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VIDEO: https://youtu.be/kWoNVArR0oY

This month we're joined by special guests Matthew Walden (Better Than Speed) and patron saint of Reaction Shots Tokyo Slim to talk about samurai movies!  

I really enjoyed shooting this episode, the conversation was great!  Hope you like it too! 




Huber, I love you for your Sword of the Stranger call out


So glad you finally watched Witches of Eastwick, Ian! I LOOOVE that movie and think of it every time I eat cherries =)

Logan Young

Huber convinced me to watch 13 assassins last week. Great movie!


Hey Allies - I've been listening to the Easy Allies Podcast since day one. I'm getting caught up now on Frame Trap (on episode 55) and plan on starting Reaction Shots after that (forgive me). Anyway, I wanted to share a really small, not-well-known website with you guys - flickchart.com. It's a website that helps you rank your all-time favorite movies, and it's pretty much my favorite film website outside of letterboxd.com (speaking of which, do you guys have accounts?) I'm hoping to hell that the Flickchart team expands beyond film to perhaps video games or music, but who knows if that will ever happen. Anyway, I just wanted to share the site with you and figured you guys might enjoy it. Love and respect!