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I had intended for my first new episode of Trailer Jones to feature 2 allies or more, but everyone's either streaming something, reviewing something, or on media blackout today and I'm just bursting to talk about this trailer. As you can probably predict, I experienced some heavy emotions watching this, given everything that's happened since 1977. I await the actual film with a fair amount of pause and (hopefully) modest anticipation, but I have all sorts of opinions about whether this final trailer was the right way to go. I'll get you more episodes of Trailer Jones ASAP as the review season dies down. Let me know what you think of the new format!

- Brandon




I really don't want to be that annoying person but... Could we please keep other shows as trailer Jones or cuo of jones condensed to one post same as EZA podcast? (Audio and video in same post)


I don't know how to feel about this movie. The last two weren't good but the trailer for this looks so good!


Cup of Jones can't combine the audio because it's live and there's no way to add Patreon audio to an existing post. I'll pass on the note about Trailer Jones though. -Bloodworth


I'm insanely hyped for Ep.9; Loved The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi surprised me so much (in a good way)