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I'm just about to head out the door to drive to our studio and continue our coverage of the show. I enjoy typing that sentence so much because I'm still adjusting to the awesome fact that we're not talking about E3 in the garage I'm in right now. I'm looking forward to all of your thoughts about how everything works in the studio now, and how we can make it work even better for future events/shows. I might sneak online for a quick live Cup update this week, but I'll most likely just check back in with y'all next Monday. Feel free to use this post to chronicle your E3 questions or freakouts and we'll sort through all our memories next week! Happy E3 everybody!

- Brandon



Amazing streaming setup with the multiple rooms Allies! Very happy with it. L&R!

Dennis M.

I'm having a lot of fun here with your output. Your setup with the three different rooms is amazing. Keep it up!


Want to give a big THANK YOU for everything you guys do and bring to us! L&R


Top 5 games you are excited for in 2019?


I think I speak for a lot of us Jones when I say the highlight of E3 by far has been the glorious studio. The new screens, bringing the streaming room into the chat... it all looked incredible. All credit to the patreon’s who funded it and the Allies for putting it together. It’s the next gen I’ve been waiting for. Congrats!!!


Great coverage guys. Keep up the amazing work!


Love you guys


So good so far. I feel like a sports fan. Massive thanks to you and the allies for your efforts.


Keep up the great work. Any Chance you guys could put some borders around the different streams when watching the press conferences? It would make it a lot easier on the eyes with sharp contrast. I have seen a few people mention this otherwise. https://twitter.com/drpandakhan1/status/1138086445820891137


Digging the studio Jones! Everything looks so pro, it’s incredible! Just one thing I’d wish to see is a better interaction between you guys and the chat (sub chat) like we used to have. I get it’s difficult to monitor it but if we had at least Ian or Damiani looking at it, that would be the cherry on top of the cake! L&R happy E3!


Big thumbs up for the layout for the steam as well. No wasted space and you can get all nine of you on screen and still show enough of the steam. A+ setup!


Morning Jones! The HOTTAKE on the pre-E3 episode of Frame Trap was focused on expectations for Microsoft's E3 press conference, even though this episode was released publicly a day after the aforementioned press conference. In addition, much of the segment was a rehash of what was previously discussed on the Easy Allies Podcast's E3 preview, and the pre-show before the press conference itself. This sort of redundancy in coverage between EZA's many shows has happened before, so I wonder if there is ever any discussion between the show's hosts on who should cover what, or if there should be some planning in your monthly meetings to make sure that if shows do cover the same topic, there is a unique perspective to ensure that everyone's take and approach is thoroughly conveyed. L&R - Brian


Your breathtaking!


Howdy Jones


Easy Allies always gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Love it.


Hey brandon someone was asking me what was my Sweetest Moment of E3 so far and my answer was THE EZA STUDIOS !!!! It looks awesome !!! Enjoy E3 !!! <3


Love the way the 3 rooms interact! Also, the background TV fill up the room very well


You guys should really keep the streaming room on screen during post shows. I get the ones at the desk are the ones holding the discussion but considering others like to cut in a lot I think it’s better to just leave them on screen. I mean if they stay relatively silent then yeah take them off. Having them flash in and out after almost every sentence I think can get exhausting and don’t think it’s good for the audience. I don’t know just my two cents.


This year's coverage in the studio is so professional looking and sounding. I am so impressed with how fast you all pulled everything together. E3 hasn't even officially started and your coverage is a 10/10!! L&R


Best coverage ever. The studio looks awesome. please keep those screens there even after E3


There have been some audio hiccups but my god the overall production is so slick it makes me proud to be a fan of the Allies. The setup for the conference looks mind boggling lay hard to setup yet it just works. Would love to see more behind the scenes. I’m just so impressed you guys have pulled it off. Real kudos to anyone doing the production.


loving the look of the studio, it's 1000x better to the garage when you compare them side by side with last years e3.


yes those screens should stay! it makes the studio feel complete, and each show can have it's own kind of background.


Even though i feel dissapointed with E3 so far, i'm super happy with the new PC Xbox Game Pass, i've never played the Shenmue games in my life so i think this is my opportunity to finally play them


Jones, tell us the really juicy things you got to see during judges week that you were dieing to tell us about, but couldn't until now. Was there one thing in particular that you were chomping at the bit for? Personal note, not the hypest E3 but definitely my most content one.


Brandon, if there was one part of the studio you wished was used more often, what would it be. Also, was the Animal Crossing trailer as underwhelming for you as it was for me.


Hey Jones, I want to hear about the experience of the studio at E3 this year compared to back when you were in your garage. What are the pros and cons?


Hey Jones, Just an FYI, the audio issues you had on the nintendo direct preshow are the same issues with the cup of jones streams (same sound anyways). Maybe however you fixed that would fix Cup of Jones.


Hi Jones, congrats on another E3 done and dusted. I've made a few video submissions to the Community Showcase over the last year or so, and they've always been a blast to put together. I've decided that editing videos like those is the kind of thing I would love to do as a job. It would be wonderful to create video game content similar to what the Allies do, but I'm also very interested in creating marketing material for games and other media. What advice would you give for someone who wants to get work making content like trailers, spots, etc? PS I'm the same guy as SpaceChannelDom, I changed the handle for boring reasons

warren blyth

Totally digging the studio, lighting, and EZA's overall coverage! - One small gripe though: Does each EZA press conference preshow stream have to include leaks and rumors? i don't see how that contributes to the experience. I know a lot of people love that stuff, but i loathe it (and try to avoid it). I think it's a lot more interesting to hear what the Allies hope will happen, or what they've deduced from long-silent studios or time passed since last official announcements for a game. that feels like good reporting, and doesn't guarantee ruining part of the show. (like, the Elden Ring teaser was so much bigger and more meaty than the sekiro teaser. but i had near zero excitement during it, because i'd heard about the leak). - what about putting up a graphic for leaks and rumor sections, so they're easier to skip? Or holding onto them and only discussing them when they're dis-proven? or only after the show is over? - posting this here, because of something you said a while back about leaks being a tragedy that ruins the work of hundreds of marketing and ad employees. That really struck me. The whole point of a press conference seems to be "tune in and enjoy our ads". so it's weird to suck that energy (and pacing) out of the event by sharing leaks. i don't think it's important to ruin something just because other outlets are ruining it. ?


Hi Jones, congrats on the excellent e3 coverage this year! Everything from live reactions to the End of day impressions have been so well organized and fun. I've seen a couple comments here already but I had to chime in and say how much I like the TV's in the background of the studio. I hope they are able to stay for the podcasts in the future. Something about that metal stage lighting always seemed off to me, but once it's between the two televisions the entire set POPS and feels so alive. Thanks again for the great coverage this year I felt that by watching the allies this week I got the full e3 home experience.


Just wanted to say that I absolutely loved your E3 stream setup. Really love the new monitors and I hope those are permanent! They add just a little bit extra touch to an otherwise barren backdrop. The combination of panelists, picture in picture conference video, salad mic cam and the cozy stream room on the bottom was absolutely perfect as well. Love and Respect! - B-Ray


Studio set up was perfect Jones. The monitors x2 in the background make a massive difference. As always the allies coverage is top notch but the studio elevates it even more. Great work.


E3 Shocker: Just the reveal of Banjo Kazooie in Smash Bros. Having something that big in 2019, brought so much joy and emotion that it's for me the top moment of E3. Even seeing that Grant Kirkhope is coming back to compose the music, it's a fever dream. We'll probably see Banjo in Nintendo's usual September direct and I'm completely fine with it. All the best and here's to post-E3, Ryan


I wanted to echo the sentiments of everyone else on how great the new studio and production elements came together for E3! Special shout out to Ian and Damiani for directing a lot of the E3 coverage as well. Can we expect to see any of this new E3 production carry over to future shows and streams or will most of it stay exclusive to E3 coverage for now? A few things that would be great to see in the future: - Lower thirds for podcast segments/discussions - Relevant media displayed as PIP or on the TV screens - Fun streams or shows utilizing both studio rooms such as a group stream esports tournament with commentary on the main desk I feel like there are a lot of possibilities for how the new production tools can be leveraged in the future and would love your thoughts on what you would like to see carry over or be expanded upon for future EZA content.


Jones, great e3 coverage as usual and I loved the reactions as well! What do you and other allies want to change/improve on next year?


Hey Jones - Great job as always. This week's content has me curious if the majority of EZA consumers prefer video over audio. As someone who consumes almost all of EZA via podcasts, I didn't know if I was an extreme minority of fans who would welcome an audio rip of the highly reactions on Twitch, similar to the Game of Thrones reactions... no production, just an audio track in the RSS feed. Thanks, keep up the great work


G'day Jones, In light of your joy at the changes made to Dragon Quest Builders 2, it seems a good time to ask about your experience with the rest of the franchise. Did you know it back in the pre-merger days when it was still localized as Dragon Warrior? Were you ever granted the title of Erdrick or heralded as his/her heir? Had you caught and fused monsters on the GBC, or mastered job classes on PS1? Was DQ8's beautiful depiction of Toriyama's art a cause for you to weep with joy? Did you watch with delight as the previously Japan-exclusive games were slowly brought over? Were you frustrated by the company's seemingly eternal will-they-or-won't-they relationship with localizing in the years since? Have you stuck your toe in the mobile ports of the older games? Or were Builders and XI a fairly fresh step into an unknown world for you? Inquiring minds must know!


Brandon! First of all thanks for the awesome E3 coverage! You guys make E3 even better with your reactions and game impressions and special guests making it into a truly special time of year! My question has to do with your recent visit to Star Wars Galaxy's Edge -- Did you build your own lightsaber? If so, what was that like?


Fantastic job on E3 coverage to you and the allies this year, Jones! Despite the hiccups and issues outside of your control, the week's activities were incredibly entertaining. The extended impressions from the whole team for games big and small are always what cement E3 week after the conferences are over. Hope the special guests really dug the studio, too! Any insight into why the streaming space wasn't really utilized after the conferences were over? Ian even suggested multiple times that people use it when multiple folk wanted to chime in on impressions. No huge issue, but it seemed like a milestone made for E3 that went under-utilized is all. By the way, if you somehow make time for the Treehouse segment of Animal Crossing, I hope we get to hear your impressions of what's changed. My biggest takeaway is that New Horizons is really big on expanding methods of progression both big and small. Crafting and "Nook Miles" are straightforward, but Nook's larger role appears to control how your island develops in a multitude of ways from facilities and NPCs to what specific villagers are attracted to your island.


Hey Jones! How do you feel about trailers that have call backs to other trailers, or just call backs in trailers in general? I ask this with the Banjo-Kazooie Smash reveal in mind. What would you score it, and would the score be different if you hadn't seen the King K. Rool reveal trailer beforehand?


Niggly little thing about the E3 impressions and what not. It's a bit late now and not worth mentioning on the actual Cup of Jones. In between game conversations; it was a little awkward at times. The people left in the room were just filling silence as best they could... that's the perfect time to push Patreon. That aside, loved everything you guys did, digested it all. I thought of a question, just so it's not a complete waste of your time to read this. If EZA had the opportunity to put on an E3 showcase, would you take it, or do you prefer to watch and react? If you would, what kinda format could you envision it taking?


I already know your answer, you are all very busy (too busy) during E3, but man - those multi-hour impressions videos are too many and too much to watch, but I would love to listen to them on the podcast feed while I'm doing work... even now after e3. Just a suggestion. L&R


Audio versions are coming. Gotta get them to YouTube first. FYI, you can listen to Twitch in audio-only mode too. -Bloodworth


Hello Jones. I loved the new screens in the recording room. However, most of the time, they just displayed your E3 logo. How do you plan to use those in the future? My personal dream would be to see game footage run on them, as you talk about a certain game in your different podcasts. But obviously it would take work to prepare footage for them or research footage on the fly. Have any ideas about how to use those been thrown around? What is Ian's idea for the future of those screens? ps: If I may cheat and add a quick second question: How do you feel about how your YouTube channel was run during E3? I got the impression you needed someone dedicated to it while you guys roamed the floors and recorded the discussions.


I loved your E3 coverage this year! I think the monitors just made the main stage look so much better than it already was. I was rewatching your coverage from Friday on YouTube and I noticed a lot of negativity in the comments regarding the guests. Especially when it came to Kinda Funny, I noticed a lot of people were calling to not cross over with them again. Does this kind of reception influence your decisions when it comes to guests? I would imagine that your personal opinions and feelings towards the guests would be a larger factor, and I really enjoyed all of the guest content from this E3 especially Jirard's appearances so I hope that you don't over compensate when a little extra negative feedback like that comes along. L&R Devin


Thank you for everything you have done this past week, your E3 coverage was amazing! However, I wanna say something regarding the Kinda Funny x EZA video. I really loved all the guests, but honestly, I felt uncomfortable during the whole video. Poor Brad said 5 sentences during the whole thing. And I think it should have been your job, as the host, to make sure that everyone gets approximately the same amount of mic time. I understand that if you have special guests, you wanna focus on them, but in my opinion you handled that very poorly. I don't know if you realized that during or after the shooting, or Brad told you himself, or if that was even an issue for him, but I just felt I had to tell you. Thanks again, L&R


Hi, Jones. I love Watch Dogs 2, it's on my "Top 5 Best Open World Games of All Time" list. Watch Dogs 2 is to the Watch Dogs franchise what Assassin's Creed 2 was to the Assassin's Creed franchise, it improves on a very average/bad game in every single aspect and makes the formula reach its full potential. I've been wanting for you to play and livestream Watch Dogs 2 since its release, it's kinda of a dream of mine. Even if you don't stream it, I would still love if you played it. Then in Frame Trap's episode 73: "High in the Sky" at 1:22:20, you say that "you lament not having played Watch Dogs 1 & 2" and that "how can you call yourself any kind of open world fan" if you haven't played them. On HowLongToBeat.com, the main story takes around 19 hours to finish. While the Main story plus extras takes around 31 hours. Also, there's very little related stuff between Watch Dogs 1 and 2, so there's no problem skipping the first game. With the announce of Watch Dogs: Legion, which looks great, but is also a very sharp departure for the series, and before you get even less time to play an open world game when your son borns, can you please try to find some time to at least try Watch Dogs 2 for a few/couple of hours? If there's still time left on this year's Easy Livin', I'm sure Watch Dogs 2 would make for a fun time, specially if Huber is with you. L & R


Happy Monday Brandon, Your coverage of E3 was great this year, I would say it was easily your best coverage of the event by a good mile. The collaboration on Friend Code was great as well. My personal most hype moment is easily seeing that the Gov. (DQ8) protagonist was made playable. Short of them adding Chrono, I am sure he will be a main for me. Now Business Question: How do you go about choosing who you want to have on a guest show, and how do you handle these shows differently or similar to the normal shows and content that you produce or are a part of?


Congrats on your second video breaking 1M views, and in just over a week! Easy Allies has seen a significant increase of attention in the past week, but do you think you've done enough to weaponize that interest into Patrons? Views are nice, subscribers are great, but Patrons are the clearest line between eyeballs on your videos and money in your pocket. Are you happy with your conversions from views to Patrons, and if not, what do you think you can improve for next E3?