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NOTE: I got sidetracked by the Showcase yesterday. Apologies for the delay.

Today will be a marathon of talking for me with this Cup shortly followed by Kyle Bosman’s final appearance on the Community Showcase. Upon reviewing all of the entries last night, I figured this would be a good time to talk about some points that come up each month as I prepare for the Showcase, so I’ll handle those in a brief Editorial. Even as we inch closer to Kyle’s departure, and try to handle another week being stuck indoors or out in a precarious world, our Patreon holds strong and we’re grateful for it. Thank you for your patience and feedback as our content continues to evolve to match the times.

00:12:21 - Business Questions
00:50:30 - Editorial: Community Showcase Don’ts


DISCLAIMER: I take questions for each Cup of Jones episode from the original video post. Questions from this audio-only post will not be used in future episodes. The video version is typically posted just before this one, so scroll down our Patreon page to find it.




Nice to listen to, like allways. I have to say though I didn't appreciate the way in wich you are calling people that submit stuff for you on the community showcase disrespectful when they submit something that are 40 seconds longer than 3 minutes. I understand if you feel that you need to cut it to make room and all the rest of the points you are making. But I seriously do not like the annoyed tone in wich you are correcting the community that partake in this. It's not a big deal, but it does make it less appealing to put the time in creating stuff for you.


Nah man, Jones is well within his rights to be annoyed. Sure, it doesn't sound too bad when one person goes over the time limit, but when a bunch of people do, because they think they're special and can get away with it, it adds up. He has the limits for a reason, and people just don't care. That's absolutely disrespectful.


I've fallen behind on your content what with the craziness of the world and while scrolling through the YouTube channel I found an annoyance that I haven't had to deal with before: the podcast doesn't mention the main topics of conversation in the video title. I didn't know if I wanted to watch any of the podcasts I had missed because I didn't know what they were discussing. Pretty much every other show on your channel mentions a subject in the video title, including the other podcasts (Frame Trap, Friend Code, and Reaction Shots). Can you start adding the main topic of conversation to the podcast title? E.g "Easy Allies Podcast #209 PS5 Controller Revealed - 4/10/20".


This sound a bit like a type of feedback you might want to post in the comment section of the video link, comments of this audio link will not be read during cup of jones. I wrote my previous comment here by mistake but left it here because I just wanted to let Jones know but don’t necessarily need it to be a part of the show.