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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grAh_2yYOOQ&feature=youtu.be
SoundCloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/easyallies/easy-allies-podcast-208-4220/s-0j1FjsVxMDf

Call of Duty gracelessly shadow drops a remaster and Mario’s 35th birthday is reportedly going to deliver on all of our Mario wishes. 

00:00:56 - Corrections
00:02:07 - Best Last Lines
00:05:42 - Rogue Legacy 2 Announced
00:10:23 - Modern Warfare 2 Announced and Launched
00:17:36 - Bethesda Passing on Digital E3 Presentation
00:26:33 - The Last of Us Part II Delayed Indefinitely
00:38:55 - Podcast Halftime
00:39:13 - 3D Mario Remaster Collection Rumors
00:56:10 - L&R: Update on Prison Gaming
00:59:13 - L&R: Game: Big Bang Theory or Gex Quote
01:04:14 - L&R: Should we monetize Huber’s dream-fulfilling abilities?
01:06:48 - L&R: Game: Best Gaming Usernames
01:17:30 - L&R: Appreciation from Finland
01:20:11 - Time for Bets
01:26:30 - Closing

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I think Naughty Dog is more calling out the pandemic situation for the logistics issues than anything


zk (he is lower case in this case) picked his name because he thought that would not be a big deal. *facepalm* But I am a doctor, and I am working during this time, I have to say, it was the most unexpected uplifting thing that has ever happened in the strangest ways guys. Thank You, I can not express say how uplifting this was. That being said, I play then tenor sax, not the harp...

Seanie Dee

Okay, to weigh in on the Modern Warfare 2 Remastered debate. I am someone who LOVES the single player campaigns in CoD. When BLOPSIIII didn’t have one, I was greatly disappointed. I play them each year. Now, I don’t ever buy them, because I’m not willing to pay full price for just to play the SP Campaign. So I just always rented it for the weekend and knock it out. Of course last years MW reboot, wasn’t available on Redbox anymore, so I had to buy it. I lucked out and got it for $45 USD. Played it, loved it. So much so that I actually played MP. Bought my first ever battle pass for a game, and played for a couple weeks. But like all MP games, I got bored of it and moved on. I have always wished Activision would sell the SP Campaign’s separately. I’m even willing to pay $30 for them. So when MW2RM was dropped the other day, I was ecstatic. I bought it that second. Now funny enough, MW2 MP was the last MP game I was into with my friends back in my 20’s. So when I heard the title screen music, it made me super nostalgic for the MP of this game. But some of the maps are in MW 2019 so it’s okay. But with all that said, I’m happy Activision did this. And I hope it shows them that doing this is beneficial for everyone.


I just wanted to weigh in on this rumored Mario Collection on Switch. First of all, I would absolutely love this. However, I do think that because this is rumored to be a collection, I don't think that the included games will get substantial additions or updates, like we've seen with some of the Zelda remasters that released individually at full price (As Huber mentioned). However, the fact that this is being called Super Mario All-Stars 2 internally could mean that they are getting substantial upgrades. I mean if you look at the 1st All Stars game, the NES titles in that collection were reworked and remastered some significant ways....who knows? Either way, I hope I am wrong because I would love to see some of these games get updates - Sunshine especially. I think some fixes to the camera, frame rate and a blue coin tracker would be awesome! As for Mario 64, as much as I would love the assets to be improved, I just think that at that point, the game should be remade. But yet again the DS version did rework some of the games assets, so it is possible. *shrugs*


I made it in the list, didnt get selected but YAY lol But one correction, the 1906 is not a year but a number of the store I used to work at. A group of people would call others 'crackers' and i made a dumb remark like "if you'll call me a cracker just know I'm not a plain Saltine cracker im more like a Roasted Vegtiable Ritz cracker." From then on they and others in the store started calling me Ritz


Now that I think about it, this collection could use the same format that the Master Chief Collection did on Xbox. The game releases with a handful of games ,and then down the line, other game can be added to the collection for a couple of bucks or a season pass. That could be cool By doing it this way, you can actually spend time remastering certain games and adding them as they become available.


I have never felt more validated in my life. I've never played Catan but I have had this username for twenty years.


I heard my UN and went YEAH!, then i heard yours and was like well I lost

Andrew Chalmers

Hey Allies, just wanted to say that even though you're working remotely, the podcast still runs smoothly (no noticeable lag or people talking over each other) and is still enjoyable to listen to. The L&R musical intro was spot on too. Cheers.


Hey! I just wanted to say that FF7R wasn't officially released early in Europe. It has just been shipped early. Some retailers give the game out early, but all the shops that are open here in my area don't have the game yet and amazon doesn't send it out early either. So I'm amongst those still waiting for the game. L&R from Germany


Thanks for picking my comment to read, it really made my day (on my way to work again)! Regarding the panel's thoughts about me judging games' medical science based on my expertise, nothing special from RE comes into mind right now, but I remember in Quantum Break it was fun to discover that chest x-rays supposedly taken from the antagonist Paul Serene were clearly some woman's x-rays. Some stock photos perhaps? L&R, Renki


Correction: Airwaves is pretty good.


I haven't submitted anything here in a LONG time and I forget, where do you do that?


Check back on the Pateron page for a "This Week In Love & Respect+" post around the 7th or 8th of April.


Correction: @1:02:40 We STILL love Happy Gilmore