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Tomorrow we will be recording a second Spoiler Mode for Final Fantasy VII Remake. This time around, it will focus solely on what we experienced in the game. We will not be discussing events that happened in the original game that may occur after the ending of this first part of the remake. After I let the panelists have their say, I would like to turn to Patron questions to cover topics we may have missed that you want us to discuss. You can submit your questions below in the comments. 


- Damiani



Ooh this sounds nice. Had to skip the first spoiler mode since I didn’t play the original


Is Johnny the best character?


oh hell yeah, i loved the first one y'all did but I've been so obsessed with this game that you could make it a weekly show and i'd watch them all


What's your take on the arrangements of the classic FF7 soundtrack and on the new music composed for the remake?


This is great by the way


Hi Damiami, the first game of the remakes is undeniably a "linear" experience, although that is absolutely by no means a criticism. Do you imagine that, because the original opens up much more once you leave Midgar, that the following remake titles will be almost completely different in the way that the games play and the experience you have in playing them; going from a linear to a more open experience. And if they do how would you like to see them go about this and how do you feel like Square can take advantage of a potentially different play experience?


I'd like to know what you think about the ending compared to other nomura games(Kh but also The world ends with you), cause it seemed like a very Nomura thing


Hey Damiani, would you like the combat from FF7 to make its way to Kingdom Hearts?


What are your thoughts on the new music arrangements of the classic songs, and how they used dynamic music to make it more of a cinematic experience?


What are the Allies’ thoughts about Red XIII’s limited party member role in the game? Do you think it was misleading how prominently he was shown in trailers, only to be inaccessible by the player?


I'm looking forward to this, I had noticed something that I can't find a lot of talk about, so maybe it's nothing, but the Buster Sword isn't the same from FF7 Advent Children and Crisis Core. Do you think that could mean anything?


Which piece of original music do you think has the best remixes in the remake? Personally, Tifa's theme has so many fantastic rearrangements.


As someone who did not play the original, is it possible to explain the weird out of place cartoon cat that was upset when the plate fell without spoiling any story from the un-remade parts of FF7 OG?


There were many moments when I had to just stop and listen to the music. What were your favourite musical moments in the game? What hit you the hardest?


What refinements would you guys like to see to the combat system? I'm someone that felt 'block' in particular was sluggish and frustrating to use in this game. Due to the combat, I assumed it'd work like a Souls game where a fast and responsive block would enable you to parry attacks if you timed it correct. Personally, I think that would improve the combat greatly, or at least make certain encounters significantly less frustrating.


Which area of recreated Midgar did you have to stop and take a knee? For me it was turning the corner and seeing Aerith's house, once that music kicked in all I could do is stand in place looking between the house and the garden. Such a brilliantly recreated area.


I don't recall if the last Spoiler Mode caught this, but Jessie's glove is on the table next to biggs' bandana, hinting she may also be alive. Do you think the pacing is hurt by our expectactions based on the original game? For example, the Midgar section has such momentum after the plate falls in the original, but in this one it is barely 2 thirds of the way through. All in all, I think they drag out the assault on Shinra HQ too long, but I wonder if those who never played the original felt the same. I don't want to sound like I'm ragging on the game, though. Loved it and I am so excited for what the future holds. Moments after the ending I was honestly a tad disappointing by how literal it was and maybe would have preferred something more subtle, but the further I away I get from it and the more I think about it, the more I appreciate it. Jason Wojnar Kyiv, Ukraine


What was everyone’s favourite and least favourite individual chapters (imo the best we’re ch 9 and 12, didn’t really Like chs 10 and 11, felt like filler in a lot of ways and really killed the momentum following Wall market)


what was the moment in the game that wowed you to the point where you just fell in love with the game? I was in love immediately, but when the Reno fight starts in the church i literally paused the game to text my friend about how amazing everything was.


Since you guys talk about how thirsty the game is (which I agree with), I was wondering, what are your thoughts on the dating sim (?) elements in the game and would you want to see more or less of that in the next game? P.S: You guys should be proud of the last spoiler mode btw. After 20+ years, watching that spoiler mode finally made me pull the trigger and buy the original FFVII on PSN hahaha


What is everyone's opinion about not making Red XIII playable in this game?


Apologies if this was addressed in the previous ff7 spoiler mode (haven't finished the game yet). How do you think they handle leveling and materia between the games? Having longer games is great but I'm not sure how sustainable that is if character stats and materia carry over from episode to episode. Thanks!


The primary thing that comes to mind is if you guys think they will be trying to do an actual open world ala FFXV (but hopefully a bit denser), or if they will go for an FF XII style "zone" based map. Or do you think the rest of the series will remain strictly linear? Also, it seems an open world combined with the loading issues in this game would massively increase choppiness in the performance. So despite what Bloodworth said on Frametrap about thinking part 2 will be cross gen, it seems the devs wouldn't be satisfied with last gen's loading capabilities, and would strive to have the greatest power at their disposal at the expense of a wider audience. I'm wondering if the panel can discuss this too.


Given the recent Ultimania review, what is the panels 'concern level' in regards to how closely future parts will resemble the original? Will it be "the same events but we got there very different ways" or "the exact same thing with some minor tweaks" or somrthing else entirely?


There was an interview with Nomura awhile back asking about the FF7 compilation (Advent Children, Crisis Core, etc) and whether or not it was canon to the remake. His answer was no. This week, Nomura stated that FF7 Remake was in fact the 5th part of the FF7 compilation and that he had been planning for that to be the case many years before the project even started (and before the interview where he said it was a standalone experience). Taking this information along with the fact that this game is titled "remake" when it's more of a sequel, do you think people are right to call out Square Enix for false advertising?


Who is your favourite character in the Remake? Why? Do you like this character more or less than compared to the OG version? Thanks Allies and L&R


It's a character that hasn't been formally introduced yet. Not much else to say.


Do you feel like fighting Sephiroth at the end of this first game messes with the stakes of the following games? Will it make sense for our heroes to be threatened by the enemies in part 2 having already fought Sephiroth? I feel like they've sort of written themselves into a corner here. Sephiroth could be the final boss of part 2, and part 3, and so on... but won't that become repetitive? And if he's not the final boss of part 2, won't it seem like a step down?


Do you feel like the meta-narrative aspects of this game make it unwelcoming to the many people who are playing this game without having played the original? (Didn't know if we could ask multiple questions or not. Just pick whatever flows best with the conversation.)


Favourite surprise enemy: Hell House or Tonberry? More seriously. When did you first shed a tear (if you did)? For me it was Chapter 8 in the church, just witnessing Cloud and Aerith meeting in all that beauty and listening to her song play through all that. What a rush of feelings and memories. :')


I second this. I kind of feel like this game does a disservice to the female characters by making them glorified dating options. I'm happy Aerith is closer to her original characterization as compared to other iterations (Crisis Core, Advent Children, KH), but Tifa is a bit off. I welcome the additions to Jessie's character, but she's just so over the top.

Steven Santiago

Hey Allies, What's your favorite part of the game.? L&R Steven S


Besides the ending, what were the moments that surprised you the most? Whether it was a change, addition, or just something you didn’t expect to be in the game at all?


What do you guys think that moment was between Marlene and Aerith in Seventh Heaven? There was some strange essence Marlene seemed to pick up on from Aerith.


Favorite and/or most used materia/abilities. Not the meta...just your personal preference.


Simple Question. Who's best boy and girl?


favourite bosses or fights in the game, obviously the hell house is great but i personally love the Rufus fight, it's a fun one on one(kinda) duel that feels pretty different from the other bosses.


As someone who didn’t play the original FF7, the whispers interventions didn’t make sense to me - I couldn’t understand why they helped one minute and threw Wedge out a building the next. Do you think the whispers helped ease long time fans into the story deviations? Or would the story be just as good if the whispers didn’t exist?


Please discuss your thoughts and reactions to... “The Sauce” (from The Party Never Stops sidequest in Ch.9). Is it the most hilarious and absurd moment in a game full of hilarious, absurd moments??


Hey Allies - what's your take on how the game presents Hard Mode? I've seen some chatter on the Internet about Hard Mode feeling a bit cheap by restricting the use of items alongside bumping up the strength of the enemies, and some of my friends have actually said they don't want to play Hard Mode as not having access to items doesn't "feel like Final Fantasy." I personally feel that not having items to rely on meant I really had to think about my MP consumption and added an extra layer of strategy to each encounter and I loved that it made me use some Materia that I barely touched in my first run through. Do you guys feel that it's a lazy or cheap Hard Mode which doesn't feel like Final Fantasy, or did you also enjoy the extra layer of difficulty and the further strategy required to beat the mode? Peace - James Moyles


Hello panel, I like to play the devil's advocate and want to ask if anyone has anxieties about the direction of future instalments with regards to: story ghosts, having to be familiar with outside material/story elements and loading times. Specifically for the loading times I would like to point out that Bloodborne received a lower score for prolonged load times that were later patched, this game has crawling through tight spaces to hide their load times all over the place making revisiting areas a chore. Why not be more critical of this? Control is taken away from the player so that the game can catch up and the only difference seems to be that its not a real loading screen....


Can you guys talk about how you feel about the endgame... or lack of it? There are no endgame dungeons, but there are extra hard optional Summon fights and other battles that can be selected from various menus either off Chadley or "Combat Simulators". I feel like while it would have required more development time, the same fights could have worked better if they were housed in actual optional dungeons somewhere in the world rather than just being selected from lists in a menu. It kind of took me out of the experience and soured me on the actual end of the game from a gameplay standpoint. Additionally, to even access some of these fights you have to replay the game again in Hard mode which really does not change that much about the game itself. It felt like a weak way to extend the game's play time since you end the campaign in the 30s level-wise and then these few handfuls of fights are designed around being level 50 or so. That means you don't really get a chance to experience the full potential of the battle system without playing the game again or grinding. This isn't super well written so I don't expect you to read it on the podcast verbatim, but could you speak generally on your thoughts about how this game handled its weak endgame content?


Hello everyone, For anyone that defeated the Pride and Joy Prototype, the secret boss of chapter 17, have you noticed his ressemblance to the Proud Clod from the original game? This and the fight against Jenova made me worried. Considering the size of these bosses in the original game compare to the remake, do you think the size of the Weapons or any other giant boss will be reduce the same way in the future games(s)? L&R Aurélien


Hey Allies! I have a question about a plot thread that went unresolved early on in the remake. In Chapter 4, when Cloud, Biggs, and Wedge are supposed to create a distraction at the warehouse so Jesse can steal the bombing supplies, the guards at the security checkpoint were already knocked out. The team says they don't think it was Jesse that did it, and we have no evidence that it was the Whispers. Also, it couldn't have been the other Avalanche team, because they didn't come up until later. Any ideas who it could be? Maybe Zack?

Brandon K Gann

Hello everyone! With the original Final Fantasy VII being my favorite game of all time, the thing I was most curious about was what changes Square was going to implement. Personally speaking, the highlights were showing the aftermath of the bombing mission, Sector 7 slums as a community, picking how I wanted the Airbuster fight to be customized, Wall Market, and not to mention the characters, combat and music were the game’s brightest spots. So I wanted to ask you panel: Of the changes Remake implements, which did you enjoy the most, and which do you question, or to put it another way, which could’ve had more iteration to be better? Thank you for taking my submission if you do and as always stay Easy fellow Allies!

Joe Dizenhuz

Hey panel, Curious as to what your thoughts are on the voice acting overall and its place in between 100% serious movie-quality aspiring quality and typical JRPG-y stilted-ness? I felt conflicted about this myself, while I found a lot of moments that you all mentioned previously of emotional connection, particularly with Tifa and Barrett, I found that every protagonist expressed some degree of corny-ness, particularly Wedge, Jessie and Biggs. Love and respect, Joe from Cincinnati


I don't even like using items in general. I don't think I've ever used a single potion during battle in any RPG ever.


For all the things the remake does well, how do you feel about the way Sephiroth and Jenova are handled from chapter 17 onwards? After Sephiroth shows up in the drum, cuts a bridge in half with one swing, and tosses Cloud into the dephts below, I expected at least some very brief exposition once the party met back up. Yet, there was nothing. No "who was that guy" from Barret. Not even a response from Tifa, despite Sephiroth and Tifa's history. Even after he tosses the president out of a window, kills the president, then "kills" Barret, nobody inquires after him. All we get before the end is some very vague and mysterious statements from Aerith. It all felt very off to me, with characters acting in a way they shouldn't be. Am I missing something?


Greetings Allies, thank you for a magnificently inspiring first Spoiler Mode podcast, and for spoiling us by providing a second one. I'd love to know your thoughts on the biggest question that matters; how many parts. Tetsuya Nomura's comments regarding wanting the next game to be out ASAP is a little worrisome to those of us who want that dream 3 game trilogy that Max pitched. Having the next game be an epic that takes us from Kalm Town to the City Of The Ancients makes the most sense as a story and from a gameplay perspective (new characters, new weapons, new materia, new enemy skills, new combat mechanics) to deliver a second game that is everything it can be. Anything less (and apologies if this sounds ungrateful) feels like people's worst fears of what this project could be when it was first confirmed as multiple parts. So, practically speaking, what does your gut tell you is going to happen? Do we get a trilogy or does Square simply need something that comes out in shorter bursts, with more installments, and which, admittedly, will probably make more money. Thanks guys.


Hey Allies! As someone who never played the original Final Fantasy 7, and was looking forward to playing the remake, I've been disappointed with the direction they seem to have taken in expanding upon and altering the story of the original. I'm worried there's not going to be any version of FF7 now that lets me experience any of that magic it has for others. How do you all feel about the opportunity cost of deciding upon this sort of "remake" rather than remaking the game more faithfully? - L&R!


Hey, Allies! So this is strictly covering the bits of Crisis Core that the game Remade-- Allies, did you ever realize that the game provided IN-LORE justifications for the unwinnable mechanic of the final Crisis Core battle, where you, as Zack, face and endless slew of enemies and have to eventually give in to them? *It justifies the endless respawning*! It's literally the invisible hand of fate compelling Zack to die! My mind was blown when I first realized this! Normally this is a kind of thing that exists as something that only makes sense in the realm of video games. It can feel cheap as a player, to be faced with a boss fight you know you're destined to lose, and Crisis Core's may be one of the most famous of those. L&R, Elaine from New Zealad!


Damiani! I absolutely loved your entire FF7 Remake Playthrough and I also enjoyed the previous Spoiler Mode with Maximillian Dood, however, I still have not heard your definitive thoughts on the Combat System. I noticed there were times in the Playthrough where the combat frustrated you (i.e. "The Climb" and the Rufus Battle). After spending more time with the game, how has your view on the Combat System changed? We these frustrations actually caused by problematic Game Mechanics or were they possibly the growing pains of learning to play within the MAKER'S INTENT? (Nod to Huber) Also Interested in all of the Allies thoughts along these lines. Love and Respect!


Hi Allies. I've been ADDICTED to the amazing theory-crafting from the end of FF7R. I've been so on board with the musings I've seen Maximilian and others have put forth where Sephiroth is from post-AC and Aerith is a direct continuation from the end of OG FF7. My main contention is how some like to compare it to BTTF2, where it tries to set in stone there is one true timeline and the other is an anomaly that must be corrected. I feel more that this is like '09 JJ Star Trek or Endgame's Gamora or Loki's "What-If" storylines. They don't pretend they others don't exist, nor can they exist without what came before. L&R Justin


I'm not sure how much of this you can discuss without bringing up things that happen after Midgar in the original, but two small things stuck with me: - Hojo refers to Sephiroth as "their child", hinting at confirming something that has been theorized. - Marlene is shown to have some sort of psychic connection with both Aerith and Barrett. The part with Aerith can be explained by Aerith being the one knowing what Marlene thinks, but Marlene "feeling" Barrett from afar seems like it could be hinting at something. Just putting this out there in case anyone else noticed the same and feel like discussing it. Love and Respect!


Hey Allies. I want to hear your thoughts on Chadley. Especially Chadley's ending after you finish all the combat simulations. (Spoilers?) Chadley goes on this huge spiel for full minute about great Cloud is and how much Cloud has helped him. Meanwhile Cloud, looking as bored and uncaring as the player, just responds with the most unenthusiastic "Cool". This moment, more than the actual ending of the game, made me realize how meta the narrative is. Squre-Enix knew that players wouldn't give a crap about Chadley, but by making as lame and annoying as they could, while also building this entirely ridiculous narrative around him, Chadley would stand out as one of the most memorable characters of the remake. L&R John


Hey guys! Do you think that the final chapter deviations in story and narrative, including the epic boss battles with Sephiroth and the manifestations of fate, were partially dictated by the necessity of bringing this first episode to a fitting close with something more final than a "TBC" screen? Leaving aside what it means for the sequels, and looking at this first game solely as a standalone narrative, do you think they made the right choice in "stealing" a few scenes from original Disc 3?


Hi Allies, Thanks for taking the time to shoot another spoiler mode! There's a lot of discussion about Jessie's character but how did you feel about her new story? Being able to see more of the top plate and hang out with the Avalanche crew was a highlight of the remake and realizing her parents lived in Sector 7 just added another gut punch to it falling later, also, she died never knowing the truth about how the massive explosion of Reactor 1 wasn't really her fault! Bonus, what scenes if any broke you or caused you to tear up? L&R


Is there a chance that Jessie is still alive? With the original FF7 out the window, and with Jessie being an aspiring actress, I keep thinking maybe she faked her death scene to go to Gold Saucer like she said earlier in the game. I know there’s plenty of holes in this. But I couldn’t stop thinking about her acting during her death scene


Hey, Allies! I loved the first FF7 Remake Spoiler Mode and can't wait for this one. In a game of numerous and spectacular boss fights, which one was your favorite and why? Personally, the final battle with Sephiroth on Hard Mode encapsulated everything I loved about the boss fights in FF7 - fair but challenging. I almost kind of wish they had saved it for later installments. I believe this fight tests everything you've learned up until that point (one-on-one parrying, dodging, blocking; then team strategy, skills) and forces you to use them. It also comes after a grueling, multi-part battle with the Whispers, and the visual/audio (music!) spectacle of it was so epic.


What's up Allies! My question is regarding the characterization of Cloud. Listening to other youtubers, they seem to praise the other characters more when talking about the game and was wondering how ya'll felt about him. I personally felt that Advent Children started the 15 years of "Emo" Cloud and am happy that this game gets Cloud perfectly right with some improvements as well with him showing more emotion.


Hey Guys, I never played the og FF7 but still had an immensely positive time with the remake. With that out of the way I want to address one nit picky criticism. For some quests (both in main story and side quests) when you are required to find something or someone you are given an apt description by the quest giver only to have a marker point out the obvious solution. Example, when you have to find five kids on patrol, you are given the clue that they have wooden swords which is rendered pointless by the quest marker appearing over their heard. Furthermore in the Shinra building you are needed to find the inside Avalanche employee yet the the game puts a checkpoint on the map for his exact location, despite the previous Cutscene hinting that this will be a difficult task. While this didn't really detract from my overall enjoyment I still felt let down with these moments. Did you guys feel any parts lacking in the difficulty aspect of tasks and felt the game was holding your hand a bit too much and would you like to see more difficult quests in the future installments where the challenge is presented outside of combat? Thank you Doug.


Do you feel that the dodge should have had more invincibility frames? Or were you guys satisfied with the current set of defensive options?


Hey Allies, It's amazing how we knew the music was going to be special and yet still surpass expectations. The new renditions of the classic themes were incredible. There was a moment at night where Cloud was struck by a premonition and shed a tear. As Aerith began walking ahead the score faded in. It was so minimal but felt absolutely perfect. What was your favorite music moment from the game?


just wanted to chime in that this is also something I want to know. for me, it was climbing out of sector seven in chapter 15


After playing the game, I was severely dissapointed by the game. I think there are many things wrong with the game that are barely adressed in reviews or discussions about FFVII: Remake. True the nostalgic moments hit hard, but there is a lot of content in the game that is outright bad. I can relate to this: https://rpgamer.com/2020/04/why-the-final-fantasy-vii-remake-is-not-for-me/ The bad: - Long boss battles that last too long - Exploration is almost non-existent, just small hubs with nothing to do (It felt like FFXIII) - Sidequests don't expand the story or world at all (FFXV/mmorpg quality) - Filler chapters/dungeons with low quality in level design that seems only there to make the game longer. And weren't fun to play, like the trains, hojo dungeon or sewers. - Deviation from the original plot seems to degrade the story instead of increasing the quality - Sephiroth is not mysterious anymore, he is showing up too much. - Barely any NPC to talk too. - Battle system doesn't give the satisfaction that a turn-based battle system can give or an action-based rpg can give. It is just not satisfying. What are your opinions on the sidequests? And the filler chapters with corridor-like gameplay? Non-existent world building? Added story-elements?


Hello, allies. I found myself wanting FF VII Remake to speed up at some of the added story sections particularly after Chapter 9 because I wanted to hurry and rescue the Avalanche crew from the Sector 7 plate disaster. Having now fully beaten the game now, I'm quite satisfied with the choices that were made for the added content and the differences in story compared to the original FF VII. Do you think preconceived notions of fans who played the original may sway expectations of FF7 Remake or sour some fans experiences? I personally think approaching the game with fresh eyes may be the best solution. Thanks for your quality discussions, Allies. Stay easy. Brandon S. ( P.S. Also forgive me if this was discussed in the previous FF VII Remake Spoiler Mode. I have yet to watch it as I just finished the game a couple of days ago and was reflecting on my experience.)


I have heard several theories about the whisperers and none of them held. 1) The Whisperers are fans trying to keep the story the same:- I can't quite agree with its message. I was super annoyed with the ending, it's probably the worst ending I've experienced recently this side of DMC 5. But, I wanted to discuss its implications with people online. I was surprised to have met with defensive responses from long time fans who stood by the remake. They said "They are taking this in a new direction. We must let them express their creative freedom. You can always play the original" In fact, if I go back to EZA's first Spoiler Discussion, the fans (panel included) near-unanimously support the game for what it seems to be doing. These are the same fans the theory suggests *wanted to keep the story the same*. If that's the case, we end up in a paradox. 2) The Whisperers are guided by the Will of the planet to keep things on track This would make more sense in-universe, but is even more bonkers given the ending. If Whisperers truly answer to the will of the planet, why would Aerith want to go against them? She, being one of the Ancients should comply with the will of the planet right? 3) The Whisperers are NOT responding to will of the planet but are another 4th dimension entity: This would untie all the plot holes mentioned in previous 2. But, again this doesn't make sense. Why would Giaia tell Aerith to go fight the whisperers to avoid the dark fate. In OG FF7, doesn't Giaia sort of take over the planet? From the perspective of Giaia, that does not even register as a 'dark fate'. It would be in Giaia's best interest to let the whisperers keep fate on track. Which leads me to the most plausible conclusion - They were created to have a big endgame fight to justify the bloated Midgar section. The whisperers were largely inconsequential to the plot and any direction the characters took, could have been taken without writing them into it. Tetsuya Nomura also said in recent interviews that they won't be changing the plot too much away from OG FFVII. If that's true, their only purpose seems to have been nullified. I don't understand why you'd write yourself into a corner like this. Would love to hear the panel's thought on the theories surrounding the whisperers and if they were actually of any consequence. L&R


Only one questions matters: Are you Team Tifa or Team Aerith? Or a are you Team Jessie now?


Actually, I have a second question: Which character is your favorite to control during battle and why is it Tifa?


Hey guys! I would love to hear your favorite character moments in the Remake, and why.


Did low res and very out of place textures bother you guys that much? I would say the only two places it did with me, were doors on the apartment where tifa and cloud live, and the flowers in aeiriths garden.


Hey Allies, Imagine it being 2017 and FF7R has been announced 2 years ago. Everybody is wondering if the development is in trouble. You played the FF13 games. You played FF15. You played most SE JRPGs from the last decade. What would you expect FF7R to be? What would you think the quality would be? Is it weird for me to think that even with the very valid criticisms people have they actually made an absolute great game with a quality better than anyone could have expected from the current SE? I hear way too much negativity so I think it deserves to be said. What do you guys think? Thank you for the good vibes!


Cheaty side question and comment saver, did Don play this also? Would be my dream to know all 9 have played this. *YES fucking NINE!!!!!


None of your theories are correct, that's all there is to it. They will most likely be explained in the next part/parts. I have a strong belief they are related to jenova's infection of the planet. Or, they are related to sephiroths infection of the planet since they are both part of the lifestream now. Which also makes a lot of sense, since sephiroth seems to be able to have some influence over them. I can go into more detail,such as why (seph would want them to be beaten) but don't want to spoil too much of the og game and spinoffs.


Hey Allies, I want to hear your opinions on how Final Fantasy 7 excelled by managing it's own size. Looking at the game in hindsight there are numerous examples of places where the game makes sacrifices in service of a goal some examples include: - The game was very linear only allowing free exploration occasionally but this helps guide the player through the story in a more focused way. - Many textures are outright bad, this allowed the game to perform fantastically, while devoting precious resources to rendering the things that are important to the story and gameplay. - some backgrounds are prerendered (most notably for me during chapter 15), this also serves performance. - no party customization. Every chapter in the game has fixed party members. This helps to focus the combat design and forces players to learn how each party member works, and how they fit into full party combat. My question is, do you have any personal examples of how this focussed effort improved your experience with the game? Do the Allies agree that this scope was hugely beneficial to the final product? L&R, Scott


Hello Allies, any tears shed during playing the game? If yes, Which segment? L&R Joseph


Did any of you guys play the game with Japanese voices and if not, why? I always try to play/watch things in the original language they were created in and it has gotten to the point where hearing anything else feels wrong. Does anyone else share this sentiment? Thanks, Nick Battista


Just joined after listening to your first Spoiler Mode for FF7R. Loved your coverage. Happy to support a cool group of people. Looking forward to a 2nd Spoiler Mode on it.


Two words - Naruto. Filler


Hi guys, hope you're all keeping well. Will Part 2 be open world, be split into zones like XII, be linear or have hub worlds that you can swap between? L&R Sumio Mondo.


I beat Final Fantasy VII Remake and my only experience with the original is from comments from you guys. Do you think they are handling the experience for first timers, like me, properly or do you wish they went in a different direction? I enjoyed the experience overall but had issues with the story. - David


Where there any moments where you felt like a whisper? It was funny I caught myself thinking "You can't do that!" When Barret got killed and then the whisper came by later to "fix" the "mistake" by applying the plot armor. I felt like it was such a fun metanarrative I was being poked and prodded with as a player. I felt like it made me acknowledge that I was putting undue pressure on the devs and keeping them in a box. It felt extremely cathartic to help the characters, help the devs, and help myself literally kill the plot armor and my expectations moving forward.


How often did you use triple slash, and who fucked up by sleeping on this move? ~LnR4L Heidern98


Favorite ability for each character in the game? Favorite character in general to play as in combat. L& R. -Djk287


Hey guys out of all the Allies which ally did you think had the most surprising takeaway from the game? I personally found Barret’s white knighting for the planet very polarizing and his ability to sacrifice his team at any and cost for victory didn’t make his worry for Marleen have any weight. L&R - Big Ty Guy


So se decided to make this game t for teen, and at certain parts it shows. Lack of blood being a big one. Did these elements ever detract from your enjoyment of the game? Maybe some scenes losing the power that they should have had? Would you like to see square go with an m rating for future installments?


Hi Allies, how did you feel about Shinra Tower? I loved it in the original but also really enjoyed the new version, especially the lounge area (with a song that Jones would love) and just looking hanging out, overlooking Midgar. The museums were a nice addition as well. Thank you for doing a second spoiler mode in addition to the plot-focused first one.