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Most of us are still stuck at home so, along with all of our live-streams, and the Q&A portions of our various shows, the Community Showcase means more to us than ever. Brad Ellis will be joining me on June 1st (next Monday) to enjoy everything the tier has prepared for us. Remember to keep things within the guidelines listed below to keep this fair across the board, and feel free to message us here if you have difficulties getting your post to stay put. No matter when you make your post before Monday, it never hurts to check around the time of the deadline to make sure it hasn't vanished. We love Patreon, but its hunger for gobbling up comments can be insatiable.


No submissions will be accepted past June 1, 2020, at 12:00 AM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long comment is a bit disrespectful of people who just leave comments. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Greetings Brandon and Brad, This month I want to try and change the dreary nature of my past submissions with an entry a bit more sardonic. Before I do Commendations must go to the recent TierMaker group stream, which was brilliant and insightful-just wish Huber were a part of it! Any chance of a follow up? Now onto Brad! I’ve got to be honest; Brad has presented something of an enigma to me. I know he adores Dark Souls, Final Fantasy and CastleVania, but I personally cannot read his interests as readily as the other Allies, but I feel obliged to make amends by giving each of those franchises a one-sentence simile summary. Dark Souls- Like a spicy curry, you will keep eating it although it makes you cry-akin to how Souls players will die and die and die again and again until they memorise enemy patterns and slay those mighty foes accordingly in a dogged display of sheer perseverance. Final Fantasy- Like a series of important Shakespeare plays that eventually morph into glossily seductive magazine covers featuring giant swords, man-boys with whacky haircuts and women who tease. CastleVania- Like Alacard is the result if WWE’s Baron Corbin regrew his lengthy dark mullet and started scooping and licking his fingers in a jar of raspberry jam whilst vainly cosplaying as Raphael from the Soul Calibur series. Sam Porter-Bridges has given me the idea to become a wayfaring courier-if you wanted someone to deliver you a new fridge whilst it’s awkwardly straddling on their back, then you need burly men like me to lift the load and then collapse under its weight because I ate too many Buffalo Wild Wings and Kojima induced me with a narcoleptic episode so I tumbled down a ravine. Now a letter: Dear Cloud Strife, Your forename is foreboding, and your surname means angry, why does your name mirror Jim Sterling’s attitudes towards the videogame industry? I know you have beef but you need to add some pork, chicken and fish to your diet, maybe then you’ll gain some charisma and buffer up thanks to some of Daniel Bloodworth’s mean and lean protein. And change your name why don’t you-the world is already full of malice-maybe Rainbow Harmony will do the trick-all you’ll need then is some groovy 80s pants, a Hawaiian shirt and a unicorn to ride on instead of a fo-tough motorbike-now you got some real attitude. Maybe get your buddy Zack to do the same, but instead of riding a unicorn he will get his own luxury plodding donkey ride. Get a haircut too because you’re showing symptoms of remakesitis with that pretty sheen, least you don’t reflect the dirty sewer-dwelling drug addicts that Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira do if the Resident Evil 3 poster is any indication. Yours cordially, Your image consultant. Finally, I posit- which videogame with Odyssey in the name rules them all? Super Mario Odyssey is my pick by far. Thanks once again for everything you do-L&R.


Hey Allies! I'm actually about to head out camping for a week with my roommates so I'm a little scatterbrained. 2020 has been... a lot. Personally the last few months has been really draining and full of tough things to deal with. It's no secret that I suffer from multiple mental health issues. Personally I've been coping by leaning on my own spiritualism (I am a practicing witch who finds comfort in it) and reconsuming my favourite media (supernatural.... unsurprisingly). I just want to take this time to tell people that you're not alone. It's okay to be hurting, to be in pain. But you don't have to go through it alone. If you are struggling, please don't hesitate to reach out to people in your life. It's hard, but its worth it. Find your solace, find what makes you happy, what gives you peace of mind. Don't be afraid to indulge in what brings you happiness. Play DND for twelve hours, lay in the sun all day, bake weird things. Love and be loved. Love and Respect, Kit "Loves Jar Jar Binks" Snow


Hey Brad and Brandon! For this month, I’ve taken Final Fantasy IX’s main theme, “Melodies of Life”, and rearranged it for jazz guitar. The theme finds itself in much of IX’s soundtrack, not the least of which is the game’s overworld theme, “Over the Hills,” which provided plenty of inspiration for this recording as well. Hope you enjoy! 
Adam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzqTP_BhNs0


Hello Allies, To be quite honest, it’s been a rough month and I didn’t get done with as much game dev stuff as I would have liked. So instead of a dev update I’ve brought a time lapse of a fashion piece I made for Mermay. For BG music I picked 3 of the more chill songs I’ve made for Unusuals. I feel a flashing light warning is probably appropriate as the video has been sped up quite a bit. https://youtu.be/ICMf9dFIDek


Mr. Jones, If you will allow this, I would like use my community post to have you interview the guest ally with 5 questions talk show style. Please select any 5 questions from the ones provided with the guest and allow the them to have a preview. Some questions may be too personal, silly or off topic, in which case they can be replaced or skipped all together. If the guest is feeling it, and there is time, feel free to do more. L&R Morgan Mohalla Bradley Ellis 1- Which Ally would have the most entertaining arc on Tiger King’s second season? 2- What is your most unpopular opinion outside of gaming? 3- Who is the most important person in your world? 4- What are you too nice to tell Brandon Jones? 5- What do you fear you are missing out on in life? 6- What story will you be proud to tell your someday grandchildren? 7- Can Star Wars ever be as great as it was? (If yes, in a few words, how? 8- Rapid Fire, name 5 things that need to stop or go away forever. 9- What do you wish you were best known for? 10- Please describe your philosophy on the meaning of life.


Hey Brandon and Brad, This month has been a busy one for gaming. I started Cities: Skylines on PS4 since I got it free on PS Plus. I finished off all of Doom Eternal multiplayer trophies and my campaign run through. I just have to play the campaign on Extra Life mode and finish with 10 lives remaining for the final trophy and platinum. I went back to Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood to get the platinum there, and then I started Assassin's Creed 3 which I am enjoying it so far. I bought the Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and Lion King. This is a special one for me, as it brings back lots of memories playing Aladdin on my grandad's mega drive. I have no idea how I managed to finish the Lion King game as a kid. Playing through it now, the collision detection is terrible when jumping over the water on the hippo tails. Most of the time, it fails to grab and I fall in the water. I had to use the rewind feature a lot to get it done. I also picked up Mass Effect: Andromeda since it was so cheap. I am invested in the story already. I can see a few of the reasons for some negativity early on, like at the end of one small side mission, I had a choice of letting someone leave or letting the council decide punishment. Upon deciding on council punishment, the quest ended and I saw no conclusion to it. I even looked it up online to find out if there is more info and that was it. They just didn't write and show a conclusion. Such a small issue though. I would definitely recommend it for anyone that saw the initial backlash and avoided it. My final game for the month is Mafia 2. It is a shame they chose to port the PC version rather than a console version since that is the version that had the bugs. So far it has run smooth enough for me, the only current annoyance is there is no way to unlock the trophy "The Enforcer" for getting 50 kills. People with over 500 kills have got it. So I have to hope for a patch. Hope you are both well and the chat too. Love and respect, BeardedScotsman86


Hello Brad & Jones! How have you been doing? I hope all is well with you both and your families. May was, again, a good month for my gaming, but if you expect a long list of beaten games, I will disappoint you. I have been playing Breath of the Wild for the past 3 months, and while I wanted to share my thoughts until I was done with the game, unexpectedly I hit credits last week, so I thought I may as well start with the long Zelda Saga. As I’ve said before, I saved this game for after I beat every game in the franchise but, it’s time to come clean, I did play an hour or so 3 years ago when I got it. In that initial taste I ignored the old man calls to meet him down the hill and ran directly to the temple of time and climbed to the top… why?, you aks. Because that’s something I’ve wanted to do since I played Ocarina of Time some 8 years ago (remember, I skipped the NG4/Gamecube era entirely; I have a lot of catching up to do). In Ocarina of time, ever since I got to the chamber where the Master Sword lied, a beautiful scene unfolds with those beautiful chants and a stream of light showering the sword… then a thought crossed my mind “where is all that light coming from? It should be a window right there in the ceiling. Why can’t I just climb the walls, break the glass and get thru the ceiling and not have to get the medallions?” Seriously, all that light coming in, someone has to clean that window on the ceiling! I imagine there is and NPC in Hyrule so tired of listening to “the legend” that there is a sword hidden in the temple of time and just thinking “yes, fucking yes! There is a sword back there! I have told you all so many times that it is there! I can see it when I clean the window every week!”. Anyway, because of that thought that invaded my mind for many years, I went straight to climbing the temple In Breath of the Wild and was a little disappointed that there was no sign of such window; but still, it was a dream come true to be on top of the building. After running around a bit and getting my fix, I went back to my plan of beating Majora’s Mask & Triforce Heroes before I would go into the Wild again. I didn’t think it would take me 3 years to catch up, but here we are now; I’m finally playing one of the best games of all time and, as you (Brandon) has put it, that delayed gratification only made it more special. That’s it for this month. Take care, allies. Estamos en Contact, César.


Didn’t have time to record any voiceover for this month’s submission, as I’ve been super swamped with work, both in personal projects and with actual work, so here’s 3 minutes of footage of me and my roommate trying to get a quality shot for an upcoming juggling video I’m producing. In the end I don’t think we got it, but there’s always next time. Keep doing your thing, Allies. L&R Eric P.S. - Remember Sora, you are the one who will open the door to light. https://youtu.be/oJCO-IxhZg4 —— (Don’t read on stream) Hey Jones, apologies for submitting late. Stuff has been crazy lately, but that doesn’t forgive breaking the conduct of Community Showcase, so don’t feel bad at all if it’s the case that you don’t include this submission this month. Hope the family is doing well, and I’ll see you next month!


Samurai. You are a warrior. I can see that. You trained your whole life for this, and you have won battles that lesser men have called unwinnable, yes? But while you were sharpening your sword, do you know how I prepared for today? I learned. I know your language, your traditions, your beliefs, which villages to tame, and which to burn. So I ask you once again, Samurai. Do you surrender?


Link sent via patreon direct message... I'm back baby!!!


Looks like comments that get edited (potentially multiple times) are more susceptible to Patreon eating them up. Third showcase it's happened to me on. Adding my submission again below: Hola Brad y Jones, Wanted to give a shout out to Gino (@BooksHail) and the book he’s working on titled Hail Mary: Wrath. Haven’t read a book in a while but when he explained what it was about in a previous showcase, I decided to jump back into reading and glad I did. Won’t spoil anything, but if you decide to give it a try, keep an eye out for the chapters with the single name of a person...highlights for me. Can’t wait for the next book! First completed backlog game is PaRappa the Rapper on PS4. Interesting that I still remember the Master Onion Rap after so many years...probably from playing the demo disc to death. FYI, that 4th level with the chicken is so broken and sucks that it’s still off-key. Next is Florence, an interactive story game developed by Mountains and published by Annapurna. Nice inexpensive addition to the Switch and glad it didn’t have the ending I assumed it would based on promotional images. Followed this up with Gorogoa, a unique puzzle game designed by Jason Roberts and published by Annapurna as well, on the Switch. I heard Ian mention this a few times and wanted to give it a shot. I enjoy the feeling of being completely lost with a puzzle game only to figure out how it functions and then feel like a fool for not seeing it in the first place. After years away from the series, it was time to get back to Trine 3 and 4 on the Switch. Sadly the 3rd installment, developed and published by Frozenbyte, is the weakest of them all in my opinion. They did away with skill trees, along with some of the abilities that were staples, like Amadeus creating planks. This is the only one in the series which allows full 3d gameplay, but the graphics suffered due to it, causing me to run into constant bugs. To top it off, the story ends on a cliffhanger which is completely dropped. Trine 4, published by Modus Games this time around, was a great return to form. Skill trees were back along with the traditional 2d gameplay in a stunning 3d world. It’s a self-contained story having nothing to do with its predecessor and was a true delight. There is a small secret which tries to pay homage to Trine 3’s open-ended finish if you get all the secret unlockables. Wanting more platforming, I played Metroid: Samus Returns on the 2DS. I had the original for Gameboy but never made it far. This felt like your average Metroid game, but I always enjoy slowly upgrading Samus to get her ready for the end. Finally, played Teslagrad, a 2d puzzle platformer on the Switch developed and published by Rain Games. What’s cool about this game is that you use the power of magnetism to solve puzzles and fight. Interesting and unique for sure. That’s all for now! Amor y Respeto

Brandon K Gann

May had a lot of small things making it a rather packed one for my interests. Coming down off the high of Final Fantasy VII: Remake, for a while I didn’t feel like playing anything else, but a couple of blasts from the past got me into the mood. The first I didn’t play, but rather watched, and that’s the Wind Waker full playthrough. I’m not really a fan of the franchise, but Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda. Sailing around, discovering islands with delightful tunes, and discovering each island’s secrets make it such a jolly game. Thank you, Mr. Ellis, for streaming it! But what I’ve been playing is the Legend of Dragoon. It’s been almost 15 years since my only play attempt, when I became stuck on Disc 3 (of 4) and only now have I decided to give it another go. Let me tell you, this is a mixed bag. It’s clear how much it takes and reworks from Final Fantasy. The writing is not good, and the handling of certain characters lean into cringey tropes. Gameplay is fine leaning into the dynamic of switching into the titular Dragoons to cast powerful magic and strengthening physical attacks, but having every attack requires you to be involved with a rhythm-based pressing of the X button is frustrating. Doubly so when every character has multiple attacks, called Additions, they can pick from and each of these Additions hold different timing. Despite it all, I’m going to see it through to the end. Aside from those, the kickoff for the Summer Game Fest briefly felt like what I was missing, and what we will miss, in what should have been in a couple weeks. Sure, the small announcements or videos in and of themselves weren’t all too major, but having something for every day, and just as importantly a schedule to look forward to, really gives off the slightest of hype. To close, I just want leave a few words about a short list of games I can’t to play for the first time, both old and new within the next couple of months. Currently, the forums just rapped up the GOTY list for 2011, and there was an entry that, after thinking about it, I don’t have a good reason why I let it pass me by: Deus Ex: Human Revolution. After doing some research and talking with a friend of mine, four words sold me: “Cyberpunk Dishonored with guns.” So, I’m going to give it and (dependent on how that goes) Mankind Divided a shot. They’re joining A Plague Tale: Innocence and Hellblade: Senua’s Saga in games that have interested me, and I need to try. But there are two 2020 games that should be released soon: Superliminal, a puzzle game all about perspective I first saw during a Kinda Funny Games Showcase and last saw during a State of Play, and lastly, the game that most can’t wait for this month: The Last of Us Part II.


Apologies for the bad VO. Please enable subtitles if necessary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3uwU3h-7hE


My Mom is on Chemotherapy so her immune system is compromised and due to the pandemic my three children can't visit. We decided to make a video for her and the most reasonable thing we could think of was to cover of the season 1 opening to legend of galactic heroes. This was our result: https://youtu.be/FzC57ZAZqBQ .


Greetings Brad and Jones! Hope you are doing well. As for me, I finally finished story boarding chapter 2 of my webcomic and began work on it! Right now it’s just line art as I like to switch up the steps every now and then to help keep things from feeling stale. And for funsies, here’s a PREVIEW from chapter 2. I’ll leave it to your imaginations on what they are talking about. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T32StknszaIwwErtAQD6whO1YHryXuQ_/view?usp=drivesdk In other art news, I didn’t get much work done because a lot of things were happening in my personal life (don’t worry, nothing serious.) However, I did manage to get a few illustrations out for AniMay. Ochako Uraraka from My Hero Academia: https://twitter.com/zephyrmoon2/status/1256187707207925760?s=21 Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia: https://twitter.com/zephyrmoon2/status/1258388859290779650?s=21 Sakura Kinomoto and Kero from Cardcaptor Sakura: https://twitter.com/zephyrmoon2/status/1265284207007412226?s=21 I’m currently working on another one and maybe two more by the end of June. And that’s not the only thing I’ve been working on. A few times this month I’ve actually been doing art streams where I’m just drawing while listening to music from my iPad Pro and just hanging out with chat. Thanks to those that showed up for the streams and I hope to do more in the future! Hope everyone is staying safe out there and wash your hands! Much love and respect, Sara Imshaug Zephyr Moon P.S. Hottake. Cardcaptor Sakura is better than Sailor Moon.


Good afternoon gentlemen, I hope you're doing well. Welcome to another Animal Crossing update. May turned out to be kind of an eventful month for me. 1. It all started when I was cleaning out my basement and found an old photo of my great-grandmother performing on stage: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AQXAFI7RATvCHr1CgRKyo-U9hJc9AxAj/view?usp=sharing 2. This inspired me to perform in Tom Nook's Night of Creating Your Own Entertainment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wWjzMibt7jTyG7WFcgTCdQt6ihpz0dys/view?usp=sharing 3. Someone apparently really likes piano covers of They Might Be Giants songs because I got a big tip afterwards: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WkZirJV71JU_8ZdWVSRm6dXYO9EsRCcL/view?usp=sharing 4. Unfortunately, I lost it all and more at the race track: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NBcb4zA6fAvFNBjUXXjBNTseU34VYqGm/view?usp=sharing 5. I was given the option to pay it off as a debt collector but soon found I didn't have the stomach for it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-XFf6WnkU18miKjv_COTScWzq1-G1MrF/view?usp=sharing 6. I thought I could get help at the museum but I forgot about the camera: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i2v_luHIcKBPGE2B6fU3eGsDMVOTWNp0/view?usp=sharing 7. ... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MKCWyyh97DqUd6ufp1sM5pnuh_zUoNFE/view?usp=sharing 8. But I worked off my debt to society and everything is fine now: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18EVrg9rCVlbZTIhV5JID9bvVTnKd47uY/view?usp=sharing 9. Also, Elmer continues to be Elmer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C34u0kdtPFAN_c_ncMaKETZTenvpJ0lF/view?usp=sharing That's all today. Stay safe and healthy and I'll see you next month! Asbo Zappruder / screaming_argonaut


Hey Jones, and Brad, hope you're having a great day. Short recap of my sisters comic: Cyan has found herself awoken in some kind of toxic liquid, not seeming to remember the deal with death she had made a few moments ago, a young boy rushes in to warn her that she is in great danger! http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page19.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page20.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page21.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page22.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page23.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page24.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page25.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page26.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page27.png http://www.themessageofcyan.com/images/Page28.png I threw in the Last page (it's animated png hope that works), it's an extra (sorry, feel free to disqualify it) but since the comic is going on Hiatus till July 2020 it might be a while before there is another post. Thanks for reading it, we love watching your takes, Bosman might have come on a bit strong - but still was hilarious and classic Bosman. :) L&R


Hello allies! Elaine from New Zealand. Usually I have music, but not this week. Instead, I'm going to give you a gaming backlog update... Right now, I'm working towards my goal of platinuming every Final Fantasy on PS4. So far I've completed my runs of FFVII, FFX and FFXV. (My FFX run took 120 hours. Good lord...) Right now I'm working on FFXIITZA. Next will be VIII, then IX. After that I probably should finish DQXI on the Switch (I got to Act II and stopped...) With all this Final Fantasy in my diet, it got me thinking... And I want to submit a rant. I have words to say about the public perception of Final Fantasy VII. First of all, let's get this out of the way here: It is my favourite Final Fantasy. I cannot tell you how many times I have completed this game across it's various platforms. I would even say it's The Best One. But that's a discussion for another day. No, Allies, what I want to say is this. Final Fantasy VII's world map is not in any way comparable to the vast open worlds of modern gaming. This is despite people insisting that the only way to translate the overworld is through modern, vast, open vistas ala Final Fantasy XV. I would like to throw my hat in the ring to say, this is farcical. Final Fantasy VII's overworld is not an open world. It's an abstracted world. We are looking back at it with modern lenses, because it's abstracted world was the closest we got, in a PS1 game, to feeling the way we do when we turn the camera atop a large mountain in Breath of the Wild. But those feelings are lying to us. Final Fantasy VII was always a linear experience. Mostly about getting from point A to point B, with things to do along the way. It's not "Open" in the sense open worlds are, but people have these weird perceptions about it that don't jive with my experience. It was really good at hiding that, at pulling the wool over our eyes. That's good game design. As I said-- it's my favourite Final Fantasy, and even my favourite game of all time. (I also want to say that I loathe, how linear has become a bad word. That's a rant for another day, though.) We cannot extrapolate an overworld into an open world. The two things fundamentally serve different design purposes. Final Fantasy VII's world would be much better served by being turned into zones, ala the game I'm playing right now, Final Fantasy XII. Not only would it be easier to create, and less of a load on the hardware and designers; it would more truly capture the essence of traversing that world. It would give us just enough freedom to poke around in there. It's interesting to me to consider how modern stylings have changed how we view older games, even as we play them. That's it, that's the rant. I could go in depth, but then it would become way too much to read. Suffice it to say: I'm working on that backlog. On the list is the Yakuza games, Dragon Quest Builders 2, the Atelier games, and a slew of other things i'm forgetting about. Oh, and Animal Crossing. Can't forget Animal Crossing. Anyway. I hope you're all keeping well. Please stay safe and be kind. Love and respect, Elaine, from New Zealand.


Hi Jones and Brad, I hope you're both doing well! I am joined by EZA community member Mason Victoria (masonachu) on Maniacal Melodies, my weekly music discussion podcast. Here's a short excerpt for you to listen to; please enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/jeffery-white-566315786/eza-community-showcase-maniacal-melodies-with-masonachu


Video link: https://youtu.be/lpTPMQI1INA Steam store page is up: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1018740/Random_Raiders/ Hi Jonesy and Bradley! I spent the last few weeks making a trailer for Random Raiders - the guild management sim I showed screenshots for on the showcase several months ago. Me and Max who makes the game decided to join the Steam Game Festival which some of you may know is part of Keighleys Summer Game Fest. It basically means there will be a playable demo available June 9th on PC for all to play and this is the trailer for the event. I'd love to hear your quick thoughts on the trailer and the game idea in general and if you have any quick fun MMO Guild stories we could be inspired by. The game is more about the experience of running and being in a guild rather than actually playing the fictional MMO game. This is something like the third real trailer I've made for a game and it took a couple of weeks to put together - testing and fixing a recordable build, recording gameplay, editing, exporting and general youtube razzmatazz. Hope you all enjoy! Benny and Max


Hello Gentlemen, I wanted to use this month to talk about how I got one of the most important games for me ever, and one of my favorite games, Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii. During the 360/PS3 generation, I slowly started to drift from playing games completely. It was not my favorite period of gaming, not that there were not amazing games during that gen. So it was during the summer before the PS4 was released. I also had kind of had a falling out of playing JRPGs for some strange reason that I don't even remember now, just remember being disapointed by Rogue Galaxy and then not playing them again for a good long time. So, I was going to look for a game to play, as I had time on my hands and wasn't sure what to play if anything. I went to a used game store and found a copy of Persona 4 which at that time I had never played for PS2. So I bought it and took it home, and found out the game didn't work. I tried a number of times and the game just was to scratched up. So I returned it and got some money back. Looking around I saw Xenoblade and for some reason it just stuck out to me and it was luckily for me only 60 dollars. I got it on site and went home and played it. I played it endlessly over the next week or so, and well beat it. It reenergized my love of games, and jrpgs. I loved the story, the characters, the music, everything about the game. Dunban is one of my favorite characters in a game. From the opening battle in Sword Valley I was just hooked. Even the graphics didn't bother me to much. That game and later Fire Emblem Awakening which I got later that Year on the 3ds which I got around the same time. These are the two games that caused me to fall back in love with gaming and thus are two of my most favorite games. So here is to having a great deal of fun with the new one.


Hi Jones, Brad, and Allies around the globe! With a lot more free time on my hands recently, I've decided to finally start that Youtube channel I've always been talking about, and I'd love to share my most recent video with the community. I know Brad is a musician, and we all know Jones loves a good western, so I think this is appropriate for this particular month. I decided to do a short medley of the Sunset Riders OST, trying to keep mostly with the Spaghetti Western tropes, but dragging it a little to the left into the spirit of heavy metal. So raise those bull horns, and please enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACSmB3HxKfM P.S I also make video game reviews, top tens and other content, I'm a new channel, but you guys inspire me to keep trucking. Thanks for all the inspiration over the years all the way back to the GT days. I'll try to hold myself to the standard you guys set. Best in the biz. Love and Respect! Ciaran / MrConeman


(Hopefully this makes it in time) Hey Jones and Brad! Been slow with making videos due to everything going on, but I finally got this song down after working on it for a while. For this one, I wanted to spotlight the most underrated video game composer of all time: Tim Follin. He created some of the best music the NES has to offer, but unfortunately only ever worked on awful games. This is a prime example. Enjoy! L&R - Ben https://youtu.be/L1EkYPAtWMc


Hello Brandon and Brad! I'm incredibly excited about this month's showcase. To begin - I have never completed a final fantasy game. Last year I began FF7 and escaped Midgar, but just kinda fell off and never finished it. After watching the final trailer for remake I was hooked and knew I had to jump in. Remake absolutely blew me away. It had characters I instantly fell in love with, an incredibly fun combat system, and a story that left me intrigued. After finishing it in about a week, I loaded up the PSN version of FF7 and restarted my journey. Well another week later the original was done too. I can confidently say I love Final Fantasy 7. For all the hype Id heard over the years, Id never really heard just how innovative, bizarre, and bold the original game is. It left me surprised, emotional, and blown away throughout. The PSN versions 3x battle speed option was a great help too for making some more mundane grinding and exploration painless, and having a "voice" for many of the characters through remake helped me feel a greater sense of attachment. I was so invested I'm now awaiting on a blu ray copy of Advent Children in the mail. Who'da thunk it. During the remainder of the summer I plan to go through 8 and 9 as well (and while Id also like to go through 6, the lack of a 3x option is a bit frightening - but for you Jones Ill try!). To take a short (or long) break from Final Fantasy however, Im now going through PErsona 3 FES. Im about 40 hours in now, and having a good time! Its definitely a bit tricky to go back to having played P5 and then P4 do to its lack of direct command of your party, but it has that Persona charm nonetheless. Like usual, the soundtrack by Shoji Meguro is god tier. One final more serious note. I think the last few days have in particular made a lot of people feel more desire to attempt to change our politics, while also feeling more helpless. We can change things. I would highly encourage anyone and everyone to really look into who represents you in congress, in the state house, state senate, or even the city level. If you have someone great already - great! But work to keep them there. And if you have someone who stands against progress, find their opponent. Those running against long time incumbents or for state level positions are almost always underfunded and under-supported. They are also almost always very easy to contact. Ask how you can help, make ten phone calls a day. It may not seem like much, but find someone you think will fight to make things better and give them your all (and if we have any other Ohio allies who want some suggestions Id be happy to point you some directions!) Love and Respect, and Black Lives Matter Tyler @tmgm528


Hello Brad and Brand... on. Didn't finish the project I mentioned I was working on last showcase, I actually ended up working on a bunch of OTHER projects instead. I've put a lot of time into a short story centred around the character I'm playing in a Changeling: the Lost game I'm in that I won't be able to share on the showcase because it's currently about 1500 words long and not even finished. Haven't been playing any new games, but I've been playing some old ones instead. My brother was messing around on my Switch while we were hanging out at my mom's place and he noticed that Bastion and Transistor were both pretty heavily discounted. Supergiant Games are his favourite developer, so he bought both of them for on a whim, as such I'm slowly working my way through Bastion at the moment. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the combat? It feels kind of weightless and floaty, and the character models and animations haven't aged well, but I don't think that's what people love about this game. It's very clearly the worldbuilding, music, characters and that lovely narrator, and all of that still holds up great. I've also been replaying another old game that has aged very well, namely Sleeping Dogs. In a world where GTA can throw a bunch of vapid Americana "satire" and poop jokes on the screen, call itself deep, and get away with it (no offense Jones) it's such a delight to play a game like Sleeping Dogs, which not only has strong narrative themes in its story but also explores those themes mechanically as well. It's just so clever how the game uses its two experience systems, one rewarding violence and efficiency and other punishing clumsiness and recklessness, as a way to highlight how the protagonist is torn between his two identities as a triad member and an undercover cop. And I do so love that chunky, meaty Kung-Fu combat. Play Sleeping Dogs, it's so very underappreciated. Now, some non-video game stuff: The latest Magic the Gathering expansion, Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths, released this May, and I was all over it, even buying an entire booster box (that's 120$ worth of cards). I mean, come on, it's a set focused on giant kaiju monsters; my online handle is LITERALLY Leviathan, of course I'm excited for it. Also, I think the new Companion mechanic broke all the competitive formats? I wouldn't know, I only play Commander. Finally, to round up this submission: Last week one of my favourite artists, Will "Baths" Weisenfeld, released his latest album Pop Music / False B-Sides II, a spiritual successor to an earlier album of his. It's a delightfully dreamy electronic album, I only wish it had a bit more edge to it because it doesn't quite have the same bite and diversity as his best works. Still, it's very good, and I highly recommend checking out some of the tracks like Tropic Laurel, Fortuna, or my favourite, Veranda Shove. That's all from me for this month, until next time: Love and Respect, Small Leviathan


Hi Easy Allies, I like randomizing things. And recently, a new Xbox One firmware added a random game selection button. So here are 9 not-necessarily-good-or-interesting screenshots, from 9 RANDOM games, taken on the mighty Xbox One X. (Disclamer: No X Enhanced games were in this selection). https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49937120382_db24bf201d_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49937145572_1b2f2328de_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49937143232_47c1055cdc_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49936324918_337660a522_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49937137117_0fb5341fa0_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49937133082_16247db44e_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49936826271_b21b51b3c1_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49936308043_90b988b81a_o.png https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49936818831_0652fe7ce1_o.png


Greetings Jones and Brad, I was going to do an Animal Crossing video, but I need more time to perform a blood sacrifice for it. I also could show you more character art from Themis the Catgirl, but I want to have my drawing tablet before I do that. Having said that….. By now, you’ve probably noticed my penname, R.F. Switch. While R.F. are my actual initials, and Switch could also refer to my transition, the reality is that I chose R.F. Switch as a reminder of how much I love classic video games. Why do I bring this up? Well, I’m going to be streaming soon and I have a nice little collection of about 130~ SNES games. While I have your ear, I figure I’ll take a moment and talk about my top 5 favorite RPGs in my collection. Enjoy: 5. Final Fantasy 4: My favorite of the Final Fantasy games (sorry 6), I feel Cecil’s story is a deep and meaningful redemption story, and the rest of the cast have incredible character arcs throughout. 4. Secret of Mana: I love the AI grid and the way the menus work in this game, and the music and gameplay is fantastic. Also, having fast travel be cannon based is always a blast, literally. 3. Super Mario RPG: The precursor to Paper Mario. Why wouldn’t I love this game? Especially the delightful way in which they used pantomime to allow Mario to communicate in the story, instead of being a boring old “silent protagonist”. 2. Earthbound: 4th wall breaking? A fantastic soundtrack? Excellently strange characters and a bright, colorful world with incredible lore? I’ve owned this game for over 25 years, and it fills me with joy every time I play it. It also inspired some of my writing style for Themis…. 1. Chrono Trigger: My personal favorite game of all time, and the favorite of everyone else who has ever played it. I have been replaying this game recently, and it makes my heart sing every time I play it. I also just got Lucca to hug Chrono after his resurrection instead of Marle for the first time... and almost cried because it was so emotional To anyone who hasn’t played these games, seek them out. Each one is a precious gem, and deserving to be considered one of the greats. Have a good day, and play well. Love and Respect, R.F. Switch P.S. Also, Happy birthday Milo (June 21st) and myself (June 19th) Twitch(dot)TV/RFSwitchArt


Chaining this post down to perform the darkest rites.......... Sorry, still thinking about my Island's rituals.....


Hi Brandon and Brad. Played through original RE2. Still holds up. Instead of playing bunch of games I was on a drawing spree for 2 weeks straight (also watched 4 and half seasons of Suits). When the iron is hot, you gotta keep on hitting it am I right? So here are most what came out of those 2 weeks. 1) Guess it's over for him. Too calm for the situation? 2) Classic nose swipe. Sadly a picture can't do a sound effect. 3) A tree. 4) He doesn't know what's coming for him but it ain't gonna be pretty. To be continued...? 5) Fast food. Original design on the can. Thirsty for some Cloudy Orange? 6) I enjoy drawing a person with their hair tied up. 7-8) Trust medical experts. For your sake and those around you. Stay safe. 9) Let's end this with a high note. A cat! https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1258299529704681472/photo/1 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1257562584108150784/photo/1 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1261298558319448065/photo/2 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1259366941103394821/photo/2 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1259944753245937665/photo/1 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1262066592000638976/photo/1 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1258299782034075648/photo/1 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1258379174588436486/photo/2 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1257562693013307394/photo/1 Love & Respect. TearjuEngi


I haven't seen Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad. It is what it is.


Greetings Brandon and Brad, This month I want to try and change the dreary nature of my past submissions with an entry a bit more sardonic. Before I do Commendations must go to the recent TierMaker group stream, which was brilliant and insightful-just wish Huber were a part of it! Any chance of a follow up? Now onto Brad! I’ve got to be honest; Brad has presented something of an enigma to me. I know he adores Dark Souls, Final Fantasy and CastleVania, but I personally cannot read his interests as readily as the other Allies, but I feel obliged to make amends by giving each of those franchises a one-sentence simile summary. Dark Souls- Like a spicy curry, you will keep eating it although it makes you cry-akin to how Souls players will die and die and die again and again until they memorise enemy patterns and slay those mighty foes accordingly in a dogged display of sheer perseverance. Final Fantasy- Like a series of important Shakespeare plays that eventually morph into glossily seductive magazine covers featuring giant swords, man-boys with whacky haircuts and women who tease. CastleVania- Like Alacard is the result if WWE’s Baron Corbin regrew his lengthy dark mullet and started scooping and licking his fingers in a jar of raspberry jam whilst vainly cosplaying as Raphael from the Soul Calibur series. Sam Porter-Bridges has given me the idea to become a wayfaring courier-if you wanted someone to deliver you a new fridge whilst it’s awkwardly straddling on their back, then you need burly men like me to lift the load and then collapse under its weight because I ate too many Buffalo Wild Wings and Kojima induced me with a narcoleptic episode so I tumbled down a ravine. Now a letter: Dear Cloud Strife, Your forename is foreboding, and your surname means angry, why does your name mirror Jim Sterling’s attitudes towards the videogame industry? I know you have beef but you need to add some pork, chicken and fish to your diet, maybe then you’ll gain some charisma and buffer up thanks to some of Daniel Bloodworth’s mean and lean protein. And change your name why don’t you-the world is already full of malice-maybe Rainbow Harmony will do the trick-all you’ll need then is some groovy 80s pants, a Hawaiian shirt and a unicorn to ride on instead of a fo-tough motorbike-now you got some real attitude. Maybe get your buddy Zack to do the same, but instead of riding a unicorn he will get his own luxury plodding donkey ride. Get a haircut too because you’re showing symptoms of remakesitis with that pretty sheen, least you don’t reflect the dirty sewer-dwelling drug addicts that Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira do if the Resident Evil 3 poster is any indication. Yours cordially, Your image consultant. Finally, I posit- which videogame with Odyssey in the name rules them all? Super Mario Odyssey is my pick by far. Thanks once again for everything you do-L&R.


Hey there everybody, St0mpz here, a showcase first timer! Ya'll are a very cool pocket of the internet that I'm very grateful to support. The following video I'm about to share is not that.. It's to promote a very gooby channel I've been working on called Loopy Tunes Live, where we create comedic live loops and bits on Omegle, and some day Youtube Live. This channel has become a place to house some of our wackier musical projects, and has been a lot of fun throwing together. After all, making serious music all the time is a drag! So without further adieu, I present: Gamesquad Alpha's Neon Warriors https://youtu.be/WAEJ4PdCOTg


Hey Brandon and Brad! Reporting from the EZA forums once again to share the results of our GOTY 2011 (yes, we're going back in time). For those who don't know, we do it by ranking our favorite games of the year, with #1 to #4 earning 5, 4, 3 and 2 points respectively, plus up to 4 optional honorable mentions getting 1 point each. In case of a tie, the game with the most top votes gets the edge. Here's the final rankings: #25. The King of Fighters XIII - 8 points #24. Rayman Origins - 9 points #23. Pokémon Black and White - 9 points #22. Gears of War 3 - 9 points #21. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2 - Innocent Sin - 9 points #19. L.A. Noire / Resistance 3 (perfect tie) - 10 points #18. inFAMOUS 2 - 11 points #17. Dragon Age II - 11 points #16. Dead Space 2 - 12 points #15. Bastion - 13 points #14. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - 13 points #13. Super Mario 3D Land - 14 points #12. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective - 14 points #11. Yakuza 4 - 15 points #10. Xenoblade Chronicles - 18 points #9. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 22 points #8. Catherine - 23 points #7. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 26 points #6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 33 points #5. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - 43 points #4. Dark Souls - 47 points #3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 53 points #2. Batman: Arkham City - 59 points #1. Portal 2 - 64 points A few fun facts: - It was our tightest difference for the top spot! - Yakuza and The Legend of Heroes always make it. - 18 of these games are singeplayer only! - The top 3 are Western games, only the third time it happens since we started doing those. - The DS got more games than the 3DS in its launch year. - We're not here to make fun of anyone but... Homefront, Crysis 2 and Need for Speed: The Run scored 0 point! What are your personal 2011 favorites? Final shout-out: we're going to start doing 2010 very soon, so anyone who wants to participate should join the forums!

Alex Stories

Hello Allies, long time watcher, first time posting. What you are about to watch is a highlights video from a 7 hour livestream where i played the 26 demos that were available on steam for the LudoNaraCon. I also wanted to thank you Brandon and Brad, as you and the rest of the Allies have inspired me to try streaming seriously. So give me a follow on Twitch and Mixer at AlexStories to get some fun game streams and i, as always will see you in every group stream and Q&A comments section with some funny highlights! https://youtu.be/KrURepA82Cg


Hello Brandon and Brad! My life still consists mostly of Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy VII (remake done, now probably two thirds of the way through the original which I've never finished), though these two have recently been joined by Xenoblade. Short COVID news, France is slowly getting out of isolation, and limits on travel distance will be gone the day after this showcase, which means I'll finally be able to see my family again very soon! Stay safe, everybody, and I hope the situation can get better as soon as possible wherever you are. Now for my submission. As teased last month, I return to a reimagining of a K.K. song in the same vein as one I shared here many months ago for K.K. Western. The formula is this: I use the full, longer melody K.K. gives during the live versions, but I rework the instrumentation to be similar to the shorter radio versions, and then I try to make it sound grander than the intentionally quaint sounds they use in the game. This time, my attention has turned to Animal Crossing's homage to film music: K.K. Adventure! Love and Respect, Kévin Gillet Link to the music: https://youtu.be/WrEx5GEWUyg


Hi Brad and Brandon! As predicted I haven't made significant enough progress on my Mega Man animation to update you on that, which is a shame since it was just a disembodied head the last time Brad saw it and its come on a fair bit since then. I've also just looked it up and that post was from April last year... wow, I really need to knuckle down and get this thing finished! So I thought this month I'd just show a little animation I made it a few years ago, it's not super relevant, but it has a NES in it. https://youtu.be/vn0lrc0JfXE Till next time, love & respect, Dave Cleland


You may or may not know me as the weirdo who made the two lengthy tributes to Kyle Bosman over the past four years. I wish I could share my latest tribute on Twitch but, it's not related to Easy Allies and I was reminded during a previous community showcase that it's not wise to stream footage of television or film, so instead I will briefly talk about the subject of my tribute and how it relates to finding faults in that which you love. My favorite movie ever, easily, is Terminator 2. A few months back I heard a metal cover of a track from Hotline Miami 2 and for some reason I thought about Terminator 1 and 2, and I couldn't get the thought of syncing this metal track up to the movies out of my head, so I had to make this tribute just so I could stop constantly envisioning it. While rewatching Terminator 2 for probably the dozenth, I was noticing for the first time how young John Connor detracts from the movie during several moments. I will be honest and say that I never heard Brandon Jones' full editorial on why he doesn't think Terminator 2 holds up perfectly, but I did recall him saying that John Connor is annoying. As an example, probably my favorite line in the whole movie is when the Terminator is referring to humanity and says "it's in your nature to destroy yourselves" to which John replies, "yeah... major drag, huh?" Brandon, you're right. I love this movie, and you're right. Similarly, one of my favorite videogames ever is A Link to the Past, but after hearing Kyle Bosman's complaints about the game and playing through it again, I can't help but agree with him. Some of those sprites are so ugly to the point that it's hard to tell what exactly I'm looking at. And the dungeon designs are - at least at times - very basic. That said, I still adore the game. My point is, hearing a negative hot take about something you love is not some attack on yourself or that which you love. You can discover blemishes you never noticed before, and still appreciate something just as much as you did when wearing your nostalgia goggles; just like you can continue to discover new things to enjoy about the same thing over the years. It takes guts to share your criticisms about a piece of art that is universally praised, and I genuinely appreciate it, so long as it's level-headed and honest. Thanks to Brandon Jones, I can now admit that Terminator 2 is not flawless, but I would still personally give it a 10 out of 10.

Nik Gothic

Hello, Brandon! Hello, Brad! This month hasn’t been too good as far as drawings go, but since Brad is guesting this time, it’s a great occasion to go text-heavy. See, Final Fantasy VII is my most favourite game ever. (Big surprise!) I’ve beaten it three times previously in the late 00’s. I was emulating the PSX version on my computer laptop since money is a big issue in my country, and though emulation back then was far from perfect , the game still had a lot of magic that was moving and felt deeply personal. I can’t play the remake until we get a PC port, so instead I’m replaying the original on an actual PS2 with a CRT, along with the „Beacause“ retranslation mod, which makes it the closest to an authetntic experience I could ever have. The retranslation is great and helps clarify a lot of things, even though I still think the original translation holds up just as well. I must admit, I was spurred to try out VII because of Brandon’s fantastic retrospective so many years ago. When I saw the game in action, and how the camera would twirl and pan Matrix-style, I was like WOOOOAAH I need to try this out, immediately! Partly it was also because I liked how the low-poly style seemed very cartoony and colourful and because I thought Cloud was pretty and appealing, had a giant sword, and looked like a true rebel on the cover. https://i.imgur.com/AnojXnV.png But the game’s incredible storytelling is what stuck with me the most, and some of its most beautiful moments stick out to me in tiny and subtle moments. I love the way it begins with a slow zoom on a woman’s mysterious smile in an eerie green glow. Who is she? I love the way Cloud and Aeris both burst into spontaneous laugher after she says „You’re terrible!“. I love the way Tifa stops, hesitates for a moment, and takes a last look at Sector 7 before going where there is no turning back. I love how there’s an hour-long hotel room scene where you do nothing but hear Cloud talk about his past. This sort of downtime is something that not even a lot of movies would dare to have, and yet here it is in a video game. That’s brilliant! There are countless other powerful moments in this game I want to gush about, but I won’t because of spoilers, and I’m well sure Brad knows and feels the same emotions as I do. Cloud is a character I relate to a lot and a true hero, and I think it’d be fun to celebrate the amazing-looking remake with a trip to Costa del Sol. https://i.imgur.com/ag9P7kT.png Brandon, you must feel belittled since all of these people are talking VII hype, but one day I’m going to sit down and take a long, hard look on FFVI. And you know what? I will love it. L&R, Nik Gothic (@Clownboss)


Private message for you Jones- (May has flown by hasn’t it? Between life, games, tv, and pure laziness I haven’t really gotten to work on anything. My batman beyond ideas have taken a backseat. I haven’t even touched animal crossing for a whole week. I plan to get back to it during June to be ready for your visit Jones. Anyways, after buying the yakuza remaster trilogy on sale, I now have all the mainline yakuza games on PS4. This has occupied most of my time this month. So for this showcase entry here are my yakuza game rankings.) SHOWCASE SUBMISSION START- [ Hey Guys, Here are my Yakuza Game rankings- Honorary mentions- Judgement- While not really a yakuza game, it had a great story that I thoroughly enjoyed. I do wish it had karaoke and the xp system could have been better like in yakuza kiwami 2 and 6. Yakuza Dead Souls- If this was just a normal zombie game it might be a 5-6 out of 10, since it is set in the yakuza universe it’s a 7/10. Scratch that, its an 8 out of 10 because it has the best karaoke song out of all yakuza games. Look up Majima Get to the Top. Do it!! The list- 7). Yakuza 3- It is the worst yakuza game today. It has the oldest graphics and a meh plot overall. I especially hate how they retconned some of my favorite stuff from 2. But it is still a good yakuza game. It fleshes out a lot of Kiryu’s kids at the orphanage which almost makes up for its lows. 6.) Yakuza 4- Its really good. The game even brings back story lines from the first yakuza game. The 4 characters you play as are fun and interesting. I just enjoyed the other yakuza games more. 5.) Yakuza 0- While it’s a fan favorite for most, I liked the gameplay of some and the story of others higher on this list. Still, this is a great entry point or even standalone story. Playing as Majima was fun. I just can’t see Nishiki the same way after the first Yakuza game. 4.) Yakuza 6- It has a so-so story but really great gameplay and xp system in the new dragon engine. The baseball management side game was good enough to be worth the distraction it caused Huber on the Nintendo Labo reaction. 3.) Yakuza Kiwami- This was my first yakuza game and I fell in love with the story and series here. Even if the gameplay is so so from what I remember the story will always hold a special place in my heart. 2.) Yakuza 5- I would say this is one of the best video games of the ps3 generation. Other than a yakuza game, it also contains a 7 out of 10 taxi simulator, a 7 out of 10 hunting simulator, a 7 out of 10 idol simulator, and for one character a revamped batting cage game. There was so much to do and it was a blast playing as every character you could. 1.) Yakuza Kiwami 2- My favorite yakuza game, the story is the best story in the series. Ryugi Goda is easily the best and most respectable villain of the series. They created a new romance for Kiryu in the detective Kaoru Sayama, who keeps up with Kiryu almost as an equal. And they even created a side story where Majima fans from Yakuza 0 can play as Majima again. This game is one of my favorite games in my Ps4 catalog, and easily my favorite yakuza game. L&R Sean ] SHOWCASE SUBMISSION END (Private again for you Jones- I didn’t have enough words to express all my love for the series but oh well. I now do have a plan for the next showcase and can’t wait to see if I can make it come together. I will try to come back to cup of Jones more in June. See you then.)


Safety and a tec question, is there an easy way to enter down a line when trying to edit posts on patreon? When I press enter it submits the post for the most part and tab just goes to the write comment box on the bottom of the patreon. So far I have to type up the post in a word doc and if I really want to edit it I have to edit the doc then re-paste the whole thing on patreon.


Hello both Here are my unpopular opinions on Final Fantasy 7 Remake Warning: Major spoilers incoming I feel like I have a general understanding of the mechanics as I've achieved the platinum and spent over 100 hours playing. Some of these issues came to light on my hard mode playthrough. The combat is very flawed. I have spent majority of the time playing in VR battles trying to get a deeper understanding of the combat and I still don’t understand the praise. The combat is almost deceiving as it looks like an action game but does not handle like one, the main issues I have; • Aerial Combat is just abysmal • The Dodge mechanic rarely works and is poorly executed • Movement feels clunky and not suitable to deal with agile enemies • Magic spells don’t always connect, such as Blizzard • The precious Limit Breaks don’t always connect! • Being juggled by the enemy and losing all control • The camera becomes an obstacle I understand it’s not a full on action game but it has enough elements from action games to warrant a refined combat system. Restriction the games imposes on the player • Limit Break gauge can’t be carried over from previous battles • The game determines when Summons can be used • The game restricts the amount of certain Materia These remove additional tools and freedom for the player and makes the game feel restrictive. Playing the game itself reminds of the South Park episode “Towlie” where boys acquire a new game console. All they want to do is play the their brand spanking new state of the art console but are constantly prevented from playing by the plot elements. Just like the boys In that episode there were so many occasions where I was thinking “I don’t care, I just want to play” . Chapter 8 is a prime example of this, the journey from the church to Aerith’s house is dragged out, this is more evident when the chapter is replayed. Main issues with Boss fights • Limit on the amount of damage you can impose on a boss per phase • Stagger gauge resets at each phase. • Cutscenes in the middle of boss fight!!! So a boss could be staggered and just about to take serious damage but is saved by an animation where it transitions into another phase. This is a major gameplay offence. Regarding cutscenes in middle of combat the game might as well have Towlie interrupt you and ask “you wanna get high?” It disconnects you from the game. I’ve even had a bug where I couldn’t progress a boss fight because the cinematic for the next phase wouldn’t trigger. Absolutely ridiculous game design. The worst offender for me was Chapter 18, the fight against the Whisper Harbinger. This is one fight that’s broken up into 5 battles and each is dragged out by cutscenes which you can’t skip. If you fail during this fight you have to go through the whole lengthy sequence wasting your time. Ultimately I don’t hate the game and believe it redeems itself in the post game VR battle. I want to enjoy it more but the story, which is less important, constantly hampers the gameplay experience. I would like to elaborate further but have hit the word count. Hope you have a great day! Love and respect Robert Lee


Hey Allies, I Don't have an amazing amount to share this month. My son and I beat Luigi's Mansion 3 and he has now been replaying the game and destroying all the bosses that gave him trouble before. The Great Game Debate discord just concluded our discussion of The Last of Us and although the majority of us hadn't played the game since release and we even had one person on their first playthrough, the game resoundingly holds up. The only issues we seemed to collectively have with the game is that the gameplay itself is serviceable but we would all like to see an improvement in encounters and control schemes for the sequel. We pretty much chronologically went through the game's chapters in our discussion and there was always something amazing to discuss from the amazingly detailed characters, to the gorgeous environments and the impeccable environmental story telling. It was my first time going through 'Left Behind' and boy oh boy did I get misty by the end. The start of the game also hits much much harder as a parent compared to being a 24 year old when I first played. It is hard to say that I am excited to play part 2, especially at this time when the theme of the first game was "Love" and part 2's is "Hate" as there is kinda too much of that floating around at the moment. To everyone in America that is hurting at the moment, I love you. Black Lives Matter.


Hey Brad and Jones, I hope you are well. Please look at this poorly made video I made about a game that I kind of liked. L&R! https://youtu.be/rUcP3RWAOLQ


So, I finished Death Stranding. Jesus christ, the writing was terrible. Unfathomably, this is an actual line of dialogue. "I brought you a metaphor." The whole ending cutscene for Chapter 9 is a masterpiece of tripe. The game had interesting ideas, but the dialogue is horrible. I would genuinely be excited if Kojima announced his next game, said he was working on the story concept and that competent writers would be brought in. Whether it was him or one of the other two credited writers, can't write dialogue for shit. If you need to say "I brought you a metaphor," it is because you failed to weave it into the story. The person even explains the metaphor. I am still in disbelief that line was in something that wasn't a school project. The war flashback time paradox sequences were the best part of the game. I liked the story (again, not dialogue) surrounding Mads Mikkelsen's character. I finished the game at the beginning of May and honestly am having a real hard time remembering it, but I know I at least enjoyed that. One of the things I did though, was after beating the game, did another play session of just doing deliveries. To see if I liked the core game that was there without having to deal with the disdain I had for how the main story. It was OK. I never once used the grenade things made from Sam's fluids or cut any of the umbilical cords, nor was I inclined to. Saw what it was like to sneak through a BT are successfully. After doing so, the rest of the time decided to just get caught and fight one of the big monsters because at least that was fun. I did check out the Iron Man VR demo. It was neat, had fun with it. Curious to see how it will review. Not sure if I will pick up the full game when it releases. Mainly because The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima are right around the corner. Looking forward to both of those games. I almost bit and got Grand Theft Auto V when it was free on Epic, but that would require me to create an account and I'm not that invested. Never played or owned it, but whatever. If the next one has the same vibes as Vice City though, I'll be all in. I also came across a jazz rendition of a bunch of Final Fantasy tracks which was amazing. I never knew I needed a jazz version of "You're Not Alone" from IX, but it was fantastic. If they made a Final Fantasy game with a pure jazz soundtrack, I'd be down for it. Different genres mixed throughout giving character to the various places and characters. The lively town could be dixieland, the suspicious character could be a bit of swing, bebop for battles... it'd be great. Something simple like that. I'm not a hard person to please.


I forgot this was due till about 5 mins ago... so apologies for any grammar or spelling errors.


It keeps eating my post. Let me try putting it in the reply.


Greetings Brandon and Brad! This month I am submitting a clip from the D&amp;D series I have been making with my family and friends. If anyone wants to watch the whole thing, check out the playlist on my channel, AlexanderArts on YouTube: https://youtu.be/a7cmTqABY-w <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/a7cmTqABY-w" width="560"></iframe> L&amp;R, Ian - @alexander_arts


Greetings Allies, Brad and Jones Last minute entry, but this month again marks a period of time that I've been struggling to find games to play that give me those good feelings. Given the current circumstances, it's become difficult to one how different titles will affect me emotionally, as some of the things that used to make me excited or happy now just make me sad or stressed. Just comes with the times.  My brothers and I, all of us not very comfortable playing online multi-player games, jumped in on a couple together. We tried Fortnite for our first time, and decided it just wasn't fun for us, same with Call of Duty's Warzone. We picked up a few others, but just generally had trouble connecting through online. We all grew up playing single player games together on a couch, so connecting online is daunting, and often very stressful. Has anyone else had hurdles dealing with this, or is it just us?  My girlfriend and I have been keeping things going locally with a couple titles. I picked up a puzzle game called Degrees of Separation on sale for under $5, and it was a pretty charming time. Each person controls a character who separates the screen into a summer or wintertime, and you need to work together to solve puzzles that make use of the individual seasons, like making use of how one person can walk on ice, but can't go underwater, or how summertime activates air vents to fly on. It had around five worlds to go through, each around an hour with pleasant music, and lots of optional puzzles if you wanted to challenge yourself.  Beyond that, I pulled out the PS2 and we started up Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance. It was fun, but had a few design decisions that were a little dated, so I surprised her with Diablo 3. We both started that up together in co-op and have been loving it. It's easy to jump in and beat up some dudes without the feeling of too much at stake. For a big RPG for just myself, I've been struggling. I'm savoring FFVII Remake, and so something on the side seemed tantalizing. I was eyeing Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, but I think I might go with Dragon Quest Xi S. I had it on the PS4, but that music was just like nails on a chalkboard to me, and saps so much enjoyment out of being in those awesome areas. It's a tough decision to double dip over something so minor, but the sound really was just ruining the experience for me. That and the Mega Man X Legacy Collection has been calling my name. I played all of them except for x2 and X7 as they were coming out, and being able to jump in and blow some robot butt up to some metal tracks sounds like a very nice time.  Anyways, stay safe and healthy Allies,  Love and Respect,  Brian from Happy Gaming


Hey Brandon and Brad My game boy game is still going. A little slow at the moment but I’m making progress soI’m happy about that. You can follow the game at. https://jon-is-k.itch.io/phenomenology And now to talk about some games I’ve played recently. Started Secret of Mana. The graphics and music are nice, the story is charming and the combat is engaging. I have one major issue though. This game may have the worst menus I have ever encountered. Instead of doing something normal and coherent with the menus, Secret of Mana has a ring you open with a face button and navigate with the d-pad, except it genuinely feels random what input opens what section of the menu. There’s also the problem of different face buttons opening the menu for one of your characters and if you want to equip something on a certain character you have to make sure that character’s menu is open. I suppose this was needed because of the co-op nature of the game but I think they could have found a better way to implement it. Started Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and this game is everything good and bad about open world games. There is just so much to do I always feel like I can just walk in a direction and find a quest. However that means this game is extremely bloated and a lot of sidequests that are available to me seem pointless and cookie cutter. The world is also vast with countless towns, islands, forests and mountains to explore. However it is somehow still much too small, particularly the sea between the islands seems tiny. The fact that I can see a dozen islands and fleets of ships in every direction makes the aegean feel more like a modest pond than a sea. Finally this game provides you with numerous pieces of equipment to custom tailor your playstyle and appearance in a variety of ways. However, 99% percent of the equipment you get is trash that serves no purpose than to be sold or broken down and since this game has a harsh leveling system even the rare and unique items you find will become weak and near useless after an hour, requiring you to spend huge amounts of money and resources to upgrade and make them viable again. Finally I put about six hours into Nier Automata and dang, this game is wild. This game opened in a way I was not expecting and has just continued to surprise and baffle me at every corner, whether it’s switch in gameplay mechanics, a bonkers boss or a story reveal. Going by what I have heard about this game this will only continue and escalate throughout continued playthroughs. I truly don’t know and can’t guess what will happen next and I’m so excited about it. So there’s my roughly 500 word ramble for this month, until next time!


Hey just wanted to thank you all for the streams these last very difficult months, very appreciated! Talking about gaming, between Persona5 (beat the original and started Royal instantly), FF7 Remake, FF9 and Xenoblade these months have been probably the best ever for me. Swimmin' in 10s. Thats all, Amor y Respeto desde Chile!!


Once again, I have missed community showcase. I actually had something planned for this month, but uh... something more important was happening here downtown the past few days, so I didn't really leave my house. So... Looks like we'll all have to wait. L&amp;R


I completely understand if you ignore this extremely late post. I just felt bad missing last month and once again completely forgot about the showcase. I discovered this awesome Pop'n Music song in the game recently and have been playing it a lot trying to beat it. https://youtu.be/fvWOc4eO5iA


Here is the link to the share for the .mp3 file for my showcase submission for this month. drive.google.com/file/d/1q_v4dsOxMTtfhQtuqWX2mRa949vh_dxl/view?usp=sharing My AC island is MacAvity DM me on twitter @Jessie_Blu_ for friend request on Switch


Hello All, Long time watcher (since Gametrailers), first time poster. I'm a filmmaker who's just completed work on a comic book that I'm turning into my first video game, Weatherworn. The prequel comic follows the four seasons leading up to the start of the game. The game itself is an RPG that centers around an astronaut and their grandchild stranded on a medieval world. Here's a look at the work-in-progress trailer: https://vimeo.com/428911970/2d86bbd4c7. Planning to go to Kickstarter. Send any thoughts this way.  Love &amp; Respect, Jeremy


Wait, I think I saw your post in the correct month as well. Nevermind :)