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VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Rfgw7iDZ-bo

Damiani, Ben, Brad, Kyle, and special guest Maximilian Dood share their impressions and big brain theories about Final Fantasy VII Remake in this wild, spoiler-filled discussion!




Was hoping this would come out this week, for reasons. Excited to hear everyone's take!


Thank you Kyle for making an effort to appear on all the other podcasts and shows before you head out! I think I'll keep from watching some of them though, like saving the last page of a favorite novel. Sorry if that's weird, it'll just be weird without you in the allies! Good luck!


Yessss. I cant wait to listen to this tonight! Been waiting to hear some spoiler talk!


Settling in to enjoy this for a while.


My body is ready for this spoiler mode. Couldn't be happier to see it's over 2 hours 😁👍


thanks for this


This was probably one of my favorite spoiler modes they've ever done. Loved Max's input and awesome to see so many allies in it too!

Nathan Guergis

I could listen to Max bringing us to Level 4 all-day long.


Well, thanks for making it clear at 21 minutes you would be including spoilers for the original whole game. At least people like me who never played the original got 20 minutes of a spoiler mode. Thats one very interesting thing about FF7R, how it was able to mostly successfully cater to both audiences.


This was great and I thoroughly enjoyed the two hours of conjecture and theory crafting. However I was hoping for a bit more discussion about the events that took place in this game rather than what may come next. Hopefully we get a nice discussion with just the allies, perhaps in frame trap, that can cover those aspects a bit more comprehensively.


Damn this is so good that I'm going to listen to it twice maybe more.


Sorry guys, but this is a bad episode. Spoiler Mode is “No-limits discussions” and there was no discussion here: your guest monopolized microphone and didn’t let others say more than a few sentences. Also I don’t know the guest (what he likes, how hyperbolic he is, etc.), so I could not translate his opinion into what would I think if I’ll play this game. This isn’t a problem when there are multiple perspectives, but there was the only one detailed opinion in entire episode.

Jordan Brown

Yeah, gotta agree that this was a bad Spoiler Mode. Max kind of took over the entire thing and it was just him theory crafting while you guys said a couple words here and there. We had no discussion for about 90% of the game. Hope you guys can do another discussion later on with more in-depth conversation about the game itself.


Was a great spoiler mode. The main thing on most people's mind after finishing it is the ending and what happens next. A little more on the events would have been nicer but I'm sure that can be discussed elsewhere. I like hearing about the theories and just the general thought of everyone.


I definitely enjoyed this Spoiler Mode and all the conjecture, but I agree I’d like another conversation focused on the actual events of this game. There was so many huge moments and scenes that didn’t even get mentioned

Nut Kon

i wholeheartedly agree with you and i really hope they would consider your suggestion but i have this sinking feeling that they wont bother anymore

Nut Kon

i wholeheartedly agree with you and i really hope they would consider shooting another in depth talk but i have this sinking feeling that they wont bother anymore

Nut Kon

i wholeheartedly agree with you and i really hope they would consider your suggestion but i have this sinking feeling that they wont bother anymore

Nut Kon

i wholeheartedly agree with you and i really hope they would consider your suggestion but i have this sinking feeling that they wont bother anymore


I enjoyed this a lot! I thought the speculation about where the future installments were headed was interesting and hearing all the little hidden details definitely made me appreciate the game even more. It definitely gave context to some elements that I thought felt a little weird (Chadley...) and knowing that the feeling was purposeful was great. I feel like there was plenty more discussion to be had, and that the speculation did dominate the discussion a bit, but I was invested in the conversation the entire time and would have happily listened to another hour of this crew talking.


WHOA.. I was NOT prepared for Max to take me to all the levels---and neither were the allies. lol. VERY fun show guys!


Sorry, but still waiting for a spoiler discussion about what actually transpired in the game.


Very entertaining show, I absolutely loved watching it. But it wasn't really a spoiler mode, was it? It was more of a podcast speculating about the ending and future of the franchise. I think maybe this particular game needs more than one spoiler mode episode, given the unique position it's in. The ending needed to be discussed in detail, but we also need to talk about the rest of the game.


Just had a blast listening to spoiler mode of a game I have never played. Awesome!


I love Max and I can't say this all wasn't fun to listen to, but I'm still disappointed in this Spoiler Mode. I wanted to hear more from you guys, and more than just theories about the ending. I will admit that part of this is because I despise the ending, though. But still. (SPOILER ALERT) I think this game is full of great moments, both old and new, amazing characterization, etc. and it absolutely did not need to be a sequel to the original game, rather than a remake. The ending is just the kind of stuff that I've become so tired of in Kingdom Hearts, and it's designed to stir up conversation and market the next part. It's just cynical marketing and it doesn't fit the themes of life, death and loss of the original game. You can argue that FFVII's story has plenty of fantastical elements, but it's much more grounded than time travel, fighting the manifestation of destiny and all that bullshit. Advent Children is something to forget, not try to emulate or even continue.


Exactly. Square has become all about this Kingdom Hearts overbloated nonsense for a while and I was hoping this would be them coming back to form. But nope, let's cut a hole in reality to a bright empty void and fight future warriors from an undisclosed time in order to kill the 300ft tall formless personification of destiny.


I honestly enjoy Minnmax's deepest dive more, focusing on the first part of a game, middle, then ending. Feels far more like what this is aimed to be.


Loved the Spoiler Mode. It made me appreciate the whole game way more.


As awesome as it was to hear Max discuss all these theories I wish these spoilermodes had more structure. Theorycrafting should have been reserved for the end of the discussion instead of dominating it. Damiani mentioned that Kyle wanted a run down of the game at the beginning of the spoilermode but it just never happened. It would have been cool to hear your thoughts on the game chapter by chapter or at least through all the major story beats, and to hear your thoughts on changes to the original game. New characters were introduced, side characters were expanded, new lore and history was added to the game and I really wanted to know what you thought about it! What were your favorite parts of the game, what did you hate, how cool were the bike sequences and hanging out with the Avalanche crew, how did you feel first seeing the Church, Aeriths house, seeing Wall Market and the new cast, seeing the Shinra building, did you climb the stairs or take the elevator, how amazing were all the boss fights? At some point Kyle is amazed that you guys didn't spend 30 minutes just talking about Hell House and that's exactly what I was hoping this would be! I still enjoyed the spoilermode but I really wanted to hear your actual thoughts about the game!


I'm one of the crowd who felt burned by the game billing itself a remake and not being a remake, and I just genuinely can't agree with the boundless optimism that every single decision was the right decision. I especially can't agree with the idea that going over the same plot would somehow be a bad decision. Expanding the original while remaining faithful is exactly what I'd hoped for out of the remake, and for much of the game I was absolutely blown away by how well they expanded on Avalanche, Wall Market, Shinra, the main cast, etc, and that's what disappointed me so much about the Whispers stuff, because it just felt like they didn't believe the story could stand up on its own without having massive twist surprises. Stuff like overplaying their hand on Sephiroth because "everyone already knows who he is" really make me sour. Such a grand experience that feels let down by its own insecurities.

Nut Kon

same.. sadly kyle is going to be gone so this would never happen, which is doubly sad and disappointing

Sam Strajack

Nothing against Max but I want spoiler modes to be the allies only, I don't like when he comes in and totally dominates the conversation away from the regular cast I care about.

Sam Strajack

Okay, after finishing, I feel pretty strongly that this spoiler mode is not what I wanted. Max coming in and talking down to Ben (the jrpg master) and telling him he needs to replay and get on his level, is just so offputting. Not fun to listen to Max aimlessly rant about stuff that MIGHT happen in the next game and dominate the conversation for 150 minutes. I don't want to hear all these crazy fan theories, I want to hear reactions of all the stuff that ACTUALLY happened. Like they are wrappin up the show and Max is just like WAIT I NEED TO TALK MORE EVEN THOUGH I TALKED FOR 2 1/2 HOURS! PLEASE GIVE ME ATTENTION.


thing is i don't agree with the notion of the dementors being stand in for "fans". I will agree that that was Nomura's intention, but i don't think that meta-commentary holds, since after the interviews, the very first things i saw people making lists of was that "FFVIIR should give us the option of saving Aerith, etc etc.". So, my reading was always that fans have been wanting certain characters to live (like Zack) and Square is pandering to that notion. I don't think the dementor/fan analogy holds. case in point, if Barrett had died, i don't think a lot of fans would have felt cheated since that scene was very well put together and barrett as a character had developed to a point where his death would have an emotional impact delivered in all the ways that would have earned. and since fans are excited that FFVIIR is going a different direction, that meta-commentary makes even less sense to me now. also, i don't get how we have parallel universes where the flow of fate still has to follow a similar direction? Wasn't the whole concept of multi-verse born out of the fact that a single minute A/B choice results in two universes diverging? So the concept of multiverse has already taken into account different flow of outcomes, so then maintaining the same flow.. does not register. My head hurts. my main concern is that after chapter 18, it asks wayyy too much of the player to have known about stuff that happened the last time, all of which will amount to nothing to someone who is not familiar with it. (and that's a sizeable chunk that should be taken into account if you're marketing the game as a remake)


case in point, i didn't play the original FFVII. So, i felt no stakes at the end and my reaction was pure frustration. Had i known this would be so tied to the original, I would have made it a point to go back and play the original. And well, had i played the original, i would have appreciated much more what they're trying to do in this game here. And that would have broken the so called meta-commentary for the dementors.


This Maximilian guy talked far to much. I watched this and support the Allies because I want to hear them not some person whom I don't know or care about.


Enjoyed listening to this, even if it was mostly Max talking and giving his thoughts. Don't really watch his content, but it's clear his love for FF7 is insurmountable. Can't please everyone I guess.


I finally finished the game so I'm super excited to watch this now! L&R!


Well, really don't mind who talked in this Spoiler Mode (if it's Max or the Allies) as long as it's interesting, but... It feels like most of the talk was pretty much speculation with no solid ground base to support it... I mean, saying that Cloud put a hand on this arm and it's the same arm in AC film; the three Whispers you fight at the end are like Kadaj and gang with the same movesets and they transform into Bahamut because they summon it in the movie... saying that Sephiroth has somehow knowledge of the future and is trying to change things and the ghosts like creatures are trying to force things like the original to happen,, Vincent calling Sephiroth in AC film as harbinger something (which in fact I do think he called Genova this way, but I'm not so sure), and Zack would still be alive and etc.. It just seems like pure conjecture, trying too much to distort the events from this first part of the Remake to feed Max's own ideas.. It just seems too much deviation, and to believe it to increase expactations for the next game may be a dangerously mistake.. In my honest opinion Max is reading too much between the lines, and could at least consider that all the stuff that was speculated here might not remotely even happen, and the ending of the remake was like it was because they knew it wouldn't hook up new audiences if they ended the game with the Motor Ball Boss like the original (it would be a warm ending at best), it seems they needed something to increase the stakes (in the original Sephiroth barely make an appearence in Midgar if not to kill Shinra's president, which I have to say was way more dark and impactful in the original)...


Continuing... The main reason as for the way they handled the ending, and Sephiroth appearing too much early in the game might be the same reason as to why we have summons in this part of the game (in the original the first summon you get is Choco/Mog summon after Midgar), the same reason as to why we can already master all of the materias available and reach level 50 already until the end of this first part.. It's because they felt the need to put these things to make this part of the game more interesting and appealing (especialy for new players), the Midgar part was the first part of the original in which you start with a small plot and as soon as you get out of Midgar the whole history expands along with the world.. the way I see it, there's no reason to believe the game will deviate so much as to create a knew timeline, and even if so, it doesn't necessarily make it a better Remake because of it.. The way I see it, the game is good, the combat I think they nailed it, the soundtrack is amazing, the places are faithfull to the original (loved to look up and see the plates up in the sky), the enemies were done very good, the side quests are almost forgetable (the only side quests that in my mind were good, actually were in the original with a slight different context, like some side quests in the Wall Market), and the ghost like creatures, even if they do play an important part in the future, as for now I think the game would be better off without them.. As for the ending (especifically the entire Chapter 18), was not for my taste, they almost copy and pasted the same battle from AC (between Cloud and Sephiroth among the debrees of Midgar), and the last battle from the original game, this came as off as it could for me because I felt there was no build up to it, there was no connection to what was happening.. you spend the whole Remake fighting and digging Shinra's secrets and suddenly there's a super God enemy, a personification of destiny and Sephiroth, the main villain of the game that yet you didn't have a chance to know him.. It was weird and absolutely out of place, and this coming from a person who played and loved the original.. Imagine someone who never played it? Anyway, whetever they do now with the next part, we'll have to wait to see it.. but with this one they definetely raised curiosity of everyone and garanteed the sales for the next part..


Finally got to FF7R, finished it, and I had questions. Came here to the experts to get answers and came away satisfied. Many thanks, gents!