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I’m currently looking at the longest Cup of Jones document of 2020. It appears that digging into the finer details of what Easy Allies should be working on to strengthen this Patreon has brought forth a lot of people that don’t usually post each week. I even dipped into the audio version (which isn’t where I usually go to grab questions, FYI). So let’s get into it. As I’ll state at the start of the show, we’re currently scheduling time to discuss internally what needs to be done, on top of the regular meetings we typically plan to schedule reviews, previews, streams, and shows. Our hope is to manifest those desires and communicate our potential solutions through an event this month, but it’s difficult to make that promise when the discussion hasn’t finished yet. It’ll take time today to get through all of these comments, but that’s great. I appreciate all of you expressing your wishes for our future, and I’m eager to share them with the team.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPfAAcIsJTE


DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


OLF HIMSELF - Talk to me about Galaxy of Heroes. I've been playing it every day for the last ten months and I'm finally close to unlocking both Revans. What are your main teams? Any tips on how to be more efficient in order to still unlock stuff without spending money? JONES - I put off unlocking the Revans for a long time, and I’m finally going through that grind right now. My highest level team, and go-to for most of the toughest events, is my bounty hunter squad: Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Bossk, IG-88, and Cad Bane (the only one not at gear level XIII in case I ever finish working on Dengar). I also have 2 gear level XIII Clone Troopers on my Clone team, and when I get Jedi Knight Revan he’s going to move Luke to my Rebel team and finally complete that squad. Most of my other teams are in the 90K power range.

CESAR VILLA - I just became aware of this Documentary film "Robin's Wish" and I was wondering if you have heard of it or watched it. I remember from a First Fifteen back in the GT days, that you grabbed a Night at the Museum game and expressed your sorrow after the loss of Robin Williams, so I thought this may interest you. JONES - There are a few documentaries about Robin that I have seen, and haven’t brought myself to watch yet. But I’ll put this on the list and make time for it if I can. Thanks for the suggestion.



Hello Brandon. Imagine a day when you’ll be officially allowed to return to the studio. Imagine a situation when some allies will want to start using the studio and some will not feel comfortable to leave their home just yet. I’m wondering, what will happen to the podcast and other multi-person shows in this case? If you don’t know just yet, that’s totally understandable, feel free to skip this question. P.S. For me personally, reviews and other scripted game coverage is the most valuable piece of content that you are producing, because it’s the most thought out opinion you could have on a game. I’m not asking for more reviews, but I’m hoping that you would not start making less to produce something else.


Hey Jones, this is my first time posting as a patreon. I’m sorry if this question has already been addressed but are you guys doing anything similar to Easy Living this year? A digital version maybe? I have so many good memory's off staying up in the middle of the night to watch you guys play Porky or Shrek. I understand if it’s not possible to do anything similar this year but I would sure miss it. L&R

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! I was looking at the Patreon tiers and I’m curious where the bulk of Patrons are and how the fluctuation has been in the COVID era. What is the tier that has the most patrons, and the least patrons for a tier that doesn’t have a cap? Patreon doesn’t show the amount of people at a tier like it once did for many of those that don’t have a set limit, and I’m curious if a particular tier has seen a significant drop in Patrons, or conversely, if one of the lower tiers have gotten an increase as people might have dropped pledges but still wanted to support EZA. Aside from the total amount of Patrons and the total monetary number, the breakdown isn’t listed, and another reason why I wanted to ask is to see if my feeling a vast majority of Patrons are within the first two or three tiers. Thanks as always for reading my question and once more, have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: If you are willing to divulge (and totally understandable if you don’t or won’t), what tier on the Patreon has the most pledges, and on the other hand, which tier that doesn’t have a set limit has the least? In the COVID era, I get the feeling the majority are within the first two or three, but just wanted to check in and see what’s profitable and what could use another look.


Addon to my feelings last week: The streams and podcasts are staples and should always be there. But they need to be slicked up. Not just on the technical side, but less monotony. I don't mean just do more purely jokey stuff ala Kyle. IMO, there needs to be a pervading sense of energy. Try and find ways to liven up EVERYTHING that you do. Add some "gusto" to the same-old same-old. I mean this in a "what are you saying/how are you saying it" as well as in a visual "what am I looking at" sense, perhaps moreso for the latter. As an off-the-cuff, theoretical suggestion, how about a not off-theme but very noticeably different background/lighting behind each separate person on the podcast stage? Note that most of my suggestions are coming from a pre-pandemic, in-studio mindset. But of course, see what can be applied to the here-and-now.


Just some random stuff after listening to today’s (14/9) episode which I do not often get to do: I would like to just say I really appreciate the way you guys continue to engage with the community so transparently. It is a very very unique situation especially since it is not owed in any way. I do implore other fans to understand that the COVID is not changing similarly everywhere and things are no where close to being normal. I speak as a health care prof in the US. Random idea: Daily/every other day/ as news comes hot takes about the news to maximize taking advantage of the cycle. In addition a weekly behind patreon extra spicy hot take with guys just putting on camera what you would normally talk about when gathered together. 3-5 mins ?! maybe? Just throwing stuff out there since it seems to be a theme of todays cup. To be honest, I am fine with things are now, other than a bit of a cohesive graphic design package which is mostly picking nits. I like the reviews since you guys are my trusted consistent sources. It is what I forward my friends when I try to sneak in a recommendation in our group chats. I understand if it takes too much time. Just mentioning it.


Hey Jones I just wanted to say thank you for listening to and including my frustrated rant about PoP Remake misrepresenting Persia/Persian culture from last week. I appreciate your honest answer and I hope that we get to a point in the future that every culture can get true and accurate representation and recognition in main stream media, no matter how impossible that future might sound. Anyway, again, sorry for previous week's rant. Cheers.


Hey Jones, Listening to the episode this week, and hearing the want from many people to change up how things are done with shows gave me an idea I thought I'd mention. What would you think about having a once a month all Love and Respect podcast for the final podcast of the month? It could lead to a more news heavy first podcast of the month with less L&R, possibly with the month's final-all L&R podcast concluding with a "next month on the podcast we will be talking about..." to show you do know about the current news, and could work as a method to get people excited for both the first and final podcast for each month. Having the fourth podcast every month be completely devoted to fan comments, questions and Love and Respect would also work well given it's the episode you name all of the patrons in its conclusion. This could be a structural change that would give the show a less "Kyle Bosman structure" style, as others have mentioned that the show hasn't changed significantly since his departure. On the other hand, I recognize it's a risky and drastic move to just not mention the news from a specific week in a predominately news-centric show. But I wanted to get your thoughts regardless, as I don't think anyone ever complains about more Love and Respect submissions. Stay healthy and love ya lots, Brian from Happy Gaming


Jones, I'm trying to think realistically of things you guys could do to just put a little more spark in there without having a studio. Things that people can look forward to and don't require a lot of editing and are consistent instead of limited runs. All I keep coming back to is a short daily show. I'm talking three allies (hopefully trading off so that the same allies aren't doing it multiple days in a row), probably around 30 minutes a day. Would probably just be streamed to Twitch and then archived to the main Youtube channel as quickly as possible. There's always at least one thing to talk about each day. Sometimes it would be structured, sometimes casual, sometimes a little silly. Who knows. The plus side of this idea is that, realistically, when you guys get back to the studio, you can still do this daily show at home. It would make more sense there anyway instead of having to drive to the studio. And, if you guys have plans to get better cameras and stuff, it would give the you opportunity to continue using that equipment post-studio for this show. I know one thing you've said in the past is that Kinda Funny already does it. But, as I'm sure you're aware, a lot of gaming groups are doing it nowadays. And, honestly, a lot of people do weekly podcasts, too, but that doesn't stop you guys (nor should it). And of course, to touch on my opening sentence, by "realistically," I don't want to imply this would be easy or not add to the burden. But I can't help but think it would be a hit. Every day. It's short. It's streamed with a nice graphic overlay to reduce editing burden. It's casual. As for the title? I'm thinking maybe, "EZA Today." Think about it. L&R, Josh Read


Really enjoy Frame Trap, I feel like the eza podcast just needs less covid, it's hard to do a podcast during this time, and I am understanding of that. Friend Code is off and on depending on the topic, and I love Nintendo(glad it's a thing but I wonder if it should be so frequent). I watch hardly any streams, liked group streams before Covid so what can you do. Last cup you mentioned people leaving because of BLM and I do want to add that I can see why, it's very tone def to just assume it's taken literally when you see the footage of BLM(the movement) with horrible rhetoric on twitter. I think all the allies can agree Black lives matter, but to push the anti cop movement that is BLM is going to turn ppl off. Agree or Disagree with the movement not being a certain way it does not change what others feel. I cringe when it's said, just makes me think of the riots, looting and horrible twitter clips. - Just thought I would give you some insight of what other Patreons think, I would never stop donating because I know you guys mean well and it's always coming from a place of love. Do your best and try not to take reddit too seriously, I think people are just missing the Bosman hole in their hearts, it will heal in time.


Also no need to read this one. Just Letting u know my thoughts.

Andrew Chalmers

No early access audio version is a real bummer.


There's still an early access audio version via the Patreon feed and Early Editions RSS. We just aren't using SoundCloud anymore, and we used to post a completely redundant link to the SoundCloud upload. -Bloodworth


Hey Jones, Just wanted to say you guys work your asses off when it comes to reviews and previews. Since covid, you guys haven't slowed down in that front. It's true that people come here from the reviews and previews but they stay here for you guys. People are asking about short form content but you talk about how you guys working hard, we're not saying you're not. At GT you guys would have Trailer Score, Mandatory Update, Huber Hype, Final Bosman, Top 10 as weekly edited shows. At EZA you have Huber Syndrome and sometimes Easy update is that. Spoiler mode is sometimes skipped because you don't know if it's timely while the 3rd FF VII spoiler mode came a month after the release (Can't complain much about Spoiler Mode, you guys do this well). In the past year you have only made 1 short mini-series called Hunting Huber. Trailer Jones is missing in action :(. Huber Syndrome is becoming a skip in some episodes as it's just retreading some old topics such as what's new this month, what are we looking forward to, what's new this month etc. Easy Update is up and down, can't complain much. The people who want short form content have less to look forward to then before and I know covid is to blame for no Mysterious Monsters. I know you ahve some stuff planed that you can't talk about, but having a big gap between these mini-episodic shows is a bummer. Betting Specials have been great so far. Hall of Greats as well. And for that reason........ I'm in. P.S. The amount you review and preview rivals IGN sometimes. Keep up the great work Thanks Iboshow


Please don’t take Ian off the podcast (unless he really wants to)! I’d be worried it would go quiet way more often. I feel he’s the best at filling in the gaps. Love the idea of Blood/Ian/Anyone taking over once every two months. Would give Brandon a deserved break.


Hi Jones, I had an idea I wanted to throw to you. It's called 'What you up to?' Once a week or every fortnite, you get an ally in a one on one to talk about whatever they want. Whether it's what they're playing or listening or something else. It could be a short 20 minute video where you just chat. It's different than Frame Trap because it's not focused on Video Games similar to Reaction Shots, this could be about anything. It's a little variety from all the long form content you produce and it'll be fun to get little updates on the allies. Could be anime, tv, books etc...

The Kid

Jones, you gotta drop the fake radio personality on the podcast. Your not a likeable asshole like Kyle was. He nailed that schtick and perfected it into art. Meaning zero offense but you pretending to be an asshole just makes you come off as a plain old asshole. Maybe you don't even realize your doing it but it just flat out sucks. In all the other Easy A content, you are great because you are being you. The podcast doesn't need Kyle Bosman or a bastardized radio announcer version of him to work. It just needs honest enthusiasm, professionalism and a leader. There isn't one mold that that leader has to fit into, but they sure don't pretend to be somebody else. Also, while I understand you are trying to keep things moving and the conversation flowing, you gotta ease up on rushing through topics. You got such a strangle hold on the bullet points you wanna hit that you are choking the discussion. It's a podcast, people are litteraly downloading to hear you talk. If it goes long, it goes long. Don't draw attention to it or act like your falling behind some deadline, it's a bummer to hear and puts a negative feeling on the whole thing. Oh no! Those guys we pay monthly to listen to are... Talking more!! The absolute horror!!! I like you Jones, as well as person can like another he has never met or actually knows. You got the potential to be great and lead the show to a whole new level, you're just gonna have to get out of your own way first.

A Joker Fan

i don't have much sympathy for their rapidly declining patreon when people in america are working and sending their kids to school. unless it's illegal in california which i doubt, they need to seriously reconsider going back to the studio, morale and support for their patreon is at an all time low and getting worse, just my opinion


Reposting this comment I made on the video. You don't need to read it on the next Cup, as it is not a question. My favorite content that y'all produce IS the editorial stuff, so a lot of this feedback is really disheartening to hear. :( I discovered you all as Easy Allies and never even knew of Game Trailers back in the day (or, rather, I foolishly thought because of the name that all that GT did was repost video game trailers). Your preview of Immortals last week was masterfully cut - I love THAT type of content from you. You guys have the best reaction streams in the biz. The Hall of Greats is maybe my favorite gaming related content on YouTube. Your Game of the Year debates are incredible for the exact same reason. I love EZA for the personalities, yes, but I love tuning in for those personalities having some of the best informed and in depth gaming discussions on the net. The goofs and gaffs that come out of that naturally keep me here. I will say that I almost never watch the Allies actually stream a game because that type of content isn't that interesting to me. There are relatively few non-editorial style shows that the Allies do that really interest me. But what I do love from y'all I think is unmatched in the industry and it would be a real shame to lose that. :( Sad that y'all are having a rough time. I'll be here to stick it out with you! I want y'all to be happy and to make content that makes you happy! Thank you so so much for all of your hard work. I love the Allies.


I wanted to weigh in with my own thoughts on the issues raised in this episode. Someone suggested that people only followed over from GT because of the personalities, which at least for me was not entirely the case. I like everyone in the crew of course, but I, and I believe many others supported you guys because we enjoyed your analysis, commentary, and insight into both the industry and that of the games themselves. I believe that the simple metric of views is enough to show that just as many, if not more, care more about the editorial content over the personality driven stuff, and from the outside looking in that seems to be what the crew enjoys making. Another person collected comments from the Reddit/Reset Era, but I too have been following those threads, and while I mean no disrespect to the person who submitted it, I feel there is an element of cherry picking comments to back up their own stance. Everything mentioned were concerns raised on those forums for sure, but for every comment of people asking for more scripted content, there was another saying that they were mainly there for things like Podcasts, reviews, previews etc.. This is even evidenced in this comment section, where you have people asking for something like a daily news show over something scripted. If I’m being brutally honest, while I will at least check out anything new y’all produce, I generally end up falling off things like Box Peek, Achieve it Yourself, Hunting Huber, or even Mysterious Monsters. Those things can be fun, they’re just not the main reason I come to EZA. I have, and continue to support EZA because I wanted to see you continue on the work you were doing, and because I believed you were all very talented at doing it. I continue to be well served with things like previews/reviews, as well as your post game coverage on shows like Frame Trap, Friend Code, Spoiler Modes etc., and I get your industry insight through things like Reactions, and the EZA podcast. IMO, for as much as people are saying they want *more* scripted content, I feel what they really want is just something new and fresh, even if it comes at the expense of other shows. I liken it to someone eating at the same restaurant every night of the week. The food might be great, but when you’re getting the same meals again and again, you’re bound to start craving something new eventually. IMO this is something all outlets should consider doing once a year or so. While I can recognise the importance of having both types of content to suit both audiences, and I’m not sure I have any great point to end on, I just wanted to highlight the other side of the coin, who I believe may not be vocal as they are already pretty happy.

A Joker Fan

Thanks for reading my last message, this is not a question just wanted to clarify i'm the same age as you, i also live in a big city (thankfully not in california) and most of my friends and acquaintances work as professionals or work essential jobs and have school age children who are actively going to school without issues. maybe it's the company that i keep or maybe it's since we're older we have a bit more backbone and are not as easily influenced by the media, but i don't think it's unreasonable to expect grown men to go to a studio and make a podcast especially when you are paying for it. It's just one person's opinion anyways take it for what it's worth.


Hi Jones, just wanted to ask how Sophie and Norbert are doing? I imagine they are enjoying having more time with yourself and Amanda at home this year.


Hey Jones, A galaxy of heroes question for you. What's the current status of the EZA guild? is it at full capacity right now? also, if there's space now/in the future, do you have a set GP limit for members? I've been playing for around a year and I'm at GP 1.8M. Hope the family is doing well, stay safe. L&R Mike Calvey (Salvers)


Really? Are grown men immune to Covid? I'm in the UK where the situation isn't as bad as it is in the US and I still would be very uncomfortable going to a studio or an office unless I absolutely had to.


Hi Brandon, I’m sorry. This is ridiculously long. You don’t have to read this on the show. Just wanted to put in my 2 cents. I’ll be honest, the last Cup of Jones was hard to listen to. I realize that Patreon is the main form of income and the Patrons are the reason Easy Allies exists, but at some point I believe you have to draw the line. After last week it appears that I’m in the minority. I support numerous creators on this platform and no matter how much or little I contribute I’ve never felt like I have a right to demand a change in the way each entity operates. I’ve always felt that the reason I support them is to allow them the freedom to build their own path to success. A friendly suggestion here and there, sure, but we are way beyond that it seems. I listen to most of the Cup of Jones episodes and the part of this that bothers me the most is that aside from a few new names here and there it seems to be mostly the same group of names that come and go submitting comments here. The point I’m trying to make is that the number of patrons that interact here on Cup of Jones is so minuscule compared to the overall number of total patrons that major changes shouldn’t be based on what is said here. Even if you add in the people from Reddit, still a very small percentage of overall patrons. Think about it, 8,000+ total patrons with 7,500+ that never say a word? They support you because they want to and they just sit back and enjoy the ride. Easy Allies may have a different view, but personally even if someone gives a couple hundred dollars a year to you, I still don’t feel like they have a right to attempt to completely alter the way the business operates. The last major revamp of Easy Allies made it a focus to start streaming more regularly. Why? Because you were told that this is what the people wanted. Fast forward to today...now they want less streaming?!? If you keep trying to please everyone who has a complaint or suggestion on how “they” would operate the company, Easy Allies is just going to be stuck in the mud spinning it’s wheels forever I fear. I think much of this is coming from everyone staring at the Patreon income. I know you have always said from the beginning that transparency is everything, but if you and the other Allies are not personally worried about the number just don’t make it public. Who are we to determine what number is good or bad? I rarely see any creators that still have this number visible probably for this exact reason. Sorry about the rant, I just wish Easy Allies would do what they want to do. Grow and expand the business how they want to do it. I honestly believe that an overwhelming majority of your supporters want exactly this. For all of you to be happy and healthy. Pave your own path and create whatever you want to. Take care!


Definitely followed you guys for your reviews. Best in the biz


I echo Yarden's sentiment. Feels like a lot of weight is being given to what is statistically a vocal minority.

Alex Castellanos

Brandon, My question is simply this: Who do you want to lead EZA? If you want it to be led by the people who follow you, then I think it's time to make an expansive poll that goes out to Twitter, YouTube, twitch, Reddit, Patreon, and anywhere else people follow you. Get all those opinions and then decide what to do from there. Or you can decide to let the 8 Allies completely lead EZA. Sure, weigh some opinions that are given by a small minority of followers against your own, but ultimately do what's in your gut and let the followers follow you for better or worse. I believe in you guys. Love & Respect Alex C.


Hey Jones, Completely random and you probably won't care, but I'm listening to episode 156 currently (albeit at 1.25 speed) and you apparently were sick or had allergies or something because you sounded different. To me, I can't stop hearing Mark Hoppus throughout the episode. There's something about it that makes it sound that way to me (probably also with the slight speed increase). Anyway, that's all. Cheers!

Calvin Delaney

Hi Brandon, I feel like this episode must have been rough for you and i admire your calmness while reading suggestions that come from every direction. What i have seen is that no matter what if you choose someone will be unhappy and that is just the way things go. I may sound silly but i really did not notice that there was these feelings among this vocal bunch of allies. I am not saying they are wrong or right because we can only speak from personal experience. I have been a patron since hour 8 and i have never really felt like my money was wasted, i know how expensive it can be to keep 8 people paid a living wage while also living in a very expensive city like L.A and contributing to this in any way is a good feeling (I have been told its expensive sorry if its not). My only comment would be that i miss the creative streams but honestly how can you do them as effectively now during the pandemic. I just hope you know that while some people might want a lot of the changes to EZA there are a lot of silent viewers in fact more silent than vocal that could be totally happy with EZA in general. Of course change is normal and a lot of changes can be good but i would be sad to be rid of editorial videos as they are the videos that inform my future purchases more than any other on the EZA channel. I see a preview or a discussion and it click to hear what you guys think about it in long form. Sorry if this comment seems pointless and i am sorry for not being a regular cup of Jones Commenter!


Hi Brandon, I just finished watching your last CoJ episode and this might be late because your discussion with the other allies already happened but I stumpled upon your comment that produced/scrited content equals Retrospectives. Maybe you just used it as an exeggeration to make your point? Or is this what the community refers to as produced/scripted content? Because when I think about produced content that's currently missing I think about shows like Achieve it Yourself, Fancy Fifteen, Hunting Huber or former Patreon exclusive shows. I also don't want you guys work on a project for half a year to get a single video out of it. As awesome as it would surely be. Is there a reason why you aren't producing content like this in advance? Are you missing concepts for it? Are you holding back on it for a time you can be in the studio again? Is it not something you like to do/focus on? I think they should be easy to produce and why not hunt Huber again in a different game? Or another ally and have a series with them? Or try to get more achievements the community comes up with? It doesn't have to be a series at all but it would be nice content in between? Especially for patrons. Like: "Hey Huber let me hunt you in game X for 10 minutes and we can release that next week whenever". Or: "Here's an achievement goal which hasn't been used last time, let's try getting that for 15-20 minutes and see what comes out of it". Maybe being spontanious is lacking right now? Just my quick thoughts on the matter. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. I don't think scripted/produced content equals months of work. Love you anyway and you're rocking the podcast. L&R Sebastian


You shouldn't be sorry about having an opinion! Your voice does count.


Hey Jones, I don’t mind how you pronounce my name, don’t worry about it too much :). Thanks, Varun Kachhwaha

A Joker Fan

i’ve been following cup of jones since the beginning and there’s very little if anything they actually implement that is suggested here, which in a way is fine since i also fully believe they should make their own decisions. i think this show is more of a way to get the pulse of the community and break important news. still i wouldn’t disregard the fans here although we are very passionate, we just want to see the allies succeed


Hi Jones, $I have a lot of thoughts on this but really don’t know where to start with. First of all I think that EZAs success on Patreon is a double-edged sword, on one hand it allowed EZA to grow to where you are now but it also sometimes hinders you to do what you want because parts of the community try to dictate what content they want or not. As a Patreon of the very first minute I was always wondering why you don’t put more focus on other platforms like Youtube. I remember a Cup of Jones 1 or 2 years ago where you said the Reviews are a big part of what EZAs content is and I know a lot of people value your opinions on games a lot and put a big focus on the Review part. But I feel like that the amount of effort that goes into each review doesn’t pay off in actual views on Youtube. And I think growing your channel there would also help to have more ways of income and also draw more people to your Patreon as a result. I liked a lot of the recent shows that you guys put out like Achieve it yourself, Huber’s Prison of Love and so on but what I’m generally missing in your content is some kind of dynamic. Apart from Twitch streams all your content is pre-recorded / pre-produced. I would like to get some live shows like Podcasts. I personally like all your Podcasts the most out of all the content you do but I still sometimes feel that they all feel kinda samey after all this years. What I hope for the most is that you guys keep on being you and have fun and enjoyment with the content you produce for us all people watching and listening. I for once will always support you no matter where the EZA ship will sail. L&R Daniel


For any tier $25 and over you can count them in the Podcast Credits at the end of each month FYI...


Hello Jones. Feel free to skip this one if another ally asks the same thing (I don't think I'm the only one wondering about this). Why include box peek in the rooster deal? Sure the show is fun and we all love it, but that was a one off thing that won't be done anymore because the producer is no longer part of the company... I guess the same could be said about Achieve it yourself, but that one can easily be picked up by someone else (as it will be by Damiani if my memory doesn't fault me and you haven't switched from the original plan); but Box Peek... I don't know, I find it an odd choice. Estamos en Contact, César.


Putting the shows on Rooster Teeth isn't just advertisement to get them to come find us here. It's a way to get that content out to a new audience, and Box Peek is amazing. To me it's not all that different from bringing out a remaster like Shadow of the Colossus. There's not much chance that there's ever going to be a second Shadow of the Colossus, but it's a timeless experience that's worth bringing to new eyes. Also, this was all in the works long before Kyle left, and he was an integral part of putting it there. -Bloodworth

Jason I.

Hey Jones, I apologize in advance if I'm being presumptuous about this, but while I was watching the reactions to the Playstation event, it felt like the allies wanted to rush through discussion of the Harry Potter game, for obvious reasons. While I can't say whether I agree or disagree with that decision, I understand why you did it. But it does make me wonder how you guys will tackle similar situations in the future. Will you not cover/review this game when it comes out? And if you were covering a different game in the future, and the creator of said game makes bad comments on social media, will you stop covering that game? And do you see this issue as a fundamentally different thing than, let's say, studios that mistreat their employees, in terms of how you react to it? Or will you guys take this on a case-by-case basis? Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this question.


Heya Jones, Yeah, I hear you, It really is a shame. But would Easy Allies ever wear a tie and a serious expression in the middle of July?


Mr. Jones, A comment on professionalism. During the PlayStation event reaction video, Ian had some vulgar remarks for J.K. Rowling during the Harry Potter game reveal. Ian has mentioned their feelings for this person in the past and it wasn't much of a surprise to hear their feelings toward JK Rowling when the Harry Potter property came up. I do not take umbrage with their point of view, but rather how they expressed it. It felt like it made that reveal awkward and shut down any conversation that may have unfolded. I know that the stream is all taking place in the spur of the moment, but if there is to be vitriol from the allies, for any reason, I feel like the reason for criticism should be at least reasonably explained for context. I would gladly watch an EZA produced video on how JK Rowling's comments and tweets have been hurtful to certain communities, but I also feel that it is more than a little jarring and unprofessional to take a shot at her on the fly without context or reasonable provocation. I am not upset or trying to be overly critical of Ian, that moment just really stood out to me this week and thought it was worth discussing from a business point of view because of how frequently companies, public figures and characters are stoking anger these days. Respectfully, Morgan Mohalla


Hide the Patreon numbers. It’s causing some vocal members of the community too much anxiety.


Hey Brandon, It's been awhile since I posted, but last week I heard you asking for a general feeling of "vibes" from the community, so I wanted to weigh in on how I was feeling. Personally, I do feel like a lot of the content I used to enjoy from EZA has gone away over the years. The big things like Retrospectives and Game Sleuth were some of my favorites. Then there's the unfortunate departure of Mr Kyle Bosman. I loved what Kyle brought to the group, with Final Bosman in the old days, Box Peek more recently, but more importantly his overall charm. While I think you're doing a great job with the podcast for example, I now mostly tune in for industry news. Where as it used to be for that, as well as to see what crazy antics Bosman would put you guys through lol. Covid hasn't helped of course because you're unable to do the group shows like Mysterious Monsters, you haven't been able to use the studio, and you've all been stuck on Zoom calls for months which does get tiring to watch. As you've probably gathered from now I'm not a big stream guy. Unless it's a very specific game I'm interested to see an Ally play, streams aren't something I regularly tune in for. I'm more into the "show" type content, so in the last few months I haven't felt like there's been a lot of fresh or exciting content to look forward to coming from EZA. Although I am completely understanding of the circumstances being out of your hands. In the end, you have my $1 regardless. Cup of Jones alone is worth that to me, not to mention that you guys still put out the best reviews in the industry. I'm proud to be an Ally in one of the best communities out there, but I'm also eagerly awaiting when things are able to return to "normal", as I'm sure you all are as well. Love & Respect


Hello Jones, I'm sure by now it has come to your attention what transpired during the PS5 event last week, and if it hasn't, it is now. One game was revealed, from a world created by a controversial person, and it sparked a wave of transphobia in chat in support of said author or to talk down transgender people, like myself. Many were upset and hurt by these comments; I was enraged by it, but I feel I should remain calm and level-headed about this situation. I want to ask you what the Allies and Twitch mods are doing about what happened or if there are plans to circumvent these things from continuing to occur during streams. If I were to suggest anything, it would be to turn chat to Sub-Only mode for events like that to deter people from doing such things, as it was mostly non-subscribers who were making such comments. Not only would this take some of the weight off moderators who would have less work to do, but it would keep others in the community from being harassed like this. I am aware that you and the Allies would prefer to leave everything open so people who don't tune in usually can have a community voice. However, the actions of bad people caused something unacceptable, and something needs to be done. I do not particularly appreciate writing things like this; I would instead not make posts in Cup of Jones because I feel my words are unnecessary. However, I cannot let this go because, as a transgender woman myself, this needs to be addressed and discussed for the community's safety and well-being. Thank you for your time, and have a good day. Love and Respect, R.F. (Do not read the part out loud) P.S. I am gathering information about everything that happened from people who were angry/upset, specifically in regards to members of the community who were subscribers who may need to be dealt with if you, Blood, or mods need it.


Hey Jones, just a bit of feedback on the podcast. I found it a bit jarring to just be told to listen to the post show of reactions rather than go through the announcements of the PlayStation Showcase. I've heard from a couple of friends that only consume the podcast because they only listen to audio content when they have time found it difficult to just have it skipped over when they've seen the headlines elsewhere, then just have no discussion on them. Contrasting with other podcasts I listen to, Waypoint did a reactions, then a podcast the day after going through the announcements blow by blow and Giant Bomb have done reactions, 2 separate podcasts and will have done a third after Tuesday. For the rest of us that did watch the reactions, it still would have been a good discussion and we'd have been able to hear how your thoughts have evolved after sleeping on it.


+1 to this. A new mainline FF was announced! I need everybody's thoughts, even if it's mostly a repeat of the post-show.