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It would appear as if the dust has finally settled after the madness of E3, but our coverage of the big show isn't over! We're shooting the results to the Betting Special today, and an E3-focused Trailer Jones tomorrow. And tomorrow night is our E3 2019 Awards, during our regularly-scheduled group-stream. All of last weeks shows, reactions, and impressions have been organized on our YouTube page if you missed anything. Today we'll go through some stats from last week, address some notes you all had regarding our coverage, and look forward to the next big events at EZA.

00:28:46 - Business Questions
01:35:42 - Personal Questions
02:20:32 - Editorial - Galaxy's Edge Review

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions for each Cup of Jones episode from the original video post. Questions from this audio-only post will not be used in future episodes.




Jones - I was hoping this would be the year i'd see you on that giant bomb couch at e3, but i love hearing about you having your own cast of characters come through the new studio. Would love to hear you and Gerstmann talk about the games industry someday. That's probably a tough ask, being far apart outside of E3, and everyone being super busy that week. But a fella can dream.


ones only pulls questions and comments from the video post on patreon, so make sure you post it over there so it doesn't get missed.


Thanks Kristen! this was more me speaking out in to the ether as I listened at work, but I was never super clear when and where to post Qs for Jones. Also, thank you so much for your excellent mod work during E3, along with the other mods. That's a lot of work!


Anybody from Mega64 would be great, I personally think Derrick would be better on the podcast than Rocco, since he plays a wider variety of videogames than Rocco and has a lot more to say about them. I'm surprised by how critical many of the Patrons are in their submissions. Like, the criticisms of the production standards of the shows come with some very unrealistic expectations. If you like EZA's content and feel it's worth your money, then be a patron. If you think being a Patron gives you the right to demand an improvement in content, you've missed the point of being a Patron.