hope everyone is staying safe out there, wear a mask, and wash your hands! Black lives matter! And please, if you’re an American and haven’t already, register to vote. It’s not too late. Register at nerdsvote.com and let your voice be heard. Much love and respect, Sara Imshaug SaraKnite


Hello! I’ve been having trouble enjoying things recently, but one thing that has stuck with me in professional wrestling. I started watching WWE about 2002/2003. It was an entertaining soap opera of aggression that appealed to me. Like most things, it had its ups and downs. And as time went on, WWE was seeming to have more downs than ups. Plus the crappiness of the company was always nagging in my mind. At some point I started hearing about stuff outside of WWE, but I never really bothered to care about WWEs smothering amount of content, since at a point they started a third show, NXT. But mid 2018 WWE just was not cutting it. I had heard in a different company there was a match that happened that might be considered one of the greatest of all time. So I decided to watch it. That match was in New Japan Pro Wrestling, Kazuchika Okada vs. Kenny Omega. A match that lasted almost an hour. It was slow building at the start, and explosive at the end. What they call “the fighting spirit” really shined through, and it got me hooked. So mid 2018, I signed up for their streaming service New Japan World, watched their shows starting in January of that year, and caught myself up. It is my favorite company, with my favorite wrestler, Okada. A few of the English wrestlers in the company at a web series called Being the Elite on youtube. It was and is very popular, and you can even say their popularity outgrew their company. In September of 2018, they put on a wrestling show in America, and it was the first non-WWE show to sell 10,000 tickets in a very long time. At some point, those English wrestlers talked with a very wealthy wrestling fan, like an NFL team owner wealthy. And in 2019, those English wrestlers with a web series left New Japan and joined forces with their wealthy friend to start a new American based company called All Elite Wrestling. All Elite Wrestling is good, and is MUCH better than WWE. I watch it and enjoy it every week. Between AEW and NJPW, wrestling outside of WWE is just lovely. So I decided to start watching Impact wrestling. With its current management, it is a fun little show that is easy to enjoy. During lockdown, I even started watching NWA power, a free weekly show on youtube. With its small studio and old school vibes, it has its own unique fun. Recently I have finally managed to fully drop WWE Raw. AND IN ITS PLACE!... I picked up watching the all female STARDOM. I figured starting to watch them after their return from lockdown would be perfect. Every person in STARDOM is so endearing and earnest and it is very hard not to just love them all. WWE may be an untouchable monolith, but the other options out there are truly fulfilling and enjoying to no end!


Spooky salutations Jones and Huber! Much like both of you October is my favourite time of year, for I too am a fan of all things macabre. Jones, last month you mentioned my Suikoden entry was Castlevaniaesque, and you were right. Super Castlevania IV may even have been my entry to the morose and macabre. I remember running around the house as a kid with a scarf as my whip, trying to be Simon Belmont. So I'm here to pay tribute to the series, in this very appropriate time to do so. Happy Halloween! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHwkvtEFJHo P.S Just wanted to quickly thank Huber for his constant enthusiasm about our favourite hobby, and for turning me on to Dragon Quest XI and Shenmue, both of which I never would have played, and now love. And Respect. Ciaran.

Brandon K Gann

I haven’t gamed much this month as the only new thing I did play was the final story DLC for Borderlands 3 called Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck. It’s completely serviceable and more Borderlands, though I did appreciate the focus being on the titular character, who was introduced as an add-on player in Borderlands 2, giving more backstory here than anything done in the previous entry. Although, September WAS an awesome time for gaming news, particularly with the PS5 showcase stream. The stream was fine, but the bookends of Final Fantasy XVI and God of War: Ragnarok had me giddy. The fact Ragnarok, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, and Horizon: Forbidden West are tentatively slated for 2021 gives me vibes of Switch’s 2017 and locks in me getting the system next year. (Side note: Pre-ordering is stupid. Not getting it day zero does NOT mean I’ll never get one.) Though I AM bracing for $70 for games being permanent. And on top of ALL that, Xbox bought Zenimax. Bethesda’s studios are now Xbox 1st Party. What a world. Switching gears, I want to spend the rest of my comment on the Forums’ Game of the Decade thread. While I will NOT say the outcomes, so please stayed tuned for Axel’s comment a little later on to find out what games finished where and other tidbits, I will say it’s been a TON of fun going day by day, seeing each game revealed and everyone sharing their connections, likes, dislikes, and observations. There were surprises here, there, and everywhere, as stellar games didn’t make the list entirely, games that finished behind their contemporaries in their respective year wound up placing ahead of them on this list, and seeing such a compilation of phenomenal games all collected together really show how great the years 2010 to 2019 were. I also got a kick out of revisiting the Hall of Fame subforum and seeing my previous comments for most of the games to see if I still held the same opinion or if I had changed in any way. I will say however, since only games that made every respective GOTY list on the forums were eligible, having Dishonored 2 be ineligible because it didn’t get enough votes back in 2016 will forever be a bummer. I say it all the time in the threads themselves but to do so publicly here: a massive thank you to everyone who was a part of it and participated, be it voting, commenting, both, or just hopped in to browse. And an extra hearty thank you to Axel for always organizing them, from the voting process, revealing the countdown, and the fun stats and info wrap-up post at the conclusion of it all. I’m excited for all of us to gather again in a few months to tackle our choices for GOTY 2020, then hopefully getting started on more GOTY lists of the previous decade a little while after! I hope to see you there!


Oct2020 Showcase - Hello Jones, Huber and Chat - Greetings From the Midwest! I hope you are all as well as can be expected and am trying to stay that way myself. This week I am finally taking the vacation time I was supposed to take back in March. I was super stoked to hear about the special plans you have at the end of the month. Looking forward to having the schedule of events as I will have to schedule some late starts that week to make sure I am well rested. This week, I am planning to rest and make some spooky pumpkin stuff in Animal Crossing. I am also hoping to work on a couple more projects this week, one of which is the longer version of the clip I have submitted today. It is from an ebook called 25 Ghost Stories by W. Bob Holland and is called Grand Dames Ghost Story by C.D.This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever, under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License. I have been using www.projectgutenberg.org for these audiobook recordings and they are wonderful. The background music and sound effects are from Epidemic Sound. Recording, voicing, editing and mixing by yours truly. I am sitting on the edge of my seat to hear what you think about this reading, Huber, as I know haunted stuff is your jam! I miss you all and am looking forward to whenever it is we can finally meet. But until then, I’ll keep sending these into the showcase...Enjoy! As always, Much love, utmost respect and Lots of HUGGGGGS!! JessieBlu


hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on! link to finished project... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ca0lV2MpoNZM9qxoLfoI-PEUzRrTZoGD/view?usp=sharing

Spencer from Canada

I'm holding out for a hero til the end of the night


Hello Huber & Jones! September was just as an unusual month as August was. I stayed out of the backlog again and played whatever. You may remember from last year -but probably not- that I wanted to play Resident Evil Zero last October and, I have to say, I enjoyed it a lot! Not just the train part, as you suggested I should Huber, but the whole thing. I recognize that the inventory system is a pain in the ass butt, and the game could benefit immensely by having a couple more spaces to store stuff; but in the end, I cannot deny I had a lot of fun playing it. This could be a case of my ignorance playing on my favor. I jumped from the SNES & gameboy to a DS & Wii, so I’m oblivious to most of the franchise’s history. The first one I played was 4 in the Wii and how can I deny it’s greatness. That was followed by the Chronicles light gun pair and then the remake of the first game, again on the wii. I have never played any form of 2, 3, code veronica or any other of the “good ones”, so Zero being so similar to the remake of the first one felt just like home. That was last year. This September I continued with the Castlevania collection on the PS4 and just noticed, there is no platinum on this game! It has a bunch of trophies that have very low obtained percentage (seriously, there is one for just playing the 8 games in the collection and even that one is under 15%); but still I’d like to get them all. Right now I’m working on Castlevania III on the NES and that one is way more annoying than I remembered it. I also beat both gameboy games and was so pleasantly surprised by the second one. That’s a good game, regardless of the console limitations. It has some very cool ideas that I don’t think have been replicated on other Castlevania games and a killer soundtrack. I would call that one the underdog of the franchise. Moving collections, I finally moved on from the SNES Mega Man X trilogy and started the 4th and to be honest, I’m not enjoying it much. The animated cut scenes are really cool, but the game play feels lacking. It doesn’t feel like a Mega Man X game to me, but I will stomach it and beat it anyway. See if it changes my mind later. I also started the Mega Man NES collection on the Switch, and I could go on talking about it, but the word counter is getting close to 500, so I’ll save that one for next month and end it right here. I hope you have a very spooky -but safe- October, allies. Estamos en contact, César.


Hey Allies, I just started a new job after my game dev sabbatical. Here's a quick look at the result of my time off, a very early prototype I'm calling "Stint Wick". Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqw1cIxUoHA P.S. For the curious, code can be found here: https://github.com/carvermichael/stintwick


Hello Allies, Last month I showed off my dialogue system. This time I am showing the tutorial and some of the combat. I have also started on the spell system, which is somewhat displayed in the video. It works a lot like Transistor where you can combine spells together to change the effects. https://youtu.be/lbUvhWkirek


Greetings Jones and Huber, With everyone loving the last Themis (thee-miss) the Catgirl short story I wrote, I have decided to write one tailor made for each Ally. Huber, I'm sorry. This short story is set about a decade before the events of the first book, centering around a character you enjoyed a lot, Derek von Waffen, which is German for 'of Weapons' as he is a weapon master/crafter. The problem with this is because of part of Derek's backstory: his mom. His mom dies when Derek is in High School, I did this specifically because I have dealt with death a lot throughout my life. So, this story, as well as Derek's backstory is dedicated to those who have lost a love on and continue to carry one. That said, here is a story written with great love and respect... -R.F. Switch *Note for Jones: Please read the following sentence in your Golden Voice* And now, a World Premier Excerpt from "The Deceitful Blade", Written and Performed by R.F. Switch ---- (Links below in replies)


Lets see if I can get Patreon to cooperate............. Hopefully Derek's mom can help me from the other side....


Greetings sir Jones and sir Huber! As announced before, the EZA Forums have voted for their Game of the Decade (2010-2019). The caveat was that the only eligible games were the top 25 games from each of our individual GOTY votes. 50 people voted, 202 games received at least a vote, and here's the result: #50. Rocket League #49. Xenoblade Chronicles #48. Life Is Strange #47. Journey #46. Fire Emblem: Three Houses #45. Cuphead #44. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze #43. Monster Hunter: World #42. Control #41. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice #40. The Witness #39. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds #38. Red Dead Redemption #37. Death Stranding #36. Resident Evil VII: Biohazard #35. Return of the Obra Dinn #34. DOOM #33. Final Fantasy XV #32. Dark Souls III #31. Mario Kart 8 #30. What Remains of Edith Finch #29. Civilization V #28. Portal 2 #27. Fallout: New Vegas #26. INSIDE #25. Outer Wilds #24. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain #23. Super Mario Galaxy 2 #22. Undertale #21. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate #20. Horizon Zero Dawn #19. Batman: Arkham City #18. Red Dead Redemption 2 #17. NieR:Automata #16. Resident Evil 2 #15. Yakuza 0 #14. Shovel Knight #13. Grand Theft Auto V #12. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt #11. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End #10. Mass Effect 2 #9. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim #8. Super Mario Odyssey #7. Marvel's Spider-Man #6. Persona 5 #5. Dark Souls #4. God of War #3. The Last of Us #2. Bloodborne #1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild I didn't include the points for each due to the word limit, but I'll say that the top 12 was way above the rest, clearly the elite of the decade. The winner, Breath of the Wild, received nine #1 votes, almost a fifth of the voters. 2017 was easily the most represented year, with 23 games out of 25 receiving a vote, 9 games in the top 50, 3 in the top 12, and the actual winner! 2012 however was arguably the worst, with only ONE game in the top 50, Journey, in 47th. Nintendo was the best publisher with 9 games in the top 50, followed by Sony with 8. Sony beats Nintendo in the top 12 though, 5 to 2. Ubisoft, Microsoft and Blizzard got 0 game in the top 50! Super Mario Maker and Titanfall 2 barely missed out with the same points as our #50 Rocket League, so they deserve a shout-out! Finally, some notable games that received NO vote: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, DmC: Devil May Cry, The Wolf Among Us, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Street Fighter V, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Days Gone, Astral Chain and The Outer Worlds. We'll be back next year for the GOTY 2020 which should get spicy!


Huber and Jones! I actually missed last months showcase - oops! With college starting back up things have gotten hectic - plus - Im working on a local campaign now! Im so excited to be employed this fall in the field, doing a mish mash of basically every aspect of a campaign. Voter contact, excel sheets, voter registration information, absentee information, and graphic design/social media are now all within my wheelhouse. Though a lot of my free time is no longer free, its a great thing to be a part of. As far as some brief gaming/media comments go. I recently rewatched Black Panther through Far From Home. That may be the strongest stretch of Marvel movies of them all. Captain Marvel is still my favorite of the bunch, and Endgame I liked on the whole a lot more on a rewatch (in theaters I really wasn't sold until like 50% in). In my limited gaming time Im actually replaying Dragon Age: Inquisition. Its one of my favorite games ever but its been 4 years since I played. Im loving it just as much, and think its a game people have been overly harsh on in recent years. It still has perhaps my favorite contemporary RPG dialogue system, with choices outlined more by the emotion or topic that option will come across with or with the knowledge of, rather than be a simple good or bad option. I also managed to snag a PS5 preorder (disc version, always a fan of physical), thanks walmart :) Onward to October, a month I dont love because of my absolute scaredy-cat nature and inability to handle horror of most any kind. My equally frightened roommate and I will continue our tradition of playing a horror game on Halloween Night however (We've done Amnesia 2 years back and SCP last year, any recs for this year?) Lastly to everyone, Im sure you've been told to vote a million times so instead Ill do a slightly different thing. Make sure you check that your registration is all accurate, some states will randomly take people off lists or addresses will change and invalidate you if its not been updated. Vote411 is a great website to check your registration status. L&R, Tyler @tmgm528

Elliette Kee

Hey Allies, love you guys and everything you do. I don't know about you but carving pumpkins is one of my favorite October things to do. I have included all the pictures I could find of carvings I've done in the past (in the linked tweet below) do you have any good suggestions for 2020? Thanks and as always, Love and Respect, Ellie aka hydroshutterbug. Tweet for photos: https://twitter.com/hydroshutterbug/status/1311739107853262849?s=20


Recently on a recent episode of Frame Trap, Ian was talking about having to hide on an island from some aggressive players in Sea of Thieves, and I suddenly imagined how much more intense that scenario would be if the players had to factor in proximity chat and stay quiet and not talk to their teammates so as to not alert the enemy of their position. This thought then lead to a sudden realization that features like enemy proximity chat are probably quite rare nowadays in videogames due to more quality of life and accessibility options being available than ever. For example, in Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, the 2v2 Spies vs. Mercs multiplayer mode, each team had devices that let you temporarily listen in on the other team's voice chat if they tripped the device.  In that game, communication, planning, and hiding, were very crucial to success, all of which could be undermined if the enemy was listening in. You could also briefly say something to an enemy before snapping their neck. To be honest though, in my dozens of hours of playtime, I only ever remembered to listen in on the enemy once, and I was so disappointed to discover that they were just talking about some party, and not the game. Still, the idea is so cool, but with more options than ever for teammates to communicate outside of the in-game voice chat, such a feature could be pointless nowadays.  While I love the increase in options and accessibility in videogames, which are certainly more important than these outlier examples of manipulating the systems that all players are guaranteed to be using, I sometimes wonder what we are potentially ignoring by making multiplayer games more open to other systems like Discord or having closed captions or color-blind options, etc. Again, I'm not lamenting having more accessibility options, especially in single player games. In general, the more personal options the better, and I'll never understand those who believe otherwise. I remember how livid so many people were when it was revealed that an upcoming Call of Duty game would allow players to play the campaign chapters in any order they wanted. How does an option like that hurt anyone? Options are, by definition, optional. Maybe someone already played the first chapter at a friend's house and then got the game themselves and just want to skip directly to chapter 2. Maybe one chapter is too annoying for them. Who knows? All we know is that their choices have no effect on you, so get over it. I hope the Demon's Souls Remake has some form of easy mode, mainly to watch the unironic "git gud" community lose their minds at the thought of a less skilled player having a fun time. If you consider yourself a super serious gamer, and you're afraid you won't be able to resist an optional Easy Mode, maybe you should "git gud" at will power.


Good afternoon, gentlemen, I hope you're both doing well. September is typically a busy month on the island of Poppleton and this year's was no exception. 1. It all began when I visited Zucker at his new home, the old mansion on the hill. He was bragging that he was able to haggle Nook down to a price of just 20,000 bells. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K4RoJxiL4yXJwA15hV7_Iq8qaBAtop7h/view?usp=sharing 2. A few days later, however, a terrified Zucker asked me to return to the house. The words "I am waiting for you" had appeared in icy lettering on his bathroom mirror. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15YoPXvOjzBuqJWb5nzJjQj6q75Czj0N7/view?usp=sharing 3. He decided to call in a psychic for help. She did a lot silly voices and thrashing about until she suddenly stopped and said, "Where the fire and the water meet, there you will find him." https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n1Zw6dGcc2qef1Ld0LOnvsNFwnRkEixN/view?usp=sharing 4. I thought the whole thing a waste of time. But then, the next day, Zucker showed me the recording. https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ulg4oEx23WxXFPpRmrPXDDyyzRssxfz/view?usp=sharing 5. The resemblance of the mysterious figure to our friend Merengue was unmistakable so we showed her the recording. She told us it looked like her great-great grandmother, Pavlova, an unhappy woman forced to marry for money. According to family legend, she sat silently next to the fireplace all day, every day, until she died. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HdqrlFa9ZSeL57JhfUhYvti2gq12GLJk/view?usp=sharing 6. Zucker and I had the same thought when we returned to his home. The fireplace must have something to do with the ghost's riddle. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f_UKV5-B6ZzgXfHZdLSjnlVv_wtMDm7I/view?usp=sharing 7. After some poking around, a secret passage opened, which we followed until we reached a pile of rocks. Beneath them, we found a skeleton clutching a love letter from Pavlova, begging him to rescue her. He had made it just a few feet from the other tunnel entrance, the well outside. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15H6Zc9iuuYjbEzKxxObBOQpCTPmK30uE/view?usp=sharing 8. Merengue arranged for him to be buried next to Pavlova. They could finally be together. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_IUjjvxk91ecAGzXQCgi1tT68kU02W7k/view?usp=sharing 9. And as I walked home from the cemetary, I reflected on how wonderful it was knowing that all of Poppleton's ghosts are finally at rest. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n0RUKI34ER4_F9dfwdBiEsClJPvOyf3A/view?usp=sharing Anyway, that was September. I'm sure October will be much calmer. Until then, Asbo Zappruder / screaming_argonaut


My post got eaten. Gonna try for a repost in a bit. If that doesn't work, I'm gonna email you tonight Jonesy.


Welll hi. I didn't start out intending for this month's submission to be spooky, but It's been very foggy here in the mornings lately and it's kinda put me in a mood. So I've decided to roll with it. Here's a selection of cursed/haunted/spooky locations around Seattle. A very haunted area, Pike Place Market. Being one of the oldest continuously running public markets in the U.S. it's full of history, and not all of it is laid to rest. Kikisoblu, the daughter of Chief Sealth, from which Seattle derived it's name lived in a shack at the spot of the current market. "Princess Angeline" as the settlers grew to call her, refused the 1855 treaty that evicted all the tribes of the Duwamish from the Seattle area and resettled them on a reservation. She died here, in her home, at the age of 85 after having lived in this spot her whole life. Her ghost can frequently be seen near the top of the stairs in the second picture (near the weird man lamp) and around the hallways in the third and fourth pics. https://tinyurl.com/y5arv83k https://tinyurl.com/y496dooo https://tinyurl.com/y2xp4puz https://tinyurl.com/y3ckjwku Nearby Post Alley is also home to several haunted spots, including what many believe to be the most haunted bar in America, Kell's. Located in what was once a mortuary, Home to dozens of different ghosts, there have been many sightings over the years, but the two most common are a little girl with long red hair, who most often is sighted by and interacted with by other children - and Charlie, a dapper older gentleman in a derby hat who most often appears in the mirrors around the bar when live music is playing. https://tinyurl.com/y4sbxwsy https://tinyurl.com/y33chkyg This one, some of you may recognize from TLOU2. The Sorrento Hotel is another of the most haunted places in Seattle. The hotel opened in 1909, and has been known to be haunted by several ghosts, including most prominently the ghost of Alice B. Toklas, credited with the invention of the pot brownie, who lived nearby. Though she apparently died in Paris, and it was unlikely that she ever stayed at the hotel, she has been seen wandering the halls of the hotel, especially around Room 408. She has been seen dressed in a shroud and is said to have caused lights to flicker and drinks to move around in the hotel's lounge. https://tinyurl.com/y2ge4qoz https://tinyurl.com/yyhee2cc Happy Halloween Jones, Huber, and allies!


Hey Jones and Huber, I forgot to submit last month but luckily the games I have to talk about line up with the month we find ourselves in. Last month for our Game Club we played Little Nightmares and whilst I had a lot of issues with the controls and the diorama positioned camera - the discussions I got to have with my friends was amazing. This month we had 3 continents present for our discussions, having people from the UK, US and Aus on our Discord call to discuss and disseminate this strange and spooky game. All of the discussions I have with the club make me appreciate games more but none more so than with Little Nightmares when someone explained one of the secrets found in the DLC - my jaw dropped. This is a grim game let me tell you. And now for The Ocotber game club game. We had a tight race running between Moons of Madness, A Wolf Among Us, Symphony of the Night and Resident Evil (Remake). SOTN took an early lead but with the most votes we have ever received in our Gameclub we are play RE1! I am so excited to talk about this game in a couple of weeks, just took a nap at Lisa's when I last played. Have a great Halloween Allies Love and Respect


Hi Huber and Jones. Finally moved and these last few days have been tiresome. It has taken all my free time and I still have some unpacking to do and other stuff but it's nice to have a place without a bad tap water. Taking a break from energy drinks and results were instant. Been rough at work since my consciousness has been fading at times but I endure it because I need to do to turn my life for the better. Some drawings I did before I moved: Decided to change a style a bit and use less color to make it look lighter in tone. https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1305480587118096392 Reimagined my over two decade old swords for Swordtember which can also be seen from my Twitter page. Paper was too big for a scanner but phone camera are good now anyways. It was fun and I am still lazy to use a ruler which I should've used in these. https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1306580862033690624 My collection. https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1310252460985012226 And my nendroid collection which makes a cool banner. Even MegaMan has had enough. https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1310609853061238784 That is all. Love & Respect TearjuEngi


Hello Mr Huber and Mr Jones, hope you are both well. Couple months ago I shared a DMC 5 video of beating Virgil, since then I’ve been trying to get through the Bloody Palace. I Know Huber likes to talk about high stakes and although the main story doesn’t offer any real stakes, I believe Bloody Palace is all about it. 101 stages of increasing difficult battles, you can’t use any items and once you’re dead it’s back to the start. Most DMC 5 players will probably find this a breeze but I keep messing up with silly errors and nerves keep getting the best of me. At the time of writing I have died at stage 90 around 6 times now, against a boss I’ve practiced against countless times but for reason I keep choking when it comes to the real deal. This is a video of my latest attempt against this boss before the Community Showcase goes live. I can only hope this is the time I beat him, even If I do I’ll probably end up dying on stage 91. Also want to thank you allies for being that ray of sunshine in these dark times. Win or lose this is still my favourite boss, here goes.... https://youtu.be/bbt-p9qblhY Thank you Allies Robert Lee


Hello Allies! My entry for this month goes slightly above 3 minutes, so keeping it short here: Big Mario Mood since 3D All-Stars, so naturally decided to mix together Delfino Plaza's theme with the orchestration of Starship Mario, from the noticeably absent Super Mario Galaxy 2. Doing this actually made me realise how Koji Kondo used a very similar structure for both themes, which ended up making the reorchestration pretty straightforward. Also: OCTOBEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!! Love & Respect, Kevin Gillet Link to the music: https://youtu.be/5ZRITYkewOc


Yo – the coziest month with Jones, Huber, and Chat? I’m all in! https://youtu.be/t_7Lm7q1cdU <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="158" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/t_7Lm7q1cdU" width="280"></iframe> (Jones, this doesn’t have to be read aloud and is just a heads up for you – the background music is from the YouTube Audio library, a track called Enchantée feat. Mr Stabalina by Slynk.) L&amp;R, Accounts Payable (“AP”)


Gentlemen, you were right, “Marvel’s Avengers” is the super hero game we’ve been waiting for. Some of my favorite console &amp; arcade games as a kid were team themed, super hero “beat’em ups.” Joyful memories come to mind when I think of games like, “Captain America and The Avengers”, Sega’s “X-Men 2”, “Spider-Man: The Arcade Game”, “The Punisher (and Nick Fury)”, and of course “X-Men: The Arcade Game.” Those games were far from perfect, in fact at times they were down right frustrating and unfair, but their gameplay &amp; themes made them very fun to play, especially with friends. Ultimately that is exactly what “Marvel’s Avengers” is, a call back to an age where the game design was simple (maybe even repetitive), but the repeated execution was so very enjoyable. To put it plainly, “Marvel’s Avengers” is a wonderful mess, like falling down a fight stairs, landing on your feet, and then proudly “walking it off”. I simply- just- adore it. Like most people I enjoyed the campaign well enough, but honestly I was always looking forward to the multiplayer aspect the most. Being a super heroic marvel character in a group is the game's main draw. “Marvel’s Avengers” is clearly a modern day super hero brawler set forth on a huge scale, with solid character depth for each hero; coupled with a variety of nuances for tactical &amp; strategic execution inside its core gameplay. This basic gameplay archetype is what make “Avengers” really fun to play. While using the Marvel comic mythos as a back drop; the game easily allows the potential for people to live out that bold, super hero, team-up fantasy to its fullest. Even now, when currently accompanied by repetitive level design, generic mission structure and a lack of distinct enemy variety; “Marvel’s Avengers” core focus does not change- having fun in a team themed setting. Not surprisingly, being a “game as a service”; annoying micro-transactions, and new “bugs” may pop up from time to time. However these qualms are either negligible, or only temporary to the player. In the ongoing future I believe Square-Enix will greatly update “Avengers” (all for free mind you), while continually securing the game’s technical foundation, and adding all new gameplay content along the way (hello X-Men). Over time “Marvel’s Avengers” will be fantastic; especially when we start playing on PlayStation 5 as the game’s definitive platform experience. With more heroes, missions and consistent improvements on the way I think there is a lot to look forward to for both the multiplayer &amp; single player aspects of the game. Clearly “Marvel’s Avengers” is not a stellar single player experience like “Spider-Man”, or “Arkham”, but that’s okay, because it’s not trying to be that. It’s not suppose to be perfect. That is not the point of being part of a team. No one is solely perfect. ...Because despite our individual faults, when we are all for one- do we shine brightest, as heroes, and as friends, standing stronger together against any reckless malice.


Hi Jones and Huber! Hope you are doing fine in these weird October times! I missed last showcase as life was just incredibly busy (sorry!) But now I am back with another Star Citizen video! I put this together with the help of a couple friends over the span of a weekend. It is all from inside the game and I thought its a nice showcase of the universe and how stunning it's looking with some faster clips intertwined. This was mainly just meant as a little test run for a bigger project (hint hint) but I thought it would be a nice thing for the showcase as well! Enjoy! L&amp;R Lotias Video URL: https://youtu.be/R3LL_MSGbmg


Hi Jones and Huber, Genshin Impact's taking up all my time so I just picked random Servants from Fate this time. Also, sound is borked for some reason so sorry on that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KQllD8LDjU&amp;feature=youtu.be


Hello Jones and Huber. I am really grateful that EZA didn't stop with the wake of the pandemic, it has been a source of comfort against the sudden changes, so Thank You. I am a 23 years-old beginner developer and I released my first game "COUCH VERSUS" on steam last year and I presented it on the community showcase of Jan 2019, I worked on everything for a year by myself, from game design to art and programming, it's a game where one player controls the hero and the other player spawns monsters in real-time, imagine Mario Bros with asymmetric multiplayer, sadly I couldn't make a dime off of the game even though the game sold close to 20 copies because there is a threshold that needs to be crossed before it can make money. Still, I am happy that I made it, I am pleased with how my first game turned out to be, and I still plan to continue making games in the future since it's the only thing I truly enjoy in life. I used to wish and imagine that I would make a successful game before I graduate from college, to me selling a thousand copies is successful enough to continue making games full time, but I couldn't even make that, now I am a few months away from graduating which means I have to get a job which also means that the time I can spend making games shrunk extremely, I really wanted to experiment and explore with different methods of play and game designs and looking at the number of games I can produce in my lifetime get cut by more than a half saddens me but alas, this is life. Now I uploaded my game on itchio hoping to find an audience that would appreciate it, you can pay whatever you want for it, even zero, and I am grateful for any amount of support. https://t.co/zRYtpH6mhD I listened to jones advice and added music to the trailer, I like it more now even though the music isn't from the game, so thanks, Brandon master of trailers. https://t.co/DouZhE4K2W Sorry if my post has been a downer but I needed a place to express my feelings, thanks for listening. I wish the best for you and the entire EZA community, L&amp;R. By the way, it was pure luck that my game is about monsters and this is the October community showcase.

Nik Gothic

(please stick) Hello, Brandon! Hello, Huber! https://i.imgur.com/H3h5xhU.png It’s time for me to talk more about about the Ingrids Manoeuvre, and I’ve decided to devote occasional episodes to each of my main characters. The main character is Jeremy Arthurs. Born in Liverpool in a wealthy family, he moved to study law in London with goals of becoming a solicitor, a type of lawyer in the UK that’s more tasked with mundane paperwork duties at an office. Jeremy has a cool demeanour, but is impulsive and honestly a little oafish and clumsy. In spite of that, Jeremy has an amazing talent for analysis and deductive reasoning, and is a natural for finding legal loopholes, though mostly to exploit them for his own benefit. https://i.imgur.com/cm4gHYi.png Last time Huber was here, a lot of Allies in the chat were comparing the main character Jeremy to him, which was funny, but it isn’t true! Jeremy’s primary inspirations, for me, were those blond British bad boys from the 1960s. Actors like Michael Caine, David Hemmings, Malcolm McDowell, but with a tiny hint of John Lennon. Jeremy’s got a real Scouse mentality and wit, but moving to London he was so embarrassed by his northern upbringing he’d speak with a Cockney and pretend he was a lifelong Londoner. https://i.imgur.com/09I7PrN.png Jeremy’s a mod: He drives scooters, he gets into fights with rockers, and is an expert billiard player who’s good at using a pool cue as an improvised weapon, but being a mod represents something deeper for Jeremy. He is a breed of a new generation, a sophisticated young man who gets with the times and lives in the city. He hates the close-minded conservativism of his parents and instead opens his eyes to the world: Wearing Italian fashion and listening to jazz and soul music from America, living a life of fast and loose relationships, and endlessly curious about new science and technology. He wants to be the living embodiment of everything the old folks hate, so it’s a little ironic he views the Beatles as fakers and posers. https://i.imgur.com/21TNDbh.jpg https://i.imgur.com/yhJb7hH.jpg I think it’s high time to give it for EZA’s most ellusive Ally, the gunslinger, love machine, bloody Shakespearian poet and now proud pappy by the name of Don Casanova. Don has this string of failures which I constantly pity: He always puts niche games at the Hall of Greats he knows will never win, and is the only guy who lost in the fun game of Hunt Down the Huber, but damn if there isn’t such a pathos and chin-up attitude to him. I recreated one of his Discount Gaming episodes where he’s lounging on one of his favourite pinball machines, while down there’s little old me panicking and looking for my lost quarters. It’s a shame Don isn’t in these community showcases but please give my massive props to him. https://i.imgur.com/Lv6VcRj.png L&amp;R, Nik Gothic (@Clownboss)


Hello Brandon and Mike! I am so excited for Halloween. I streamed October 1st and began playing Halloween songs in preparation, and thought I would share a difficult one from that night. A lot has happened these past few months, including finding a girlfriend and falling in love in the middle of the pandemic. She was there for this live stream, and loves playing the game too. I didn't have the time this month, but next month I will do a Progress update on Pop'n Music. For now, enjoy the spookiness! https://youtu.be/FVIVJglD94s


Yo Jones and Huber For my showcase submission this month I’m bringing more Ghost of Tsushima content, but this time in the form of a video entry, my best duel against one of the straw hat ronins. I did all of the duels on Lethal difficulty and usually needed a few attempts before I’d win, but I was able to beat this one in a single (almost) flawless attempt. So gentlemen, I present to you, “Duel under Falling Water” Love and Respect Mo Grant (Mo_D1212 in twitch chat) Enjoy https://youtu.be/0avH_hnPel0


Hi EasyAllies, Writing from my phone because some heckin farming equipment ripped down our cable wire from the road in the middle of the night. First, I have a hidden gem game recommendation called Orangeblood. It's a pixel-art, turn-based JRPG with guns and foul-mouthed anime characters, set in a Neo-Japan style future. What's really cool is it uses an equipment system straight out of Boarderlands. So all the gear has slight modifiers, special effects, flavor text and rarity based on color. It's really interesting when combined with turn-based combat. It has amazing simulated lighting, using some overlays and effects to make it look nicer than your average pixel-art game. There's lots of cool idle animations like if you get food you can take your tray to a table and eat it or sit at a bar for a drink plus way more. The story and progression doesn't seem like it's going to be epic or anything but that's the limitation of it being $20. It just came out on consoles if anyone wants to check it out. Second, since it's October, I have a tale of the paranormal kind to share. Back around 2010 my brother and sister both bought motorcycles. One day they went riding together out in the country with no destination in mind. After a long time riding they stopped at a T-shaped intersection to try and find their way back home. As they came to a stop, both bikes had their engines die. Not something abnormal but a little weird for both to do it at the same time. They decided to turn down the side road in the direction of home but eventually it lead to a farm and they had to turn around back to the intersection. They stopped again to talk, this time their engines stayed on and while talking they noticed something strange. In the yard of the house across the road was a tree with a tire swing. They tell me the tire was swinging around in a big circle with nobody around and no wind strong enough to make it move like that. Freaked out, they said "let's get the hell out of here" and continued down the main road, eventually making it back home. Yes, it was a happy ending for them, but who knows what will happen to others who stop there?


I don't think I played any games that I didn't enjoy throughout all of September. If I did, then I am successfully blocking them out of my memory, but I don't think I'm that talented. At the beginning of the month was Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2. Simply, it is just a lot of fun and an addicting game. It brought back lots of fun memories as well of passing around the controller with my friends. I unlocked and watched the videos for all the skaters. It was a bit monotonous to collect the stat points for each individual skater, but if you are going to go through the hassle for any, do it for Bob Burnquist. His video is crazy and pretty much blows all others out of the water. Anyhoo, the game has successfully reignited my interest in the series and I would love to see the levels of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 get the same treatment. I also played all the games in the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection. It is amazing how much useless stuff I remember. I constantly knew where to go to get a star or blue coin. I was able to breeze through it all. Sunshine still remains my favorite of the three. I think I just dig the vibes of that game. However, the game I enjoyed the most last month was, of course, Mario's Super Picross. Loving that game. Picross if always a good time. Can't get enough it. Lastly, next-gen is coming. I saw that some GameStop stores had started pre-orders shortly after the stream that announced the date and price. I called to see if my local one was. No answer. Wasn't shocked. Waited an hour and decided to drive over. My main curiosity was how they were dealing with customers, and I saw they were actually doing a decent job. Everyone outside the store was spread out, they didn't let people in immediately after someone else left. Put on my mask and figured why not. Eventually, when it was my turn, I asked if they were doing pre-orders. The said they were and only had one pre-order left. I nabbed that pre-order. Fun note. I asked if they thought they would receive enough to fulfill all pre-orders. The reply was that the earlier I get there, the better. I'm looking forward to the Miles Morales game. I think the recent thing about the face change for Peter Parker is fine. If it helps make things easier in the future, great, cool, whatever. Being honest, when I saw that trailer for Spider-Man remaster, I didn't even notice they changed the face. Honestly, couldn't remember the original face for the life of me. Not that big a deal. I don't have to work on the game or deal with any of the intricacies of putting all that together, so I have no stake in it. I just consume games and appreciate all the hard work people put into it.


Yooooo! What's up Huber and Jones!? Happy Halloween! I've been preparing my Animal Crossing Island for the festivities since Jones visited during the Island Hop. It's starting to look nice and spooky! You know what else is kind of jolly and spooky? "Demon Slayer"! It's time for an anime recommendation, so buckle up! I've been a bit obsessed with this show since the first season of the anime ended last September. Then at the end of 2019, Demon Slayer actually managed to topple One Piece's 12 year reign as the best selling manga of the year! Now I've been reading the manga by Koyoharu Gotōge (who I recently found out is a woman, btw) and anticipating the movie set to come out later this month. So, what is this show about? Well, the story revolves around these demons called "oni" and although they take their name from the Japanese yokai, they are much more similar to vampires. They can't be out in the sun or be killed by conventional swords. One interesting aspect is that these oni are created from humans and the main character is sympathetic to their tragic transformations. The show was animated by U-fo-table and they did an amazing job bringing the manga to life. It has a good blend of comedy, cute characters, and pretty brutal fight scenes with buckets of blood and dozens of decapitations. Whoa! Like... sometimes it's actually kind of shocking. I think a big part of this show's boost in popularity is the wide range of audiences it covers. My young students here in Taiwan are all obsessed with the characters even though most of them are too young to watch the anime. The seven and eight year old girls and boys are all buying school supplies plastered with the charming characters, but the high-school kids are into it because the show itself if mature enough that it appeals to them, too. I haven't really seen any other anime cross through all my different classes like this. The little boys are imitating the swordsmen and the girls are all asking me which character I think is the cutest. Everybody seems to have a different favorite among the colorful cast of characters. Anyway, I expect you guys are going to see a lot more of Demon Slayer as it slowly gets translated and emerges in the US. I've intentionally avoided talking about any of the plot so go check it out for yourselves. After the first episode, I think you will know if you are sold on it or not, and knowing that the manga has already completed in a pretty short run means that you can expect a concise story that doesn't drag on for years. Check it out! Have a happy Halloween, guys! Looking forward to a possible Halloween Animal Crossing stream if you are up for it, Jones! - L&amp;R - Ian, @alexander_arts

XWF Outlaw

Hello Jones, Huber, and Chat. 2 months ago I began logging my adventures in my deep, dark descension of becoming a quarantine weeb and shared my exploits with Brandon "Anime Books" Jones and "Benzilla" himself Mr. Ben Moore and the Anime train still hasn't reached the station or no plans of stopping. Btw, I'm was very happy to hear from Jones that you and Amanda are now both hooked on 'My Hero Academia'. Now to show off the list of anime if have watched these last 2 months. To start, here is the update on the ongoing episodes from last Showcase that I have since completed: (Note: anime listed as dub and sub are their each episode count. Ex: 25 eps Sub&amp;Dub = 50 total episodes) 1. Space Dandy (8 new Episodes, 26 episodes total, Dub) 2. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken [Eh-zo-ken] (8 new episodes, 12 Episodes total, Sub) 3. Haikyuu!! (34 new episodes, 74 Episodes total, Sub &amp; Dub, *still ongoing with the 2nd cour of Season 4 starting this past week.) Now here are the new shows i have started or completed afterwards: 1. Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day (5 episodes, Sub&amp;Dub, *ongoing) 2. Danmachi: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon? (26 episodes + 'Arrow of the Orion' Movie, Dub, *ongoing) 3. Asobi Asobase (12 episodes, Sub) 4. BNA (12 Episodes, Sub) 5. Daily Lives of High School Boys (12 episodes, Sub) 6. Dr. Stone (24 episodes, Sub&amp;Dub) 7. Junjo Romantica (17 episodes, Sub, *ongoing) 8. Parasyte -the maxim- (24 episodes, Sub&amp;Dub) (I highly recommend this to Huber as a perfect October binge horror anime) 9. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (13 Episodes + OVA, Sub&amp;Dub) 10. That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime (24 episodes, Sub&amp;Dub) 11. Yuri!!! On Ice (12 episodes, Dub) 12. Grand Blue Dreaming (7 episodes, Sub, *ongoing) 13. Rent-a-Girlfriend (6 episodes, Sub&amp;Dub, *ongoing) 14. Noragami (10 episodes, Sub&amp;Dub, *ongoing) 15. Plastic Memories (8 episodes, Sub, *ongoing) 16. given (11 episodes, Sub) And finally, the last on my list is an anime that will for sure not show up on anyone's top anime of 2019, but I want to give it my version of a 'Don't Skip' to this misinterpreted series: Domestic Girlfriend (12 episodes, Sub&amp;Dub) To summarize this show with the word limit I have left would be a disservice, but if i would I would call it one of the most unintentionally hilarious, most baffling, glorious trashfire of a show I have ever seen. Those are all genuinely positive remarks. This is the "Tommy Wiseau's The Room" of anime. The less you know of the plot the better, but as a tease for next month's Showcase with Ian Hinck, I will have a spoiler-filled, abridged review of 'Domestic Girlfriend' to submit. That's all for now. Have a wonderful October everyone and please stay safe this Halloween. Stay Spooky. X.

Scott A. Ford

Hey Brandon and Huber! Last month I finished my new Breath of Wild inspired illustration just in time for the showcase. This month I worked on a nighttime recolour of the same piece. You can see it alongside the original daytime colours here. (1, 2) Something else I worked on this past month was this lighting study. I just really wanted to try colouring light filtering through different coloured fabrics. Most of this illustration was actually rendered in a 3D program before adding additional lighting effects and final details. (3) And I added a cat as a final touch, because why not. (4) Lastly, I’ve also been working steadily on a scifi comic project, which I’m honoured received an arts grant to fund the production! These last images are some digital sketches, and style tests, also using mostly 3d models with 2d effects and rendering. (5-8) If any allies want to check out more than can go to ScottAFordArt.com or find on Instagram and Twitter by searching Scott A. Ford. Thanks for all you do and for giving me this opportunity to share my work with the community! Love and Respect, -Scott (or S_001 in chat) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10I8GXV2l2Z-aJvTYNyCrNkcZ5KxQIn9m?usp=sharing


Hi Jones and Huber! It's October already!? Times flies by so fast when you want to send something for the Community Showcase. I missed last month unfortunately but I want to thank for the compliments I got for the Ventriloquist and Scarface drawing I did for August. Hopefully I got in for this month and as it is Jones and Huber for this showcase I thought I should continue the Batman theme: https :// www .artstation. com/ artwork/ v2Z9gx (chopped up link, as it deletes the post unfortunatley) By also having Huber here I also want to take the opportunity to say that I agree with him that Boardwalk Empire is a great series and probably my favorite show as well. Also, one last thing for next month (hopefully) I was wondering what you (this is mostly for you Jones probably, as you are the one who is here every month!) perhaps would like to see as a theme for a drawing. I am pretty much just proficient in two things really, Batman comic stuff but also Disney, or more precisely something that could be described as fowl. So would be fun to hear what you would like to see of those two themes. Sorry for the long post and the likely grammatical errors as this was written at the last minute! Thanks once again and L&amp;R! Mathias Wennberg


Here is the link to my finished project "Grand Dame's Ghost Story"... Enjoy! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ca0lV2MpoNZM9qxoLfoI-PEUzRrTZoGD/view?usp=sharing