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Monday saw the release of our latest episode of Mysterious Monsters and it was a real blast!  So much fun that I totally forgot to post it to Patreon!  Sorry about that!  But here it is now in case you missed it!

Thank you!!






This was super great. Love Mysterious Monsters. Inclusion of prizes is a good idea for sure. Prop upgrades are much appreciated. 2 points of feedback--I feel like sometimes the contestants not having a solid goal to strive for hurts the competition for winning a bit (which really drives a good game show). Maybe one day you guys could sell sponsor slots and use the dough to get prizes. I'd hate to see Salmon Globe spots disappear, but it could help drive revenue for EZA and provide prizes for the show too. Maybe the prize could even be a mystery till the very end which is unveiled. Like that way it's not always something awesome lol (which could allow you do do joke prizes like the pez dispenser which is both funny AND could save on budget). The last thing is it felt like there shoulda been some other way to keep the other 2 contestants in the mix for the final battle? When they both died so fast and it was just Elyse the usual 'it's anyone's game' vibes went right out the window. Uh.. sadly I don't have a good idea for that... Maybe a last little health buff that doesn't bring them to full hp, but staves off the odds of dying in one question. Anyway sorry. That's a lot of downer kind of feedback---but I really am loving Mysterious Monsters. Easily one of my fave shows at EZA!




Pretty much spot on. They can keep salmon globe with short little bits but use real advertisers as you said.


That was amazing Ian. Great production! I really love this show. Little nitpicking: i feel like the contestants faces were not lit enough. Cool lights behind them but not enough on them.


So good. I love love love this show. Great work everyone.


Show just getting better!


"analyse" killed me. Erica rules


pure chaos in the best way, this was a fun one!


Fun episode and I'm enjoying the show, but I do feel like contestants need to treat the competition a bit more seriously. You guys work so hard to put it together and it's a bit disappointing when it is derailed by giving away points to other guests and not actually trying to win. This isn't a major complaint and I'm not trying to stop people having a laugh as they play. I'm along for the ride no matter, but some viewers may find it hard to care long-term if the show doesn't care enough to respect itself completely.


Love this. Huber killing it.


Wait I didn't realize any of it was supposed to be taken seriously


Mysterious Monsters is a hilarious good time and is fun to watch! Mysterious Monsters is also a very boring "Game Show." The monsters never get a turn so it's nothing like an RPG and makes the monsters completely replaceable with textured walls. Choosing a target should also agro them, forcing the party to deal with that line of questions before moving onto other monsters. Agro multiple monsters and they get more of a turn. I don't know how to fix this show but it's way too boring to grow right now.


The contestants didn't even try to compete.