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This is the last week I’ll be working with Kyle Bosman. I recently began to realize that, aside from my building anxiety around how our community will deal with his departure and stay focused on an Easy Allies without him, I’m also just sad my friend is moving away. Today I want to focus on that part of it, because I’m sure a lot of you are having those feelings as well. I hope you enjoy our group stream this week (produced to Kyle’s specifications) and give feedback regarding the future of the podcast as it changes hands.

00:11:29 - Business Questions
00:54:02 - Editorial: Saying Goodbye


DISCLAIMER: I take questions for each Cup of Jones episode from the original video post. Questions from this audio-only post will not be used in future episodes. The video version is typically posted just before this one, so scroll down our Patreon page to find it.



Kenji Fuse

Would it be a pain to upload these to youtube or soundcloud? As there does not seem to be a volume slider for the player that patreon uses which is a bit of a problem for me. L&R


Hey Kenji, there's another post with a youtube link :). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdVvos6TKJ8


I’m not sure where to put this but here goes. I’ve never been a follower of celebrities or someone for a cult of personality. Kyle was my exception. I looked daily for new Final Bosman videos during Gametrailers and was noticeably upset when the site closed. I was surprised and delighted when he came back with Easy Allies. I missed his particular brand of weird. I’m going to miss him now again but rather than being sad I’m happy because through Easy Allies he introduced me to eight other wonderful people. Good luck Kyle in whatever you do next!


Brandon, I think you may need to talk to one of the mods in chat. They're being extremely strict, and banning people for jokes that chat has made for years. I even got timed out for 10 minutes for telling someone "I Agree" with their comment in chat saying the mod is out of control. It feels like this mod has let the power get to their head and during the Bosman Damiani Megaman stream that was just casual chat talking to the streamers it turned into everyone questioning the bad mod "littlekittenbit" for a long time. I've been here since the beginning and don't even know who that person is. But they're ruining the fun we have in chat by making it more PC than a kotaku article.


It's just not the same recently, it's like you have to walk on eggshells and we can't even joke around with the person streaming anymore and they take it upon themselves to ban even words being said when Twitch has built in ways to censor words you don't like.


I really appreciate your honesty when it comes to being sad about Kyle leaving. I don’t want to speak for the community, but I’ll want to see the moments you guys have reminiscing about the memories you had with him and all of the things that trigger those memories. It’s cool thing to share with all of the allies and with us, the community. What I’m trying to say is don’t feel bad for dwelling on this/displaying it on stream or future content. It’s just as important as looking towards the future, which I’m extremely excited about for you guys! Love ya!


Firstly Jones can I say I'm really looking forward to you hosting the podcast. Change can be scary and uncertain but knowing you'll be putting 110% into it makes me enthusiastic for the future. Secondly and completely unrelated, how would the allies feel about making their PSN usernames/gamertags/friend codes public? (Or at the least available to patreons) I know the main negative would be that it would open the possibility of abusing what is a personal account but for me at least it would be really interesting in just seeing what you guys are playing. Im not a multiplayer gamer so I wouldn't be interested that much in playing but rather having another avenue to connect. Thanks as always. P.s huge fan of the desire index. Bring it back!


Brandon, (this is more a comment, less of a question. So, feel free to just read it to yourself if you’d rather!) I didn’t want to write this before the departure of Kyle Bosman, because it wasn’t the right time. But with the mantle of podcast host passed on, and much of the reaction rightfully being about missing kyle…. I’d like to put a different perspective on this As a Dr. Who fan, seeing a main actor and a character leave the show before I want them to is not a new thing. In fact, it’s wholly expected. I’d like to think of all the GT/EZA podcast host changes as regenerations of the doctor. Of course I have *my* doctor, the one I was introduced on. That will be, and probably will always be, Shane Satterfield. And the ‘doctors’ since have all been great too! Ryan and Kyle have been excellent in the role. Kyle has definitely won the “longest running Doctor” award in this respect… But can I just say, I’m excited for the regeneration leading into your tenure in the post. I welcome with open arms a new take, a new personality, and a new vibe – without a change in the show. I felt very reassured watching the podcast last week with you and Kyle that the podcast will evolve, and will take on a new flavor, while also remaining the Easy Allies Podcast. Thank you for that, and I eagerly await your official debut in the seat. Don’t be afraid to change things to better compliment your ideas and personality, even the ones who are initially not sold on the change will come around if you’re genuine in the part. With love, and respect, Kiraz