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There were times when it felt like we were being cursed last week. There were lots of weird technical issues, some out of our control, some not. Thankfully, all of them have been addressed and hopefully smoothed over moving forward, including massive power outages and video capture equipment that decides it doesn’t want to work anymore. Having backups like this is a tricky thing to invest in right away because you’re never sure how much you need. So it’s wonderful to have the support we do so we can problem-proof the office more and more as time goes on. Thanks for giving us the ability to do that.

- Brandon

Video Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAhX3ljIAPE


NATSU - With NBA 2k20 being rated E for everyone and being littered with gambling games and mechanics via loot boxes, games of chance, and LITERAL slot machines, I was wondering at what age do you plan on introducing Milo to these things, and at what age do you think he will be before he steals your credit card and spends your family's life savings on loot boxes and slot machines in an effort to get Lebron on his team? Since the ESRB says that any age is perfectly fine to acquire a crippling lifelong gambling addiction, would you, as a new father, start now or wait a couple of years before you get Milo hooked? JONES - I don’t foresee having a difficult time stopping him outright from playing games I know are going to warp his fragile little mind. The much tougher challenge is finding that stuff on websites through a phone or tablet. I have friends with a strict no-internet rule, even much later in life when they have their own gaming consoles, and I’m studying their emotion progression very carefully. I’m grateful to know a lot of parents that already had to solve these modern problems a few years ago.

KIF - Since you are making a concerted effort to downsize your cup from a venti to a tall. Plus, Mission to Zyxx is on break, and Harmontown is ending. I'm going to have a 3 or so hours gap per week in my daily commute to and from work. As you are the only one of those I have a direct line to, what are your podcast recommendations to fill said gap? JONES - Always Radiolab for me, although their schedule has gotten weirder and weirder as time goes on. S-Town and Dirty John were very satisfying stories to hear. I remember playing Ghost Recon Wildlands while listening to S-Town. The Moth can be hit or miss, but I’ve often heard some really good, re-tell-able, stories there.


Cup of Jones - September 9, 2019

Your weekly batch of business updates and questions.


Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! The split EZA Podcast 178 was fascinating to watch as both the “polished” and the “rough” product, and while extenuating circumstances caused the podcast to have two versions, I thought having that uncut, unedited project be a Patreon exclusive could be a recurring thing. I understand needing to have as complete and appealing podcast every single time, but I loved seeing this dichotomy and was curious if you think having this version without graphics, music, etc. could be labeled like, “Behind the scenes version” or “Unedited version.” I completely get why this may not sound appealing but having a version of any podcast or show that is just the recording for Patrons only to give an understanding what you start with to what you finish as the public product is a fascinating comparison. Either way, thank you for reading and as always, have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! P.S.: Don’t apologize for shooting me down as emphatically as you did! I WAS tepid at posting that list (and as I said, I kept to things only you passed, because I COMPLETELY agree with you that telling you what’s to come absolutely KILLS everything), and I decided to do so only because I thought you wouldn’t backtrack because this is a live stream, not a pre-produced weekly/monthly video. That said, I appreciate your response and respect the hard stance! Thanks for answering! QUESTION: Inspired by EZA Podcast # 178, would EZA consider having just the recording of a single podcast or show pre-postproduction for Patrons only as a comparison to what you start with to the final product of the same recording? For example, one month could be the recording of a single Achieve It Yourself with its final version, and the next month’s exclusive would be a single Easy Update, etc., and these exclusives be called something like, “(Show name): Behind the Scenes” or “Unedited: (Show name)?”


Thanks for changing to Google Forms.


Hello Jones, I was wondering if when you do the first trailer jones in the new format, that you would cover any of the past trailers. For explain the horrific 2k20 trailer that talked about my team that caused a lot of people to get up into arms, or the wonderful Terry in Smash Trailer


Do you plan to keep you current office internet connection as a backup? Or is it just too expensive to have two connections simultaneously?


Thanks for answering my question Jones, and I'm glad you enjoyed the idea of an easy allies receptionist! :D I recall you mentioned office manager at some point in a cup pf jomes and as someone who works in business the idea intrigued me. Sounds like bringing people in when you need them for project based work makes the most sense. Have a great week! :D


Amanda wanted questions, here is an Amanda question: Are there any EZA shows you would like to be invited to be a guest on which you haven't been on yet? Any you would like to be invited back to as a repeat guest?


I am curious at to what type of metrics that Patreon gives y’all in regards to how many people becomes patrons and at what dollar level per week/month and what the trends are. I ask this because I was curious if you saw a bump in patrons when you have done videos with gamexplain, Greg and Tim coming over and you going over to kindafunny, etc. Cross pollination of fanbases effectively.


Too late now, but in the future, would the Allies be interested in reacting to certain non gaming events like today's Apple press conference?


Jones I know you said you took care of a good spot to hard cut the podcast if there was a a power outage in the future. My question is do you guys have UPSs or battery backups/generator? I know where I work we have them and they saved us many times.


I thought Jones addressed it, but we do have UPS systems. The audio recorder just wasn't plugged into one. So the problem has already been solved. -Bloodworth


Hey Jones, i got to know... how do you feel about the dunsparce? was it good? was it unexpected?

Christian Dueñas

Jones, if you're looking for other S-Town-esque podcasts, I would recommend listening to The Dream. It's not about murder and whatnot, but it's a great deep dive into the world of MLMs. Also, I had a tiny tiny part in making it lol. But it's great, trust me. :)


Mr. Jones, As Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years approach, are you or any of the allies planning on any festive themes or events for your content? Is this allowed or do you try to keep EZA holiday neutral? This seems like a simple way to get new viewers interested with seasonal content they may have otherwise passed on. I could be wrong and this may not be the best use of time and resources, but I can't help but hope for something special from the channel during the holidays. Respectfully, Morgan Mohalla


Heya Jones, OK, so if Phase 4 of Easy Allies was one of the Schuyler sisters from Hamilton, would it be Angelica or Eliza? (Or Peggy?)


I just watched both times you talked about it but when you were covering the Power Outage I don't think you actually ever mentioned what you were going to do to prevent losing content like that moving forward. Maybe I missed your explanation. Getting a battery backup/emergency power supply should solve that and let you safely close out any projects. Did you say you were going to do that?


Howdy Jones! With the new not-full-group streams in the studio (one or two people), I was wondering if it would be possible to get closer up camera shots. I watch most streams on my phone and it’s sometimes difficult to see any reactions when the camera is still attempting to accommodate a bunch of people that aren’t there. Apparently, the close-up Pokemon Silver streams have spoiled me. Love & Respect TAHK0


Technical business question: Is it possible to trim the Cup of Jones YouTube video after it's been uploaded onto their servers? Just to avoid the pre-stream title card and get straight into the show.


It's possible, but arguably more work than it's worth as it would require downloading, reuploading, and replacing the Patreon link. Plus any chat archive would be gone as well as comments that were left during the processing time. Considering it doesn't take but a few seconds to skim to the front, it's not particularly efficient to take an hour or two to go through that process. -Bloodworth


Hello Jones. Bussiness suggestion - live podcast for a 20$ or another tier, like Kinda Funny do


Personal question/recommendation: Do you listen to any kind of podcasts about marketing? If you don't listen to any, and as you have such a proclivity for the subject, I'd highly recommend Terry O'Rielly's CBC radio show "Under The Influence". It discusses the history of marketing, and a variety of strategies in a very well produced and colourful way. Take it or leave it, but if you'd care to take a listen, the back catalog can be found on Spotify as a podcast.


Hey Brandon, recently I've replayed all GTA games from GTA III to GTA V, and thought of this fun minigame. I've prepared a list of nicknames of various GTA characters, can you try and guess their real names? Like, in GTA SA, Ryder's real name is Lance Wilson, or OG Loc is Jeffrey Cross. I know it's not a question, but maybe you can fit it in as a bit after editorial or something. I've put answers on pastebin link at the end of this post. Nicknames: The Harwood Butcher Sweet Lucky Lazlow Gay Tony Stretch Sal, Uncle Sal, Mr. Big Brucie Packie Vlad Answers: https://pastebin.com/cMAkLQu2


Hey Jones This isn't really a question, just a clarification. You mentioned in the last cup this about Yoshi's Island https://youtu.be/AAhX3ljIAPE?t=3924 And how you don't like to wait for things, speaking about the aim. Nor sure if you have noticed, but you don't have to wait for it completely, you can affect its trajectory. I made a short video showing this: https://youtu.be/5JPhzRbZyUw Tip 1: (2-7 sec) Whenever you hit up in the d-pad, the aim will start going up. Tip 2: (7-10 sec) If you hold up while aiming, the aim will stay up until you release the button. Tip 3: (15-end) If you press L or R buttons, the aim will stay static, but you will be able to move pressing left or right. You can use this combination of static aim but moving yoshi to aim better. Tip 4: (not in video) If prior to aiming you press and hold the up direction in the d-pad, the aim will start aiming up. That can save you the waiting a little, specially when you just want to upgrade your eggs from green to red. I'm pretty sure you already found out about some of these, but I do it just in case. Yoshi's Island is a great game, and I'd hate you to don't like it just because the aim is giving you trouble and you had missed any one of those pointers. Love & Respect, César.

Robert I.

[ Rewriting ]


Have you considered putting a watermark or lower third with information on interviews? Someone tweeted a certain clip of Damiani's last FFXIV E3 interview went "viral" and no way to see EZA itself in the clip. Now the person probably meant no ill-will as they did include a link to the youtube vid in the tweet but seeing as they clipped out the video itself, who is going to bother to click that link or check out EZA or think that vid wasn't his? I know interviews aren't that common so it's not a huge current issue, but that viral clip might have done wonders for exposure.


Hi Jones Do you have a date set yet for the first new Trailer Jones to release and what is the release plan for the first few after that?

Robert I.

Let's say EZA doubled it's Patreon amount next month and it stays above $96,500 the rest of the year. Come January, I'm curious, what is the priority of expansion for EZA? And to fit in the jettisoned question, at which point is EZA's editorial staff expanded?

Robert I.

Really weird listening to Blood's voice on Frame Trap and then he responds to me on here. Gave me chills XD


Hi Jones Have you and Ian thought of a timeline to start producing your non-stream videos in 4k (2160p)? It may be a placebo effect but it seems that youtube videos uploaded in 2160p look better (fewer visible compression artefacts) when the 1080p version is served. I can recall Ian's musical was in 1440p and there have been a few other videos in 4k. As long as the editor's CPU/GPU/HDD permits, it would be great to have more of your catalogue future-proofed, especially when video game capture is not required for shows like Spoiler Mode, the upcoming board game show, Mysterious Monsters, podcasts etc.


Could we get some updates on Trailer Jones? TGS got me thinking about it.


Thank you for this! It's lower on the list of SNES games I want to get back to and finish, but this tip will definitely come in handy. - Brandon


At what tier do I have to be to know the hot tub story?