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This feels weird. We’re supposed to do this thing on Monday but I felt lousy so here we are. We’ll just have to ignore the first two days of the schedule, and I made sure to double check last week’s post where I found two additional questions to answer. After our meeting to plan for August, it’s clear that every ally has been working on back-to-back projects this summer. It seems like every time we wrap up one thing, it’s past time to start working on the next thing. I say this not to sound ungrateful or exhausted, but to illustrate that despite the cancellation of major events, and the continuing effects of this pandemic, this summer is still packed with announcements and game releases worth covering. So thank you for helping us stay on top of this stuff and get our work out there.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jquuBZ_5nc0


DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - July 29, 2020

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies


Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! I was inspired by one of the last questions last week regarding the studio and there was an aspect about what you were discussing I was curious on. I don’t want this to sound doom and gloom, and as you indicated, EZA has contingencies in place in case there is a dip, but taking a look at the Patreon page and as of writing the monetary amount sits just shy of $39K. I was wondering what, if there is one, is the threshold EZA would have to fall under to pull out of the studio and begin discontinuing the various shows/podcasts you all do? If the worst were to happen, what would be on the chopping block first? Again, I want to stress I don’t foresee this and EZA has proven consistent staying power with room for growth, (especially when the coronavirus situation is resolved I predict EZA will be on a initial upward trend) just wanted to be sure what the fallback plans would be if something completely unexpected happens and patron pledges nosedives. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! P.S. Regarding last week’s editorial: Best. Editorial. Ever. QUESTION: Inspired from an answer you gave last week, is there a threshold EZA would have to fall under in total Patreon money to pull out of the studio and begin discontinuing the various shows/podcasts you all do? If the worst were to happen, what would be on the chopping block first?


Hello Jones! Just had a quick question for you regarding Hall of Greats. I was wondering if its ever been pitched to have a community guest spot for HoG, especially now that that weird Bos-guy-whatever his name was is gone. There are obviously things to consider, such as somone who could pick, argue, and show up reliably. The last thing anyone would want is somebody with a 240p camera coming in and talking about how Sneak King is an "underrated gem." But given the age of community involvement we're in, the thought kept crossing my mind during the last HoG. Maybe set restrictions such as they must edit a video and go last, that way they wouldn't have to pop in and out continuously to deliberate, vote, etc. or maybe even make it an absurd Patreon goal ($100? $200?). Maybe the Patreon votes bracket style over the next few months and a week before the next HoG the winning game and the person who pitched it gets to have the guest spot? That's a lot of rambling, I know. And I totally wouldn't be upset if you just stared straight at the camera, shook your head no, and continued to the next question, but the dream of getting to see an Ally COUGH-or myself-COUGH share in that special HoG hype and glow is too much to prevent me from asking this asuredly foolish question. L&R & Sorry Enforcer, @Spongejay1 on Twitter (& now YouTube!!!!)


Milo is so lucky being read stories for by that voice and that enthusiasm. Digital hug from Norway


When are EZA and What's Good Games gonna merge? What are the logistics of such a merger? You're the man Jones!


This so much. This soooooo much. But that's "the" dream. L&R


Hey Jones, When do you and the Allies record the podcast every week? I get the impression it's on Thursdays, and the podcast goes out Fridays. If this is the case, does that basically mean Love and Respect questions have to be submitted the day of the post or they will likely not be seen? There have been times when I don't think of anything to submit until Thursday afternoon around 24 hours after the L&R post goes up, but then remember you're probably recording already so I probably missed it. Would it be possible to have a solid deadline in the post, like "have all submissions up by Thursday at X time PT" like how you do for the Community Showcase submissions? It would be especially helpful if I or other allies are working on a game or something that can take a little bit of research before submitting.


This might not be a business question per say so do with that what you will Jones! Since Final Fantasy 7 Remake was brought up for a third time in Huber Syndrome, do you think that has a chance for Hall of Greats in a capacity where it is just one game of a multi-game story? Or is it cohesive and a great remake enough to be a part of the illustrious hall? Overall hope all is well and Love & Respect!


Hey Brandon, Imagine the year is 2045 and The Easy Allies have just finished up their final (mutual and voluntary) stream. The office door has been locked for the final time and you’re ready to ride off into the sunset...right after Milo changes YOUR diaper. While he’s doing that can you tell us: Out of the numerous accomplishments that Easy Allies achieved, what is the one you are most proud of? Take Care!


Hey Jones, Oh, no. No, no, no. Let's just pretend that didn't happen. But if Easy Allies was an orphan in Victorian London and wanted to impress the girlfriend of a dangerous criminal, would it offer to lace her shoe, paint its face bright blue, catch a kangaroo, or go to Timbuktu?


Hello Brandon. If I understand correctly, your Superhot: Mind Control Delete review was delayed because you were busy with other work and had no time for editing. Have you considered allowing others to edit your reviews?


On this week's podcast there was a nearly 10 minute period that I think should not have happened. During the conversation about G4 coming back, Damiani decided to start reading out articles he had just found and hadn't read through yet. This started at https://youtu.be/-ow1qKZYMbE?t=2968 - then interupts conversation again with more from that article at https://youtu.be/-ow1qKZYMbE?t=3056 - then at https://youtu.be/-ow1qKZYMbE?t=3376 he realizes the article he's reading is from almost a year ago, so the whole conversation is based on old information that may not be relevent anymore. In the "before time" at the studio, people would not be live-googling things, except for occasionally Kyle would ask Ian to check something, and in that case Ian would be off camera and off mic reading the information before interjecting later with a quick summary of what he had just read. Perhaps there should be a rule about doing this now that you are all streaming from home? I think it brings down the pace of the podcast and hijacks your planned list of topics.. save that for the Fast and Loose talk show! L&R

Stephen Sosa

Hey Jones, I’m about to become a father welcoming my daughter to this world later this month. As a now father and fellow gamer, how do you balance finding the time to play while keeping up with parent responsibilities? Also, any parent related advice you wish to give is also welcome. Thanks!


Hey Jones - I have an idea for a L&R game for the podcast, but in this quarantine era of podcasts im not sure how the logistics of it would work, so I thought I'd maybe ask it here to see what you think, if its possible to do or not. Essentially the game would be called the Huber factor. The idea is that I would write up vague but accurate descriptions (only 2 or 3 sentences for the sake of time) of 3 or 4 games- in which one of those games is a critically acclaimed hit, while the others are more or less flops, or swimming in 7s at best. Then I would have Huber read my descriptions of those games in his very Huber Hype fashion and give the panel the opportunity one option for a RENT and one option for a BUY for the games listed. Essentially it would just be a matter of if even Huber could make some of these games sound exciting enough, and see which Ally ends up with which game based on how hype Huber could make them sound with these generic descriptions. Ideally if it were possible, i would enjoy it if you could also get in on the fun, so if there is a way I could submit this such that you dont see the game titles yourself that would be great. But I dont know if thats possible. Either way is this a game that would be possible without you being in the actual studio right now? If i just submit the whole thing on the Patreon post would Huber be able to get the write ups himself? Just curious how this would work - i have a few ideas for some not-so-great games that I think i could write up so that Huber makes them sound great :) Let me know what you think. Thanks Jones - Keep up the great work L&R from Canada Garrett (gbzmr in chat)