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I talked to Jess for exactly 30 minutes.



Luveen Rupchand Wadhwani

I love you both so much. All I could think about through this conversation was meeting you both in person and devolving into a blubbering mess trying to explain how much you mean to me; how much it means that you share your true, vulnerable, strong, emotional self with us. Talking about stuff like this on such a wide platform takes more courage than I can imagine anyone possessing. And it helps in ways that I cannot even fully articulate. That one like up there isn't enough for this episode. Please feel the tight hug I'm giving you both in my heart!


You 2 are so great. Wasn't sure what I'd get watchin' this but it was good stuff. And crazy honest. Just thought I'd add that it sounds like you both had some post traumatic growth! It's when you go through shitty situations and manage to come out the other end a bit stronger in ways. Specifically relatable was when Ian was talking about not sweating small stuff anymore (because he had known real pain). I went through some major shit and am in the same head space. It was undeniably awful.. but like.. now I don't flip out over small stuff. Anyway such a good Easy Update. Keep up the great work. L&R


Jessica is very lovely. You can be happy to know her. Love these kind of videos.


Man that guy should not be a teacher. Jesus.


I just listened to you just talking to Jess and I just loved it


Jess I know you gonna read this cuz you are a Patron like us. I just wanna say thanks becoming part of the allies family, it makes watching these stinky dudes so much nicer. LnR4L ~Heidern98