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Now that our YouTube channel is awash in review after review, a fair amount of questions this week inquire at our process behind-the-scenes. Why were some reviews skipped? How does the process differ when I edit my own stuff? This is one of those Cup episodes that either features quick one or two-sentence questions that are focused on a very specific point, and broader, paragraph-sized questions that aim to kick off a major discussion. Thankfully, we have time for both.

Video Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mY9e0lTmeVA

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible.


MORGAN MOHALLA - With Halloween around the corner, what is the best candy and why. Chances are I will go out and enjoy this candy based on your recommendation, please try to make it as appealing as possible. JONES - It’s impossible to pick something that someone else is guaranteed to live. I think Snickers is always a crowd pleaser, but every time Halloween rolls around I positively gorge myself on Brach’s Mellowcreme Pumpkins. Only Brach’s though. Accept no substitutes. This stuff is absolutely despised by half the world’s population, so there’s a good chance you’ll hate it. Or already do.

MEGAN LINART - I’ve got tickets to go see The Lighthouse this week and I couldn’t be more excited! Just wondering if your planning on seeing it? JONES - Probably not while it’s in theaters, but I love everyone in the cast and it looks like an absolutely enthralling movie. I’m very curious about it. I’ve seen a lot of people cite it as a reason Batman fans should be chill about Pattinson playing Bruce. Apparently it really shows his levels of depth as an actor, and how far he’s willing to go to get into character.

DANIEL RIBEIRO - In a time of injustice, punishment is the only form of justice. Let's talk about The Punisher movies. JONES - I’ve never seen the 1989 Punisher. Crazy to think it came out the same year as Burton’s first Batman film. I recall really being moved by Frank losing his family in the 2004 movie. I saw War Zone but mostly tuned it out. I just watched a scene from Warzone (in the curtained room, where he’s spinning and swinging a lot) at some point this year, actually. The intensity was there, but it was hard to stay invested.


Cup of Jones - October 28, 2019

Your weekly batch of business updates and questions.



Hello Jones. The “About Us” section on easyallies.com probably needs some updates. Particularly: Easy Update - <b>Ian Hinck brings you original songs</b>, conversations with other Allies and friends, and on occasion, pure magic. Huber Syndrome - Michael Huber goes on camera to discuss a topic he's passionate about <b>each week</b>. Tabletop Escapades - <b>An ongoing D&amp;D campaign</b> with Ben Moore as dungeon master. Also there are mentions of Game Sleuth and Retrospectives but none of your Phase 4 new shows.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! I was rewatching the Game Awards Reactions to get prepped and come up with predictions, and realized it was one of the last things EZA did in the garage. Which means we’re getting close to the one-year anniversary of getting into the studio! Any plans to commemorate the occasion after the winter break and GOTYs? Whether it be a designated stream, a produced video of what the studio has done for EZA and what it can continue to do (like a promo vid), or just a quick word from the Allies after a group stream about what the last year has meant, will there be any mention or acknowledgement about what is EASILY the biggest moment for EZA since its inception? It’s been such a treat to see EZA grow and just wanted to say it’s been nice thinking back on how the studio has improved everything. Thanks again for reading my question and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: Will EZA produce or do anything to commemorate one year since the move into the studio once everyone is back from Winter break and GOTYs are over?


Hey Jones! I was wondering if you had received any feedback from either the Allies or the community regarding the grinding charity stream idea? I personally think it's a great idea and was imagining either a system similar to charity runs where we could pledge a certain amount per level up to some max, or have donations be in real time but with an additional field for how much should be doled out per level. Just something so that each level you grind there's a known quantity being "earned". I think this would lead to some really fun moments where the levels might earn you $5 at one point but then when all the donations line up just right a level might earn you $500 (for instance). Anyways just curious about your thoughts on this.


Hey Jones, Out of all the EZA kickstarter reviews, Shenmue is the only one funded by a member whose reviewing a game he backed?


On this CoJ episode you said you have writing projects you'd like to pursue, but can't while working at EZA. Kyle wanted to pursue paper puppet animation and a writing project and figured out how to fit that into EZA (box peek). Kyle and Ian wanted to pursue video game design and development and figured out how to fit that into EZA (Yes I'm your mama, together we RPG). There is a way to fit your writing project into EZA. Don't give up on your dreams! L&amp;R Matt


Hi, I don't know EZA's plans. But since Shenmue 3 is a special case on so many levels and you brought up a very interesting point I never thought of before, something very interesting and unique would be if Shenmue 3 could be reviewed by two Allies. Like Huber and Brad, Huber and Bloodworth, or Huber and Ben. I would suggest that in this case it would make sense. Of course, this would mean two Allies reviewing the same game, but like you've said, it's a special case that's not bound to happen again. Although I do trust Huber to be as impartial as possible after his Resident Evil 2 Remake review, of which I thought he should have given a 0.5 higher. The more you love something, the more harsh you are with it. So Huber can be very impartial and I'm personally excited to watch his Shenmue 3 review after re-watching the Sony E3 2015 reactions again immediately before, of course. L &amp; R


This is very lovely and thoughtful. Agree with everything you've said.


Yessss more Jessica Lynn Verdi!


How is it decided how much time will be spent on a game before writing and publishing the review? In your Outer Worlds review, Blood mentioned that his playtime was around 60 hours, while the vast majority of other reviews I watched mentioned play times of around 25-30 hours. I found this info incredibly useful and distinct from the other reviews out there. Do you think that seeing all or the vast majority of optional content in a game leads to a better or more valuable review? I personally think so as I feel your Outer Worlds review is one of the better and most comprehensive ones available.


Mr. Jones, Last week you mentioned Jessica Lynn Verdi as someone who may have a more reoccurring role with EZA. I love the idea but have some questions about it. What are your considerations with having guests integrate themselves into your content? Can the audience begin to rely on the guest's content and influences within EZA? Are you willing to pay frequent guests for their contributions as well, even if just a pro-rated amount? Would there be any issues if the other allies began to also have reoccurring guests that swell your ranks? Respectfully, Morgan Mohalla


Hi, Jones! This Halloween - what's your spooky movie of choice?


Greetings Mr Jones, Could you explain what that Ultimate Duck Hunting GameTrailers review was?


Updated. I know Ian hasn't done a song in a bit, but I don't feel the need to remove that. It could happen any time. -Bloodworth


Hello Jones , In the last Cup Of Jones you mentioned that Jessica will be permanent part of Fiasconauts dose this mean she is the Official 10th EZA Member?Also is she being paid or Volunteering her time? Also, do you see other ppl the Allie's know that would want a similar role. (I understand if this is to personal to answer) L&amp;R


Hey Jones Tl;Dr - Segment out select discussions from the podcasts as separate videos to increase the amount of views on those discussions. Helps to highlight your coverage of particular games that may not end up getting reviews. I know this has been brought up in the past, but I'd like to reiterate on it. Please consider cutting segments from the podcasts to upload as individual discussion videos. After listening to this week's episode where you talked about how discussions on the podcasts can serve as coverage for a game in the absence of a review (I'm paraphrasing this); it occurred to me that a good way to get more views on those discussions would be to segment them into videos. I understand that there's some extra work involved in doing this, such as doing additional edits, creating a new thumbnail, and managing another upload, but I think it's well worth the effort. Shorter, single topic videos are much more palatable to watch compared to an entire podcast; especially if you're not familiar with the channel. I think it's a shame that some of the quality conversations had on the podcasts can be completely missed out on by people who watch the channel because they don't necessarily keep up with several hours worth of podcast audio every week. You guys already timestamp out segments of the podcasts, so I would suggest clipping select segments out, putting a simple character image in for the thumbnail, and titling the video in the context of the specific discussion. You could also schedule uploads so each video is staggered over the course of the week to reduce spam. You could even add an outro on each of these videos that says "this discussion was part of the eza podcast/frametrap, check us out on patreon, etc etc. Here's an example from GameInformer's YouTube Channel The full podcast: https://imgur.com/a/xbc6REV The segment video: https://imgur.com/a/nxjnF1v Notice the segment video (about 7 minutes long) has more views than the podcast itself. We can also assume that these views are also different people from the one's that already listened to that discussion on the podcast. So they effectively doubled the amount of viewers for a discussion they had. Hope you put some consideration into this despite the extra work it would entail. L&amp;R


Jones, I was curious how often you update your work PCs and what all you do to keep them running efficiently. What kind of virus protection do you use, do you run everything on SSD, and do you keep a backup of your system?


Heya Jones, OK, but like if Phase 4 of Easy Allies was a striptease artist during the dying days of vaudeville, what would its gimmick be?


I brought up a couple games about a month ago, asking about EZA's plan to cover them. I have a couple more that I think have slipped under the radar: Afterparty, Trine 4, PVZ: Battle for Neighborville and Disco Elysium, this game is currently the top rated game on Opencritic (it is also my current GOTY and my one favourite RPGs ever), I really do hope someone at EZA gives it a shot before the end of the year. PS. This isn't meant as a criticism towards EZA or anything, these are just some games that I would personally be interested in hearing the allies takes on


Hi, Jesse. I'm also very interested in Disco Elysium, only heard great things about it. Might give it a try after The Outer Words - great game - and Red Dead Redemption 2. L &amp; R


Hi, Jones. Business and personal question: The lovely Sofia Hariz needs people to go to the beach with her. Since you and Amanda can't go because of Milo - babies shouldn't go to the beach, can you please suggest to Ian an Easy Update episode or a series with him and Sofia on the beach? Don or other people could join as well. Sofia Hariz's tweet for context: https://twitter.com/ItsSofiaH/status/1186721126686191616 Continuing the adventure, it's clobberin' time: Fantastic Four (2005) - 8/10 - I love this movie. So great. The whole cast has great chemistry, specially Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis. Chris Evans specially is phenomenal as Johnny Storm and never gets annoying or over the top, he does a great job of making the character feel grounded. I thought it would be weird seeing Chris Evans as the Human Torch after him being Captain America for so many years, but he just nails it as well as he did Cap. The dialogue is the best part of this movie. It got me laughing so many times and the quips between Torch and Thing really shine - just like in the comics. So many times they just put a big smile on my face. The action scenes are good and the final fight delivers. Mr. Fantastic's elongated scenes look somewhat dated because of the CG technology at the time, but they aren't too distracting. That scene with Ben and his wife, where he can't even pick up the wedding ring is still brutally heart-breaking as ever. Also, good riddance to a wife like that, true love knows no bounds. Seems like a cheesy thing to say, but there are so many real life stories of people who loved each other and stayed together through the most horrible and trying of situations - best examples being Robin and Diana Cavendish, and Stephen and Jane Hawking. Last, but not least, Jessica Alba looks insanely stunning in this movie and does a great job of portraying Susan Storm. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) - 9/10 - I love this movie as well. Everything is on point, special effects, acting, humor, action scenes, uneasy alliances, love, betrayal, distrust from all sides, weddings, everything just clicks. The scene with Johny Storm where he has to turn into the Human Torch and he looks at Reed Richards with a sad puppy look and says: "But this is Dolce." and Reed just look at him without saying anything and his expression says it all: "No other way." Oh, man... that just cracked me up and I was screaming: "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" I just love the chemistry, the quips, the dialogue, everything. And who knew Laurence Fishburne voiced the Silver Surfer?! I know his voice very well and didn't even remotely thought it was him. Fantastic job! Such a shame we never got a third with the Silver Surfer fighting beside the Fantastic Four to stop Galactus. I'm excited and hopeful to see what Marvel Studios will do with the new Fantastic Four. It's quite interesting, funny and weird that I gave the same exact scores to these two movies just like I did all those years ago when they were released. It still surprises me how much in sync I am with my past self - for the most part. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Not just things, people as well. I decided to post the Fantastic Four (2015) review by itself next week because it got very long, though that movie's existence is absolutely inane. L &amp; R PS. My post got deleted, this is a repost. I hate Patron sometimes. Thankfully I keep refreshing to see if it stays.


Ben Metal above brought up cutting podcasts into segments. I think this CAN be a good idea, if ONLY big discussion topics big cut up. For instance, you would take the excellent segment about the Blizzard kerfuffle and make that its own video. I believe a contained discussion video about one topic could do really well, since the EZA podcast is relatively topical and not late to discuss things. Getting certain topics out while the discussions are still ongoing could be really beneficial to the Youtube page. A lot of casual viewers may not want to watch an hour+ long podcast, but they would like to watch a video of people discussing what happened with Blizzard, or certain big announcements or leaks. Love and respect, Josh Read.


Business: Since we don't need Kyle any more can you bring back the final Bosman cheers thanks.


Hi Brandon -- I enjoyed the latest episode of Trailer Jones and I have read the first four books in the Witcher book series. If you are at all interested in catching up to what I think the Netflix series will be covering, I am pretty sure it will cover the first two books of short stories. The first one The Last Wish and the second, Sword of Destiny are available on audible narrated by Peter Kenny, they are fantastic if you want to give them a try! I have no question, I'm just excited for The Witcher and when you are excited about something you want to spread the love and enthusiasm. They are great books. Love and Respect.


Hey! Not business related, at all, but I saw Amanda in a Wal-Mart commercial and wanted to congratulate her! I had jokingly told my brother, "Amanda is on TV and she's cheating on Jones! She's Christmas shopping with someone else!" Got a few chuckles between us. Keep up the great work!


Not sure if this will make the cut since I'm posting the mornig of, and if not I'll ask again next week, ... Regarding the monthly Q&amp;A: I have been watching some of the newer small group streams and though I'm glad the allies interact with chat, what is the benefit of having the monthly Q&amp;A as a tier when anyone can ask anything anytime during chat for free and there's a good chance your question will be answered if you ask it enough?