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Hi Patrons--
  Today I'd like your help with something for the next betting special. Below you'll find a survey with 20 questions that are all basically bets. I can't promise that these questions will be used directly in the betting special, only that the survey will definitely be helpful in what we're making this year.
  As for betting special plans, we'll shoot next Tuesday when Huber is back and get the show posted in a matter of days. Normally we like to record even closer to E3 but we're playing it safe with studio prep this year. 

Here's the survey:

Thanks for helping out, and Happy E3!



let's go <3


I've been training my whole career for this moment.


I'm guessing these will be used like a phone a friend lifeline. "Ask the Patreons"


Aw yeah. I took screen shots of my own answers to check my own results!


But the real question is... Will a big boy "trip"?




Some great questions in there. Can't wait for it! Patreons vs allies!?


The wait is agonizing lol


thanks kyle, can't wait


What if the Direct contains a Doug Bowser / Bowser joke that is not made by Doug Bowser himself?


I see we're being asked the important questions this year. Though you should be a bit more clear on what defines a "big boy slip". Don't want to have that debate again.


I'd argue it doesn't count if he doesn't make it himself


Love it


The easy Allies betting specials are honestly my favorite part of e3


These questions were incredible.


I just finished the survey. I tried to be as honest as I could but I was very tempted to hit yes to everything because I want to see it all happen. Doing this with no stakes involved makes me worry that most will just choose what they want to see and not what they believe they will actually see. I would love to have a system where we are all ranked and we can see where we stand with everyone else that participated. I believe we will get more accurate results. Having said all that, I am happy to have been able to participate in the process. Thank you.


This is what it took to take my e3 HYPE to TOP TIER. I felt like I was a part of eza betting special answering these. I even imagined the rock music and Kyle stifling chuckles

Dennis M.

Can't wait.


Listen...all I know is that “Will a big boy slip?” question made me burst out laughing lol. Had a blast answering the survey 😂


I realized I was clicking NO to most things. I think something broke in me. I think since Session wasn’t Skate 4 I lost hope.


Done, looking forward to Bets!


Thanks for including us, the betting specials are some of my favourite bits you guys do


Nice questions, got my hype pumping!


Even if these questions end up having zero relation to the betting special, I'd love to see the final results.


Putting on my green visor just to take the survey!


Hey those are great questions. E3 HYPE


Those were fun questions! Can't wait for the betting special


A big boy will SLIP not TRIP.


Curious @EasyAllies, when you say *A* release date, does that mean for a first episode? I could see them giving a date for Episode I without any further dates.


Love that a big boy slipping is returning


This is a great idea Kyle. What if you used the Patreon results in the Results Special and talk about what the allies thought, beyond just you and the Allies.

Nicholas Poer

I'm so ready for the Easy Allies E3 2019 Betting Special and of course the Easy Allies E3 2019 Betting Results Show, so hype! Also happy that the big boy question made a return, double down on big boys slipping.


I loved participating in this. Thank you for the opportunity!


YES! Thank you so much for involving the community in this! <3


Also by 'Roam the Show Floor', I think that's a bit vague. Would it count if it were just the Nintendo E3 booth?


Time for bets!


Just reading through these cracks me up and gets me hype for E3.


There are some really interesting bets in there :)


Could you add an option for us to save our results? Like have them emailed to ourselves? That way we can play from home.

Jordan Brown

Would it be possible to let us know if we are returning to a Huber v Bosman betting special with you guys drafting teams?


Even though you said they might not be used at all, I've never felt so invested. Roll on E3!


"Will a big boy slip?" * required question. XD


To be completely honest, almost all of these were serious noodle-scratchers. Nice job, Bosman!


Love this idea, but I can see a whole heap of possible problems with one question. Big Ben is a bell. Not the clock, not the tower that houses it, but the main bell within Elizabeth Tower. Not suggesting anyone would try to twist such a small thing into a whole drama, but it's possible. *ahem*


Great questions, feels good being involved with such a coveted show


I love the non yes or no questions.

Cody Ficker

Does the ollie count if the skateboarder is a bird?


Several of these were really good. The retro one really pulled at my bias so I had to say yes even though it's unlikely.

Brandon K Gann

I don't mind saying my answers: A Big Boy will NOT slip DOOM Eternal will be in the 2nd half of the conference (should be centerpiece) There will be NO romantic scenes Animal Crossing should be the main focus, both Direct AND Booth, so yes, characters should be on the show floor There WILL be a new Rabbids game.... as a Nintendo Collab with Wario A Skateboarder will NOT do an Ollie Retro Studios won't be present Wonder Woman won't be in Rocksteady's next game Final Fantasy VII: Remake SHOULD have a release date if Nomura teased release plans are set prior to the next news Phil Spencer's speech will take less than 24 seconds from introduction (I actually think it's possible he'll talk after a cold open with an intro at all). Mega Man X will NOT be present Nintendo will not be present in ANY capacity, spoken or otherwise, at Xbox Todd Howard won't apologize. Pete Hines will. Microsoft wont talk load times about their next console. The name? Maybe. Big Ben will NOT be interacted with in the Watch Dogs 3 presentation If we see Square-Enix's Avengers, Captain America will only have one look. Halo: Infinite will focus on story, not multiplayer, during the conference A character will NOT throw something hitting a camera lens I THINK Doug Bowser might not even be in the Direct We WILL see a character from Episode IV in Jedi: Fallen Order (Be it a droid or imperial like Tarkin).


This was fun! These were good questions to just choose an answer for within a few seconds, going with my gut response.


Great questions I went with my gut and smirked as I went through! I would have chuckled but I'm on a train!

Andrew Chalmers

The big boy is back. Do we need to clarify the whole slipping/tripping debacle?


Great questions. This has got me HYPED for E3.

Jason I.

On the Todd Howard question, does a cheeky, sarcastic apology count?


Hang on a sec- What is an interruption in a romantic scene? Like a 4th wall break a la Deadpool?!


This was fun. Looking forward to the special!

Star Tsurugi

Camera lens will be shot. Like... in Death Stranding, a camera will be on the table...and it gets shot. Big Boys will not slip... they will be pushed over. Todd Howard apologizing? Did Unrepentant Bosman apologize? Eagle dive off Big Ben It will be a BOWSETTE joke! Yes, big deals in the works... Tony Hawk is a very old man... DC and Rocksteady have no idea how to make a game that isn't Batman v Joker. Sad, but true. Love will be respected. Sifo-Dyas will reveal himself. FFVIIR in 2022 Doom Eternal is the frontliner! What else are they gonna show? Square Enix will NOT show the Avengers game. But they will say "please be excited for future announcements." Mega Man Legends will be revealed only in your heart, Kyle.


Looking forward to that big boy slip!


I’ve been wondering when the betting special was going to happen. Can’t wait!


Most of the world associates the tower with "Big Ben". They would probably clarify this as what they mean at some point. There could be some nitpicking in regards to the tower vs. the clock, but since neither are the actual "Big Ben", I'd think the whole structure would be settled on.


Big boy is definitely gonna be slipping


Is it an anthropomorphic bird, as in is it consciously skateboarding? If not, does an ollie by sheer luck (say, some object hits the skateboard to elevate it) count?


Some of these are tough, including some total guesses. :o Good move focusing on studio prep, BTW. P.S. BETS!!!!!!!


an absolute unit will slip


Thank you! Thank you! for including us in the betting prep!!! <3


Man those are some fun questions!


Final bets/betting specials are honestly one of the best pieces of content that has come out of GT/Easy Allies. Too many good quotes and moments from past episodes to count.


These questions are amazing


Those are some Spicy Bets!!!


I see "Will a Skateboarder do an ollie" and my heart breaks as I grow closer to the realization I will never see a Skate 4.


SO excited for the betting special! Thanks for bringing it back!


I don't know if it will happen, but I want to BELIEVE that X will show up.


I screenshot my answers so I can see if I am a bet master. Some of those were tricky, didn't let the hype get me though.


Big boy slip ain’t happening folks.


Idk if you can track it but if any patreons get 100% they should get some type of shout-out in the results episode!


We almost had it before but no chance we get that lucky again


I live for bets!


REVEAL HIMSELF. Always love that phrase.


I got in one mindset and one mindset alone to answer these questions: "Please be excited!!"


That was fun, got me more in the e3 hype mood:D


The bet about Retro Studios needs to be more specific... does "new" mean an unannounced project... or just something we havent seen before. Both would be considered new. We know they are working on Metroid Prime 4... so if we see that... does that count?


Cant wait! I'm hoping this comes up as a kind of "let's see how the community bet" once answers are locked in.


When you say throw an object that hits the camera does that include a Smash Bros character getting a screen KO off a throw attack?


Slip or trip


I was wondering the same thing. Though I would frame it as "fake apology that makes you angrier than if he said nothing at all". Nyuck nyuck.


My body is ready

Harrison Holt-McHale

FYI, “Big Ben” represents some ambiguousness. The tower has never officially been called Big Ben. It was called St Stephens Tower and then renamed to Elizabeth Tower in 2012. “Big Ben” is the nickname for the Great Bell of Westminster, the largest bell in the clock tower, responsible for its famous chimes at the beginning of every hour.


Yusss. I love that I get to participate in this way.


A big boy must slip. Soooo close during Ubisoft's conference!


With that leaked rollerderby game, a big boy MUST slip.


I want a bet involving Scoffs and Shocks


Is this common knowledge, like just a nickname that would be easily confused? Or is it just extremely specific trivia that would never come up in a normal conversation between americans


Bonus Question: Betting specials featuring Huber V Bosman are the reason for the season?


Any word on when the betting special is coming out? Always looking forward to it every E3!