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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h5FGOTCEpc&feature=youtu.be
SoundCloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/easyallies/easy-allies-podcast-211-42320/s-k9Q2rCGr06s

Since there’s not much game news to discuss anyway, we discuss the podcast’s future as Jones finally digivolves into the host. 

00:05:04 - Corrections
00:07:28 - Bosman’s Questions for Jones
00:48:48 - Bosman’s Hosting Tips
01:03:27 - Jones’s Questions for Bosman
01:29:18 - L&R: Will Jones rap?
01:35:59 - L&R: Game - Animal Crossing Villager or Disney Character?
01:46:05 - L&R: Need help for a notorious final boss
01:47:16 - L&R: Can RE4 Remake be good?
01:57:17 - Closing

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Douglas Chomicz

I’m not ready 😭😭😭😭


I’ve got my tissues ready 😢




God. Damn it. I'm not emotionally prepared for this. We love you, Kyle. See you soon.


Good luck, buddy. Thanks for everything.


This is a special episode. Also earlier than expected. I need... time.


😭😭😭Thank you Kyle 🙏


I'll need to prepare myself before I watch this. Wait for my husband to come home so I'm not crying alone. Here's to you finding your thing Kyle! Much love, friend! 🥂❤🖤


This is a bittersweet moment, but I think I'm ready for it.


Both the end and beginning of a true era


I don't know if I'm strong enough for this...


Correction: Kyle WILL be back with EZA in some shape or form in the future. Little cameo here and there.


I really don't want to listen to this because as soon as I do kyle will be gone 🙁


JONES! Loving the beard, hope you'll keep it after the whole "quarantine" thing


I'm so emotional about this!!


I am scared to listen to this one


Thanks a lot Manscaped.


I actually kinda was hoping the podcast would either start or end with the theme in A Minor, AKA, the saddest of chords.


Tomorrow is forever all yours. Love and respect.


I've never had to emotionally prepare myself this much before clicking a link. Goodbye for now Kyle, thank you for everything, and as always, love and respect.


Aaaaand thats it... feeling empty.


Hunting Huber in lots of different games would be interesting. Sort of like Where's Waldo.


I think the poignancy of this episode goes without saying but this was also a really interesting insight into the podcast itself. I feel like the podcast is in good hands and I look forward to watching Jones settle into his role. I think Blood will be a great co-host and I think getting Don as a bet consultant would be brilliant if possible. It's not specifically brought up either of them but I want to mentioned something that Kyle does that I really appreciate. He doesn't allow assumptions to just pass. If someone says something in a generalized way, he'll push them to articulate that into specifics, regardless of whether he agrees or not. I hope Jones keeps that in mind as well. One final humble suggestion for the non-sports oriented Brandon Jones: Podcast Intermission? And for Kyle-- good gracious. Please watch your language in the future.


Someone in chat suggested the title Hunter x Hunted which is genius.


Also, I have a new Podcast Segment idea: Where in the World is All the Damn Rufus'?


The thought of Kyle baiting Jones with Batman just for a water break is too goddamn funny

Luveen Rupchand Wadhwani

Jones. I love the idea about a lightning round of headlines. A couple names immediately jumped to mind for the segment that I want to share: Also This Week, or Last Call.


Couldn't hold back the tears during the last few minutes of the podcast. Thanks again, Kyle! Love and Respect Always


I made it through the whole thing...cried at the fade to black. Worth every second.


I suspected Kyle might drop an F bomb on this episode since some people in the community requested it. I was hoping he wouldn’t because it goes against the Kyle image, but once he did I couldn’t stop laughing. Perfect delivery. I’ll be keeping an eye out on your Twitch channel! Until next time, thanks for everything Kyle.


The time has come. Thank you Kyle for these great years of podcasts, streams, videos, and bits. God I'm gonna miss those bits. Whenever Kyle finds his next main thing, I pray to any and all forces in the universe that I get to see more bits. I am extremely happy for Blood to become co-host. Jones, Blood, and Ian will make for a great regular cast. This podcast will be in good hands.


Good luck with the Bartending Gig Back in New York Kyle! https://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh118/DrunkenKnuckle/internet/IMG_0750.jpg * i shared this back at gametrailers in 2014! I cant Believe photobucket is still around and my log in still worked!.


It really was the Final Bosman


Honestly, Jones, I think taking the podcast in a more "serious" direction is a mistake. Charisma, fun, and passion is the heart of the EZA podcast. There are a million gaming podcasts on the internet that are more serious than EZA, and I find them all to be boring. There is an alchemy here: jokes, passion, news. We need that. Please. I love you guys, and I hope/believe you can pull this out.


Thank you Kyle for everything you’ve done! You’ve truly been an inspiration to me over the years in terms of what it means to create content and be a trail blazer in creating/adapting ideas and putting a fun and unique spin on them (as a fellow sports fan Hall of Greats was a genius concept to me for instance). Good luck in the future, as someone who is also striving for reaching my full potential and main thing in life I respect the courage to do so and wish you nothing but the best!

Logan Young

I am not ready for this. EDIT: I was not ready. Did it anyways.


L&R, Ky!


Kyle, I appreciate our parasocial relationship. Is this 'capital L' Love? Not really! But I do enjoy your presence in my world and wish the best for you! Maybe English needs a new word for this kind of thing.

Daryl Rodriguez

To quote the man himself... "Fuck!"


Probably the alcohol, but as soon as I heard the music start, I started getting emotional. Literally started crying as this was Kyle's last episode. It's been an awesome run. Love and respect.


See you Space Cowboy. And thank you.


Man, so many emotions. Nothing but L&R for you Kyle. Good luck with your future endeavors and big thanks for all that you brought to GT and EZA. To all the EZA crew and lovely community, take care of one another and stay safe!


Have a good time dude


I came for “fuck.” Thank you Kyle


Good night, Dark Prince!




Thank you Kyle! Hope to see you soon!


Going to miss kyle SO MUCH!!!! Best of luck in everything you do man!

Jake Z

Thanks for everything Kyle!


Beautiful edit, Jones! Like the bittersweet sound of Stark hammering his mk.1 suit into being at the very end of Endgame, we say goodbye to Kyle with his very first "hello." L&R


Love and respect Kyle Bosman Good luck on your next adventure


Thank you Kyle. Good luck Jones. Looking forward to what comes next.


Kyle, thanks for all the good times <3 Best of luck on whatever is coming next for you. Jones, good luck on hosting the podcast from now on and massive amounts of love and respect to both of you and the rest of the Allies.


Wow I didn’t think I was going to get that emotional but damn that hit hard at the end. Totally choked me up seeing Brandon and Kyle have to split up like that. Kyle... I just wish you the absolute best, man. Thanks for being such a genuinely cool person. You’ve made us laugh time and time again throughout the years and, I swear I don’t mean this in a creepy way, you’ve brought us a lot of comfort. Here’s my dumb, small story to give context: I’ve had brutal 1.5-2 hour commutes twice a day that started when EZA formed. Having crazy back issues from an injury, that time in the car causes really excruciating pain for me. It got pretty depressing. But, having the EZA podcast helped me get through SO many of those drives. I looked forward to it every time. I can’t thank you enough for all the wonderful shows, dude. They seriously made such a positive impact on my life. You bring a really unique, positive perspective and humor to the world that makes us all smile. Just hope you know how missed you’ll actually be. Jones nailed it, I think we all knew you were destined for something more. Everyone is excited to see you succeed doing something you’re passionate in. You got this. Tomorrow is forever all ours.


Good luck with your adventures. Since that was your last episode does that mean we got a Final Bosman episode? You sly dog.


Cheers Kyle, you are an inspiration!

Andrew Chalmers

I'll watch this tomorrow and share my final thoughts then. I don't know if I'm ready for this!


I don’t ever write in to here but I just need to express this somewhere: thank you Kyle. You were the reason I started following EZA. You made every video or stream you were on better. You kept things playful, fun and unpredictable. Its strange because I don’t really know you and you certainly don’t know me... But I will miss you. You and the other allies have become a part of my routine. I watch more easy allies content than I watch movies or TV. I see you guys more than I see my friends. And you personally were a big reason for that. I will of course continue to watch and support the guys, but I can’t help but feel a bit emotional about all of this. And final word: I do hope that you come around on Twitter. I know it’s a cesspool, but it is also a great way and one of the only ways for people to keep connected with you. I wish you would think about it more like having a conversation with the people who care about you, like some of your Patreon posts were, rather than some weird performance/comedy show you have to put on for them. If unfollowing everyone helps, do that. I just want to be able to continue to connect with you somewhere. Good night and good game, Dark Prince


I'm really happy you did this chat. GT time was my first video game focused podcast and I never ended up listening to any other ones in that category. After the announcement of Kyle leaving, I was nervously waiting for the first Jones led EZA podcast and hoping I would like it. After listening to this podcast, I am super excited for next week. It's always fun to see talented people take on new ventures and while I'm sure the first few weeks will be a learning process, that just makes it all the more fun as a listener. I know Jones will do great right out of the gate, and I know he'll only get better as time goes on. Thanks Kyle for hosting one of my favorite podcasts. You definitely raised the bar for how much one can balance humor and focus, as well as facilitating a great group dynamic. I wish you well on your future and I look forward to the day that I get a notification from twitter, youtube, or twitch from your account. Stay safe and healthy! L&R


The whole ending segment was a tough watch. I've grown to love all the Allies but Final Bosman is where it started for me. It's a heartbreaking end to a glorious era.


It feels weird to be both excited about change and really sad at the same time. I think what makes me excited is both to see how EZA will have to change (no purple crayons anymore) but also that someone I care about is brave enough to persue other things. What makes me sad is both that Kyle’s new thing might not be a public thing that we can keep follow in the same way and also that sullen feeling of a important friendship lost that the friend never even knew about.

Andrew Chalmers

Alright. Time to mow the lawns for the last time listening to Bosman host the eza podcast. Here goes.


Waiting for the "Quaranteens" of 2034...

Andrew Chalmers

Here we are. End of an era. Kyle, I was dabbling in GT content way back when, but it wasn't until I saw your Do's and Don'ts episode where I was hooked as a regular. I distinctly recall Marcus Beer giving a recommendation to your new show, saying how funny it is - he wasn't wrong. I absolutely loved your humour. From that moment I felt I saw GT evolve. It was a lot more personality driven. Rather than just be a site for news with a few podcasts, I felt like the faces behind the website became more well known. I started seeing this being emulated on other gaming sites as well. Suddenly there was this whole crew at GT that I would listen to on a regular basis. The Final Bosman was *the* show for me though across all the websites. Then there was the shutdown, and birth of EZA. I became a patron day 1, and I don't mean any offense to the other allies, but it was primarily because I wanted to see you make more content. As Jones talked about, you have a creative skill that the world needs to see thrive. I'll still continue to be a patron for EZA because I still love the rest of the allies, but know that whatever you do next, I'll be ready to support you 100%. Your work is funny, clever and creative and you've been an inspiration to the work I do as well. Love and Respect.


I get the feeling it's definitely not the last we hear from Kyle. Thanks for this and I'll see you elsewhere.


Late to comment, but thank you for indirectly being part of my life, Kyle.


There goes our hero, riding off into the sunset. He defeated evil and brought peace to this town. If his throat is ever parched and he ever should wander into our backyard...oh we’ll happily give him a lemonade, hell we’ll give him two. And of course thank him kindly for his many years of service. 🎵Happy trails to you, until we meet again...happy trails to you and on and on our friend...🎵With the greatest love and respect, -The Easy Allies Community.


Thank you for everything Kyle! Also, correction: Flora is the name of both a Disney character and an Animal Crossing villager, a preppy ostrich.

A Joker Fan

Thanks for everything and I just wanted to say I appreciate you keeping the topics about video games and remaining relatively apolitical, and when you did talk about politically relevant subjects like Chinese censorship, etc you approached it fairly. Good luck to you Kyle


Thanks for making my many many days lighter, Kyle. Did not cry when you announced your departure. But, I cried when I heard the sound byte at the end of this episode. I will miss you terribly. May you find what you are looking for. I only wish you happiness. Cheers mate.


I’ve been a Patreon since day 1, and listen to the podcast 95% of the time, and only catch maybe 5% on YouTube. Kyle was always very good at remembering a podcast isn’t primarily a video medium, even though you have all those cameras rolling. Hope you keep that up, Jones!


I've been a fan since Playstation Dos and Don'ts, I wish you the best of luck and a happy rest of your life, and I hope you continue doing funny stuff we can watch. Now goodbye Final Fantasy 7 talk, bring on the marketing campaigns talk


Correction: Rhuari (sp?) suggested "break for me" as Christian Bale, not me. Not A Correction: Thanks for everything, Kyle!


Just caught up with this episode... I will miss you, Kyle Bosman. I've been watching/listening to your content since your first video for GT. Your style and personality will be greatly missed. Wish you all the best for your future endeavours! Best of luck and evertything!