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On this week's episode of It's EZ to Like Anime, Kyle Bosman will be filling in for Huber and joining Damiani and Ben to discuss the most recent episode of One Punch Man Season 2. Please submit your questions for the panel below.


- Damiani



Hi Allies, with the mixed quality of this season and only a few episodes left, do you see this season ending in any sort of satisfying way? Or should we just hope the original studio returns and delivers a stellar Season 3.


Truer words have never been spoken. There was a comment above mine about One Piece being better than Hunter x Hunter but it’s deleted for some reason. So I’ll but this explanation in it’s place.


Kyle what are your favourite heros and hero names so far?


The plot is definitely getting better, but you think that animation and audio quality has improved or is it just looking better because more exciting stuff is happening?


Hey Allies, in the past few episodes I've been noticing some egregious pacing problems where it seems like scenes are being rushed through when they need more screen time, such as metal knight all of sudden being captured and talking with the monster organization or the swordsman scene from last week, and scenes with little impact being stretched out, such as suiryu's interaction with bakuzan when we haven't seen much of those two characters having this much tension before. It seems that toei is trying to focus more on the characters rather than the bigger picture, which I'm totally fine with, but they aren't exactly nailing the character interactions with me anymore, like king and saitama in the start of the season. Would love to hear your thoughts L&R


I don't read the Manga but apparently Suiryu and Bakuzan scene is longer in the Manga, also I don't think Toei has anything to do with this anime


Question: How would we feel about season 2, if we had never seen season 1? Is there any redemption for this season if it stood by itself? I don't want to be negative but it seems impossible to be satisfied with season 2 if someone has had the privilege of enjoying the manga or season 1, and this episode was not even that bad.


This episode was pretty brutal. Watching Suiryu crumble was surprisingly emotional. Is it just me or did the show hint that Watchdog Man became the way he is by eating a Monster Cell?


Will Suiryu join Saitama's crew after the events of this episode? We've seen it with most characters he's left a big impression on so far, such as Genos, King, and Fubuki.


Can I get a one word reaction from Ben Moore on the latest episode of Attack on Titan?


where is this episode? I don't see it anywhere here...