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Video:  https://youtu.be/mCtB7Cpgxxo 

This month we talk about the ol' brain scaries with special guest Matthew Walden!

SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/reactionshots/psychological-horror-reaction-shots/s-YXz0l 




Always enjoyable! If I can offer a critique though, the tangents feel like they have been sidelining the topic of the month. Would you consider a mid-month "What have you been watching" episode or even an alternating Topic : What have you been Watching? Only a recommendation as I love it all. PS: More Matthew please, he is a great guest.


I think we just need to accept that Reaction Shots is supposed to be a 3 hour show.

Mark van Dijken

Matthew Walden is always a treat.


Ian, I just this year I listened through all 13 Beatles albums back to back. If you’re looking for somewhere to start, Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road I think are the most consistent and two of the very best classic rock albums to date. Revolver and The White Album are their best experimental albums.