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I'm having to say goodbye to a lot of my responsibilities here at EZA, but I should be able to continue streaming Cup of Jones until my new bundle of joy comes home from the hospital.  It'll be interesting talking about shows and streams that I won't be directly involved with, but I'll do my best to check in with the team and get updates on everything we're doing. Review scripts are still coming in, and Easy Livin' is just weeks away, so the show must go on!

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - July 1, 2019

Your weekly Cup of Jones! Patreon updates and personal questions.



I'm gonna really miss you Brandon. I know that distancing yourself from being on cam was something you've wanted for a long time, but you're one of the main reasons I subscribe. I know you dont see my name often, if ever, but you're a key part of my love for the allies. I respect your decision to put your family first! Cheers to you, and to Amanda, and to Milo!


This is a nice surprise. I thought the text only post would start today. Saving spot for a question in case no one asked for this week's show. Congrats on Baby Milo. I don't think I have said it before in a "direct post", so it is overdue. Love & Respect César. And I got a question after all, so I edit: Now that the patreon didn't get to 50k this month, are you going to move back to the garage and are you going to move the in-laws to the studio? Ok, that's obviously a joke, but seriously, does this dip worries you guys a little? Are there any plans to make the numbers grow again? or Is this something that happens from time to time and don't really worries you guys much at this point? Again, Love & Respect, César.


It was now or never brandon! They years were getting away from you and amanda and if you didn't have a family now it would've been very difficult to do so later. we wish you the very best. its harder than sny job. 4 months into my baby and still cannot get a good stretch of sleep xD


Nice, I wouldn't have blamed you for taking a week off! Definitely some next level commitment!


Are you stepping away for good? As in forfeiting your EZA salary? What will you do for work?


I would imagine it works like a normal job. When you go on paternity leave you still get paid it would be unfair to expect anything else I think, Jones did say he would still be doing reviews, and some stuff.


Just wanted to drop a quick line, to say congrats on Milo and sending good vibes your way. I don't think anyone expected you to keep up full time. Every father derserves time to bond with thier baby as much as the mother. Paternity leave is a blessing, enjoy while you can and we will all be here when you come back.




haha, Sophie got my dog huffing too.


Why are you already off work? You keep saying your son won't be home for weeks


Personal Question: I am sure you have gotten a similar question before Jones, but what have you found has helped to manage your time? How do you balance, work, gaming as a hobby, other hobbies, building a personal relationship with a SO, staying in touch with friends, family, maintaining the house, bills, budgeting? I am a new adult and how the freak do you do everything well? I want to play another round of Apex, but how can I not feel guilty not spending the time calling my mom? Or cleaning the house? or next billionth item? Whats your tip for balancing all the time? Should I really "schedule" the day or week with an agenda book? Is this reality now? Thank you for all your hard work Jones and I wish you the best of luck with the new addition to the family. We are all here for support and for the rants that are to come


Is there a YouTube link to this?


Hey Jones, hope you and the family are doing well. Id like to offer a suggestion for Top 10's to make a Patreon exclusive deliberation special for each one that you do. My reasoning for this is that it is content which may (Im not sure) be easier to make than most other content considering its somewhat of a mini GOTY deliberation without the bells and whistles. Just straight up, raw deliberation :). I feel like its a thing you do anyway so why not record it?. I believe that making this extra content may help incentivise Patreon support from on the fence fans. Can be considered an additional $1 or $5 tier bonus. L&R man

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! With the next installment of Hall of Greats coming soon, will you be participating via a pre-recorded video with Milo getting out of the hospital soon? Since Easy Living is a no-go, I was thinking about all the other things you won't be fully participating in when he gets cleared to head home (like not hosting the Community Showcase, no live Cup of Jones, etc.), and was also curious if like Mr. Bloodworth from the last installment if you’ll just bow out or have something to send along? Either way, thanks for indulging me on this one. Thanks for taking my question, have a wonderful rest of your day. Cheers! P.S. Regarding giving feedback involving E3, my personal notes were small things like having the b-roll of what’s being discussed on the monitors, or how I enjoyed the guests and the order of conversations (I have a future question regarding guests for a future CoJ). But I concur, with the unexpected arrival of Milo, my feedback post question COMPLETELY left my mind and I agree with you it’s much too late for said post. Still, thank you! P.P.S. Thank you very much for choosing to share your photos. You all are an incredibly adorable family!


Speaking of Witcher 3 being the best game of 2015, this break might be a good time to finally play through Blood and Wine :) Truly a great conclusion to the trilogy.


Hello Brandon. During Third Year Anniversary Celebration stream Ben said: "Suggestion: Blood and Jones not here, I say we stream Fellowship of the Ring" (https://youtu.be/CAqjVZ6gBaU?t=8509). I understand Blood, but why other allies restrain themselves in your presence? Also aren’t you afraid that Easy Allies will go off the rails while you gone?


I’m sure that was a joke. And all Allies (even Huber) knows very well that it’s against the twitch rules and that doing it would do no good to EZA. Nothing to fear about that in my opinion and Blood is still here to temper the excitement if needed anyway :-) P.S: I would totally watch Fellowship of the Ring during Easy Living tho


Heya Jones, I thoroughly enjoyed your Fiddler on the Roof story from last week. (I also have a scar over my eye although mine's not theatre-related; mine's from being a stupid 7-year-old.) In fact, I've enjoyed all of the stories that have come from these questions of mine and I thank you for your indulgence. I wanted to ensure that this series came to a proper end so I'm asking the finale question now. (Although I'm sure you'll still hear from me occasionally.) What are your top five favorite musicals? Also, I wanted to say something about the last few months. One of the great things about Easy Allies is that you are able to make the kind of content you want to. But one of the other great things about Easy Allies is that you are able to treat yourselves like human beings. This means that you can take the time you need to priortize yourselves and your families - whether during times of joyful additions or tragic losses - all while knowing you have the love and support of each other and your community. And that makes me so proud to be a part of this wonderful thing you all have created. Cheers!


Business Question: Do you get a kick-back from the UniQlo link? Or at least, do you know if they track how many people use that link, and thus using it may incentivize UniQlo to keep sponsoring you? I ask because I tried using it to buy some shirts, but noticed it directs you to the USA site, and as I am in Canada it doesn't work for me.. not exactly a question, but maybe you could reach out to them and see if they can create a similar link for other regions? keep up the good baby work!


Business question: How about an exclusive show where you guys play some mario maker levels made by patreons? Mario maker has endless possibilities on the creation of content, last group stream was so fun, and with a lot of variey ont the level desinf even though the levels were picked randoly! It would definitly have an achieve it yourself vibes and maybe you could even rate the level at the end, maybe give some tips on the level desing? Maybe Ian and Don already have plans for more mario maker content, but they usually focus more on the creation part, so it probably wouldn't clash with their ideas for content.


Personal Question: Hey there Brandon! I was curious if there was a particular way you or Amanda or the rest of the Allies for that matter enjoy your coffee. I sell coffee for a living at the moment, and it's been a small passion of mine for a good number of years. Do you have a type of roast or bean you enjoy? Is there a brew method you prefer, like French press or pour over, or maybe just drip? How do you take your coffee? And does it depend on the day and the occasion, as I imagine a heavy E3 day is different than a Saturday off. Do you have a guilty pleasure Starbucks coffee (pumpkin for me please)? If you haven't tried it, there's an Italian stove top coffee maker called a bialetti that makes some of the best black coffee I've ever had and would absolutely recommend giving one a shot! Love and Respect, Brian from Happy Gaming


How do you reflect on Dreams right now? I think it got really quiet. Obviously you have much less time for it now. Do you think you will ever dig in again? Will the game be relevant when it leaves early access? Personally, I quit after 3 weeks. While you have many options, it was very imprecise to me to put the polygons of sculptures right where I need them, and something like creating a plank of wood exactly like I want it could end up a puzzle that took me hours to solve. I created maps for the Source Engine and Unreal Engine in the past, and it was much easier and faster to make exactly what you had imagined. The only difference is that you had to find and use the proper tutorials on your own and be active in mapping forums to find solutions for your problems. That part obviously is much less user friendly. I don't think I will ever return to Dreams as a creator or spend much more time exploring the Dreamiverse. For quick and easy creative projects, I switched completely to Mario Maker 2. And when I have more time on my hands again to make my own game, I will definitely use a regular engine instead of Dreams. But that is just my side of the story, how do you stand on Dreams now?

Logan Young

Dearest Brandon, The podcast is all about diversity of opinions from people who I value about the hobby I’m passionate about. With you gone soon (congrats to you and Amanda!) I’d like you to ask the allies to step up and have a fourth person on the panel to replace you. The side podcasts shoot for 3 allies, but this is your best product. Thoughts?


Hello Jones. From the way you've talked about it in the past it seems to me that Easy Livin' has always been your baby. Now that you will be missing this year's Easy Livin' because you have an ACTUAL baby to take care of how do you feel and what kind of impact has this had on the planning and preparation for it?


Patreon just ate my comment after hitting enter so I'll make this shorter: Are you guys getting what you pay for from your ISP regarding you internet connection at the studio space? If not, please get them to send a tech over to try and fix these issues. Perhaps it was just a fluke during E3 that was very unfortunate but it did hurt the viewing experience (great work on everything else though!). Ian, on multiple occasions now, has mention something along the lines of you guys paying for the best possible internet plan but it still being trash. I know ISP's are a pain in the ass to deal with, but they are the companies you definitely should not let off the hook. It took 3 tech visits with the last one being from one of their top veteran specialists, but eventually my internet became almost perfect. I know, residential vs business/commercial buildings are different circumstances but if the issue is on their end, get them to fix it. Will miss seeing you on streams, Jones, and I don't expect you to deal with this matter considering your current situation (congrats on your baby Milo) but I hope when you return there won't be any stream issues caused by your internet connection.




Mr Jones, Is EZA having an identity crisis? Games, Movies, D&D, News, Skits, Anime, and Box Peek. Are you ready to label yourselves as entertainment focused media or did you want to keep pretending EZA is all about video games? Respectfully, Morgan Mohalla