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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDkKRpPsn4Y&feature=youtu.be
SoundCloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/easyallies/easy-allies-podcast-184-101819/s-MJYVZ

Riot announces a bunch of new extremely popular games and Fortnite’s media dominance pleases Jones.

00:00:44 - Corrections & Updates
00:04:30 - Riot’s New Game Announcements
00:49:08 - Fortnite Chapter 2
00:55:01 - Podcast Halftime
00:58:39 - September NPDs and Dragon Quest’s Failure
01:23:59 - L&R: Is no Witcher 3 better than Witcher 3 on Switch?
01:31:13 - L&R: Game - Give the game a new title
01:36:36 - Time for Bets
01:38:42 - Closing

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Kyle, I get that you hate League of Legends for no apparent reason, but I personally don't like buying the same game every year with no differences. Riot has created a game with no pay to win aspects and has supported it for years. They continually update it. They communicate with their player base about the details of how they are balancing the game and what they are working on. They have remade the map and updated the graphics multiple times. They have made an atmosphere where pro players get a percentage of the sales on merchandise. They do all these things without making us buy League of Legends 2. If EA offered Star Wars Battlefront 2 as a free update to Battlefront 1 while updating the originals graphics, you would be singing their praise. Riot completely overhauls their game pretty regularly. They update champions' visuals and game play regularly. Among their cosmetics, they don't force you to buy loot boxes and allow you to buy skins directly. Name 1 other game where you can buy a cosmetic item made for a particular player, and the company gives a share to that player?


Thanks for all these info. I know nothing about LOL, still have no interest in it, but I appreciate that it is a popular game and that many people outside of EZA love this game.


I don't care about LOL but if you could reach through the screens and shake some sense into these people. Kyle is way too American in his thinking. Ian knows what's up


Not once, during that 30 minute segment about Riot, was an insightful point made by our prince of nerd culture... you just wasted your panels time trudging through a topic nobody asked for, and I'm as annoyed as Brad was by you simply beating a dead horse. Leave your agenda at home, this podcast was trash. Thanks


I think I kind of get what the LOL discussion was going for. It's interesting to look at something that makes so much money and is so popular but hasn't yet penetrated the mainstream consciousness. I think the missing follow-up was asking whether Riot's announcements suggested that they themselves felt they needed to branch out and widen the brand despite the main game being so successful as is.


I am sooo with Kyle on this one. Great podcast!


I think Kyle is generally uninterested in the game League of Legends, and he was also probably playing provocateur for the discussion, but yeah. The Staples Center might be a headline in America but it doesn't compare to stadiums and arenas across Europe, China, Korea, Taiwan, South East Asia, South America etc. continually week after week during regular seasons and for big events of which there are multiple worldwide, and that doesn't even count any of the money made from the actual game itself across millions of players. And as Ian said all in ten years. It's pretty insane. Kyle's definition of mainstream might seem broad but in terms of worldwide it's a very narrow definition.


OMG, I laughed so hard with the Zelda botw title! As for Riot Games and LoL, really don't care. It's like someone telling me the Sodoku books sell more than Saramago books. Riot, Blizzard and modern Valve are to me everything I despise in game design. Good to those who enjoy their games, just not my cup of tea.


I get what Kyle was driving at with League. It has that Pewdie Pie, Soccer thing going on. Like yeah man, Pewdie Pie is insanely popular.. but when I say Pewdie Pie to people offline no one ever knows who the fuck I'm talkin' about. Guess stuff can just be huge and still not really penetrate cultural awareness. ALso.. future of dreams is just hilarious. <3


It's 1:30am est, and I was dying of laughter during the last L&R game. Absolutely hilarious. Long live FUTURE OF DREAMS.


I was at work and I couldn't stop laughing during the whole "Future of Dreams" thing.


Kyle, this new correction's music is preventing me understand you clearly.

Star Tsurugi

This is pretty much "Old Sports Guy Kyle mad at Esports" the podcast. Honestly, I thought he was "More of a Videogames Guy."


As a teacher who is surrounded by 12 year olds all day, I can at least offer some sort of anecdotal evidence to Kyle's argument. Every kid knows about Minecraft and Fortnite, whether they like it or not and out of the 1500+ children I've interacted with between the ages of 11 and 14 maybe three of them have ever mentioned knowing what League of Legends is (or DOTA 2 for that matter). Even really well known console games like Spider-man, God of War or Red Dead Redemption 2 are essentially unheard of in this small demographic. The vast majority of these kids basically have a PS4 for two games: Minecraft and Fortnite (for a while Overwatch was pretty big too). Anything else they play is almost exclusively mobile. When the holidays roll around every kid who identifies themselves as a "gamer" basically asks for V Bucks. L&R <3


Kyle, it is 2019, tons of people have explained it to me and I’ve read the Wikipedia page... I still have NO IDEA what a MOBA game is. No clue. I don’t understand what it is and I have no idea where and when they came about.


Doesn’t matter what mood I’m in or how I’m feeling the Easy Allies theme brings me such joy and happiness L&R!


Kyle's attitude about games he doesn't like is really starting to get to me. I'm not a fan of LoL, but I would never try to argue it isn't or shouldn't be popular. So much of this episode was Kyle coming up with nonsensical reasons to criticize a game he knows almost nothing about. That's not even an apples to oranges comparison. It's more like comparing apples to basketballs. They're completely different industries. LoL may not fill stadiums 100+ times a year, but they don't need to. Their business model is based on getting millions of people to play their game every day and occasionally buy a skin. The Hello Kitty brand never fills a stadium, but they don't need to because they make their money a different way.


Boomer Kyle trying to say league isnt the biggest game in the world smh


Ending audio clip suggestion: "Art's not sustainable!" -Brandon Jones

Andrew Chalmers

Loves the questions by Kyle and I'm glad he kept pushing on it. Rather than "just because" answers he can pull out some real responses.


League of legends is the most lame shit in the world.


League is the ICP of games


Kyle, I think you should look into the LPL's (China's national league) numbers to have a grasp on the size of League all over the world. Teams even have their own arenas and fill them all over China, going for something more like traditional sports. Love you but you came off a little too uneducated on this specific topic. L&R!


I am sooo with Kyle on this one. Great podcast!


To be clear, this was one of my favorite EZA podcasts. Deep dive discussions like this are awesome, and the rest of the show was great as well. However I'm glad Kyle labeled them "rude questions" because it does come off pretty ignorant/arrogant.


Once again, you changed the meaning of life! Well done.


they didn't give "just because" answers, they answered clearly to him and he just stayed repeating the same thing over and over "why can't I care ?". We didn't learn anything new from that discussion after the first 10 min.


So league and Dota have a single map where most people play right? Thats their arena, think of it like a soccer field or a baseball field. It is a 5v5 game so multiplayer online, and the champions have set skills and battle it out. Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. What distinguishes it from other games is the mechanics of generating gold to make upgrades and pick your fights based on advantages you generate with your positioning and your abilities.


When Kyle asked the first question about whether LoL was a valuable IP, I thought he was going to go in the direction of: Do people care enough about the lore of LoL to buy other games with complete different mechanics set in that world. Do LoL's own fans care if Epic makes other types of games? Instead it was a half an hour of "Old man yells at cloud" vibes. Kyle could have started off every response with "Okay, but let me move the goal posts again", and I think it would have had the same effect.... ...that said, I often enjoy when Kyle plays devil's advocate. It just wasn't clear if he was doing it here.


Kyle, you're spot on.


Love and Respect this is 2 weeks in a row where there is a 40 minute segment and it really loses me, Fortnite was a way bigger deal than some stupid card games Kyle himself admited wont get any esports cred and he doesnt care about, seems silly to spend time talking about it


Kyle, I’ve followed you for years and you’re without doubt my favourite “online person”. You were mega annoying in the episode though. Your frame of reference for everything is so small and related to just America and what’s on TV. Can I ask in the future you be a bit more open minded about things? You’re usually like that and ask probing questions rather than making weak arguments about something you don’t understand. Maybe you were having a bad day. “We were going to write about how this game is filling stadiums and no one has really done that before, but Kyle Bosman says it’s not as big as basketball so ...*shrug*”

Matt Shay

Loved the discussion on LoL, glad that game doesn't come up very often. As an avid video game player and sports lover, eSports has finally made me understand the point of view of my friends and family who don't care about sports. There's just no possible way I'm ever going to care or pay attention to eSports and I'm fine with that. Also, the snobbery on that Witcher 3 question was next level. Holy. "I'm going to play gatekeeper to my friend based on things they likely don't care about, because they have a Switch Lite."