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Season two has been delayed by the current world health crisis and for this special day in April we've got three smart devices battling our beasts to see who comes out on top!  PLUS maybe there's a special little season two tease in here...

Join us now for Mysterious Monsters Battle of the Bots! 



Douglas Chomicz

I just watched it live and this episode was so good! Would love if you could do more.


If you ever do a tournament of champions, will the bot take part? Like when Watson appeared on Jepordy? That could be fun!


Loved this episode and that Huber still took it so seriously. Great job all around =)


This was jolly! Would enjoy seeing more like this in this unexpected intermission.


Ha ha ha. Huber really sellin' this work. Ian, so inventive! Max jolly!


omg how did i completely miss this today hahaha, great surprise. edit: after watching it, kinda crazy just how advanced and natural google speech is


This is so much fun!


Hey guys! Thank you so much for putting your efforts in this. It really warmed my heart. Definitely Google Home is the queen when it comes to talking. I wonder how Cortana would do? PS: I hope everyone is just doing fine in this difficult times. I had to unsubscribe to Patreon in order to pay some bills but I'll get back on track next week. I'd like to support each company I can in order to keep these next months more sustainable to everyone, even if it's not that much. Cheers everybody.


This was too good! Thank you guys 😁


Loved this one <3


This was AMAZING