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VIDEO: https://youtu.be/lwv4RunodIg

Huber got together with Ben, Brad, and Ian to talk all about RE3 without worrying about spoilers!




BEAUTIFUL!! Perfect for sewin' masks to. Mua ha ha ha ha! SPOILER MODE ACTIVATE!


Loved this discussion guys. The original RE3 is my favorite game in the series, and despite some of the cuts and changes, I ended up loving RE3 2020 as well. I even enjoyed it more than RE2 2019 tbh. Idk about the DLC stuff you guys talk about tho. As much as I would love DLCs for the game I think they would've announced that by now our before hand similar to how they did with RE2 and DMC5 which if I'm not mistaken they announced the DLCs before the games came out. Anyway, just wanted to say loved the game and loved your discussion of it. Love and respect and stay safe. P.S: "Next time, take the fucking hint" is the best last line to a boss ever lol

The Kid

I liked RE 3 remake but found Nemisis to be really underwhelming and underutilized. Even on hardcore, one grenade and he goes down so he comes off like a chump. He's a cutscene threat and as a result feels way less threatning than even Mr X.
