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Delays, delays, delays! I keep shuffling Cup of Jones around and it’s got to be frustrating for you Patrons. New Dad, new show graphics, etc, etc. Same old story. Thankfully, this week looks more like what we imagined for Phase 4, and it’s wonderful to premiere new shows, episodes, and streams, along with getting your feedback about them. I’m going to try putting Personal Questions in the next post this week, below. Some of the personal questions from last week clearly demand a deeper discussion, but the goal is to have this show shorter, and focused more on business. Thank you for tuning in later in the week, and for continuing to support us as we make big changes.

- Brandon


OLF HIMSELF - What are your thoughts on the Glinny's Cauldron games? JONES - I’m still in disbelief that any of them actually exist. I hope it was worth it for the creators. I wasn’t around to play any of them so I hope the devs feel we did them justice.

ZK - Sometimes I feel like I completely miss how serious people can take games. I thought Hall of Greats was entertaining, and gamesmanship of the actual Hall of Greats. Just like gamesmanship in trying to win a bet in a special. Am I missing something? JONES - No, I don’t think so. But not everyone can pick up on that vibe. And it never hurts to confirm internally that we’re all on the same page that you and I are.

DANIEL RIBEIRO - If you haven't, can you please hold on from watching the latest episode of Frame Trap, "Episode 87: A School of Swords And Sorcery", and watch this little segment for the first time live during Cup of Jones while having the video in a second screen or just the audio - it's only 1:32 in duration? JONES - I had seen that magical moment already, and I love Ben’s perspective on that MGS2 trailer. MGS1 was a huge deal for me too.

ALEXANDER ZYRYANOV - Are you done with Dreams or do you plan to return to it one day? JONES - I’ll definitely be back. I just thought I’d get a few more weeks with it before Milo showed up. Maybe not for solo streams, but I want to keep building stuff, and I’ll eventually want to show all of it off somewhere.

WILL SCHMUCK - Would you please go a bit deeper into what you believe "selling out" is in a non-playful and sarcastic manner so that we can get a clearer picture as to where you feel that line is between doing something for money vs hurting your content/brand/product in the process? JONES - “Selling out,” to me, means actually selling Easy Allies LLC to another company, so we would no longer collectively have ownership among the nine of us. That continues to sound like a bad idea to all of us, and would definitely be over the line in terms of how we would want EZA to continue.

JOEY AND CAIT - Have you ever heard of Rhapsody. A musical adventure for the ps1? To this day its the only game I've seen that's a video game musical. JONES - I have heard of it but never played it. I hope we get to stream it someday.

MORGAN MOHALLA - What is your greatest gaming regret? JONES - Not playing more PC games when I was younger.

LOGAN YOUNG - Dragon Quest Builders series director Kazuya Niinou leaves Square Enix! JONES - Oh no! I think the series is on a good track. Hopefully this doesn’t shake that up too much.

ROBERT LEWIS - What's your experience with GTA 1&2/London? JONES - I played all of them for the Retrospective we did back at GameTrailers. I had played GTA 1 a couple of times in college, but that was it. The games got a bit tiring because I had to finish them really quickly, but they’re still a lot of fun.

STEVEN BEAUMONT - I read the horrible story of Nathalie Lawhead' s rape and treatment during two separate game developments involving Jeremy Soule. In the second games development  I was very upset to see that in one of the emails the Boss *name withheld* brought up Gametrailers Editor in Chief when asking Nathalie to continue to work on good faith to get a trailer out that Gametrailers could circulate. I don't know if you have read the full story but I hope that if you do recognise these horrible people that you have cut ties with them or even better, never helped them to begin with. JONES - We would have been pretty far outside of the stuff that Nathalie was dealing with directly. It sounds like we were just picking up their trailer exclusively for a bit, which is something we used to chase after. I was Creative Director at the time, so I couldn’t tell you who was involved with this. I hadn’t heard of this case until you brought it to my attention, thank you.

DANIEL RIBEIRO - Since you work in the games industry for almost two decades now and know a lot of people, in your opinion and to the best of your knowledge, what do you believe can be done and needs to be done in order to eliminate or at least diminish the probability of sexual assault cases happening in the gaming industry? JONES - We need to keep talking about it so people feel more comfortable coming out and talking about uncomfortable and potentially damaging truths. My hope is that each time we go through this process, dozens of people who were confident they’d get away with abusing others will reconsider, or just remove themselves from the situation.


Cup of Jones - August 29, 2019

Your weekly Cup of Jones! Patreon updates and personal questions.



EDIT: You touched upon this on today's episode, so feel free to disregard. Thank you anyway :) Business question: I wrote this in during the recent Phase 4 survey and I was curious to what your thoughts on this was and whether or not there has been interest in this previously. Has the idea of written articles or op-eds for the website ever been brought up as a part of your business as a way to supplement all of your video and streaming content? I think it'd be a great way to get more individual takes on smaller news and articles that wouldn't necessarily be a part of any of the podcasts and it could be a fun way to get more content that you're no longer doing - for example, Huber's Top 10 Fromsoft Weapons - without having to put in all of the time and effort to create videos for them.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! While you were discussing the details of Phase 4, I realized while everything EZA is discontinuing will always be on YouTube, I was curious if, in an effort to clear out the website a little and make it more up-to-date, has EZA considered cataloging everything you no longer produce in a one-stop location called something like, “Past shows” “The EZA Vault” or “Easy Archives” or something else kind of like how the Patreon exclusives have their own dedicated page? A place that can house things such as Tabletop, GameSleuth, Brandon Plays Pokemon, Top 10s, etc. where you won’t have so many different topics on the main page and the shows tab’s dropdown menu won’t go past the bottom of the screen. Granted I understand this is a SUPER niche thing, but I don’t want important parts of EZA’s early years to be forgotten. Thanks again for reading and as always have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! P.S.: The Milo pictures are absolutely precious! QUESTION: Will EZA create a tab on the website where all past shows no longer in production and may not come back can be placed in an effort to, for lack of a better term, ‘preserve’ them for Easy Access and be called something like, “Past shows” “The EZA Vault” or “Easy Archives” much like how the Patreon exclusives have their own tab?


Hey Jones! Look. Look. I know, Kyle doesn't want to bring back the Final Bosman. But the GamesCom solo-cast really brought me back to the days when he was doing his show back at GT, or even when he did Bosman At Home. It felt right. I know you spoke about this last week, and about how Ian offered to do most of the heavy lifting in terms of production. But is there any way the concept of a Kyle Bosman editorial show can be modify or adapted to satisfy everyone's wants and needs? Maybe making it seasonal? Changing it to a monthly format? Adding a exclusive Patreon tier for show ideas? Or, is Kyle simple immovable on this point, which, if he is, I totally respect. L&R, Brian Denu


Hey thanks for answering the question though I did (in a long-winding way) mean alienating the long time fans who prefer different content styles. For example, loved Brandon plays Pokémon but will almost certainly not be able to watch you play silver. No answer needed but just to clarify


Hey Jones! Thank you for trying out Battle Cats! I assume all the ads made you stop playing it? I personally never went to the shop so I didn't think they were a problem. But everybody is different! Thanks again for trying out my recommendation!


This probably will be the most negative feedback I ever gave to you but your new fascination with Google Forms is a huge problem for me. I wasn’t happy that you used it to gather submissions for “Easy Allies react to Easy Allies” stream back in March, because there was no way to make sure that you aren’t wasting your slot by submitting a duplicate. But since it was a one-time thing for an unusual stream I let it slide. I’m not happy that you use Google Forms to gather submissions for Stream Team, because I can’t see other submissions, so I can’t make strategic decisions if I see that my suggestion doesn’t get any attention, but some other of my liking does and it needs my support to get to the final round. But since it’s a new thing and since I’m not that interested in streams I let it slide. However using Google Forms to gather questions for Q&A crosses too many lines to ignore. Let me list you just a couple of problems that this new submission method creates: 1. You can no longer edit your submission. Sometimes I fixed typos or changed my question after submission to articulate my thought better and I can’t do this anymore. Also you can’t change the question if you come up with the better one before the show. This particular time I haven’t signed my question and I had no way to fix this. 2. Since you can no longer edit your submission you can no longer reserve the spot. This is very important to people who can’t make proper submission when the post goes up. 3. You have no access to other’s submissions, so you have no idea if you make it or not. Also you don’t know when your questions will be asked, so you can’t tune in just for your question if you have no time to watch the whole Q&A live. Also you have no way to make sure that you aren’t wasting your submission on duplicate question. 4. It doesn’t happen often but there were times when you accidently skipped someone’s question. Now we will not know when this happens and we will not be able to correct you. 5. Without any ties to the Patreon it’s easy to make multiple submissions under different names taken from Podcast Producer Credits. I’m not saying this will happen, but just the existence of such opportunity will always make me doubt if my didn’t make the cut because I’ve submitted too late, or because someone is abusing the system. 6. Since questions are no longer part of the Patreon, you can’t perform text search for previous Q&As. I know that you make short summaries in YouTube comments, but sometimes they don’t include keywords I’m looking for. I could probably list a couple more, but this comment is already too long. I know that you received a lot of feedback about missing comments on Patreon, but replacing Patreon comments with throwing messages-in-the-bottle into the Google’s ocean creates way more problems than it actually solves. Please return to the previous format for Q&A because your new method is a serious downgrade of service I’m paying you for. P.S. I have no intention to drop my pledge level, so please don’t consider this message as a threat.


How do you set up your times for your streams, it is based on when you can show up, or based on when you record your shows. I am curious as the times would be tricky given the worldwide audience you have. Where some times work good with people in one part of the world but horrible for others and so forth.


Jones, has there been any thoughts about making your website more mobile friendly? Scrolling through the site on my phone I can immediately find a large number of bugs and areas for improvement. You don't have to read this out loud: For instance, the navbar up top should probably have a normal hamburger menu instead of all of the nav-items being just stacked on top of each other. You have to click on the merch drop-down twice for it to load the options. Clicking on shows takes over the page in a strange way. The whole page has a couple extra pixels on the right side which means it can scroll ever so slightly left and right. The video carousels nav-arrows are supposed to appear on hover of the mouse. But hovering is impossible on mobile, so the carousels are extremely difficult to use. I could come up with more, and provide specific pictures/examples if you wanted. As a web developer, I would say all of the fixes would probably take around 20 hours as an estimate for pricing.


Hey Jones, not sure if this is personal or business but will Sophie ever get a guest appearance in the near future? I always loved it when she walked in during the (group)streams and just settled in on the couch in between some of the Allies. Gotta show that Sophie love <3 L&R, Stefan


Jones, you mentioned before about how Phase 4 is partly a re-focus on getting more patrons through the door. Was there any consideration during the discussions about removing the public total figure? Now that goals are gone this number doesn’t seem to have any purpose being public and would only deter people from pledging as they may think you ‘have enough’ (Graphetron shows out of the top 30 patterns only 8 make their figures public). If you think it should stay could you elaborate why?


Is "Cup of Jones Business" too coarse to be the new show name?


Heya Jones, Okay, so like if Phase 4 of Easy Allies was one of the Cats from Cats, which Cat would it be? Also, how much are you charging to let people come over and squish Milo's cheeks? Asking for a friend, of course.


Hey Jones, Great Milo photos. Silly personal question regarding the photos: Were you trying to show off your best Tiger Woods look in that photo? Once I saw the red shirt and black Nike cap, I immediately thought of Tiger. Perhaps you're giving young Milo possible inspiration to be the next great golfer ;)


Do you have any ideas and/or plans to add a 2 or 3 dollar tier? I felt that the old 2 dollar game suggestion tier was fantastic for its ability to get 1 dollar patrons who weren't comfortable with a jump to 5 dollars to make some sort of an upgrade. Of course, the game suggestion tier is much better placed where it is now, but that tiny upgrade incentive is missed.


Hey Jones, would you consider adding a prefix to the titles of episodes of fiasconauts, something like ‘Fiasconauts - an Easy Allies improv show’, so that new viewers understand what it entails and are more likely to have a look. L&R


I don’t think EZA has a great platform to ask questions like this (or maybe the $20 tier is?) but I’ll try here. Do you think now knowing how many issues there are on Control especially on OG ps4 and xbone that the score of 9.0 from EZA is a bit high? Should publishers get away with shipping unfinished products like this?


We were aware of Control's technical issues before publishing. Huber decided to stick with a 9.0. -Bloodworth


While I get the intent, it's messy, and I don't think it's of huge benefit to try write an explanation in the title field. -Bloodworth


It's easy to pick a dollar amount for a reward tier, much harder to come up with a reward that actually fits. -Bloodworth


It's a bit late now for the Pokemon Silver stream, but you guys should pick up a 'Carby v2' Gamecube HDMI adapter for future game boy streams. I know Blood mentioned the use of the game boy player - that coupled with a carby and you'll have a nice crisp source to stream with from genuine hardware.


I just heard your discussion on the podcast about Disney animated movies and what your favorites are, and it made me desire more content like that. Would you guys consider watching/ranking all the Disney animated movies and discussing them?


Hey Jones, loved the past Pokemon Silver stream but i have a suggestion to make them better that I think you and Kyle might like: include a fanart section. I saw some really cool fanart of the stream on twitter and I think it'd be a nice idea to showcase them each week. Kyle does this in his solo streams and its always fun to see what the community cooks up.


Business question: Mr. Jones, Could you try to quantify what influences EZA company decisions? Is it 50/50 audience/Allies? Is it 51% Brand manager 49% everything else? Does the amount a Patron funds the company equate to any amount of influence? If it is an even split democracy like I think it is, could the Allies form a majority clique that controls the unfortunate minority? Is there a fail safe for such an event?


Hi brandon, has there been a consideration of adding a new tier like "friend code sponsor"? L&R Alex