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To shave, or not to shave? That is the question this week. We’re going to be staying out of the studio and in our houses for at least another month, and after a weekend of trying to cram in as much Resident Evil 3 and Final Fantasy VII Remake time in, I couldn’t find the motivation to ditch the beard this morning. This does fit into the editorial I had planned for today, which will explore ways that you could find a bit of peace and calm during your hectic schedule these days, whether that involves leaving the house or not. Hopefully we can not only be a source of entertainment during these potentially boring times, but also a way to keep you relaxed and positive about the future.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xIWBk36yE


DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode, and will leave a comment when I’ve finished collecting them.


Cup of Jones - April 13, 2020

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



Easy Allies Forum community is currently voting for GOTY 2011. The more votes we get, the more accurate the results will be, so if you can give a quick shout out, we would appreciate it. All rules and information are in "Vote for the forum's GOTY 2011!" post by Axel.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! I have been watching the Play, Watch, Listen podcast with Alanah Pearce, Troy Baker, Mike Bithell, and Austin Wintory, and there was a passing comment how there are certain developers and publishers doing some form of preview events entirely digitally through Zoom, Skype, and the like, and it made me want to ask: Without going into details to the companies and games themselves, is EZA participating in these kinds of events, and if so, by not having hands-on time with games do you feel it’s worth it to discuss something you can’t experience in itself? Again, this is under the potential/interpretation EZA is a participant in such things, so if no Ally has gone through this process, please disregard this question. Regardless, thanks as always for your time and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: I’ve heard there are some companies still putting on digital preview events and if that is the case, has EZA been a participant in such events and if so, are they worth taking part in them when an Ally can’t get hands-on with whatever the game might be?






Hey Dr.Jones (Indiana Jones Joke lol) Would you consider adding trailer Jones as a segment in the Podcast. Exp:01- One Game or Movie trailer picked by the community from a list of 3 or 4 trailers. Exp:02- One community submitted Game or Movie trailers. I feel like this would be a fun way to add a Jones flavor to the Podcast.


I'm the only one who cares about Trailer Jones, Jones. Get Kyle on one


Seriously though, don’t shave Jones. Holy moly


hey jones you keep mentioning wanting to play Alyx on the Index but not having the sensors, you still have the OG vive sensors in your garage don't you? the Index works with those too.


I didn't expect there to be issues with my Showcase submission because I thought the music situation was obvious. I said I'd dealt with the copyright issues right up until the deadline, "...which you will hear the unfortunate result of", and I knew you would check all the submissions in advance, and in turn hear the muted vocals. It kind of threw me for a loop when you heard the muting during the live Showcase and only just then understood why it sounded like that. I'm sorry for going on about what's old news now. The music syncing was really taxing for me because of my slow computer and inefficient video editing software. Each time I made a few cuts, I'd have to close and reload the project to get it to run smoothly. You did make some effort to show it properly, even if it was at the last minute, and I was super glad to see it air. I do, wholeheartedly, accept your apology.


Don't shave let us see what our beards can do!


Jones please go full Kratos


Your beard looks like the start of something glorius, don't shave imo


I've fallen behind on your content what with the craziness of the world and while scrolling through the YouTube channel I found an annoyance that I haven't had to deal with before: the podcast doesn't mention the main topics of conversation in the video title. I didn't know if I wanted to watch any of the podcasts I had missed because I didn't know what they were discussing. Pretty much every other show on your channel mentions a subject in the video title, including the other podcasts (Frame Trap, Friend Code, and Reaction Shots). Can you start adding the main topic of conversation to the podcast title? E.g "Easy Allies Podcast #209 PS5 Controller Revealed - 4/10/20".


Hi Jones, Just wanted to say how much I loved the group stream with FFVII Remake. I believe when this quarantine is over, you guys should try to have these sort of streams for newer games more frequently when games launch. For example, if there was a new Batman game released and you and Huber finished the game, it would be great if you guys provided commentary with Ian playing the game. You could be in the studio together or over Discord. I think it worked really well with 7 people this week because everyone was watching you play instead of going off talking in groups when they're together. Thanks Iboshow #growthebeard


Disney Plus docs question. As we just recently got Disney Plus in the UK, I have been working my way through a few behind the scenes type shows. I have watched 4 episodes of The Imagineering story (they are releasing them weekly here even though all out in the US), and also Decorating Disney: Holiday Magic. Do you have any recomendations since I am sure you have watched a lot of these types of shows now judging by your past comments on it? Thanks, BeardedScotsman86 (obviously I am for the beard)


Jones, I was disappointed when you guys decided not to review Persona 5 Royal. It's one of my favorite games ever and the added content makes it well worth playing. I was really happy that Ben has decided to stream it, and I think in a way this might be better to see him go through everything ourselves. I was just wondering if this is something you might do more in the future for games you decided not to review?


Hello, I am responding to strawhatninja's post above, but would like to add some material and opinion to the matter; and please Jones, if you don't mind, listen closely and respectfully take from this what you will. Thank you. Personally I always would rather have a review for a game than a "stream"... Streams in general, in my opinion, can be fun- but often feel underwhelming as you constantly come to the realization, "I wish I was just playing, instead of watching someone play." Not to mention streams of a new game kind of just spoil what happens or what could happen when you play. A review on other hand feels substantial and full of creative & editorial effort. Furthermore, a review showcases a game with out necessarily spoiling the story or the majority of a gameplay experience. Which I think is the Ideal scenario when playing a new game. This is particularly true for single player RPGs, including "Persona 5 Royal", which honestly feels like a whole new game with all its newly added tweaks, features and content. However if I am being honest, while I am surprised the Easy Allies decided not to review "Persona 5 Royal", I am not "SO" surprised it was passed on amongst many other high profile games releasing "in the mix"... Lest we forget The horrifying "Persona 5" Travesty of the 2017 GOTY Awards that has continued to haunt & ridicule us, now even more so with this non reviewing development... Simply put "Strawhatninja", I feel both your pain and confusion. I do not presume to judge, nor have any understanding why such decisions are made... Hopefully Brandon will be kind enough to share some insight into the allies reasoning on this matter. With that said my it is my personal opinion that the Allies may have figured (at worst) that "Persona 5 Royal" was just a "remaster”…but with that negative thought put aside for the moment it might have been thought upon not really "vital" to maintaining a certain pace for reviews to be finished within. Especially when you consider the fact "Persona 5 Royal" is (for the better) at least a 100 hour rpg, and it might be difficult to fit in the review schedule during a year. Having said that, it really is, easily, one the best games in the past 20 years, one of which was already a masterfully perfected game that was essentially made even better... So I suppose It would have been a good idea to point that out for people to take notice... But again were not in charge... and Im sure Brandon and company had good reasons for not reviewing "Persona 5 Royal"... Maybe Ben had too much going on with "Doom Eternal" beforehand... who knows? So while a stream does not replace a review (and vice versa), we none the less may know now or already know two simple truths. One we should we keep in mind that even though the Easy Allies will not come out and say it officially now with review; we all obviously know in our minds, hearts and souls that "Persona 5 Royal" is truly a 13 out of 10; and reinforces the fact that the original "Persona 5" was the best game of 2017. Thanks again, and take care guys. (Sorry Jones for being so on the “nose”… gotta spread the love anyway I can. Cheers!)


Will all 9 of the allies be present during Kyle's final group stream? Also, with you taking over control of the podcast, would you like to have more guests appear in the future?


Hey Jones, I've just got to the part of the podcast where you discuss not having time for Trailer Jones as it's own show (totally understandable btw). How would you feel about turning it into an occasional bit on the new podcast with yourself at the helm. Obviously you couldn't go into the same depth as a full episode, but I think it'd be a neat way to add your own stamp to the pod, in the same way that we have Kyle centric bits / games currently? Oh and keep the beard going! Cheers, Doodlewoods


Hi, Jones With the departure of Kyle Bosman, are the EasyAllies going to keep ezaBackseatBosman, or is the plan eventually to replace it? Perhaps an emote related to Kyle's legacy instead of Kyle's face, such as an emote of Tootsie the Hoothoot, may be an appropriate tribute. As always, L&R


Hello Jones! After recently hearing Huber talk about the Dead Rising remasters being in his top 10 list of remasters, and hearing Huber repeatedly ask other allies what their top 10 this or that is, an idea suddenly hit me. What would you say to The Easy Allies Top 10 resurrecting as Hubers Top 10? Huber always seems eager and willing to rank every conceivable thing in a top 10 list, the community loves top 10s, and with it just being one person, a lack of deliberation should simplify and speed up the process. Kyles Top 10 Chumps of Mortal Kombat springs to mind and was a genius lighthearted take on Top 10s, and I feel Huber is built for expanding on that concept. We could finally get an official top 10 lifeless crumples.


Not EZA related, but since you have experience running a business and we're in trying times of people being laid of from their jobs, do you have any good resume tips/advice?


Im not that active here, but i watch every podcasts since whenever Invisible Walls started and has loved it wether its Shane, Ryan or Kyle and now you. Hope your podcasts and reviews will always be a mainstay of your dna. Question; i asked Kyle months ago about labeling the podcast Game News, but he felt the podcast was too goofy and didnt want the pressure i guess. My feeling is that Invisible Walls, GT Time or Easy Allies Podcast wont reach out to people not closely familiar with the sites who wants a weekly dose of gaming news. Love you all.


Heya Jones, So yeah, like I was saying, if Easy Allies was a German singer/songwriter abandoned in the US after a botched operation, would they prefer a wig that made them look like Miss Midwest Midnight Checkout Queen, Miss Beehive 1963, or Miss Farrah Fawcett from TV? Sending much love and many virtual hugs to you and all the Allies this week!


Brandon Jones, I have to know - what is your favorite Pink Martini album?


Yeah I definitely wasn't attacking them for not reviewing it. I was just honestly disappointed because all the people who did review it talk about how amazing the changes are, and how a masterpiece was made even better. I just don't want the community to miss out on this amazing game because they think it's just a port not and wasn't worth reviewing.