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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XSihnJJYhE
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/easyallies/easy-allies-podcast-227-august-14-2020-ad-free/s-fU9hflt53Lr

Note: We had issues with Brad's audio for this episode. You may notice him cut in and out of the conversation.

This week we weigh the financial impact of some big plays in the industry. Epic Games goes to war with Apple, Halo Infinite sets a new course for 2021, EA Executives ask for way too much money in raises, and Control shows us how not to announce a next-gen version of a current-gen game.

00:00:43 - Corrections
00:03:25 - Gaming Gladiators
00:08:46 - Epic Games vs Apple
00:30:23 - Halo Infinite Delayed to 2021
00:46:20 - Control Ultimate Edition
01:00:15 - EA Execs voted out of getting raises
01:08:32 - The Story of The Weddle Grab
01:13:30 - Also This Week...
01:21:46 - L&R - What's up with Monster Hunter?
01:25:17 - L&R - What demos made the wait harder?
01:27:27 - L&R - Game: Eventually Great? Or Just Real Late?
01:30:29 - Time for Bets
01:36:27 - Closing

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Epic Games vs Apple? more like: Apple vs Consumers


Brad’s audio seems to be missing in parts of the podcast


Some issues with Brad's audio throughout the podcast. Sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not.


Note: We had issues with Brad's audio for this episode. You may notice him cut in and out of the conversation.


A little context for the Epic and Apple lawsuit. Although this may be the first time many gamers are hearing about Epic, among other companies, having problems with the App Store/Apple Pay and the Google Play Store this has been an ongoing problem for almost a decade. Although only in last few years has this really come to a head. The EU levied a series of fines against google in 2018 and 2019 following an investigation into anti-trust at Google. Just recently the EU launched an anti-trust investigation into Apple and the App Store/Apple Pay in June 2020 following complaints by Epic Games, Spotify, and others. Similarly but unrelated the U.S congress began a series of hearings on anti-trust issues with Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google in late July 2020. This is after the Supreme Court ruled against Apple in an anti-trust suit last year in Apple v. Pepper. The new lawsuit happening during these investigations is likely not a coincidence.


Thanks for answering my Monster Hunter question and cool deal bringing up the idea that capcom might bring MHW if nothing else to next gen in some kind of oomphy manner. I do hope we get something meaty for MHW or MH in general announced this year / coming out next year. It's my favorite IP along with Resident Evil and can't get enough monster bashin'!


Correction for Ben.... iOS only has 13% market share vs. Android's 87%.


I unfortunately had no luck when trying too find any info but I hope somone else knows the numbers for corrections. But I remember hearing that apples 30% was the far highest cut out of any online service for game sales. This might be outdated info but at the time I believe others were closer too the 20% mark and every 1% is a lot of money


yep though i many western countries its close to that 50/50 split


I think blood sniffed out that correction, seems odd ps5 controller would not work on ps4 games but I honestly could not find any article about it.

David Sobiegraj

Weird that the Allies are against Epic trying to get Apple and Google to lower their cuts taken from every developer. Epic is 100% the good guy here. Just like Epic taking a much lower cut from publis/developers compared to Steam.

David Sobiegraj

Worse part about the Control news is that it has already ran suboptimally on consoles.

David Sobiegraj

Oliva Munn is dating the guy who is responsible for bring G4 back. That is undoubtedly the reason she'd come back.


I can get that Kassandra is the canon protagonist of Odyssey but female Eivor being the canon character for Valhalla seems a bit odd. Design and location wise it seems the male version would be the appropriate canon character for this game. I wonder if their going to continue making the female option the canon regardless of the setting because the story being exactly the same for a woman in the age of vikings makes pretty much zero sense. You can even swap your gender back and forth in the game as it has no implications on story or how you're treated. I know there were some female leaders during this time and AC doesn't care about historical accuracy, it just feels off. hope going forward they can stick to a single character like past games so i dont even have to question the choice.


I don't think it really matters in a game with magical pieces of Eden, Animuses, and moves like setting your sword on fire? I'm not sure how those can't annoy you but a female lead can?


Ian droppin' comedy gold so often. Maybe when the studio comes back find a way to keep him more in the convo like with a camera in camera or something. I dunno. He just brings the stingers!! Also Ben with the 100% great ONO take. So sad to see the man go, but also he was probably largely responsible for many questionable stuff in Capcom's fighting game division (which had become the worst in the company somehow... compared to Monster Hunter and RE). Excited for the future. The new Season of SFV is already full of interesting choices. Lastly (and I'll say it again) the info heavy feel of the podcast is so good. I realize you do less intense focused discussions, but the wide range of coverage you get is fantastic. Feels more comprehensive too. <3


I'd love to see Gaming Gladiators season 2 as a 2v2 game. You specifically put people on teams and get them to argue how their character would win, and then there could be a Patreon or Twitter vote to determine the winner. I loved this episode because you guys actually went through and thought about all their abilities and how they would work.


Ian has easily created some of my favorite moments in recent episodes and I was thinking the same thing, I hope he gets to have a more visual/prominent role in the future when things go back to normal. Maybe it's me already being used to this online format but I really like how equal it is for everybody to chime in.


Jones absolutely rocking the host spot this episode