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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7FrYJNueHE&feature=youtu.be
SoundCloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/easyallies/easy-allies-podcast-183-101119/s-t87hL

Blizzard embroils itself for purposes of revenue and the PlayStation 5 becomes just a little more real, and bouncy.

00:00:45 - Corrections
00:04:28 - Hearthstone Player Banned for Hong Kong Support
00:44:58 - Podcast Halftime
00:48:37 - Official PlayStation 5 Details from Sony
01:10:26 - L&R: Does Ms. Marvel make The Avengers more interesting?
01:14:28 - L&R: Game - Best Underwhelming Launch Games
01:19:43 - Time for Bets
01:22:20 - Closing

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I said it once I'll say it again, have Ben on every podcast. He articulates things in a way other games journalists can only dream of.


Upping my pledge for not shying away from the Hong Kong debate. You guys have tried very noticably to not be politicised in the past, but in this case it couldn't be helped and you did the right thing.


I really appreciate that you covered the Hong Kong affair in length. China has to honor the promises it made under "One country, two systems". The way China can throw its economic power around to force companies and even governments to self-censor will be one of the biggest issues this century. It's good to see people getting upset about this, we can't just silently let it get worse and worse.


Damiani went up a notch in my book after having watched that podcast. You're a great guy, you're all great guys.


Fantastic discussion on the Blizzard/China situation. Damiani's rant was especially fantastic and I could really feel the emotion behind Ben's words. Might make this one of the best podcasts you guys have ever done. Also, I fully support completely skipping discussion of Blizzard's announcements, including Bizzcon in its entirety, with the exception of any additional protest/event that occurs there, until Blizzard's stance on this somehow changes. Unrelated, for Kyle: Grunty's Revenge is... alright.


In fairness to Damiani, he has never shied away from giving his honest opinion on touchy subjects. Always respected that about him.


Thanks for the really great conversation about Blizzard. And I think the approach you floated, of discussing the announcements at Blizzcon but within the current context, would work really well. It's going to be a part of the event whether or not it's directly addressed so it should be part of the conversation anyway. As for what you do in the future regarding coverage of Blizzard and Activision, I feel like this podcast has reinforced the trust I have in all of you when it comes to dealing with tricky subjects. So I trust that the decisions you make have been made with a lot of heart and consideration.


I bet the next Xbox is going to have something similar to the PS5's trigger and haptic feedback that's why Sony decided to come out before MS and tell Wired about it. Kinda like how the whole SDD and ray tracing thing played out.


Correction: Lowers were off for the panel guests during the intro :(


This was a brave podcast. Thanks guys.


Great commentary on issues at the intersection of gaming and international politics. Completely understand EZA avoiding politics whenever possible, but you guys made the right call here to take a knee and shine a spotlight on a gaming company endorsing the actions of an oppressive government.


I think you guys should cover the games but just not the event. The makers of diablo 4 have literally nothing to do with it and it’s not fair to them who have spent years and days on this game to get spat on for something they had nothing to do with


I was really looking forward to the Blizzard discussion and you guys did not disappoint. I finally felt the reward of having early access to the podcast. Well done guys. The discussion was really thoughtful. Kyle, amazing job facilitating the discussion. You asked the right questions. The entire panel - Jones, Ben, Damiani, Ian - you all provided really great insights. You were not just looking at one perspective or angle. Jones, awesome final words!!!


I love to listen to Ben talk. He just knows how to frame his thoughts in a way that I could understand even if sometimes I do not agree with him.


Me too! I honestly would have dropped my pledge if they ignored this issue. But, they did what I trusted they would do. Really good discussion. I have always supported their decisions on what to cover in the podcast. I'm glad they have yet to fail me in this regard.


You articulated what I wanted to say about my trust in EZA about podcast subjects they cover. They have not yet disappointed me even those times when others were critical of them for not discussion certain events.


Actually I'm from HK, this is really brave that you all take that in about the discussion. You know there's censor everywhere to avoid the Chinese money leaves. I try my best to separate our lives (in HK nowadays) with gaming, with the community here, coz I think we all need some place for resting, for clam down myself. It seems the situation coming to this side eventually, so I'm quite surprise that I could heard the Blizzard event in this podcast. And I just cry when I heard the last word. Thanks Jones. Thanks all.


Correction. Sony fully expects this information to leak so instead of allowing some random developer to.make a post on 4chan about the haptic feedback in the controllers sony are choosing to control the narrative and messaging around these new features.


Sounds like the next xbox controller could cost over $100.


Oh baby. LOVE the blizzard convo. This was a GREAT back and forth on this. Props to you one and all for not shyin' away from potentially hot topics. This week? Love and MAD RESPECT.


P.S. Box Peek love hotel episode confirmed for season 6.


I understand the sentiment towards the developers, however I don't think it is possible to isolate the developers from the company they work for. I don't mean to say that the people who make the games at Blizzard wanted this situation to happen, but they did take a job at a this company. Be that for job security, wage potential, or anything else. It has a consequence, you have to accept that you are a part of the company and the decisions it makes. If you don't want to be a part of that, the only real thing you can do is either strike or quit the company.


I am very pleased with the coverage of the Blizzard controversy on the podcast. Solidarity on this topic is very important because there are a lot of people who are going to remain silent out of fear. I am totally on board with ceasing coverage of Blizzard (and Activision) games.


fantastic conversation about China. everyone was not only passionate and logical but well researched too. I would fully stand by EZA dropping coverage of Blizzard. Love and Respect, fellas!

David Sobiegraj

Respect the Blizzard coverage but it went on for too long. L&R

Sam Strajack

Half the podcast spent on something that could have been summed up in like 10 minutes, on the same week the PS5 is announced. Disappointing for me personally.


Everyone was on fire this week, but Ben never ceases to amaze me how articulate, fearless and how ready he is for these serious discussions. Great job, as usual.


I think the PS5 "announcement" is mostly a nothingburger. Blizzard/China was clearly the biggest story this week and I'm glad you talked about it as much as you did.


Weirdly long conversation on censorship/corporatism when EZA is funded primarily by Patron 🤭


Found the blizzard / China conversation very one-sided and not adequately reflecting the underlying complexity. Please consider the following: 1. a person using the same forum for a statement you disagree with, say a right-wing or racist political statement. Would you still support that invidiual's right to free speech and getting across there message in a gaming event and a company having to respect that right? 2. Everybody has their politics. There are fora for political discussions and those that strive for an apolitical nature. Since the event under discussion is hosted by a company, it's up to the company to decide what the forum should or should not be used for. 3. The situation in Hongkong is far to complex to be adequately reflected with a one sentence statement using words like 'revolution' (generally pretty violent things with very unsure outcomes) / in a discussion by people who have opinions but arguably not very extensive knowledge of what is happening on the ground and on what the underlying motivations of various groups are. Discussing opnions is not very helpful to making progress in regard to substantial disagreements between groups, discussing substance, actual grievances and their root causes is. 4. The 'authoritarianismVSdemocracy' debate is very superficial and in large part reflecting our 'western' biases. See for example the frankfurt school or foucault for an understanding of mechanisms of control far more subtle but equally censoring at work in 'liberal democracies'. Love and respect :) PS nothing of the above should be understood in the sense of me personally not supporting the right to free speech or democratic politics :)

Star Tsurugi

I really hope that EZA still does the Reactions to Blizzcon, because let's face it, there are bound to be protests there. And I would love EZA to watch and review the announcements made there live. Your live reactions stream is not something as banal as hyping Blizzard, it is a evaluation and examination of their messages. I don't think anyone would fault you for doing a Reaction stream as its happening. So please, EZA, as patron, I hope you do it. P.S.: You can just put Winnie the Pooh toys around the studio and wear gasmasks during the reaction stream if you're worried it will be perceived as siding with censorship.


I don't think the discussion was taking sides, but considering what should be done. It was about Blizzard, not about the whole HK situation or authoritarism at all, they were only alluded to. Yes, it was pretty clear which side they lean towards.


It was an interesting political discussion. Not too long ago another highly controversial subject was discussed namely the inhumane treatment of the employees by its employer rockstar after the release of red dead redemption. The issue was discussed, but afterwards, that game was covered ad nauseam on this channel. I wonder if easy allies will again show their true colours this Blizzcon.


Regarding the PS5 reveals: I think it is basic expectation management. If they wait until the great reveal, people will be disappointed, because of half-true leaks and totally untrue rumours. People want the full ray-traced thing with super next-gen 8k graphics running at 120 FPS right NOW, but that's not going to happen, especially not for rather cheap consoles. And if you are not sure about that, just look what everyone expects from the Nintendo Switch, although it's super old mobile hardware, that is basically worse than the iPhone 7, except for 1GB more RAM. Gamers are (most of the time) not reasonable and they will go on social channels and complain, if their expectations are not met. I think Sony is trying to remedy that in anticipation, because the PS5 is an evolution instead of a revolution.


Not a correction per say, but you've been able to preload Little Town Hero since the Direct on September 4th.


"...the modern "China Model" is built upon a foundation of technology-facilitated surveillance and social control. These techniques for ruling China have been – and continue to be – in critical ways developed, built, and maintained on behalf of the Party-State by technology firms such as Huawei, TENCENT, ZTE, Alibaba, and Baidu. As these companies export their products and services to the rest of the world, the security and human rights problems associated with this "China Model" are progressively exported with them. Already, it has been reported that Ecuador, Venezuela, and Pakistan, among others, have become customers for such firms’ repression-facilitating technologies". Source: US Department of State (https://www.state.gov/huawei-and-its-siblings-the-chinese-tech-giants-national-security-and-foreign-policy-implications/) So... every time you spend money on Riot Games (League of Legends), Epic Games (Epic Games Store, Fortnite and Rocket League), Bluehole (PUBG) and some other game companies to a lesser degree (Blizzard, Ubisoft...), you're making even more rich and powerful a company that immensely profits by helping the Chinese government to spy and censor its own people. Some additional reading about the Chinese Surveillance State: China’s Tech Giants Have a Second Job: Helping Beijing Spy on Its People https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinas-tech-giants-have-a-second-job-helping-the-government-see-everything-1512056284 China's Surveillance State Should Scare Everyone https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/02/china-surveillance/552203/


This might have been the best EA podcast I have listened to so far. Good job guys!