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Happy Halloween! It's terrifying to think that in just six days I'll be joined on the couch by two-time-Showcase-host Michael Damiani to face the music (and videos and drawings and photographs) from our Patrons. I know a lot of you have been trying to catch up on all the amazing video games that have been released in the last few weeks, and are probably all filled up on ghost stories and other spooky events, but I wouldn't say no to a few more chilling tales to keep the haunted vibes going for another week. I hope you had a wonderful October!

- Brandon


No submissions will be accepted past November 6, 2019, at 12:00 AM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long comment is a bit disrespectful of people who just leave comments. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Hello Allies! Normally I would give a game dev update, but I’m working on something big at the moment that needs just a little more time. I hope y’all will enjoy it next month. Instead, this month I thought I’d take some time to highlight a genre of games that I adore and don’t often get much buzz. Otome games, aka dating sims. I can honestly say I’ve never come across a genre of games with as varied and creative concepts before. Here are brief descriptions of some of my faves. Sweet Fuse: A dating sim made by Keiji Inafune, starring Keiji Inafune as himself in the role of the protagonist’s uncle. This game is partially a vehicle for Inafune to brag about how good of a game designer he is. The core plot is what I would describe as a fusion of Dangan Ronpa, 999, and Saw. It takes place in a video game inspired death trap theme park, and is both a great mystery and surprisingly wholesome. Collar X Malice: This one centers around a bunch of ex-cops trying to take down a terrorist organization while also tackling some really heavy subjects such as school bullying, police corruption, mental health, and gun violence (both in Japan and America). It also has one of the better otome game protags in the sense that she has a personality and is capable of protecting herself. My all time favorite dating sim, 10/10, would recommend. Hakuoki: Its honestly first and foremost a Japanese historical drama, but also there’s demons and vampires. It’s...a lot. Also probably the most popular otome game of all time. There’s like 25 versions, spinoffs, anime, and live adaptations. Fair warning, it’s pretty tragic so I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone. Code Realize: Another wildly popular otome game. All of the characters are historical figures or famous characters from literature. It has a good mixture of seriousness and silliness while also having a healthy dose of body horror. (The protagonist melts flesh off of adversaries on multiple occasions.) If you like steam punk, you’ll probably like Code Realize. Nightshade: I’d describe it as “Naruto: The Dating Sim” except extremely sad. Like, more depressing than Hakuoki which is saying something. Honestly, it can be tough to get through at times. But, I still really enjoyed it and would recommend. It gets bonus points for having a protag that isn’t a pushover and actually does some fighting of her own. That’s about all I’ve got time for. In short, if you like dating sims, RPG’s with romance options, or just visual novels, consider giving these a shot. They’ve all got great characters and stories. They’re also all frankly buck wild and will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time you play. P.S. Don’t play Amnesia (the otome game), never play Amnesia. L&R y’all, byeeeeeee.

Megan Linart

Sorry, didn’t make the deadline, Life has been pretty tough right now, next month will hopefully slow down and I can make it..sorry again.. 😞


I want to say a few words about Easy Ally series. In 2016 I’ve made a music video from Easy Allies footage. You liked it so I’ve started collecting funny clips from your shows & streams for future edits. Soon I thought that it would be nice to eventually make a video in which your speech creates the narrative, so I’ve also started collecting clips where you say something distinctive. In November 2018 I’ve watched 600 clips I’ve gathered and saw enough interesting edit possibilities to greenlight this idea for Community Showcase 2019. I wanted each aspect of your personalities to be highlighted so I decided to group respective clips. Segments need transitions and since I had no footage for smooth transitions, I’ve made the opposite: hard cuts with interruption of background music. This also allowed me to cut and extend EZA theme as needed. And opening montage was a place for cool clips that didn’t fit elsewhere. First video was for Brad (I expected him as February’s guest) and then I altered template to fit each ally’s personality. Jones’s has lots of Brandon talking, Huber’s is the most chaotic, Damiani’s uses streams the most, Ian’s features one of his songs, Kyle’s makes fun of him, Ben’s has the most precise edit and Blood’s has the least hard cuts (also Blood was a surprise guest so I had only one day for editing). However there’s one special ally, the one who never appears on Community Showcase. Easy Ally: Don Casanova https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhR-K6hj1k8 Note for Jones: I know this is a long description, but previous 8 were very short. I think they cancel each other.


Greetings Damiani and Jones! Inktober has come and gone and I can very easily say that it was a success. I had so much fun with the suggestions I got this year and it turned out to be a very smart decision to do only 15 as burnout did not even creep around! So, with that said, ProCreate has a very neat feature where you can watch a time lapse playback of the piece you’re working on. So why not make it into a video? So here’s a video of all 15 suggestions I did this year! Thank you to everyone that submitted suggestions this year! I look forward to what’ll be in store for next year! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TwKlbj4ucw&feature=youtu.be Much love and respect, Sara Imshaug Zephyr Moon


Hello Brandon and Damiani, Well, we’ve made it to November which means that two things are inevitable. Winter has begun to show itself and Pokemon is seeing its annual release! To celebrate the occasion, I’ve taken a rather wintery tune from the Diamond and Pearl games and rearranged it into a more “new-age” feel. I hope you all enjoy my rendition of Snowpoint City! Adam Hentschel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUqObY7jr10


Hello Damiani & Jones! It's almost midnight here in México and I'm just starting to write. Why does this happen every month? Well, I don't have an answer other than I'm lazy, so let's get started. Triforce Heroes is done! Got all the costumes, beat all the missions; and my rating stands; not bad, but definitely the second worst game in the franchise. And now with that one out of the way, the Zelda branch of the Breath of the Wild path is done! Still sticking to the 3DS, I started the Phoenix Wright Trilogy and it lives up to the hype. I remember the franchise being praised on the DS days, but somehow it never convinced me. Then the Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright game was announced. I love the Layton series, but I wasn't sure about diving in a crossover for which I only knew half of the base; so when the Phoenix Wright trilogy was sold at 50% off in the eshop, I decided it was time to give it a try. I has been worth it so far. Now for the other branch of the path, as promised I started Resident Evil Zero this month, and I'm enjoying it a lot. I wish I hadn't waited 3 years between playing this one and the remake of the original, because it took me a good half and hour to adapt to those tank controls again, and some 5 minutes in every later session. Then life and work got in the way and I haven't been able to play in over 2 weeks, so it's still waiting for me in the wii, but I hope I can beat it in November and move on to... Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga remains abandoned. If you remember last month, the wife's soccer team fired the coach. They now hired a new one, a guy that had been there before and got them to a couple of finals, but couldn't win the championship. The wife didn't like him the first time around, so she's not very pleased right now; hence my Mario & Luigi time while the wife watches soccer is still non existent. I'll pick it up after I beat RE Zero as my main home console game (I play that one on the wiiU). And once I clear the wiiU of a game, The path to Breath of the Wild will be obstacle free! I hope you guys had a spooky and fun October. Thanks for all you do and keep up the good work, allies. Love & Respect, César.


Hello Jones and Damiani, (Check messages for file link) https://drive.google.com/file/d/12HOwteanVsx6vyJSxzC9ZkjzS1oresSE/view?usp=drivesdk For your enjoyment this month I have sent the first 3 minutes of a file I was inspired to create by my favorite EZA Podcast game, The Gaming Game and thought you two gentlemen would be ideal to critique my parody of our beloved host. Little did I know a week ago when I finished it that you, Jones, would parody him yourself for Halloween and beat me to the punch. Touche. Unlike last month's file which was written and produced professionally, this one was written, voiced, recorded, edited and produced entirely by me. I am hoping to use parts of it as character demo reels so I hope Kyle will approve. I intend to make the entire 12 minute file available to listeners. The link will be added to the comments after the stream. Thanks for your support and positive feedback. Enjoy! L&R Jessie Blu


(Insert full file link here...) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q-dWowGYBopHzFV4mg9wZqX0HAjoRIt1/view?usp=drivesdk Hope you enjoy. Please tweet feedback to @Jessie_Blu_ thx💜💜


No pictures from me this month. I just got laid off and am trying to focus on pumping out resumes and writing cover letters for a million places that are probably going right into recycling bins. That being said - here's a matcha green tea smoothie recipe: 1 frozen very ripe banana peeled. 1/2 teaspoon matcha powder. (which you can get from an asian grocer or amazon) 1/2 cup of milk or sub. (If you use unsweetened vanilla almond milk like I do, you can skip the next ingredient) 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract teaspoon of honey Put the matcha, banana, milk, vanilla, and honey into a blender, and blend until smooth.


Hopefully this doesn't get eaten again: https://youtu.be/tu6ipzFpbmM

Brandon K Gann

With DOOM being delayed to the absolute worst possible time for both my wallet and to the three month spot I’m already getting four other games (Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Final Fantasy VII: Remake, CyberPunk 2077, and The Last of Us Part II), Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is now the lone remaining game left in 2019 I’m interested in. With that in mind, unless Fallen Order is MUCH better than I’m expecting, most of my GOTY list (including my top pick) is set, and I’ll provide my ordered list next month. But suffice to say, I entered 2019 excited for not having a clear-cut idea for what GOTY would be not only for myself but in general unlike the last couple of years, so it feels weird how I’m not as overexcited for 2019 as I was ten months ago. The lone game I DO want to talk about, and just a quick pickup from last month’s comment, is Borderlands 3. I’m now done, and I have to say: There’s just too much to this game. Map size is overwhelming, constantly getting new weapons in so many different ways was never-ending, the quests (both main narrative and additional side-missions) felt lengthy, Circles of Slaughter feel impossible, and of course, a good amount of the writing felt like it came from the mind of a mid-2000s teenager. Despite all this, always getting a new weapon that felt unique was entertaining along with finding all the hidden Easter eggs. As for the second half of my comment, I want to once again praise something I’ve talked up on a Showcase a long time ago: Full playthrough streams done by EZA. When I first discussed them, it was to show appreciation for being introduced to Metal Gear Solid, Red Dead Redemption, and Resident Evil VII as a means to learn about beloved games with no financial commitment, but since then, I’ve dived back into the archives and watched other games to have more of that appreciation. Some playthroughs were the first time I’ve EVER seen the games in full such as Super Metroid and Ocarina of Time. Others were ones I’ve played but never completed like Super Mario 64 and A Link to the Past. I’ve been watching along in real time of a franchise I’ve never been a fan of in Resident Evil (after watching VII came 4, 2 Remake, and most recently 5). Even now, I’m watching one of my favorite games in Pokemon Silver and having my own playthrough stopping where the Silver Squad stops to keep pace. After Resident Evil 5, I’m watching along with Mike & Mike once more as I’m seeing Majora’s Mask for the first time. Two games I’m hoping EZA will adopt as future full-playthroughs: Portal, to see which Allies would dedicate a single sitting in going through one of the most revolutionary puzzle games of all time, and Metroid Prime, another Great I’ve never seen, but would love to watch.


Good afternoon gentlemen, First off, I’d like to thank Damiani for his lovely eulogy to Game Sleuth. It’s always bittersweet to let something go. But my main takeaway from it was that you feel you have a completed body of work that you are rightfully proud of while also having several current projects that you’re excited about. As someone who has neither, let me point out that that’s an enviable spot to be in and I hope you take a moment to savor it a bit. Anyway, in terms of games, October wasn’t a big month. The one that took up most of my time ended up being Tetris 99. You see, I tried Invictus Mode confident that I was going to get crushed and then not have to worry about it anymore. But I came in 5th. Which means I now think there’s a chance of winning. And after many, many matches and three heartbreaking 2nd place finishes I can finally say...I’m still working on it. Don’t rush me. The other game I want to mention is Tangle Tower, a muder mystery puzzle game from the Snipperclips team. Obviously the games are very different but it still managed to have the same buckets of charm as Snipperclips. It’s pretty short; my playthrough was just over 5 hours. And you’ll end with more questions than answers. But it scratched that Professor Layton itch like nothing else has in recent years and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it. Of course, October was Halloween. And similar to how Easter is time for JCS, Halloween means Sweeney Todd. There were the two usual mainstays, the 1982 Broadway cast version with Angela Lansbury and George Hearn and the 2001 concert version with Patti LuPone and George Hearn (and Neil Patrick Harris)​. This year I also watched the 2014 concert version with Emma Thompson and Bryn Terfel and a recording of the 2012 London production with Imelda Staunton (aka Dolores Umbridge) and West End teddy bear Michael Ball (which I got via.. let’s say magic?) Now, some people listening may have noticed the film version is missing from this list. Anyway, the London production was set in the 1930s but that didn’t seem to change anything other than the costumes. I like both Staunton and Ball, especially together, which is why I sought this version out. It’s interesting to see Ball play someone menacing and his voice is lighter than most Todds. But as much as he was playing against type, Staunton was completely in her element. It was pretty enjoyable overall but other than the casting, there was nothing that really stood out. The 2014 concert version was interesting. You have Thompson who is known for her acting more than her singing. She’s done musicals before but there were a few notes here where she was stretching hard. And opposite her was Terfel who is known more as a singer than an actor. That gulf sort of stays through the show and is made even more evident by a supporting cast that includes Audra McDonald and Christian Borle. Still, I liked some of the semi-staged elements and Johanna and Anthony were really good. So that was my October. Next week I’ll be getting Pokemon (#teamshieldandsobble) and fully expect that to take up most of November for me. Until next time, L&R.


Don't you know? Don't you know things can change Things'll go your way If you hold on for one more day


Am I the weaker man because I understand That love must be the master plan? If I gave you diamonds and pearls Would you be a happy boy or a girl?


Hey Brandon and Damiani, I have had a solid gaming month. I obtained 6 platinums. After getting the platinum in my LA Noire rental at the start of the month, I sent it back to then get the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. I went through all 3 Spyro games and got every trophy they had. Although fun, they do get repetitive. If it wasn't a rental, I would have spaced out playing them. At that point in the month, Hitman HD Enhanced Collection went on sale. So I picked that up and played through all of Hitman Blood Money to get my 5th platinum. I played Hitman Blood Money over 10 years ago, and I was surprised I could still remember some of the techniques I used to complete a few of the levels. My final platinum of the month was Steamworld Dig 2. A tough challenge as I had to do a no death run in less than 4 hours, whilst finding all secrets and obtaining a lot of gold. The no deaths part is easy, if you die, you just close the game and it doesn't count it. The hard part was the time frame. Thankfully someone had made a useful guide on youtube that I could use for tips to get through some parts earlier than I was meant to, which avoids a lot of backtracking. I finished in 3 hours and 30 minutes. In the middle of the month, I traveled to Edinburgh to see my family and friends. I had a nice time away with no games. Instead, in my free time, I read The Midnight Line by Lee Child (a Jack Reacher story). I have read all the Jack Reacher books except the newest one. It is the only author I generally read. I also took part in the school Halloween party. I helped with the turnip bowling (bowling pins were bottles with witches on them). The kids had a great time. So much fun getting involved and seeing all the imaginative costumes. Love and respect, BeardedScotsman86


Hi Jones, hi Damiani, hi Allies. I beat Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. It took every bee shield in the game, but I did it. Here is a clip from my successful run of the Lair itself - specifically the last platforming section before the final boss, with no boss or ending spoilers. Achieve your dreams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e5FkQf2qdc


Aloha Jones and Damiani! This past month I left my home in Hawaii to go to Disneyland again!. Itʻs been two or three years since my last time. Hereʻs what I thought of my recent visit! Galaxyʻs Edge had me giddy with excitement as the country music songs slowly faded into the background, and the familiar hum and tune of Star Wars music reached my ears. The familiar shapes and patterns of Star Wars architecture and lettering had my heart pumping with childlike wonder - I was IN a galaxy far, far away. I feel they really captured the look of these kind of busy bazaars and marketplaces. Who can deny the joy of standing in front of an X-Wing, an A-Wing and the Millennium Falcon? Flight of the Falcon was a wonderful experience - almost worth it just to stand around in the Falcon. That said, I feel like the only real fun position in the ride is Pilot. The others are just press the flashing buttons when they light up, which is great for my 5 year old cousin to feel like she contributed, but not great for me. The interactivity was fun, but the allure wore off after two or three times. Saviʻs Workshop, on the other hand, was positively delightful. Getting to build my own lightsaber is an experience Iʻll remember forever, and the attention to detail in the timing of the music and lighting was enough to make my heart sing with joy. Overall, it was so much fun, but it is still unfinished. Weʻre planning a return trip next year at some point for the new Rise of the Resistance ride and Marvel Land, so my opinion will change eventually. I thought it would be my favorite, but thereʻs just not enough to do there as of yet. There was a very magical moment where me and my friends all took out our lightsabers to pretend-fight, and complete strangers joined the fray. It was completely magical to make friends like that in a split-second. Pixar Pier was a great decision. Lots of changes, but my favorite ride there was the revamped Incredicoaster. I always liked California Screaminʻ as a fun, but tame, coaster. The decision to turn it into the Incredicoaster is topped only by the genius inspiration to record a special orchestral score to go along with the coasterʻs twists, turns and dives. The music alone was a joy, and enhanced the ride beyond what it actually is. Of the things we did there, my top 3 are, in no particular order - Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout/Monsters After Dark (in particular), the Frozen Live Musical (Disney live shows are the freaking best), and Saviʻs Workshop. Our week long vacation was great fun. Not going to lie, I was keeping my eye out for a Brandon Jones sighting juuuuust in case, but I knew the chances were slim. Anyways, best wishes to you guys! Been loving Phase Four so far.


Hey Jones and Damiani! Seeing as Damiani was the guest this week, I had to do a song from Zelda. Hope you enjoy! L&R https://youtu.be/dBjd_Poh9qQ - Ben


Hi all! I'm Tomás from Chile and this is my first time submitting to the Showcase, I always look forward to these, so much talent! Last October was one to remember. It started with the completion of my first FF8 playthrough and it was fantastic!, a really bold game for its time. Enjoyed the ridiculous story, the crazy set pieces and all the systems, seeing your HP shoot to 9999 with one junction is a joy! Looking forward to continue the series with FF9. Then I went to Santiago to see a concert by King Crimson. It was a powerful show, a really special line-up with three drummers on stage and no cellphone recordings allowed, a restriction that everyone followed and gave the concert a pretty unique vibe. Then I finally continued my Blue Lions playthrough in Fire Emblem! I'm at the end of part one and enjoying it a lot, the cast is my favorite in the series, the maps are pretty good, the side objectives are rewarding and fighting monsters is fun, I really appreciate how they were implemented. Can't wait to reach part two and see my team with new haircuts! Then it happened, a simple rise of a public transport tariff in Santiago escalated to nation-wide protests against the whole model that has been causing serious problems for the vast majority of citizens in Chile, where the inequality is devastating. We are living an historical moment and people are united to seek changes, we are not losing hope! There is already a lot of info on the internet if you want to know what's happening here. With all the tension in the air and the terrible things that have happened on the chilean streets, my gaming mood was shattered for a week, I couldn't play anything. Eventually, my interest slowly returned as I needed a break from everything that happened. My return was with a very special game for me, the very first time I held a controller was with this game back in 1999, some say that this game killed the 3D platformer genre, I coud never beat it... That game is Donkey Kong 64!. Thanks to the Wii U virtual console I could finally play this game again and appreciate all the fun ideas and questionable design choices. The highlights for me are the worlds and the bosses, the showdown against King K. Rool became one of my favourite final boss fights ever, its a very entertaining and silly fight. Feels great to finally see the ending after all these years, I understand the complaints against the character switching, dumb placement of collectibles and the insane requirement for the Nintendo Coin (you need to beat the DK arcade twice! starting with one live each time, thanks save states!!) That's all! Thank you for reading and be safe!! Amor & Respeto, Tomás.


Hello, friends and allies. As of writing, we're two weeks away from the release of the new Pokémon games, and Pokémon Shield is sitting nice and preloaded on my Switch. We've been getting surprisingly little information until now, and I actually kinda appreciate that. It'll make seeing our starters evolve all the more magical. The Galar region is so close, now... I've been all over the place this past month, despite my limited budget. In part, this is because the game I've been playing the most of is free. I was craving something new to play, and since it had just moved to steam I decided to give Destiny 2 a shot. I've got a lot of thoughts on this game, most of them positive, but first I wanna say: How come no one told me you could play as a cool robot person?! That makes the game a literal thousand times more appealing. I had heard that Bungie were the best in the biz when it came to gunplay, but having very little experience with their games prior, I didn't think much of it. That changed as soon as I picked up a shotgun in the tutorial because as I fired it, all I could say was "Oh hell yes." And that's been the general throughline with Destiny 2 for me. I'm honestly amazed at how right it feels to do just about anything in this world. So far, Hand Cannons, Bows and Grenade Launchers have been my favourite weapons to use, in addition to shotguns, of course. Something else that surprised me about Destiny 2 is how much I liked the setting. I remember watching a video by Chris Franklin aka Errant Signal (a channel I highly recommend checking out if you're into obscure and artsy games) about the first Destiny, which he enjoyed but criticized for being soulless. I don't know how he feels about this aspect in Destiny 2, but I've got to believe it's an improvement, because it certainly feels to me like it's got humanity. So, that's a lot of words about Destiny 2. I keep thinking I should format my thoughts in a more rapid-fire way, but being rambly and over-eloquent is sort of my thing, so we're sticking with it. That said, I decided to get the xbox game pass for PC this month in order to play The Outer Worlds, since, as mentioned last month, my big bucks are going to Pokémon. I haven't gotten too far into the game, but the people saying it's Fallout: New Vegas 2 really aren't wrong because it feels very similar in terms of mechanics, setting and themes. My biggest disappointment with the game is the presence of the Marauders, which I don't feel fit into the setting at all, and feel like a tacked-on excuse to have always-hostile human enemies in the game. A shame, since I'm playing as a pacifistic, smooth-talking hillbilly greaser gal. Well, looks like I'm out of words for now. Next month, it'll finally be time for Pokémon, but until then: L&R, Small Leviathan


Hi Allies! Sorry for botching it last time with the lack of any text with the video. I thought I would give it another go, especially since its about as close to Halloween as yu can get and this is from a classic horror game. Been watching since the GT days and absolutely loving what your doing, having more team streams in phase 4 has been really good! Since you were the ones that inspired me to become a streamer in the first place and we have got into live drawing along with the streams, I thought I would show off my amazing artist friends work here and invite everyone to come and see the live drawing sessions at 7pm GMT on Thursdays at channel twitch.tv/olicon. We stream almost exclusively retro games, recent highlights were Soul Reaver, Metroid Prime and Illbleed? , the one in the video you're watching here is Silent Hill 4. Keep putting good vibes and positivity into the world and love and respect to all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9GvcqSFnIE


Howdy Allies, LONG time viewer, first-time submitter. In 2002 I moved from the middle of nowhere Amish country Pennsylvania into my college dorm and got internet for the first time and I remember that Gametrailers.com was the first website I ever bookmarked. So first off, Thank you for all the years of entertainment. Secondly, I wanted to share a few of my drawings with the Allies, and since it was just Halloween, here are two hauntingly appropriate portraits of local heroes from my second home. Keep doing what you do! Love and Respect and GO BIRDS! ~Skim milK https://bit.ly/2Nbt2MY = The Walk-Off Dead https://bit.ly/33nccAc = WereGrits of Philly


Hello! Recently in Pop'n Music I have begun to break through one of the largest difficulty walls in the game. I have been stuck here for over a year. This clip is an unedited segment from a recent stream. I won't tell you if I win or lose, just keep an eye on the Groove gauge on the bottom. I hope you still enjoy these. I can always try to change it up like with the art video. https://youtu.be/B-K2bxrMz44


Happy November! Just wanna say thanks for playing Majora's Mask on Mike and Mike, love the game and music, so here is me playing a song to celebrate this occasion. Added some (hopefully) fun effects to make it more visually interesting, please enjoy. https://youtu.be/DEkn_Xpq0Xg


Hey Jones and Damiani. Decided to participate doing Inktober where I submitted art per day for a whole month therefore I have a lot to share. Sadly I can only show 9 so here they are in chronological order of ones I picked: 1)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1180439427685986304 Usual anime trope. Doing a headbutt and no reaction. 2)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1182677944663265280 I love Gravity Rush so I drew Kat with clothes mixed with her default and chinese clothes because why not? 3)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1183126565007351808 I enjoyed Mike & Mike's RE5 stream. 4)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1184946563170340864 This is one of those that just popped on my mind when I was thinking of Inktober. 5)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1185497506383368192 Saw Kamiya and Nakamura tweets and of course I had to do this. 6)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1187482544012484614 I was so hyped after seeing MHW x RE2 so did this to celebrate it. 7)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1188698195674718208 This is my favorite of the 4 I drew with a whole character on screen 8)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1189306060437372928 Shameless plug of a comic that is coming soon."Bea, Haunted" from Joetown17 and art done by Tuna 9)https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1189903358833942528 Final Inktober work. Really loved drawing her. Also played Detroit: Become Human. Enjoyed it. That is all. Love and Respect TearjuEngi


Hey guys! As we've been doing for a quite a while now, we recently had another GOTY election on the EZA forums, this time for the year 2012. It was the launch year of the PlayStation Vita and the Wii U, and the beginning of the end of the PS3 and Xbox 360 era. So I'm here to share the results and get your impressions! Here's how it worked: 31 people ranked their top games of the year, with #1 to #4 earning 5, 4, 3 and 2 points respectively, plus up to 4 optional honorable mentions getting 1 point each, and we tallied the votes to determine the final ranking. In case of a tie, the game with the most #1 votes wins. If still a tie, the most #2 votes, and so on. Before you read out the countdown, can you two remember what games came out in 2012 and try to guess the winner? I'll wait... ... ... ... ... Alright, here goes: #25. Wipeout 2048 - 7 points #24. Assassin's Creed III - 7 points #23. Katawa Shoujo - 7 points (have you ever heard of that one?) #22. Tales of Graces f - 8 points #21. Tokyo Jungle - 9 points #20. Final Fantasy XIII-2 - 9 points #19. FTL: Faster Than Light - 11 points #18. Dragon's Dogma - 12 points #17. Diablo III - 12 points #16. Borderlands 2 - 13 points #15. The Last Story - 13 points #14. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward - 13 points #13. Resident Evil: Revelations - 14 points #12. Far Cry 3 - 14 points #11. Max Payne 3 - 14 points #10. Spec Ops: The Line - 15 points #9. Kid Icarus: Uprising - 16 points #8. Hotline Miami - 18 points #7. Sleeping Dogs - 21 points #6. XCOM: Enemy Unknown - 22 points #5. Gravity Rush - 23 points #4. Journey - 27 points #3. Dishonored - 34 points #2. Mass Effect 3 - 37 points #1. Telltale's The Walking Dead (Season 1) - 43 points What was your personal GOTY that year? We'll be back with the 2019 GOTY next January, so stay tuned, it promises to be a doozy!


Hello Damiani and Jones! I love Luigi's Mansion. Luigi's Mansion 3 is good! To prolong the Halloween feeling for a bit before we get all Christmas-y, I have for you this month the themes from all 3 Luigi's Mansion games back to back, redone with a Castlevania flavour. It mostly sounds like something you'd hear from Portrait of Ruin, but yes, when we get to the theme for Luigi's Mansion 3, you might hear some obvious inspiration from Symphony of the Night's Marble Gallery. Enjoy the spooks! Love & Respect! Link to the music : https://youtu.be/LKV7ss1JEYk


Hey Brandon and Mike, as promised here are some pictures of the "Lego marathon" me and my brothers had in October. We sat down for almost 12 hours and it was super fun to build all the sets. That being said, construction itself is a bit frustrating since searching for 2-3 very specific stones takes up 70% of construction time. Consequently, we built less sets than I expected. I was hoping on finishing more than 80 sets and I guess we got 50 at most. I excuse the lighting of some photos. I keep most of the sets in my basement and the lighting is suboptimal there. Apart from pictures of the sets you find a few photos of the presorted bricks (by color) and the mess in my living room that we used as the "construction site". Love and respect Thim Link to photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/srpfe8EBz3YVnPQf9


Still working on those plosives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3IKJb3rqrE&feature=youtu.be


Hey guys, Did a speedrun of the first Don’s Design Lab level in Mario Maker 2. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/2sbnjV1wdds


Hey all! Ive tried to make this month have a bit more free time for video games. Beat Pokemon Platinum, and got through the fourth Divine Beast in BOTW. I was going to talk about beating it - but I started getting bad joycon drift so my controller is off for repair without having completed it. Besides, I can wait till Ian’s on to discuss it. So - instead Im going to talk a bit about Knights of The Old Republic 2 and why everyone should give it a play this fall. KOTOR is a special franchise to me, its the first RPG I ever played (with my Mom before I could even read the dialogue myself!) Every year I try to replay at least one of them, but KOTOR 2 I almost always replay every fall. It has the best fall vibes, its darker than most Star Wars media, and has a galaxy that feels like its genuinely dying. KOTOR 1 is an incredible game, with an amazing Star Wars story and twist - but 2 feels like a refinement, an actual twist on the typical Star Wars tale (not unlike a certain very good The Last Jedi ;) ) Unfortunately, many’s view of KOTOR 2 is mired in the fact that the game was rushed out to hit Holiday sales. Dialogue had been recorded, but elements were cut for time. This is where The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod comes in. It doesnt drastically alter the game, but it adds back that cut content that had been recorded. It takes a game that was so close to perfection, and gives it that final push. Fundamentally, its a Star Wars story of good versus evil, but set in a backdrop of a dying galaxy - with a threat that literally feeds on the force. Its an empty feeling galaxy with a cast nearly as lovable as the first, but with characters who have nontraditional pasts. A woman living with the ‘sins’ of her parents, a slave to a sith lord, a pilot with a hidden past, and many more. I highly recommend this fall season you give it a shot to prep for coming Star Wars hype, with a glass of hot chocolate. Plus - its got more HK-47, and that’s always a good thing. I love November, Im looking forward to buying gifts for others, replaying KOTOR 2, finishing BOTW, going through New Vegas for the first time - and Pokemon Sword/Shield! Plus of course Im hoping to get Fallen Order, and dive into my first DQ on Switch (11). (And please lets get some EA news on remasters, DA: Origins & KOTOR 1 please!) A final note: Shoutout to our EZA Pokemon D&D group, had our first session last week and it was an absolute blast. Either way, should be an exciting month - and I look forward to writing it next.


Hello Jones and Damiani! I have a lot to talk about, so no dilly dallying. Last month, I brought up I had just finished The Last of Us the day I was writing my post, and Jones wondered if I had just picked up with PS+. No, The Last of Us was a two year battle for me, as I started playing it way back in October 2017. Horror games have never been my bag, thanks to anxiety, so I would make a little bit of progress, lose my nerve, and put it back down again. But earlier this year, something helped me overcome that. RE2 Remake gave me the confidence that I could get it done, and so I made the 2nd half a priority once we had a release date for the sequel. While I’m bummed it got delayed, I’m so happy I could power through what will go down as one of my favorite games of all time. I don’t know if it would be a favorite without the incredible Left Behind DLC, which is so integral to the experience I don’t know why they didn’t cut it in for the remaster to complete the package, instead of leaving it separate. After that, quick little palate cleanser with Sayonara Wild Hearts and Gone Home, both of which were incredible. That was an awesome afternoon. Then, I continued my 2019 quest to “Make It Right”, and started up Kingdom Hearts 1.5. I had played a lot of it back when the original was released, but never ended up finishing it. This was another chance to close the loop. Well, now that I have finished it, the only thing I can say is I don’t think there’s another game where I hate as many individual ingredients, but overall enjoyed the experience. The story in the first game is simple to a fault, Kairi is basically a non-entity, the level design is an absolute nightmare, respawning enemies make exploring a chore, and the music loops are so short that it takes enjoyable tracks into unlistenable territory. All in all, I’m looking forward to moving to 2.5 in a few months, but for now, a break from hearts, light, and darkness. Next, another fun game to get some spooky vibes going, I made my way through Oxenfree. Boy was that jolly. I’ll talk more about that next month along with Afterparty. But I’ll use the rest of my word count to talk about how much I loved The Outer Worlds. While everyone is naturally going to compare this to Fallout, it actually filled a Mass Effect shaped hole in my heart. Bombing around the galaxy, getting into scrapes with a crew of misfits, getting people out of jams. This game was a joy from moment one. With that said, no protag voice, no third person view (let me see my character!), and a kinda weird epilogue bumps it down a bit for me. Parvati and Ellie squad 4ever. L&R GOTYlocks


Hey Jones and Damiani, This month I figured I'd just use my space to show some of the art I did for Inktober. This year same as the last two I decided to create illustrations with my own character (a cat wizard named Kuro) and it was a lot of fun. The rest of the days can be seen on my twitter along with little blurbs of lore for the character's world. I hope you all had a great Halloween and thanks as always for all the work you guys do. (The images are named after the daily prompt they were created for, just a fyi) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xV_mYY1TvHvAe9Y4pkPIJFxZDXt0h-bO


Hi Jones and Damiani, It’s time for another, STAR CITIZEN update! This time around it's a little different (I know that I say that every time). I want to let the video speak for itself about what happens when you are doing a bunker mission and another player decides that he wants to ruin your day. This was not scripted but just one of the many crazy things that can happen when you are out in the verse. I want to give a massive shout out to Morphologis for editing the video and putting in some dramatic music to add to the tension. Check out his youtube channel for some top quality Star Citizen content https://www.youtube.com/user/Morphologis I hope that next month I can be back with something extra special. All the Best, Love and Respect Lotias https://youtu.be/V7DGahdmR9I


Hi Jones & Damiani! I feel like I do this every showcase now hahah, but I have more D&D poetry for y'all this month! This time about my changeling fighter, Cinder, who's been having a really rough time of it with her party. Hope y'all enjoy!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/14fONZ6QbrvagMq7REPg4JW3TRI43U6t2wTL3K-8iP6s/edit?usp=sharing L&R, Spencer (spoolesofthread) (as always, comment and poem combined are less than 500 words <3)


This month I am submitting a “Don't Skip” style video about Dusk Diver 酉閃町 https://youtu.be/9ZH3Rdz-Z2g <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9ZH3Rdz-Z2g" width="560"></iframe> L&amp;R! Ian, @alexander_arts


greeting jones and damiani hope you had a spooky and safe and fun and Halloween. Luigis mansion 3 is the winner for me for games of October. It has pixar levels of cutscenes, great soundtrack, and overall fun game play might be my goty for 2019.Twitch ran the horror story show monsters on its presents channel, and boy what a show it mixes strange almost rated r cinamax style with fanstastic monster makeup/creatures with some the d-a story written horror that really helped get anyone into the halloween spirt.Wow is having its 15 advers event where you can do a 3 wing raid of classic wow raid bosses fighting them to earn a deathwing style mount for it. Speaking of wow Blizzcon happened and i hope to have those trailers reviewed by someone with a show about trailers.First off heroes of the storm they added deathwing to hots which was the most requested char ever according to the devs. They are bringing there super successful toy event this winter with a puppet skin for diablo char Mephisto which leads me into the diablo 4 reveal.what a cinamatic that reveal for diablo4 was amazing and really selling its unsettling and dark setting this time compared to 3 which was a little too colorful.There adding the druid back as a 2 axe wleder with 2 doggos that can turn into a bear easly the most huber char i ever seen. Overwatch 2 had its big advengers opening its been building for 5 years and the way there doing cross game stuff is nice and smart way to doing it.and finally wow had it expansion annoucement of shadowlands expansion with one of its most impressive opening cinmatics ever with jones as a vet of wrath of the lich king it has a lot of callbacks in. The wow team is fianally doing a lvl squich going from 1 -120 to 1-50 base game and 51-60 for expansion. How are they doing this you might ask well new chars will so a new starting area 1-10 with a mini dungeon .then you can do any expansion up to battle for azeroth and when you finish that expansion your good to go for shadowlands expansion, will take place in the afterlife of the warcraft universe will some amazing looking zones one of them is theme almost bloodbornish style.speaking of zones the max level zone has two interesting fetures first the zone has dark world tenecy by doing anything in the zone questing,killing elites,dieing etc.you will earn erie with the master of the zone and which in a zone with no safe areas can be a problem as he will start causing problems for you even sending hit squads after you.the second is a massive tower on the map witch is damiani will know its like that random tower thing in ff14 compelete with solo and group play.lots of other changes that fixed some the biggest battle for azroth compains looking to be a good expansion. hope you two have a good nov with pokemon a little over a week away. -cdjgamer.


Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. As a kid I used to get together with my friends and dress up. We would talk about our costume ideas on the playground and get into the spirit right in early October. Going to the pumpkin patch was an annual tradition, and where I grew up they had hay rides and a petting zoo with freshly, locally made cider and apple fritters. The weather would just be changing from the cozy warmth of the fading summer in September, to the chilly briskness and omnipresent drizzle of rain that came with the falling of cracked slightly soggy leaves. October Sweater weather. My family was never wealthy, and so growing up we always had to make our own costumes. I remember one year I was Link. I wore a green beanie, had a ring of keys around one side of my waist, water balloons around the other (for bombs), and carried around a wooden sword my older brothers had made. It's the same sword I would use years later to make a costume after playing Kingdom Hearts, where I dressed as Cloud and made a metal shoulder plate out of tin foil and gelled my hair up. One of my favorites was when my friends and I dressed up like Ghostbusters. We all got cardboard boxes taped to our backs and connected them to plastic tubing. As we went door to door trick or treating, we would have the residents drop the candy into our tubes and it would go into our little cardboard backpacks. It made it excruciating to get candy out of though. I used to be a very skiddich child. I was terrified of scary movies and games. I distinctly remember getting too scared to watch Abbot and Costell Meet the Wolf Man. Things have largely changed in my life. My brother introduced me to horror movies with the Shining and it was all different from there. I don't go trick or treating anymore, and I don't go to wild parties as they've never been my thing. But I still love making costumes. Nowadays I make it an annual tradition to try and watch some new horror movies, and especially play lots of spooky games. Last year was Silent Hill 2. This year, I held off all year and finally started Resident Evil 2. Halloween to me is a time to remember that it's okay to be scared, and can even be fun. We all have fears and anxieties in life, and it's sort of magical to be able to, one day a year, dress up as something you're not, to face your fears and show yourself the monster in the closet may not be as scary as you thought as a kid. Halloween to me is a time to scare yourself because it's fun to pretend that monster in the closet is real, but also bask in the fact that it's not nearly as real as you remember.


These are the Gunpla that I have recently made, I was inspired by the gundam building stream and it inspired me to pick back up the hobby. I like to have them in my classroom, as my students find them interesting and sometimes my students give me ideas. Next month I am going to try to spray paint one of them. https://twitter.com/MrVest1982/status/1191914753540657153


Hello Allies. Here is PART THREE Shenmue [EZA DUB] Part Three Starring: In order of Appearance Michael Huber Brandon Jones Daniel Bloodworth Kyle Bosman https://youtu.be/CY58XjB10V0 Happy Holidays, Dan Allen Detroit. MI Full Playlists of The Shenmue EZA DUB Project and The DUB itself here. youtube.com/litmitmedia


Hi guys, I do not know if Damiani is a fan of batman beyond, so I will save my batman beyond movie pitch for next month, for now here is a monster hunter iceborne highlight reel i made. Hope you enjoy iceborne in January Damiani! #expansionofthedecade L&amp;R Sean. https://youtu.be/3naHiYP0mFo


Well, here we are again. Time to throw something together I guess. Let's see. Video games, what did I play?... Oh! There was Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. Great game. Loved it. It was just super fun and jolly all around. The Impossible Lair level was fantastic. Such a nice fun challenge. The great thing about the game is that there are no cheap deaths. It'd always be because I was rushing or something. Never the game's fault. Now I'm looking forward to seeing what Playtonic does next. I also got the Ring Fit thingy. That thing really can kick your ass. I'm pleasantly surprised with it. I think that is it for video games. Next month will be a big month. One title I'm super excited about. Two simple words. Shenmue Three. What else happened last month? Went to the Star Wars land in Hollywood Studios at Disney World. Did some ride in the Falcon thingy. It was kinda dumb. My favorite part of the area was the cantina. There was a drink called the Fuzzy Tauntaun. The fizz in that drink is so weird and makes the mouth kinda go numb. You know how your arm feels after you hit your funny bone? That is how your lips feel with that drink. It uses buzz buttons which contain a natural painkiller. It's neat. Every year a group of some of my friends and I venture to Epcot for drinking around the world. It is probably the third biggest drinking day of the year for us and it was as fun as always. It's Epcot! It's the best. I think there were about 24 of us ths year. If you ever met me, I'm the calm one of the group. The decibels were off the chart. Anyhoo, it was a big party and a great time. Side note. Even if it is with your own phone, the cast members won't let you take pictures with the characters until you set all drinks to the side. Oh yea, the Disney Plus thing starts soon. I think the first content that I'll dive into is revisiting the Tron: Uprisng cartoon. It was great and, I think at least, underrated. Still can't believe it'll be another year until the Tron ride opens in Magic Kingdom. Huh. Random thought... wonder what ever happened to the Nintendo Land thingy at Universal... What else, what else, what else... I saw One Piece: Stampede in theaters. It was alright. It was a fun romp that definitely embraced in celebrating the anime's 20th anniversary. It just felt like the story took a step back and let the action take center stage. I usually love how One Piece fleshes out antagonists and gives them a reason for doing what they are doing. This dude loved fighting. Great, let that shit go back to Dragon Ball Z. At least the manga is still going strong. It's flashback time again, so that'll pull on a few heart strings. That's all.


Hello Jones, Damiani, and Allies! Just another little combo video from Dragon Ball FighterZ - this time featuring Frieza! (Jones - your pronunciation of Gogeta is now canon by the way) Just a warning: the audio is coming in HOT, so turn down the volume to maybe the 25-33% range! Or leave it at 100% and FEEL THE HITS IN YOUR EARDRUMS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5f3uYiJo_s&amp;feature=youtu.be <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/S5f3uYiJo_s" width="560"></iframe> L&amp;R, Accounts Payable ("AP")


Hi Damiani and Jones, After finishing Zelda BOTW I took a little bit of a break from open world games. The last few weeks have been mostly multiplayer games for me. I tried out the new CoD and I really like it. Since I haven't played the last few titles it feels fresh to me. I like the team objective modes the best and the 2vs2 mode is a very nice addition. Rocket League is still my go to multiplayer game so that's where most of my time went. Scoring a goal in that game when everything flows exactly the way you want is simply incredible. After playing this game for years that feeling still remains. Definately my pick for best multiplayer game of the last decade. After all that multiplayer I was now ready for my next big game. It was time for a new epic adventure. It was time for red dead redemption 2. I only played the first 2/3 hours so far (chapter 1 I think) so I can't say too much about it yet but the introduction of all the characters in your group is absolutely awesome. I can't wait to start exploring this world and see where all the characters end up. L&amp;R, Jax Mcclane


Hi Jones and Damiani Showcase time, and let me tell you- this is the lightning round. First a little housekeeping from last month. I think it’s safe to say now officially that “Final Fantasy VII remake” is really looking good, (like untouchable levels of good- “Cant’t touch this” level’s good in fact). Overall the game is appearing to truly come into its own genre defining expression that will leave people in awe. …Obviously, please be excited…. AlsoJones, very simply- While “Breathe of Fire 1” is good, “Breathe of Fire” II &amp; IV are particularly great and are what truly deserves someone’s time out of the entire series in my opinion. Especially II, it so classic 90’s Capcom while still as a full blown RPG. It all works really well. Also the menu systems’s get WAY better. So yeah, that alone makes the following games hugely more enjoyable. As for October… I was very busy, and sadly passed me by with “ludicrous speed”. I did not play or watch much of anything (except for "Indivisible” (loved it), “Joker” and “Schits Creek” - check them out -they're good stuff)… So yes, my time has been quite occupied in various ways with this upcoming month being equally consuming. But that’s okay… Especially as I am now looking forward to a fantastic November filled with many great experiences; Including everything I am about to say seems like it might be totally awesome and you should check it out if you want to: The Mandalorian/Disney Plus (Duh), Death Stranding (cross country mind freak- nice), Need for Speed Heat (redemption), Jedi Fallen Order (I think it might be better than we are all expecting- which I think will be very good), (“After Party“ looks very cool too)…..and that’s all I can think of at the moment……Throw some thing in if you want to guys… Alright then very good… Looking forward to the next hall of greats. You and the Allies stay cool. Love &amp; Respect, Tegan Combatti ………. WAIT! I forgot…. BluePoint Games recent cryptic tweet- What Does it mean? Are we seriously talking about a OG “Castlevania” Remake?!?!? or a “Demon’s Souls” Refresher?!?!? “Metal Gear”, “Tenchu”, what could it be?!?!?! …sorry if that was too many exclamation points and question marks, I just really wanted emphasize how curious I was to know what they’re working on… Okay, I’ll go now, thank you…. Did you want this closed… or…okay… thank you… … (It is very exciting though…….Alright then, I’m sorry, I’m leaving… Good day, gentlemen.)


Hi Jones and Damiani I don't have to showcase anything, but I wanted to stress how high I value Damianis stance expressed in the Blizzard/Hong Kong situation. Damiani is a good human being, and that became especially clear to me in that moment. I feel that applies to all easy allies.


Too late for the submissions but just wanted to comment here, for what it's worth. I was making a video but just really haven't liked the tone of the script or how it was coming together. This month I had a hankering for KOTOR and MY GOODNESS, is that game ever good. I haven't played it in years and honestly, it encapsulates everything I love about games. Great progression, great leveling, and there's just so much content packed into a tight yet long experience. Like enemy variety is out of this world. It's really a who's-who of star wars references. When you compare this to Anthem, it really feels like it's some sort of weird spiritual successor to anthem, rather than genesis. It's been a blast. And even though poorly timed with the barrage of new games. Frankly? I don't care, I'm just having a ton of fun.